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Realistic or Modern Yurihama Girl's Academy

She's cute... Haruka thought, though in her mind, it was more of a statement than an opinion. "Oh, I'm Haruka. If you want to blend in a bit better, you should hold your china more traditionally," she leaned over the table and adjusted Anette's hands then sat back down. She looked at the blonde girl, moving her hands too.
Hibiki Akahana

Hibiki looks at Anna with a smile. "I'm here because my sister's here~" She moves her arm over towards Anna, as though to shake her hand. "I might also be singing a few times for you guys, possibly even having Iori and Miki come and visit~" Miki and Iori were also well-known names, being about as famous as Hibiki, and having sung quite a few times with her live.

Miyuki Akahana

Miyuki keeps watching them through the crack of the opened door for a few minutes, before she suddenly falls into the room, the door flying open on her as she hits the ground. "Ow..." She looks up, her face red from embarrassment, a shy and slightly scared look on her face due to what she thinks might happen to her for the sudden intrusion. "Ah...! I-I... I'm sorry...!" She stands up, about to run out, when she hits her head against the wall as she turns around, falling back on her butt.
[[ Zaen replied to Hibiki.]]

{{Also, completely forgot that Anette is German. .---.}}}

"I had caught a slight accent, yes. But your's is much smoother than mine..." She paused, shaking her head and giggling. That was totally untrue. "Well. No. German is gutteral and French is smooth. Your's is more practiced, I mean to say."

Fleur barely managed to smother a laugh at the expression that momentarily crossed Anette's face as the tea singed her mouth. "Are you alright? I can never get the temperatures right." Upon being complimented again, Fleur beamed, reaching to bring her cup to full lips, sipping lightly.

Haruka entered the room and Fleur watched her with a cocked head, wondering how she managed to walk about with her nose so firmly entrenched in a book... about biology no less. Her thoughts :'If I tried that, I'd not only run into everything, but I may fall asleep as well!'

"Oui, mademoiselle. I'm from France. Just outside Versailles."

Fleur hears a disturbance coming from out side and turns, noticing a girl standing there, blushing.The actions that followed caused Fleur to lose it: she busted in to loud guffaws, rising to her feet and moving to help the girl. "How does one even manage to do that?!" She asked, taking the girl's arm and leading her into the ceremony. "You should be on television."
Hibiki Akahana

Hibiki looks back over at Zaen, who just said he'd seen her earlier. "I don't remember seeing you...? Oh well, you might've seen my sister earlier~!" It was quite obvious she was a different person, having a completely different personality, as well as different clothes. It should've been immediately noticed that she's the one that was surrounded earlier due to who she is. "I'm Hibiki, by the way. Hibiki Akahana, to be precise~! "
Miko decided that if she ever got the opportunity she would go there. At the moment though, she was not going anywhere. She flipped to a new page and started sketching another flower. She looked up at Hibiki. So, she was the school idol. She hoped one day to be famous like Hibiki although, it would be different. She would not have hoards of people following her around. She returned to her sketch.
Haruka watched the girl with interest, before putting her nose in her book again. She glanced at her over the edge of the cover, "You should be more careful."

Zaen's brows rose. "Really? Well, welcome! My name is Zaen. Glad to have someone of your stature joining the Yurihama family." 'Yes! Zaen thought, silently thanking the gods for media-based entertainment for the first time. 'I'll be invisible with an American idol running around. These Asian broads are going to fan girl the hell out of her.'
Anna smiled as she looked at hibiki. "Oh really that would be awesome I'd love to see a concert from you guys." Anna smiled as she looked around at the group of girls. She looked over at Zaen "so since this is your fourth year is there anything I should know about this school?"


As the girl adjusted Anette's hands Anette looked as if her interest had been piqued. She had never paid attention to how different countries drink the beverages. The Japanese way seemed interesting as well. It was certainly different from the German way. She blushed mildly and smiled towards Haruka. "Thanks..." She said with soft words.

Anette wasn't entirely sure on how to react upon her language being dubbed guttural. A part of her was offended, but then her fathers voice popped inside of her and head and she couldn't help but agree. Fleur's accent was indeed smooth and hers had more prowess. "Hehe, I know how harsh German voices can be my daddy had such a loud and stinging voice. Though I love French accents, I had always wanted to go!" Her words were a little slippery, but that was mostly because her tongue was mildly burnt.

When Fleur spoke in french tongue Anette couldn't help but giggle and felt the urge to do the same. "Hallo Liebling!" She stifled. "I am from Berlin, it is much different than her." She added upon Fleur.

As the girl fell to the ground she instinctively rushed to her, though she was also joined by Fleur is seemed. "Oh my! Are you okay." She said as she squatted down next to her.
Hibiki Akahana

Hibiki's suddenly behind Miko, looking at her sketch. "Wow, you're good! I wish I could draw like that~!" She just stares at the sketch, humming along to one of her songs she sang a few weeks back live. "Hey, if you draw a picture of me, I'll sing for you~!" At this point, she'd already placed her hands on Miko's shoulders, somehow not even noticed until now. She kept swinging her own head side-to-side, humming along to her song once more.

Miyuki Akahana

She looks back at Haruka, one of her eyes closed as she holds her head.
"I-I'm sorry... I should have been... more careful..." She tries standing up, only to find she twisted her ankle. "Ow... I-I can't..." She holds on to her ankle, it hurting a good bit.

(By the way, Hibiki's actually Japanese, and she didn't become all too popular until she made it big in Japan. She was just well-known in America, and nowhere else, until she got to Japan and truly started building up her name.)
Haruka sighed and stood up, tucking her book under her arm. "Come on then," she crouched down in front of Miyuki. "I'll take you to the nurse."
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(By the way, Hibiki's actually Japanese, and she didn't become all too popular until she made it big in Japan. She was just well-known in America, and nowhere else, until she got to Japan and truly started building up her name.)-- Ah. Thanks for clearing that up.
Laura walked back out of the dorm and was once again met by wierd looks and comments. "What the..." She continued walking until she found the perfect place to rest her head. Laura found a quiet little area by the gardens that she could relax in. She sat down and pulled her hood over her face then listened to some birds in the distance. Laura listened to the sounds around her and fell asleep in the gardens rather fast.
Miko felt like she had giant sign that said 'touch me' over her head.

"Thank you and, I already drew you. My younger sister is a big fan."

She flipped through her sketch book to one of Hibiki performing live. Although instead of a stage her sister demanded the background be the backyard of her parents house.

"She wanted a drawing of you performing in backyard of my parents' house. she can very demanding."

She laughed a little while holding the sketch book up for Hibiki to see.
Hibiki Akahana

She stands up, walking away a few feet before turning to say goodbye. "Hey, I'm going to go find my sister. Bye-bye~! Also, I'll be sure to give you that performance! Any time you want, even tomorrow~! My friends are actually nearby, so I can get them over here in just a few hours if I needed to~" She started walking off again, now headed towards the tea room that Miyuki walked off to, only knowing that that's the direction she was headed.

Miyuki Akahana

"N-no... I'm fine... I just need to... sit down... I came to drink tea, anyways..."
She stands up as best as she could, slowly walking over to the couch. She blushes as she sits down, looking down at her lap. She didn't want to bother them, but she's already done so by falling into the room. She takes a cup of tea, her obviously accustomed to Japanese traditions with how she drank it.
Haruka shrugged, her face still relatively emotionless. She was worried though. The girl reminded her of a injured puppy. "You should at least put ice on it... I'm sorry, you did not tell me your name," she took her seat and drank her tea as if nothing had happened.
"I'm finally here at the school. I wonder how my experience here will be?" Atsuko said as she walked around the school. "What do you think Takeshi?" She said directing it to the hands free phone on her right ear hidden by her long hair.

"Why are you asking me? I'm not there." A male voice said in response. The owner of this voice was Atsuko's twin brother. "Anyway, is this really going to be okay, you speaking to me like this? If they hear a guy's voice in an all girl's school, there will be some misunderstandings and some people will freak out."

"But it's like you're right next to me like usual." Atsuko replied. "And I don't think I could stay calm in a new place without being next to you."

"Geez, you've got to work on that." Takeshi replied. "Anyway, let's just take a look around. Find some girls and talk to them."

"Where should I start then?" Atsuko said as she saw so many other students around her. "There's so many girls here." Although she felt a bit insecure, she still had an air of an ojou-sama.

OOC: The first guy introduced!!
Miyuki looks up at Haruka. She sips her tea a little more, still blushing from her embarrassing scene. This was her first time actually interracting with other people, aside from the incident where she got woken up, having her head hit against a tree as somebody poked her shoulder. "Oh... My name's Miyu-" She gets cut off by Hibiki entering the tea room, running over to Miyuki. "Miyuki, I found you~!" She sits next to Miyuki, there now little room left on the couch they were sitting on.

"Wow, Miyuki, you're so different than five years ago! You're actually talking with people~!"
Miyuki lowers her head, now more embarrassed than ever, her shyness kicking in once more. "H-Hibiki... Please, don't... You're embarrassing me..." Hibiki got herself a cup of tea, now drinking it, only to reveal her being accustomed to just drinking it normally, due to her time in America. Even though it was just a few years, it left its impression on her, even after returning to Japan for a few years after that.
Anna smiled at the girls that were still left. "I'll see you girls later okay." Anna walked away as she started walking in garden area of the school. As she was walking she saw the girl Laura from before she smiled as it seemed like she was sleeping. Anna thought to her self wow she is beautiful. Next thing Anna knew she tripped and fell right in front Laura.

@Vyork Ashfin
Laura pulled her hood off and looked at Anna. "Are you okay? Did you trip on me by any chance? If so i am sorry." She said shocked. "Do you want me to get the nurse?" Laura stood up and shook her head and smiled. "I remember you from earlier...Anna right?" She said while yawning. "Where is everyone else? I thought you were all forming a click or something like that right?"
Anna smiled and blushed as she was a little embarrassed that she had tripped. "Oh no no I didn't trip on you I just wasn't paying attention, and no I don't need the nurse I'm fine. Yea I'm Anna and you're Laura right?" Anna smiled as she stayed sitting next to Laura looking at her?
Laura leaned against a nearby wall and smiled back at Anna. "Yes my name is Laura. What are you doing over here in the gardens anyway, they are far from everything else." Laura pulled her hood back up and yawned again then sat on the ground beside Anna. "You might want to move....your sitting on a plant..." She covered her mouth and laughed.
Anna smiled as she looked at Lauren. "Oh well I was just taking a walk around campus checking everything out and I ended up over here, and then I saw a cute girl on the ground so I had to stay." Anna giggled a little bit. She then heard Laura talk about how she was sitting on a plant. Anna blushed a deep shade of red and got up and moved to the other side of Laura. "Wow well that's embarrassing I guess this is the kinda stuff that happens to first years right?" Anna giggled again.
Laura blushed after hearing Anna say she saw a cute girl. "These are your first years? This is my fourth year, but yes this kinda stuff happens to newcomers all the time." She snickered and shook her head. "So i think you just killed a trillium, at least it can be replaced." Laura smiled and looked towards Anna. "So where are you from?"
Anna blushed as she looked at Laura. "I am from Miami Florida in the United States how about you?" Anna could not stop staring at Laura's beauty but when she heard Laura was a fourth year it dissapointed Anna a little bit. Anna figured she would not stand any chance with Laura since Anna was a first year and Laura was a fourth year.

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