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You're My Pet

"Ms. Adara asked me to keep an eye on you. Are you... frightened by me?" She watched him in confusion. She had no idea why her, of all the people here, he was be afraid of.
"W- well if you stuck in a ca- castle as a p- pet, with thing th- that suck on your blood for f- fun and food... wouldn't you be?" I ask with a gulp, backing away still.

@Deadly Darkness
"I suppose, yes, but I'm not the mistress. I'm a human as well." She lifted her top lip, showing her pink gums. She let her lip go and quickly put her hands back behind her. "Besides, she kept you to keep you alive. No offense sir, but if she didn't plan on keeping you alive, you'd already be dead. You aren't her food, you're her toy."
"S- she already drank from me tw- twice..." I mutter rubbing my neck softly, hurt flashing my eyes as I look down. Stopping for a moment before sighing before backing away again. Now around five feet away from the door and seven from Maria.

@Deadly Darkness
I look at it and gulp before shaking my head with a whimper. Turning my back to her and walking down the hall, "I- I don't think I will..."

@Deadly Darkness
Watching him walk down the hall Maria's eyes grew wide and she ran down the hall, quickly clinging to his arm. She held his arm to her chest, certain it would keep him still, though it set a mad blush across her mocha colored skin.
I freeze and look down at Maria with a small gulp, "Uh... w- what are you d- doing?" I ask gulping again, my voice quiet and shaky.

@Deadly Darkness
"I-I can't have you disturbing the mistress. I was told to entertain you while she was asleep." The red faded, but only slightly. She kept her grip tight on him. "I need to keep an eye on you and make sure everything is kept under control."
"I- I won't disturb her... co- could you let my a- arm go..." I ask looking down at my arm, and therefore, her chest.

@Deadly Darkness
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Maria looked up at him and slowly followed his gaze down until she found she was staring at his arm squished between her breasts. A squeak escaped her lips as she almost threw his arm away. "M-My Ap-p-p-pologies." She stuttered frantically.
I nod slowly before shaking my head, the deep red slowly dying down as I turn and start walking down the hall again, "I- It's fine."

@Deadly Darkness
"I'm sorry, Mr. Artemis," She grabbed onto his arm once more, this time her grip much tighter. "I can't let you go anywhere." With a surprising amount of strength, Maria pulled Artemis back into the room he exited a moment ago. She then locked the door, released his arm, and stood quietly with her hands clasped behind her back.
I blink my eyes in surprise and look at her, "We co- could both leave here Maria... le- let's go." I say desperately before turning to the door and rattling the handle.

@Deadly Darkness
"We can't she'll kill us. Besides the mistress saved me from being killed. Now sir please calm down you're making a ruckus." She grabbed his hand and pulled him back, causing her to stumble back.
I shake my head and pull my hand away, "No- not if she doesn't find u- us. She do- doesn't actually care..." I say muttering the second sentence, hurt flashing in my eyes again as I think back to the second time Emms jumped me and bit into me.

@Deadly Darkness
"That's not true!" Maria cried out as she pulled him back onto the bed. While he was momentarily stunned she grabbed what she knew her mistress kept in every room: hand cuffs. With the blood flooding her face she hand cuffed his hands to the bed post.

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