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You're My Pet

Emma stops, letting Artemis' lips move against hers. She then slowly stood up, letting his hands drop to the bed as she walked towards the vanity. "Maria's coming," she straightened out her gown as she then began fixing her hair in the mirror, even though she couldn't see her own reflection. It was there for others but not for her. There was a soft rasping on the door before it opened. "Morning sir, here's- oh Ms. Adara, my apologies." She bowed hastily, a set of clothing folded in her arms.

"It's fine Maria, come in." The mocha-colored maid silently walked into the room and placed the clothing on the edge of the bed. She then bowed once more before leaving the room.
I blink my eyes in surprise before sighing and laying on my back. Staring at the ceiling and biting my lip softly. Great... wonderful timing Maria. Then shaking my head with a sigh and standing up. Taking off my new clothes before quickly putting on the new ones, my back to you the entire time.

@Deadly Darkness
Emma watched from the mirror with grin. Considering she had no reflection, she instead had a perfect view of her pet. She rolled her tongue as she watched. "Thanks for the show." She turned away from the mirror and walked towards Artemis. She slipped her arms around him. She pushed up on her toes, whispering in his ear. "We'll have to play another time, won't we?" She smiled before nibbling on his ear.
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I gulp softly before relaxing in her arms. Nodding and gasping as Emma nibbles on my ear. Leaning into her as a small smile forms on my lips. Placing my hands on hers and gripping them lightly.

@Deadly Darkness
With a gentle kiss on his cheek, Emma released Artemis and headed for the door. "I suppose I should go get dressed as well." She then disappeared out the door and down the hall.
I look towards the door with another smile before sitting on the bed and fiddling with my fingers, chewing on my lip softly. Then laying back on the bed and closing my eyes with a soft sigh.

@Deadly Darkness
Emma jumped down the stairs, almost falling, but quickly regained herself. She entered a large room with multiple large wardrobes. Emma had never been too picky about what she wore, but today nothing seemed to be what she wanted. After much debate she settled on a maroon colored dress, quickly changing.
I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling, "Maybe... just maybe..." I mutter under my breath before sighing and closing my eyes again.

@Deadly Darkness
Emma ran her fingers through her teal locks as she made her way out of the room of many wardrobes and back up to the room Artemis had been in. Silently she cracked open the door, peaking inside. He currently was laying back on the bed. A devilish smirk crossed her face as she pushed through the door and jumped on top of him. "Still tired?" She questioned, now laying on him.
I blink my eyes in surprise looking up at Emma, "Only a little bit. Not much though, why?" I ask crossing my eyes, placing my hands under my head

@Deadly Darkness
"Just wondering why you were laying down." She smiled before rolling off him and sitting up. "What should we do today? I'm in a rather good mood so I'll let you decide. Be reasonable, of course." She said with glance at him as she smoothed out the skirt of her dress.
Emma frowned, turning back to him. "We don't have to stay here." She crawled towards Artemis. "What's the matter? Did something happen while I was gone?" She asked in concern. His personality had evaporated. He wasn't as skittish, nor did he laugh. All emotion seemed to be sapped from him. "Are you ok?" She asked lightly.
She nodded, tilting her head. "What are you thinking about?" She asked as she scooted onto his lap, hoping that would give her some sort of familiar response.
Her frown returned as he seemed unfazed by her movements. With a sigh, she climbed off the bed and stood by the door, hands clasped behind her back, her back to him. "You know when I took you, I did it because you weren't like the other humans, but now," She turned to look at him with a cold expression. "You're even less like them, and less like yourself. So how about I just finish this off then hmm?" She lunged at him and sank her teeth into his neck. She didn't actually plan on killing him, but his lack of response was rather agitating.
I frown and start to sit up before falling onto my back again. My eyes widening with a scream of pain as I lift my hands and try to push Emma off. Tears of pain springing to my eyes as I lay under her.

@Deadly Darkness
She unlatched herself from him and licked the blood from her lips as she stared down at him. "Are you better now?" She stood with her hand on her hip in mild annoyance.
I stare up at Emma trembling with wide eyes. More than just physical hurt showing in my eyes as I slowly lift a shaking hand, covering my wounds with it.

@Deadly Darkness
She rolled her eyes. "Don't pretend I'm human. I never will be. And /i will always feed on people like you." She let out a frustrated sigh. "Take some time to calm." She then turned, her dress belling out as she did so, and left the room.
Elizabeth left the area and headed towards the room with the large metal door. She passed the maid on the way, though quickly stopped to talk to her. "Maria, if Artemis comes out looking for me tell him I've gone to bed and that he should do the same. He should get adjusted to the time shift as to not inconvenience anyone else. Though if he requires entertaining..."

"I'll do my best." She responded with a bow.

"Thank you, Maria. You make my after life so much easier."
After around an hour I slowly stop trembling and stand up. Walking to the door and opening it slowly with a gulp. Then stepping into the hall.

@Deadly Darkness
Maria continued along the hallways, taking care of small tasks. She then spotted Artemis exiting the room. Her heart jumped up into her throat as her hands grew clammy. Due to her past she never really talked to men, the mistress had always protected her from them. But watching over him and keeping him occupied is what she had ordered so that's what Maria would do. "M-Mr. Artemis!" She called out anxiously, hands clasped behind her back.

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