Your World



(Without wings)

Name: Lachesis Rainsworth

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Side: Bad

Your World: Continum/Time

Your Great creation: Angel of Time.

Your Bad creation: Dragon of Time

Your Ability: Her ability is herself. Her heart is a clock, like the citizens of her world were, and because of this clock she is able to rewind and speed up her life, also known as the ability to change her age. Though her heart is a clock, the rest of her is flesh and bone, and with that said, she can die when the clock is broken. Of course, because it is a clock, it can be fixed, but only a citizen of her world could possibly do that, therefore it is no longer possible.

Your Flaw: When she is in a younger state, she is a lot more delicate, and when she is older she can't move as fast, and isn't as strong. In other words, based on the age she makes herself, the weakness tends to change.


Name: Equinox Satier (Nox)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

History: She lived in the United States in the state of Texas in a small town in the country before she made her own world and was always bullied because of the way she used her imagination and the way she acted boyish, but she can't help the fact that she's a tomboy. She listened to the people tease her about her clothes, her taste in music and the way she would never go out with guys. She knew...that when she met the right guy...she would know.

Side: Good

Your World: Land of Harmony

Your Great creation: Beast warrior (Wolves, Cats(Wild and tame) and reptiles. They can only breed with other Beast warriors. Are rarely hostile towards humans but they don't exactly like the humans either.)


Your Bad creation: Knight of Slithering Shadows


Your Ability: She can make people's hearts a little lighter, meaning she can make them a little happier. For the sad and angry people she tends to make them a little less so when she's near them. She also has another power of seeing the light in people no matter how dark their hearts.

Your Flaw: Darkness scares her and often gives her nightmares. The Knight of Slithering Shadows was a effect of these nightmares. AND she absolutely hates wearing dresses.

Extra: She's blind. Her dreams and nightmares are the only way she can see her creations, they are like her other eyes. She usually dresses in t-shirts, tank tops, baggy jeans and hoodies, but she also wears the occasional beanie or cap.
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Sweetness. I just wanted to be a good for once. Seems I'm always playing the evil strange chick. lol Can't wait to start.
Name: Kai Haydn


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.d5ee1cbebb686c090491788e9ee046b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3371" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.d5ee1cbebb686c090491788e9ee046b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

History: Kai Haydn was a much sought-after mercenary from the age of sixteen, excelling in mid- and close-range combat with swords, knives and fire. By the age of twenty, Kai tired of his blood-soaked life and retreated into the brimstone mountains in the North, where he met an alchemist who helped him develop firestones. Once they achieved a consistent method for creating firestones, Kai killed the alchemist. At twenty-two, he returned from the mountains and began selling his firestones to feudal lords for vast sums of money. He is now quite wealthy on his home world of Ea-Kizh.

Side: Bad

Your World: Ea-Kizh/Fire

Your Great creation: Firestones, which can create fire and allow the user of the firestone to harness its power. Firestones smaller than a fingernail allow the user to ignite dry tinder to create campfires to cook food. They can also be used to cauterize wounds. The larger the firestone, the more powerful it is. However, even small firestones can be used for malign purposes, if its user is crafty enough.

Your Bad creation: Larger firestones, are generally more destructive. A firestone the size of a clenched fist could set several trees, houses, or humans ablaze. Note: should a user try to use a firestone in a way that exceeds the firestone's capacity (which is limited by its size), the firestone will break and become useless.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.4c7028ffa3b820cbf7e939d7b2a1d889.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3370" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.4c7028ffa3b820cbf7e939d7b2a1d889.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Your Ability: Although Kai cannot create fire, he can manipulate it, giving it shape and direction. With enough embers and fire at his disposal, he can create fire golems, though this takes quite a bit of energy.

Your Flaw: Is unable to read.




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Rafi your all good to go -w-

and we have quite a few good guys O.o We only got about 3 or 4 bad guys....good guys we're around at least 7
(Yeah but some aren't as active :P But yeah we need 4 or 5 more bad dudes. If we can get it at the same number then getting more people would be easier.)
(I'm not talking about you. Calm down, mate. I'm talking about Slendy or Dreamer. Plus its okay to not be as active, I just don't wanna see such a good rp die)
(It's okay. :) Everyone has sensitivity...just in different amounts. Sorry bout rushin' ya to post. I just can't wait to play this character. Usually I'm evil or neutral. Being on the good side AND my character being blind are two changes for me.)
(Pretty sure I just gave you something to reply to, Equinox. :3) 
(Wait, no I didn't- I suppose that was for Lachesis)
Appearance: Tall ans Lanky. He is rather pale and is bald. He wears a plain white blazer with another white t-shirt under it. His jeans are of course white but they have many pockets. He wears a bandanna on top of his head. He has bags under his eyes and a mysterious wound on the palms of his hands. His finger nails are 3 inches long and tube like.

Name: Daniel Sicily

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

History: A doctor and scientist studying a cure for cancer, but through an ironic twist he got cancer and was on the brink of death.

Side: Neither. His world serves both bad and good.

Your World:Elysium / Blood like lava

Your Great creation: Life Force. The blood like lava in the center of the world. Able to revive a dead man.

Your Bad creation: Life Force able to make zombie army or grant an evil doer immortality.

Your Ability: Able to produce a strain of his Life Force that can heal or kill a person.

Your Flaw: Due to his cancerous state he is rather frail and weak. Easy to be hurt.
Hachi one thing,Your side has nothing to do with your world xD Drak had made each Creator make a choice,to be with him(Bad) or against(Good) no other options -w-
k ill edit it 
Appearance: Tall ans Lanky. He is rather pale and is bald. He wears a plain white blazer with another white t-shirt under it. His jeans are of course white but they have many pockets. He wears a bandanna on top of his head. He has bags under his eyes and a mysterious wound on the palms of his hands. His finger nails are 3 inches long and tube like.

Name: Daniel Sicily

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

History: A doctor and scientist studying a cure for cancer, but through an ironic twist he got cancer and was on the brink of death.

Side: Good

Your World:Elysium / Blood like lava

Your Great creation: Life Force. The blood like lava in the center of the world. Able to revive a dead man.

Your Bad creation: Life Force able to make zombie army or grant an evil doer immortality.

Your Ability: Able to produce a strain of his Life Force that can heal or kill a person.

Your Flaw: Due to his cancerous state he is rather frail and weak. Easy to be hurt.

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