Yukino Hakone


Wombats Beware...

Name: Yukino Hakone

Age: 15 (susceptible to change, if too young or stuff happens in RP)

Gender: Male

Appearance:  He has a fairly unimpressive figure, almost all ectomorphic. Thin limbs accompanied with still-developing lean muscle and a face that just screams innocence. His hair is a bright, matte blonde and his eyes are a deep emerald. He looks like an overgrown child, and often acts like it, too.

Personality: He hates being called stupid or immature, though he may rightly deserve it at times. He's very friendly and easy to talk to, until he's angered, disappointed, or used. At times he can almost be considered flirty, but most flirts in return go almost completely unnoticed by him. He's quite oblivious as far as romance is concerned. He almost always has a smile on his face, and doesn't have a very determined drive to advance anywhere. Can be often perceived as lazy, but he's really just satisfied with his current position as a what he refers to as a "traveler".

History: Yukino lived life a poor child under strict parenting. He doesn't talk much about his past. He prefers to remember everything after he had awoken, even going so far as to say he forgot in the process of being awakened.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Yukino is incredibly nimble, able to dodge attacks with ease. He has fast reflexes and a firm grasp on basic magic spells. His downsides are that he's pretty physically weak, his swinging radius is short, and he doesn't know how to swim.

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