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Fantasy YOU'VE ACTIVATE A TRAP! (Private)

The lore of uh.. Noops, the great mercenary berserker?

I also described a nice city next to the sea, and some military shenanigans.

who all has access to said magic? would they need to connected to the "arcane" in some manner or form?

i'm a bit on a loss for this, but I'm fond of the cliche where it's in the blood which encourages inbreeding :'D

would different dialects affect the arcane language? (assuming there's multiple languages in this world?

Well, I think if we ever did go with magic as a language, we could say it was some sort of universal language that dates before the world became divided. I need to hunt up my old references from when I was an anthro major... culture is hard friends.

how many elements do you have for this magic system? (i know we're building all this together, I'm just curious)

Due to the roleplay having a western basis, I stuck to the basic four elements even though I was personally leaning towards Wu Xing since it was a refreshing take on old things. Because I was the only magic user in that group, I was able to keep things vague for myself lolol.

what kind of language is the arcane? like, would it be like runes, script, etc etc... i'm totally down for some conlang yall.....

i'd be up for some conlang but that would be quite an undertaking. I just used baybayin because it's a Philippine script I can write in fluently + it's phonetic.

would parts of speech affect the spell/circle if incorrectly spoken/written?

I'd assume yes (likely cause it to fail), although I'm not 100% sure what would happen if for example, you spoke it incorrectly but wrote it down properly.

I also have an alternate idea, from the same roleplay that the pantheon I mentioned from earlier came from. It's based on the idea that magic, instead of simply being a talent of certain individuals, being something that everyone has access to. Except it comes in the form of a mineable material not dissimilar to the idea of fossil fuels. Think of it as this substance acting as a bridge between your people and magic.

By the way friends, I have an interesting illustrated reference for mythical creatures based in the Philippines. It's a refreshing change from the western concepts of fairies and the like. I've been thumbing through it in hopes finding a reference (what is with Filipino lore and their beasts sucking human innards)
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Well... you're gonna have to work together with Bons and what not since she is gonna set up things on her end in terms of the military set up. xD

... I've come to realize just about everyone is gonna be human in this group... x 3 x Blah...
Hmmhmm... the idea of magic being a battery... I think that will be pretty cool if some cities are ran in that regard AND... others is exclusively another maybe? Like steam? And, others are a combination of both?
Holy Batman, let me finish cooking and then I can decipher that which is the Mono-ism. < 3

Also, the knight could be another race, perhaps.
xD Or a mixed breed.
[QUOTE="mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y]Hmmhmm... the idea of magic being a battery... I think that will be pretty cool if some cities are ran in that regard AND... others is exclusively another maybe? Like steam? And, others are a combination of both?

what exactly is the set period, or is it just a free for all until we get everything lore'd up? (or just "fantasy")
There is no set period since this is a brand new setting. Brand new world... basically I just have a map of an alternate world. xD I was gonna make an universal calender and currency system at the very least.

THAT DOC!!!!!!!! HNNNNG~! I feel like I should get another request tab for Extra and use it link up docs and what not.
Well then, my class system doesn't seem valid if we do the whole 'Magic Cystal' thing. Also, props for making that. Way more than what could do in a day.
That Fae Doc is the shizzle. omg.

Also my brain is wrapped strongly around medieval high fantasy. oxob Thoughts?
Medieval high fantasy is always the best, methinks. Good economic booms, nice time for war, lots of fighting, lots of passion!


A time of love and romance!

It's a good time period.
monopoisoner said:

i'm throwing around the idea of creating a new race, at the same time...
detailing everything makes me want to curl up and die this was for a different roleplay but yeah... the pure undertaking one must do. @___@;;
*realizes yer a genius*

this doc is beautiful Mono

edit:// i imagined crystals for my healer too........................... (but i'm not finished reading omg)
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We could go with certain areas being much more developed than others hence steam being an option.

I was once in a historical roleplay set in WWII where the other places had cars and planes.

Meanwhile the island my character was from didn't even have a real hospital until 10 years from the beginning of the roleplay.

and thank you kind friends uw u
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I was actually thinking that some places weren't as developed than others as well. Like small settlements in a surrounding kingdom wouldn't really have access to this tech. And areas in dense forests and jungles may not have it as well. =w= / Even desert regions. I believe that it'd be interesting for those "developed cities" (it'd still be medieval but more developed), would have a "vein" where these magic crystals are and what not.
So we're good on magic, that leaves.. uh.. Everything?

Forests n junk? Cities? Empires? Economies?

I can do some angsty cool empires, can you link me to the map again?
I already got the basic economy system and each kingdom is gonna have a specialty in terms of exporting their goods.

As I said, you need to work with Bons for military since she is making a knight. I say focus on Noop and where he hails from.
@mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y

when do you think you'll hand out each region?

Personally I don't want to start building things until I know what geographical location i'm in & i'd like to have a nice concept before i hit the hay

no rush, just wondering ^-^
It doesn't mess up anything for my archer. I just had a idea of people being born with more power and others aren't. If there are Crystal than it can't happen. But it's alright. I'll find something I can add or do. Maybe for more of the natural aspects. Possible global warming.

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