Your world (Rp)

Caricon thought back to the last moments of his planet. People rushing around trying to steer the planet out of the way. He had released tech only to stop this. Elves were flying of and on the planet like start wars. As they almost missed it a black hole came. Chaos erupted they evacuated. But it was too late they were sucked in. He snapped back and almost let his arrow fly.
Lachesis quickly turned her to the loud man. She took a long look at him, and seemed a bit cross in a way as though she was glaring. Who did the man think he was, Jesus? "Why do you need to know about me? Is it going to save the lives of others? Who are you? Maybe I should demand things out of you. How would you like that?"

Lachesis noticed his strange attire, comparing it to her own and let out a small, short laugh for a second, covering her mouth to hold any more laughs from coming out of nowhere. She didn't like the way she laughed, it was giggly like that of a child's and it made her feel immature, when she felt that she was better than something like that. She continued to look at him waiting for her answers.
Standing leaned over the back of the thrown,Drak appeared and watched the two in front of him as he grinned. It was rather amusing to watch how this would go before interrupting,but from the minute he showed the room began to darken. The room began to slowly decay as shadows corrupted it starting from where Drak stood,the walls and floor cracking as he stepped. Walking to the side of the thrown he flopped over into the seat,sitting sideways he rested his head in his hand as his feet hung off the other side. Still not saying anything yet,he stared at the ones in front of him waiting for them to carry on with their little 'chat'.


Around everyone in the forest the trees began to sway and some slowly snapped,falling to the ground as others slowly shrived up and died. The trees continued until not one was standing in the area,everything green rotted away creating a open area which made everyone in the forest visible to one another as the rest of the forest around them continued to sway but more steady now.

Warren had jumped off the branch he was on surprised at what the trees around were doing,hearing them snap and seeing them rot away made him sick to his stomach. He had never seen something like this,and his world was covered in trees. But them acting like this was new to him,and seeing them die was also. As it became clear around Warren noticed there were others around,he quickly ducked down to hide though with nothing really to duck down behind it was kind of hard.

Loki and Jacki both noticed what was going on and took off moving away from anything that was falling so that they wouldn't get squished. Jacki had changed back his human form and ran to where he thought his brother would be,after bumping into him the two stayed down till everything stopped falling around them. looking up the two saw the ones they had found and more,course not being able to get them by surprise bummed both of them out but this worked too.
Daniel Sicily Wakes up to see about 1/3 of his body missing in the forest. " Ugh where am I ? " He pushes his nail into his neck and his lower half immediately starts to regenerate. " I should probably find shelter or at least someone to tell me whats going on. "
Caricon saw the trees and shot vines out of his hands to have them circle up and die. He continued to throw different plants but they continued to die. "Your up robot."
Equinox stopped sobbing to listen to the cracking and shuffling of things around her. She wiped her face with her sleeve and stood up quickly. "Hello? ...What was that noise?" she yelled. She guessed that something happened to the trees...or maybe there was something nearby looking to make her its dinner. "I-Is there someone there?" She yelled again. All these noises were making her nervous.
Kai's eyes narrowed as he looked the young woman up an down. While some small part of Kai appreciated the tenacity of the stranger's spirit, he didn't like when people where unafraid of him. It made them distinctly harder to manipulate and control. Realizing blunt force was not going to be effective, Kai tried another tactic.

"You can try to make demands of me," he smirked arrogantly, straightening up and relaxing his posture as if to say, You don't frighten me. Just for good measure, he drew his sword from its scabbard and let it hang loosely from his hand, the point of the sword tickling the ground. "But, it doesn't end well for most people." His closed-lipped smile widened threateningly, reducing his light brown eyes into slits. "Well, if you won't tell me who you are, is there any chance you can at least tell me where we are?"

Kai's frown returned as the room darkened. It was odd- there were no candles lit, so there were none to be snuffed out. A grey light was still filtering through the dusty window panes, and yet the room seemed darker, as if just on the cusp of twilight and night. Taking his eyes off the young woman for just a moment, Kal looked around, and stared at the throne on the far side of the room.

Someone was slumped in that regal chair.

Kai tensed up, startled. It was not that the man made any sudden movements or appeared to show any outward signs of aggression, it was just that the man was there at all. Kai hadn't even noticed the other man enter the room. How had he made it to the throne chair without Kai noticing?
Lachesis followed his gaze to find another man in the throne, as though he owned this place. Maybe he did! She decided to state the obvious, speaking to the first guy. " I do not know where we are, I just know we are not in Time.He could probably answer your question, though." She had a small hint of sarcasm in her voice, before looking back at the torn boy. She wondered whether she should bow to him or something as though he were king or something.

Soon she completely ignored the ceiling guy, wanting to get on the king's good side so she would be exiled or executed. She bowed and spoke again. "Might I ask where we are? And are you a king?" Her eyes blinked curiously at the man. She too wanted to know what was up with this world.
Slowly the smile faded off of Drak's face as he sighed,"Darn....I was hoping the show would continue for a little longer..."Hopping up,he stood to his feet in front of the thrown seeming rather relaxed."Only two so far?....Guess many were dumber then I thought..."He spoke out loud to himself as his eyes drifted off around the room,but ended up to the two in front of him again when Lachesis started asking questions. He smile quickly returned as he tilted his head to the side in slight curiosity." Strange,you should know...."His smile grew,"Ah,I get it,so none will remember a thing....Wonder why."He started drifting off again as he walked forward towards the two."Well anyway,where you are I'm not really sure."He stated looking to the ceiling,"Haven't really named it yet." Stopping not too far off from the two he he turned his attention back to them." And you could say I am the king,or soon will be."
"Of course we're not in Time," Kai shot back, eyeing the girl with an expression full of scorn. He wondered if she was touched in the head, adding, "Time is not a place. You can't be in time."

Kai's mind was whirling with unanswered questions. Who were these people? Where were they? How was he supposed to get home? Both of these strangers seemed content with a vague understanding of the situation, but Kai wanted to know what was going on. The fact that this guy couldn't seem to focus on the situation at hand only aggravated Kai further. He tapped his sword impatiently against the ground, making the steel screech annoyingly against the marble floor.

"What do you mean, no one will remember a thing? And since you're implying that you've created this castle, you must know where it is. How do I get back to the City of Wings from here?" Kai asked, clearly frustrated. With his free hand, he fiddled with the ring on his third finger. The ring was made of steel, inlaid with a small firestone the size of a cat's eye. Kai was not above intimidation, if it meant these two would give him some answers.
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"Time is a place, what else would it possibly be?" She looked at the other man again and Lachesis felt a small aura of strangeness in the king."What do you mean by will be? A king is born destined to be king, therefore they are king in my eyes. And like what he said, I am also wondering what we are going to forget."

She now regretted not sharing her name, because she didn't like not using their names when speaking to them.
Robo rolled her eyes, shooting at what they were attacking. Robo still had no idea what was going on, she just wanted to get her creator and get out of wherever they were. "What is that?" she questioned shooting at it.

Meanwhile Edith sighed, as she had no choice but to just wonder about try and find another human somewhere in this whole shit show. As she wondered in the distance she could hear someone sobbing, "At least I haven't broken down yet..." Edith mumbled, walking closer to the person crying.

"Hey, you okay?" She questioned pushing some branches aside seeing a girl shaking, she looked quite nervous and didn't seem to know what was going on.
Caricon stepped to the downed creature. No it couldn't be... He used two figures to take a sample of the blood. "Urgals," he muttered getting up. "You better prepare that blaster they attack in groups." He then pulled out his bow.
"Wonderful." Robo said sighing robotically, and before she knew it one of those 'Urgals' jumped on Robo from behind pushing her down to the ground.

Swearing loudly Robo was able to turn and place the gun in the Urgals face, blasting it off. Little did Robo notice that the creature scratched her back damaging some of her parts. But for now she can still function.
Caricon turned around and shot a jumping urgal. He saw some parts hanging out of the cyborg. "After this I may need to fix you with urgal parts. He then shot another urgal as the attack began and a large gang of urgals descended upon them. He he backed into the Robb's back he began to pick off urgals.
Equinox looked in the direction the voice came from and stretched her arm out to see if it was another human. Her hand landed on a shoulder and she quickly retracted her arm from the shoulder. "Sorry...I can't exactly see you but I'm fine...just a little scared of what I can't see I guess." She let out a small chuckle and smiled "Glad to see there's someone else out here, the pun was not intended." She laughed a bit and spoke again, in a more serious tone. "I'm Equinox Satier..." She bowed "...and I am the creator of the Land of Harmony."
Covering his ears as Kai tapped his sword he listened to the two,to him this was just hilarious. Starting with the first question he started answering them pretty fast with no stop,"Well the time between you being at your worlds and ending up here,there's a time period of say a day right there that everyone has seem to forgotten. The time when you had chosen your side and I explained everything....I think...Well I explained a lot anyway,And of course I know where we are,this is my world but I just haven't named it yet...and how you got from your city of whatever is simple,you walked just like all the others when I called you out. Course you all seemed very angry at the time so it was hard to talk,but it was understandable...And meaning will be king simply means I will be,just as soon or am now? I probably can't b till all those brats who disagree are dead so guess I'm not yet...And in this world you aren't born with royalty but earn it by streangth in power."He said smiling as he took a deep breath,"I think that's it right? Hopefully I explained well...."
"I'll be fine." Robo stated attacking the beasts who attacked her. After defeating about 2 possibly 3 of the creaturs Robo began to slow down, her Robotic functions began to shut down, Robo was runing out of power "Car- We- Must Re-T-Re--" Robo could bearly speak. She needed robotic parts and a small portion of sunlight. Her movements soon began to stiffened.


Edith twitched, "Well that's new." She said looking at the girl bowing to her "There's no need to bow." Edith chuckled slightly, "There's no need to be scared. We can help eachother I suppose." Edith said, touching the girls shoulder.
Equinox felt the presence of a hand on her shoulder and smiled. "I can try to help you with whatever I can...Now we should probably look for more people...I doubt we are the only ones here. What's your name?" She asked with the smile still on her face but a look of curiosity in her eyes.
Caricon picked robo up and climbed up a tree. It wasn't fast but the urgals would follow. Once to the top he sat her down and let her have some sunshine. He then jumped down and cut open a urgal. He grabbed part of the dead urgals back and climbed back up the tree. He then started putting her back together with the urgal parts.

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