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Fantasy Zauviir


He/Him | Advanced Literate | Multi-Fandom
☽✧ Zauviir Niragon ✧☾

“What must be, will be, and what shouldn't, won't. That's fate.”

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Table of Contents
✧ I. General Information
✧ II. Appearance
✧ III. Personality
✧ IV. Relationships
✧ V. Health
✧ VI. History
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General Information
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✦ Full Name ✦

Zauviir Niragon

✦ Nickname ✦


✦ Birthday ✦

June 26th

✦ Biological Sex ✦


✦ Gender ✦


✦ Sexuality ✦

Demisexual Homoromantic

✦ Age ✦

(Average Life Span Of An Elf: ~750)
452 Elf Years ~ 30 Human Years

✦ Species ✦


✦ Class ✦


✦ Religion ✦

(Drow Goddess of beauty, song, dance, freedom, moonlight, swordwork, & hunting.)

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✦ Height ✦


✦ Weight ✦

150 lbs

✦ Eye Color ✦

Zauviir's eyes are rose hued with crimson red pupils. His eyes darken in color when angry or emotional.

✦ Hair Color ✦

He has snow colored hair, naturally, from birth.

✦ Hair Style ✦

Zauviir often keeps his hair tied in a ponytail to be less bothersome with in his travels.

✦ Accessories ✦

He wears a copper necklace that holds a blue rock roughly shaped into a star, given by his mother.

✦ Birthmarks/Scars ✦

Zauviir's cheeks, nose, and shoulders are fairly blemished with white freckles. His right ear tip is missing due to his father's abuse as a child.

✦ Tattoos ✦

One his right wrist lies a few white stars he received in his teenaged years.

✦ Daily Outfit ✦

He wears piwafw (A piwafwi is a drow cloak that assists with stealth and hiding.) that covers his leather, and partial metal armor because a friend's father gifted him it as a child.

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✦ Personality ✦

His personality is tainted due to being in such a dark upbringing. It causes him to be more vigilant to both his surroundings and the people he comes across in his world travels. Yet, past his stone walls, he is a loyal individual with a snarky, but pleasant inner persona.

✦ Character Alignment ✦

Chaotic Good

✦ Likes & Dislikes ✦

His likes involving reading, nature, producing potions in his free time, and a secret hobby of his is flower braiding. A few dislikes is certainly one's arrogance, a higher ego, and he despites the summer sun in its hottest months due to his sensitive skin.

✦ Habits ✦

He fiddles with his necklace when he is in distress or simply just in thought.

✦ Phobias ✦

He hates spiders. (In which, is humorous due to his birth place. It is full of them!)

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✦ Father ✦

✧ Solyrd Niragon| 56 (Human Years) | Alive ✧

✧ Relationship ✧
Their relationship is tense due to his father's belief of conquering, and his ego. As a child, Zauviir was treated lowly unlike his brother.

✦ Mother ✦

✧ Cazren Niragon | 46 (Human Years) | Deceased ✧

✧ Relationship ✧
Their relationship was never strain. With the belief in their realm, men were lower or less than women (unless in a higher ranking), she gave her son love when no one else would. She taught everything she knew before her passing. She died in honor, fighting in war to protect their kingdom.

✦ Siblings ✦

✧ Sathan Niragon | 35 (Human Years) | Alive ✧

✧ Relationship ✧
Similar to his father, the two have never seen eye to eye. In fact, their final arugment was one of the main reasons of Zauviir's strike of independence on his own.

✦ Romantic Status ✦

✧ None Yet ✧

✦ Friends ✦

✧ Aefiel Wynxina | 27 (Human Years) | Alive ✧

✧ Relationship ✧
The two are an unlikely pair, but a pair like no other. Although, not by blood, they see each other as brothers due to their closeness. With Zauvirr being a drow, and Aefiel being an half-elf, they manage to understand feeling alone and different from their prime race. Aefiel's father was a friend of his, and made the two sets of armor when they would grow into them. Unforunately, with Aefiel's father being human, he never got to see his son or Zauviir in them.

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✦ Psychological Illness ✦

Attachment Disorder
(Struggles to make friendships, and attach to certain things due to his upbringing.)

✦ Physical Illness ✦


✦ Allergics ✦

Mild allergy to dogs.

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☽✧1 out of 10✧☾

✦ Fitness ✦
《 7/10 》

✦ Strength ✦
[《 7/10 》

✦ Stealth ✦
《 9.5/10 》

✦ Speed ✦
《 8/10 》

✦ Intelligence ✦
《 8/10 》

✦ Agility ✦
《 9/10 》

✦ Temper ✦
《 2/10 》

✦ Magic ✦
《 9/10 》

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Zauviir childhood was full of unfairness and misfortune. Being exiled underground was one of the few main reasons for it. The drows that were part of his village were bitter because of said actions in war's pasts. Due to this, once they ventured to the surface, their reputation was considered evil to many because of many drow actions to kingdoms and villages.
Zauviir's father was the cause of most of the young boy's troubles, pushing blame and hate on him while his brother could do no wrong. Zauviir's mother was the only light in his life until her sudden passing, and finally the young drow couldn't handle his father's abuse anymore. It put him through a depression, and took it upon himself to escape his kind, and live among nature. It was only once he found a village in passing, he found a little half-elf named Aefiel, willing to trade with him. Their friendship and eventually rooming together in Aefiel's mother's traven grew through the years. Zauviir finally felt as if he had found a family.

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“We can't control fate, we can only respond to it.”

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