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Colosseum Yuffie and NeverBetter (Spar)

Yuffie Kisaragi

Materia Thief
The sun set on the horizon. The dying light illuminated a meadow, full of an abundance of flowers. In the middle sat a man, dressed in blue robes. His shaggy brown hair blew slightly in the wind, alongside all of the various blooms. At his side sat a blade, sheathed in a hard scabbard that had a rifle barrel and a trigger. The weapon was unconventional, but it was his. He breathed deeply, taking in the fresh air once more. Then he stood, grabbing the scabbard in his right had as he did so. He fingered a green pendant that was wrapped around his left wrist. He ran his hand through his hair, then, without warning, drew his blade and got into a ready position. His sword was long, gleaming steel. He still held the scabbard in his right hand, backhanded. A cautious finger pressed against the trigger guard. "Show yourself!"
"Well... I wasn't hidden, but alright."

A boy with crimson-tipped, wild orange-red hair stood unarmed, wearing not much in terms of a "fancy" set of gear: He was dressed in a red and black flannel long sleeve with the arms rolled up onto his arms and the brown skinny jeans. The messy, fiery hair was quite a contrast to the otherwise serine scene.

He stood unarmed, but that wasn't exactly an issue, should this become a fight.

He had been standing behind the tree, enjoying a meal while enjoying the ending of the day as it came. "Anyhow, how about we put the weapon down before I decide to put it down for you."
Ryonne grunted. "As if you could." He replied to the odd man. It had been a long time since anyone had proven capable of wresting his weapon from his hands, and his current opponent didn't seem to be the type. "Who are you?" Ryonne questioned carefully. His weapon's position in his grasp had not changed a bit from what it had been. The boy's request was clearly not going to be heeded.
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Ryonne grunted. "As if you could." He replied to the odd man. It had been a long time since anyone had proven capable of wresting his weapon from his hands, and his current opponent didn't seem to be the type. "Who are you?" Ryonne questioned carefully. His weapon's position in his grasp had not changed a bit from what it had been. The boy's request was clearly not going to be heeded.

"Name's Ailder. Martial arts and matter relations are my game. I would, again, suggest putting down the sword before I have to make you. I would prefer to avoid a fight right now, for I was trying to enjoy a meal and a sunset." His eyes, amber and pristine, seemed to exert a force all their own as he stared down this swordsman.

"I've fought bigger things than you and armed twice as well, if that sways your opinion on the topic."
"And I've trampled men with three times your experience." Ryonne continued to brag and provoke Ailder. Maybe the kid was trying to enjoy a meal and a sunset. But Ryonne was mourning, and therefore not in a good mood. A solid fight would be nice. "My name is Ryonne, and you won't be swaying my opinion anytime soon." Ryonne tightened his grip on his blade, and moved the weapon in a threatening manner.
"Fine then. I'll have to make you."

Power erupted from below Ailder. The trees rustled with the wind.

The grass shook as wind rushed through the area, light cracked between the leaves as dusk began to come to it's final hours, and the tree shook.

The tree shook violently with the wind, with it's rage, a storm had obviously began to brew. "My name is Ailder. And I'm sorry for your own hubris!"

The tree fell, it's roots ripped from the earth which it was solidly gripping much like Ryonne's hand on his blade, and the fight began.

As the tree fell before the two of them, Ailder had used his speed to run in behind Ryonne, balls of magnetic energy formed in the scarred palms of his hands: One positive, of course, and one negative to complement the positive one: His right, with the positive, was left forward as Ailder began to prepare a strike to Ryonne's neck with his left, he would end this fight quickly.
Excellent! Ryonne ducked and spun. He hooked his scabbard underneath Ailder's knees and pulled, then rose up to full height once more, bringing his blade down in a vertical swing. Assuming Ailder had been as tripped as he had intended, the swing would deal a hefty blow. Ryonne then dashed away, moving ten yards away in a blink. The grass and flowers were torn from their roots under his great speed. The storm was continuing to pick up. Ryonne glanced to the emerald pendant around his wrist. If a storm was what this opponent wanted, then it was a storm he would get. The wind picked up furiously, Ryonne's robes whipped around his body. Clouds were created out of nowhere, and rain began to fall. For now it was gently, but it would build over time.
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Excellent! Ryonne ducked and spun. He hooked his scabbard underneath Ailder's knees and pulled, then rose up to full height once more, bringing his blade down in a vertical swing. Assuming Ailder had been as tripped as he had intended, the swing would deal a hefty blow. Ryonne then dashed away, moving ten yards away in a blink. The grass and flowers were torn from their roots under his great speed. The storm was continuing to pick up. Ryonne glanced to the emerald pendant around his wrist. If a storm was what this opponent wanted, then it was a storm he would get. The wind picked up furiously, Ryonne's robes whipped around his body. Clouds were created out of nowhere, and rain began to fall. For now it was gently, but it would build over time.

"I don't exactly appreciate being rag-dolled around, good sir."

Ailder was... hanging onto Ryonne's sword blade and floating vertically? He held onto the scabbard quite tightly. "Metal scabbard. Who would have thought?"

But how did he get there? Simple, really. With his left hand, he used his powers over Polarity and made the sheath magnetic, simple, really, and attracted the blade up to his hand as it had attempted to sweep him under, Ailder backflipping so to avoid the strike, he hadn't quite, however, thought this through, as the swordsman drew his blade upwards and brought it down into a fearsome strike, and Ailder along this same path, using his flight abilities to keep himself from being dragged across the ground.

"So... Seen any good movies lately?"

With that statement, Ailder tightened his grip on the sheath, and set himself down on the ground. "I must say, you're frightening strong. Such precision even while holding a giant chunk of meat on the blade." He pushed the sheathed sword upwards and brought a right uppercut to Ryonme's stomach area, weather it landed or not was unsure, but no time for posturing. He followed this up with a spin kick from his left leg, aiming for Ryonne's knee, but keeping the grip on the blade all the same.

(Did you think such a simple manuver would get me? :P )
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(I can dream)

Well this was going to be fun. As soon as Ryonne got a grip on what had happened, he pushed both his scabbard and blade away from his body, letting go of them and wave dashing backwards, dodging the attacks. He snapped his fingers, and sent a large glob of water into Ailder's eyes, hoping to blind him for a moment or two. Then in that spare second, he raised his arms above his head and summoned a huge greatsword with his aura. It was not metallic, nor was it technically matter. So perhaps this would work better than his conventional methods. He brought down the weapon in another hefty swing. Then he pulsed Blinding Light through the blade and it exploded in a powerful burst of heat and light. Ryonne swiftly dashed away once more. The rain picked up more.

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