Yukari Tanaka/Rin "Blade Queen"

Nenma Takashi

Terribly Terrible


Yukari Tanaka/Rin

Hero Name:

Blade Queen












140 ibs

Location:City 22

Abilities:Yukari can make blades sprout from her arms or legs. These blades can range from any type saw-like, curved, or straight. The max range of these blades is only 140 cm she is very accurate with the blades as well she could easily cut three apples resting on the shoulders of someone without even cutting a hair on their head. As Rin the range of her blades increases to 300 cm and she can grow them from any part of her body. But she also loses much of her accuracy move just swinging at whatever she can hit rather than aiming for more strategic spots. Yukari's power also has another drawback to create her blades her body uses up the iron in her body. Meaning if she makes too many blades she'll suffer from anemia. While Yukari sticks to using only two blades Rin is far less careful and tends to create blades whenever she wants, not keeping in mind the loss of iron. Due to her need of iron more so than most Yukari's body can take in more iron from foods that have it, or using her extra sharp teeth chew up and eat metals to turn them into iron inside her body.    


Hero/Bookstore owner

Group(s)/Partner(s): Hero Association 


Personality:Yukari comes off as a quiet shy girl is just seems a bit intimidating at first glance, while that is somewhat true she is actually very rude. She often judges books by covers (ironic I know) and will talk bad about other behind their backs. Yukari also often mumbles when speaking to others when she is off duty while acting as Blade Queen she tries to speak up more. She is a thinker treating social interactions as math equations rather than as an everyday thing, she tends to think too deep into what someone has said which can lead to misinterpreting their actual meaning. Something as simple as "Have a nice day." Can turn into "I hope your hit by lighting." If Yukari is left to think about it too long. Rin on the other hand is very much the opposite she very rarely thinks before speaking. She'll say whatever she wishes whenever she wishes, while she is a hero in name she acts as if she is the villain. Threatening people with violence is simply the norm to her and wanting to horribly slaughter her enemies just sounds right in her head. Even with all that she is far more social than Yukari actually being able to talk to others unlike her silent shy counterpart. The two are two half the same coin and their are two ways they swap. Yukari can either let Rin take over or sneeze. For Rin she can either let Yukari take control back or sneeze again or lose consciousness.     


Backstory:Yukari was once the daughter of a scientist working with an organization attempting to create human weapons similar to that of the S-class and A-class heroes apart of the hero association. Her mother was a single parent since her father's death at the hands of a demon level monster attack. Left with a daughter she deemed a "stain to the human race." She decided to try and make something of her so called worthless daughter by putting her through the experiments. Grouped up with thirty other children Yukari was experimented on until she finally manifested a power. Yet her mother still did not praise or even look her in the eye when speaking to her, she then forced Yukari to fight another awakened child. But Yukari refused not wanting to hurt others for no good reason the other child did not share her thoughts, and she was beaten to a pulp by them. Her mother then had her locked away in a cell alone in a week she was allowed out and told to fight again. When she once again refused and was beaten to a pulp she was thrown right back into the dark cell. After a month of staying in the cell alone Yukari began to talk to herself, she began to talk to someone she called "Rin." Her mother and other scientist didn't think anything of it, it made sense to them the child would create an imaginary friend being alone all the time. Yukari at first simply spoke to no one when talking to Rin the same as talking to oneself. Then Rin began to answer her and talk back then Yukari could see Rin then Rin made a deal, she'd be the monster everyone kept trying to make her and Yukari would just relax. Yukari agreed and when the week was up Rin emerged from the cell her mother taking note of the sudden change in personality.  As she laughed and joked around and even agreed to fight the other child not just that she won. It was completely one sided her mother rushed over to give her praise, for the first time she ever she looked into Yukari's eyes she touched her, she called her daughter. Not trash, not you, not child, not girl, not subject #17, but daughter. Yukari was so happy she was crying tears of joy she was so happy to finally earn her mother's praise...or she should've but no Yukari just felt empty. She didn't care anymore Rin didn't care anymore so Yukari followed Rin's plan and shut down the lab by force. She left no trace of anything or anyone including her mother even the other subjects were erased by Rin. Using her mother's money Yukari started fresh moving to a new city and opening a book store. But when money began to get tight she decided to put her powers to good use and become a hero. Rin gleefully agreed.
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