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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

AnthonyWrath said:
Dante looked to zaphkiel and Alice," Are you kidding me, oh screw this!" Dante jumped out of his hiding spot and quickly grabbed Alice and brought her to Zaphkiel.
His head was pounding. He ripped it off, or more like popped, and threw it away, a new one growing back. He cracked his neck and looked at Dante. "Hey buddy! Good news! Father-"


Decimus grew calmly out of the shadows and shook his head. "Dante this is going to hurt. A lot" He had Dante's chains and rammed his fist into Dante's chest with them. But not physically. Into his soul. He forced Dante's soul to wrap around the chains and bond. When he was done he pulled them back out and held them for when Dante wasn't in pain anymore

Morpheus winced at Dante's screams. When he was done he started talking. "So I modified the suit idea. One, it's like a solid fluid. It stays normally in your chain form and you can do with it how you feel. When you want it activated it will look like a silver goop and then solidify. You're able to use individual limbs and such. It takes about 20 seconds for the metal to go from fluid to solid no matter the size and location. So be careful. Two, only you can use it. If someone take's your chains, they're just metal. But you can still activate them and bring them to you from up to 40 kilometers. Pretty rad right? Three, the suit can resist up to 666666 degrees Celsius. I picked the number by the way. Get it? 666 twice Cause evil side and you're tw- nevermind. Third. It can bind to your nerves and cut off pain if you want. But be warned, you will SOOOO feel it when the suit is turned off. And you could easily push yourself to the point you're fighting will your bones and muscles CRUSHED and once the suit is done, you'll die. Oh and one more thing. You can run up to mach 1 in the suit. But the closer you get, the more your bones crack until they shatter at the full speed. And sadly, the faster you get, your strength is cut in half and half until at mach 1 you're as strong as a common baseball bat. Any questions?"
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Tazmodo said:
Tom woke up in the pod. "What's going on?"
Kaylee was still out. She was dreaming about puppies playing with kittens.

They were re-writing Toms memories as well. They made it seem like everyone had betrayed him. Except for Suzanna even though she hates him. They implant memories of him loving Suzanna. They even give him a memory of Daliah leaving a scar on his stomach. A knife lowers from the top of the capsule and starts to make the cut. The capsule starts to use healing magic as they press enter to put in these memories.

The others did the same with Kaylee, except they made it seem like she was a spy for them the entire time and she was now returning from her infiltration mission in the academy. She also never loved Brooke.

[QUOTE="Suzy Mey]Suzanna screams, trying to squirm to the side...maybe I can send myself back to hell...
"I LOVE YOU TOM!" She yells, hoping emotion sends her back.

The knife makes the cut on her chest. The capsule starts to use healing magic. They press enter to put in the memories as well as her hating Tom with all of her heart. But has to deal with it because they're in the same organization.

DizjayDeathPride said:
He stared, jaw dropped. And made it seem like the blood nail was freezing over to keep the effect going
Zaphkiel was split from Alice and reached for her, falling away and hitting his head on the wall. He was near blinded and his ears ringing. He was forcing himself to stay awake and wandered, stumbling, to find Alice
The hooded woman simply sighs and shrugs her shoulders. "It seems like this is inescapable. At the moment." Her blood spikes come back to her and pierce her. Allowing her to bleed from all parts of her body. The blood shoots out of her wounds as sharp blades. While the body turns into what it really is. Soil, bones, and organs. That wasn't her real body. She had actually put the dead 4 year old girls organs to use.

The beast inside the magma dome had its back turned to Sitri as it bursts out. It roars at Dante. There seems to be a bald spot in which the darkness doesn't flow on the very back of the left side of its neck.

The beast that was now underground floats up out of the hole. Ruby was causing the gravity around it to get weaker. The air pressure fades off and its body starts to disperse. Spreading it out enough for the weak point to become visible underneath it's right arm. The black symbols grow on half of her body as a crystal cannon envelops her entire arm. She takes aim, ready to fire.
Light said:
They were re-writing Toms memories as well. They made it seem like everyone had betrayed him. Except for Suzanna even though she hates him. They implant memories of him loving Suzanna. They even give him a memory of Daliah leaving a scar on his stomach. A knife lowers from the top of the capsule and starts to make the cut. The capsule starts to use healing magic as they press enter to put in these memories.
The others did the same with Kaylee, except they made it seem like she was a spy for them the entire time and she was now returning from her infiltration mission in the academy. She also never loved Brooke.

The knife makes the cut on her chest. The capsule starts to use healing magic. They press enter to put in the memories as well as her hating Tom with all of her heart. But has to deal with it because they're in the same organization.

The hooded woman simply sighs and shrugs her shoulders. "It seems like this is inescapable. At the moment." Her blood spikes come back to her and pierce her. Allowing her to bleed from all parts of her body. The blood shoots out of her wounds as sharp blades. While the body turns into what it really is. Soil, bones, and organs. That wasn't her real body. She had actually put the dead 4 year old girls organs to use.

The beast inside the magma dome had its back turned to Sitri as it bursts out. It roars at Dante. There seems to be a bald spot in which the darkness doesn't flow on the very back of the left side of its neck.

The beast that was now underground floats up out of the hole. Ruby was causing the gravity around it to get weaker. The air pressure fades off and its body starts to disperse. Spreading it out enough for the weak point to become visible underneath it's right arm. The black symbols grow on half of her body as a crystal cannon envelops her entire arm. She takes aim, ready to fire.
She stops resisting, accepting her fate and slowly getting the new memories.

She has thoughts of Tom. That bastard, he always got in the way...
Light said:
They were re-writing Toms memories as well. They made it seem like everyone had betrayed him. Except for Suzanna even though she hates him. They implant memories of him loving Suzanna. They even give him a memory of Daliah leaving a scar on his stomach. A knife lowers from the top of the capsule and starts to make the cut. The capsule starts to use healing magic as they press enter to put in these memories.
The others did the same with Kaylee, except they made it seem like she was a spy for them the entire time and she was now returning from her infiltration mission in the academy. She also never loved Brooke.

The knife makes the cut on her chest. The capsule starts to use healing magic. They press enter to put in the memories as well as her hating Tom with all of her heart. But has to deal with it because they're in the same organization.

The hooded woman simply sighs and shrugs her shoulders. "It seems like this is inescapable. At the moment." Her blood spikes come back to her and pierce her. Allowing her to bleed from all parts of her body. The blood shoots out of her wounds as sharp blades. While the body turns into what it really is. Soil, bones, and organs. That wasn't her real body. She had actually put the dead 4 year old girls organs to use.

The beast inside the magma dome had its back turned to Sitri as it bursts out. It roars at Dante. There seems to be a bald spot in which the darkness doesn't flow on the very back of the left side of its neck.

The beast that was now underground floats up out of the hole. Ruby was causing the gravity around it to get weaker. The air pressure fades off and its body starts to disperse. Spreading it out enough for the weak point to become visible underneath it's right arm. The black symbols grow on half of her body as a crystal cannon envelops her entire arm. She takes aim, ready to fire.
Sitiri looks at Ruby. "Ahhh I see my lover is here. Oh this will be so romantic. One.. two.... three" The Carnage magic was flowing above him, making a thin thin spike to hit the point. "NOW!" At the same time he and Ruby attacked, them both saying their finisher at the same time. "Judgement has been passed" The beast exploded into the murk and flowed to Sitir, the symbols on Isabella's body.
They both say their usual finisher as they press their thumbs down. "Bang." The crystals fire out the cannon and separate into different shards. They all flow towards the weak point and pierce it. The apocalyptic monster bursts in darkness and flow into the symbols on Ruby's body.
Light said:
They both say their usual finisher as they press their thumbs down. "Bang." The crystals fire out the cannon and separate into different shards. They all flow towards the weak point and pierce it. The apocalyptic monster bursts in darkness and flow into the symbols on Ruby's body.
Sitiri strolled over to Ruby and spun around, putting his arms on her shoulders "Well well If it isn't my boo. What brings you to these neck of the woods?"
Light said:
They both say their usual finisher as they press their thumbs down. "Bang." The crystals fire out the cannon and separate into different shards. They all flow towards the weak point and pierce it. The apocalyptic monster bursts in darkness and flow into the symbols on Ruby's body.
Suzanna now had a few main thoughts going on.

1. Get me out

2. Get me someone to restore my power
Aria had just arrived and unpacked so she decided to sit in the corner of her room and read the book that she had bought back home. All the noise from what had just happened outside of her room had made her think it was all from her head. Aria stood and closed the book but still heard noise she then realises that something was going on so she left her room and searched then saw the prom poster and ran for the prom room and saw chaos. Aria realised she had to do something so she hid for a moment and thought.
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Tom sat there looking at Suzanna. "Your cute when your mad you know that."

Kaylee was now dreaming about death and destruction.
DizjayDeathPride said:
His head was pounding. He ripped it off, or more like popped, and threw it away, a new one growing back. He cracked his neck and looked at Dante. "Hey buddy! Good news! Father-"

Decimus grew calmly out of the shadows and shook his head. "Dante this is going to hurt. A lot" He had Dante's chains and rammed his fist into Dante's chest with them. But not physically. Into his soul. He forced Dante's soul to wrap around the chains and bond. When he was done he pulled them back out and held them for when Dante wasn't in pain anymore

Morpheus winced at Dante's screams. When he was done he started talking. "So I modified the suit idea. One, it's like a solid fluid. It stays normally in your chain form and you can do with it how you feel. When you want it activated it will look like a silver goop and then solidify. You're able to use individual limbs and such. It takes about 20 seconds for the metal to go from fluid to solid no matter the size and location. So be careful. Two, only you can use it. If someone take's your chains, they're just metal. But you can still activate them and bring them to you from up to 40 kilometers. Pretty rad right? Three, the suit can resist up to 666666 degrees Celsius. I picked the number by the way. Get it? 666 twice Cause evil side and you're tw- nevermind. Third. It can bind to your nerves and cut off pain if you want. But be warned, you will SOOOO feel it when the suit is turned off. And you could easily push yourself to the point you're fighting will your bones and muscles CRUSHED and once the suit is done, you'll die. Any questions?"
Dante could feel every bit of the pain, nearly passing out because of it."Just get these chains on me so I can kick some ass!" Dante answered loudly as his eyes turned red.
Tazmodo said:
Tom sat there looking at Suzanna. "Your cute when your mad you know that."
Kaylee was now dreaming about death and destruction.
"You be quiet! If I didn't lack 80% of my power and am struggling to keep a physical form, I would come over there and slap you shitless!"
AnthonyWrath said:
Dante could feel every bit of the pain, nearly passing out because of it."Just get these chains on me so I can kick some ass!" Dante answered loudly as his eyes turned red.
Morpheus mocked him silently and wrapped them around Dante's arms "You are free to go. This place looks like a mess." He snapped and the room was back to how it was. "Morpheus OUT!" And he and Decimus disappeared
ZeRainbowDash said:
Faye knocked on the door with a plaque on it labelled "Headmaster."
"Hello?" She called, hoping he was there.
xXMiaXx said:
Aria blinks and no one is there she then runs to the head master and sees a women. "Hi..."
The Headmaster was already leaving his office (top floor for future reference) when he saw the two. "Not now I don't have time. Follow me" He pushed passed the two and ran down to the auditorium
DizjayDeathPride said:
Sitiri strolled over to Ruby and spun around, putting his arms on her shoulders "Well well If it isn't my boo. What brings you to these neck of the woods?"
The markings spread all along Ruby's body. "Oh nothing... just looking out for some fun."
Faye followed close behind, reaching over her left shoulder and touching Frostfire's haft, comforting herself in the fact that at least she had that little bit of home. She ran easily, breathing evenly and staying on the headmaster's heels.
DizjayDeathPride said:
The Headmaster was already leaving his office (top floor for future reference) when he saw the two. "Not now I don't have time. Follow me" He pushed passed the two and ran down to the auditorium
She follow's him silently.
Light said:
The markings spread all along Ruby's body. "Oh nothing... just looking out for some fun."
(How trapped are Suzanna and the rest, can they move freely but in a capsule, or what?)
Light said:
The markings spread all along Ruby's body. "Oh nothing... just looking out for some fun."
He chuckled then got serious. "I think big man is coming. Hurry, drop the symbols. But first" He kissed her cheek "See you round honeybun" And the markings were gone. Isabella shook her head then looked at Ruby and apologized

Beleth went into the auditorium and looked around but everything was perfectly fine. He went to the mic and tapped it to check it. "I was told there was chaos and conflict in here and came as soon as I knew. It appears the situation has been handled. But from this day forward, classes are over. Everyone shall be taught together at once to combat these forces. Blake, wherever he is right now, will lead this class along with William and Decimus. The threat is real students. And we have to prepare you to get ready for this. Tell any students that are not here." He looked to the two girls with them then back to the crowd. "We have two new students attending here. Do help them understand exactly what has been happening" He nodded to them, "Come to my office tomorrow and I will officially put you in the system." He spoke back into the mic. "This one joint class will start at 2pm and go until 6pm (PST). You are all dismissed. And I am proud you all are okay. You are powerful kids. Truly" He stepped down and went back to his office, leaving the girls with the group

@Light @Tazmodo @AnthonyWrath @Drumonkey @Avellion @Lightning Quick @AtlasTheShapeless @xXMiaXx @ZeRainbowDash )
Faye blinked. "That was... quicker than I expected," She said quietly to the girl she had been running with. "What's your name? I'm Faye."
[QUOTE="Suzy Mey]"You be quiet! If I didn't lack 80% of my power and am struggling to keep a physical form, I would come over there and slap you shitless!"

"Aww you know you love me." He smiled at her.

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