Yozi Breakout

Hand of Destiny

New Member
As some of you may know from another thread I've been reading MtA recently.  In one of the source books it has a demon called the prince of 100 leaves who lives in an alternate reality.  He can only conquer our reality by getting his followers to change our timeline to match that of his twisted reality.  Wouldn't this be a way for the Yozi to break free.  they get their cultists to alter reality, change the loom of fate, target the sidereal so that reality matches there rules and et voila they are free.  They could attack the patternspiders mystically somehow.  They could start an active campaign to eliminate, subvert the sidereal to undermine the fabric of fate.  Encourage the imminent civil war between bronze and gold faction?  What do you think?
Yeah... but if they could alter the timeline wouldn't they just go back and make it so that the Gods lost the Primordial Wars?
There's a thread in the Storyteller's section that deals with a similar theme. You might want to check it out. The title of the thread is:

Rein me in, here. I went mad a while back.

But it also depends on how far back they could get control of 'Fate'. If they just want to alter reality as it is now, then the idea might work. If they're looking to reweave the past, that's something else entirely - and not something I'm sure could happen. Admittedly, I've just begun reading The Sidereals book, and I can't recite canon from memory - hell, I can barely do it with books - but I'm under the impression that, once a thread is woven, there's no going back. So taking over the Loom and changing the future is doable, albeit exceedingly difficult. Re-working the past? Way more complicated.


Save for a few things: the Yozi aren't bound by Fate.  In the least.  

The Yozi are bound by their own names--it's their own rules that bind them, not the Creation's.  Changing the Creation isn't going to change the fact that the Yozi swore to stay put.  

The pattern spiders don't constrain or keep the Yozi from going anywhere.  All messing with the Loom of Fate would do is make a lot of Mortals, and creatures who are bound by Fate a lot less happy--and that might make the Yozi happy enough, with the same joy that a child who lost his lollipop has watching someone else get dust and carpet fuzz on theirs...
Damn thats a good point.  Those gods were clever :D .  Well that stuffs that idea nicely.  But I still like the idea of Sidi Akuma.
Didn't mean to poop in your dog dish, but if I didn't point it out, some clever monkey player would, and then you'd be forced to retcon a HUGE amount of material.  

Sidereal Akuma though...I think that there's mention of one somewhere.  Very quiet she is too.  

Sidereals looking to get the Primordial's back in charge might be an interesting plot though.

Say, you get a few Sidereasl with the grand idea to get the Primordials back in charge.  They think the Usurpation was a bad idea, they see where things began to go wrong--after all, the Sidereals have a cosmic awareness of how things fit together that even the Gods can't approach, what with the Sidereals and their Blossoming of the Perfected Lotus.  

So, a few Sidereals get the idea that getting the Primordials free of their prison is a good idea.  It would get the Gods back in place, the Celestial Order would be restored, and while there would be some "interesting" times as the Primordials got a bit of anger out over the whole imprisonment thing, eventually, they'd get tired of setting the Unconquered Sun on green fire, and get their Creation back in order.  

But, the Yozi swore on their names to stay put.  That right there is a problem.  How to break that down?  By destroying the Yozi, smashing their Fetich so that they are forced to reform--and hopefully reform in such a way that the resulting entity isn't bound by the same swear as the previous.

This could take killing and reforming the Yozi a couple of times.  

This probably isn't going to be a very popular choice by the Yozi.  Not for the targets.  Not for their buddies who have no idea what the new entites will actually do, or where their loyalties will really lie.

But maybe one of the Yozi is just mad enough, just angry enough, that they get on board with the plan.  Better to be reformatted than live breathing, eating, shitting and pissing on each other like they're doing now in their prison.  So this Yozi lends its help to the Sidereals who want to see the Primordials back in power.  Whispers in their ears.  Makes grand promises.  And is more than willing to sacrifice a few of its allies to the process of getting them all free...

Of course, the newly freed Primordials may or may not be all that interested in revenge--or be all that sane and collected to get the Creation back in order, but those are details that even a crazed and suicidal Yozi might gloss over.  

Enter a Sidereal or two with a few nasty Charms, and a pet Circle of Fearless Demon Stomper Solars.  Feeds them grand ideas on how to put a foot up the ass of evil.  Hunt demons for fun and profit.  

Then word comes for the big score--to slay a Yozi's Fetich.  Amazing opportunity.  See Malfeas.  Send back postcards.  Sidereal comes up with a plan to get their suicidal Yozi's first target for re-formatting in range to be destroyed--the Sidereal has the appropriate Yozi Killing Charms.  The suicidal Yozi won't volunteer to be the first, since it wants to see the effect, and possibly direct the Sidereal to broke it some more to get it changed its nature sufficiently that its previous swear has any effect.  Once the process is perfected, then the suicidal one is supposed to go under the knife, and come out the other side, a beautiful butterfly of near omnipotent rage personified to get some revenge on some Gods.

And of course, the loyal Sidereals are then reined in, brought to heel as all good Akuma should be, and then they realize how badly they've been used, as the newly freed Primordials stride across the Creation, and rip the hell out of the Gates of Heaven...

Of course, the fun part on this: some of the Yozi aren't going to want to be reformatted.  They'll want nothing to do with this plan, and may even help the Creation in order to keep their crazy ass brother from turning them inside out.  

The fun is: do you use your PCs as agents to stop the Solars under the thrall of the Akuma, or do you place the PCs as that Fearless Demon Stomper Circle?  I think that it would be a stronger story to place the PCs in the Stomper Circle, better chance of telling a great story of betrayal, and better chance to be at ground zero when it goes very, very, very wrong...
or as all the yozi's are trapped inside Malfeas, kill Malfeas.  Or make him the suicidal Yozi.  I imagine that he'd been mad and suicidal by now :twisted:
or as all the yozi's are trapped inside Malfeas' date=' kill Malfeas.  [/quote']
And so then all the other Yozis get dragged to the labryinth inside the freshly Malfean Malfeas, leading to a battle royale between those who surrendered and those who didn't... I like it. This sounds like the sort of thing the Mask of Winters would engineer.

Of course, "Malfean Malfeas" really exposes the confusion in the naming system. And really wouldn't make a good band name.
or they could just take over the realm of brass and shadow taking a leaf out of the first and forsaken lions book.  Take over while Autobots sleeping.
Aw, come on, don't say that. I've got my heart set on a no holds barred, to the finish, Yozi vs Malfean smackdown.

Anything less just isn't going to cut it.
That's one way to do it--but my idea wasn't so much to kill the Yozi, but reformat them, by altering their Fetiches.  

Killing a Yozi, and turning them into a Malfean is a whole different plan, and one that might be worthy of a Deathlord--but I don't see even a mad Yozi listening to one of their dead brethren's bitches.

And no matter what the Deathlords like to think of themselves, they are the Malfeans' bitches.  

I just don't see a Yozi listening to a plan hatched by one of the Malfeans' errand boys.

This, in the end, is a way to free the Primordials from their prison.  Altered very much so by their ordeal, but in the end, it exposes the difference between the Yozi and the Malfeans.  

The Yozi want back.  The Malfeans just want everyone to shut up and let them get some damn rest.  

Perhaps I made some confusion by labeling the Yozi in question as suicidal.  That is more in the department of personality.  

Destroying the Fetich doesn't kill the Yozi--it does fundamentally change them, usually in such a way as to diminish their power and scope, but not always.  In the metaphysics of Exalted, killing the Fetich doesn't put the Yozi's lifeforce in danger, but it does alter them, and most of the Yozi kind of like who they are, so mucking around with their vital essence or souls is not going to make them very happy, especially not by some errand boys from the Gods.  It's demeaning.  It's scary, because they're immortals who kind of like the whole idea of being immortal.  Don't mind watching mortals do their thing, but not so much in the joining in on the fun.  

And by altering their nature...they run the risk of altering themselves so much, that they run the risk of becoming something that can be easily killed--and thus joining their whiny ass dead brethren, and that is something the Yozi aren't about to try.

Death of personality is one thing.  Death and joining the old critters who are essentially telling everyone to get off their damn lawn...that's just embarrassing...
Jakk, I know this is off-topic, but I just had a mental image of one of your Agents from Modernis Mundi as an Akuma.  Saying, as he reveals his new nature to horrified co-workers, that he's received "a promotion from upper management."

Do with that what you will.
Now you're taking some of my better Angel inspired riffs.

Love that show, and love some of the fun themes that Joss played with.

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