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Colosseum ZeroVsErika

Name: Akane Shinohara

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Earth Spirit


no slide
Appearance: normal form


In her normal for she has long green coloured hair and shining yellow eyes, like a cat's. Her hair almost reach her knees. She wears a golden thread decorated with gold pearls and a golden leaf in the middle on her head. She wears a pair of light blue coloured tops in her ears and a matching necklace adorns her neck. She wears a long white dress with a black belt on her waist and the dress ends in frills while it's open at the sides. She wears black tights and a red shawl on her shoulders.
Appearance: transformation
The time in between she is transforming she gets enveloped in a golden light. Her whole body gets covered in this golden light while two spirals move around her.
Appearance: Transformed
In this forum her hair turn a lighter shade of green with a slight tinge of pink in them. Her ears turn into elf shaped ears, in this form she wears a flower shaped crown at the side of her head. Huge feathery white coloured wings appear from her back. Her small flute turns into a wand, one side of the wand is a flute while the other side with the gem helps her to control her earth magic. Her black leggings turn white and her shawl disappears. In the shawls place a heart shaped gem appears near her neck. Her hair also grow longer. In this form she is able to use all of her powers.
Her personality changes along with her appearance. In her normal form she is rather shy,serious and quiet while in her transformed form she is outgoing and playful. Her personality keeps on changing.
When she was a small child she was very quite and barely spoke to anyone. One day when she was playing in the garden with flowers a man with light green hair and beautiful lavender coloured eyes appeared before her.
The girl felt at ease near the green haired boy and had started playing with him. When the dawn of that day came the boy said,"I'll grant you powers that are both a gift and a curse." After hearing those words Akane saw a flash of light and everything went black. After she regained consciousness the boy was gone and she was in a forest she didn't know. In the forest she was raised by spirits who taught her to use the powers the boy had given her. After she had grown up she was able to travel out of the forest using her powers.
Her main ability is controlling Earth,trees and flowers but along with that she has also learned some magic that is done by using her flute and wand.

Moves in her normal form

She can control Earth properly even in her normal form. Some of her moves include earth blast, earth spikes, earth wall, earth golem. She can also use her flute to create illusions I'm this form.

Moves when she is transformed

These moves are much more stronger than her normal moves. She can control flowers and also make stronger illusions in this form. Some of her moves in this form are mutilation of living creatures, flower dance, earth giant, poison vines and shower of flowers. She is also able to fly in this form.
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Basic info:-

Name: Raven

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: human


Raven is a young black haired male that extend to his shoulders. His eyes are of golden colours like a Dragon's eyes. He covers his left eye with a bandanna which is a sort of power limiter for his immense aura. He is usually found in a long black jacket with white shirt beneath it and black leather pants with chain attached at the side of his waist. He wears two mechanical arms to increase his strength.


Raven is a fight hungry person and has a rash attitude. He loves to fight and is also really good at it.

Back Story:

Raven was little when he discovered the powers of controlling flames at his will that were hidden inside of him. One day he was playing with fire then a sudden blast happened which set both of his arms on fire since he didn't know how to fully tame the flames yet being an amateur while learning a high level technique proved to be costly his arms were completely burnt since flames some how were special different the your every day fire.




Special ability: Anger of Raven

Technical ability: Canon blade

Technical ability: Earth break

Technical Ability: Maximum Canon

Technical Ability: Mega drill break

Passive ability : Counter chance



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