Your world (Rp)

Ember Bare

The Bear



Humans of all kind,powerful and non,this is your world you have created with your own hands.

You have created it the way you wanted it and everything in it,whether for good or bad it is here and

it is being overcome.

Your worlds have collided with other's,the creations run wild and out of control.

And now one has claimed it to be all his,he has taken what you love and worked hard to make.

He had given a choice to the creators,to join him and work under his rule

Or to resist and die by their own creations,it is your choice to save your world or let it be ruled by


You have chosen your fate,those that have gone against Drak were thrown out into the harsh world in the middle of a thick forest.

Those who chose to join stayed by his side watching as the others tried to survive.

And with one sentence the game started,"Let the battle begin."

*The good are all starting together in the middle of a thick forest

*The bad are in a large castle with Drak in a large thrown room

"What the heck!?" Warden had screamed out as he sat up,he had been laying on the ground before. He looked very angry but his emotion quickly changed as he stood to his feet."W-w-what do we do now?....."His voice had suddenly changed to being very worried as Warren looked around very nervous.

Jacki and Loki both sat on the ground looking around at the others not speaking a word to them,though they had whispered to each other as they kept there eyes on the strangers around. They both seemed pretty cool on what was happening around ether not worried or scared.

Caricon looked around trying to find something to make a bow out of. If he could send a arrow out maybe some of his Elves would find him. He got up and scrambled around trying to find what he needed. He picked up a twig and began molding it into a bow. He looked at the others nodded and ran into the forest he jumped over some roots and ran even faster. If only he had put made out his Elven speed into himself. He ran trying to get away from this madness. He wanted his world back if he could get some of his Elves maybe he could. He tripped over a root and ended face planting. Could this day get any worse?
Edith woke up, groggy and confused. "Where the hell am I?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes slowly sitting up. Edith soon noticed her surroundings, 'a forest?' she thought 'what kind of sick game is this?' as she was thinking Edith slowly stood up on her two feet, a little wobbly but soon got back into the rhythm of walking.

"Hello?!" Edith yelled, as she looked around the forest waving her arm in the air trying to get a signal to help find her creations.

"Is anybody there?!" She shouted again "Where the hell is everyone!?"

As Edith looked around, in another part of the forest in the same distraught state Robo Ediths creation was looking for someone to help find her maker.

"Hello?" Robo said out loud, "Someone--Anyone!?"

Robo flinched, hearing a sound from behind her "Who's there?!" She snarled turning her right arm into a weapon.

(Insert other person? :P )
He got up and looked around. He had heard somebody calling for help. He looked out and saw a clearing, in the middle of it a cyborg. He pulled out hi bow and shouted still in the shadows moving around so he can't be seen. "What world might you been from cyborg. I am on your side but I must now what planet are you from."
Robo flinched at being called a cyborg, "Why do you call me such a word. I have a name, you know." she snapped back "Now why don't you come out from the darkness and let's find a way out of here together. Well that is if you actually are on my side.."
"How must I know that you are on my side. And if so what s your name?" He stayed in the shadows toughing her. He then pulled out a throwing knife and threw it into the ground right next to her. "I can choose to miss or not. Answer now and the next one won't come." He then pulled another throwing knife.
Iris groaned as she stood up from the ground. Where am I, she wondered. She rubbed her head and looked around. Trees and mist surrounded her. Her eyes widened. This wasn't her world at all. "Hello?" Iris yelled as she began to walk around. She didn't have her Guardian with her, and felt unprotected in the dense forest. She heard voices and she twirled around. "Wh-who's there?" She yelled out.
(Warden Warren)

"Ah! What was that...." Warren had jumped and zoomed up a tree,hanging on a branch he looked around. He could hear voices,quite a few actually and they were all around."Lets find out."Warden had said but Warren had no intention of letting go of the branch he was on."Are you crazy,they could be evil and want to eat us,or split us in two,or rip us apart,or...or who knows what...."Warren had snapped back his voice very shaky and unsure."Chicken...." "Am not! Simply cautious..." The two argued about what to do,though to anyone else it'd seem as one person arguing with himself.

Jacki and Loki listened around,they could also hear voices around and with smiles on their faces they split up. Jacki had headed towards Edith,shifting into a lion as he crept close,Loki had ended up finding Iris and stayed quiet as he watched her from behind a bush.
Equinox woke up with a start and stood up quickly. This definitely was not a dream because she couldn't see her surroundings. She brushed the dirt off of the back of her hoodie and her jeans before attempting to figure out her surroundings. Time to use my other senses She thought before walking a few steps in front of her with her arms outstretched and brushing her finger tips against something rough. Wood...most likely from a tree. She wouldn't bite this object but sniffing quickly wouldn't hurt. She sniffed the object in front of her to discover it smelled like wood...she couldn't tell which tree it was but she figured it was probably an Oak since they didn't smell like anything distinct plus it was pretty big around. She heard birds chirping. So this must be a forest Equinox concluded.

"H-Hello...? Is anyone here...?" She yelled walking past some trees, using her hands as her guide. She was blind and for all she knew she could be leading herself into danger.
((Ene, isn't Lachesis one of the evil characters? If so she'd be in the Drak's castle. Sorry if I'm putting this in the wrong place...I just noticed it because your character was pretty cool and I tend to remember small details.))
[Oh ty I change it] 
Lachesis looked at her surroundings. This place was big. And fancy. And... Empty.. Were there supposed to be people here. She saw no one. The room she was in seemed to be some sort of throne room. Where was the leader? She kept her questions in her head, and they bounced of the imaginary walls of her mind. She stood on the smooth tiled floor. Her bright eyes stared straight. Everything about her was calm at the moment, but she wasn't in Time... Where was she?
Equinox stumbled around looking for someone, anyone and passed Darren without knowing he was even in the tree. "Hello...? I-Is anyone else here...? I...I can't see you if there is someone near me..." She yelled. She felt like she was at school again. There everyone would stay silent because they didn't wanna talk to her...because she was different. She sighed and felt like she wanted to cry. "Please...?" She whispered.
Robo twitched staring at the weapon beside her foot, "My name is Robo and I'm looking for my creator." she snarled "Now-Who-Are-You?" She said robotically. Robo looked around staring at the trees, bugs, and even the small animals, trying to wonder where the hell she was..

Meanwhile Edith was getting angry at the world, cutting down trees freaking out trying to find out where she was.
Caricon jumped up a in a tree and rubbed his ears. Why did he make his pointed, it gave him some abilities without actually doing anything like working out, but he couldn't beat a robot. He then jumped out of the tree and jumped right infrount of robo. "I am Caricon the leader of Maron might of heard of it," he said his crown his crown gleaming.
Robo drew a blank 'Maron'? was that some type of food? So all she good to was shake her head. "No, I have not. Though, you've probably never heard of Machinam either so it's fair." Looking at his crown robo questioned " Wouldn't you be afraid to lose that?" she pointed towards the crown on his head.
"Mechanism," he said grunting. "Your from that rusty sorry excuse for a planet?!?! At least they have something to populate their planet. But the pollution uh." He then looked away hearing something. "Did you hear that?"
"Lose my crown. It is I possible to separate me and my crown. Even though it has no meaning any longer." He signed at looked towards the sound.
"Excuse me? My creator put a lot of effort into her planet." Robo snarled, "At least she has more respect for others. I'm sorry I didn't know where your food sounding planet is or what even existing on it." Robo began to steam--literally steam, puffs of smoke came out of her robotic ears "And for your information, Machinam is an eco friendly planet. We try as hard as we can to use everything over and over again."

At first Robo didn't hear the sound, but once she cooled down a bit she stared into the distance. "Let me check it out." she said pushing a button on the side of her head, revealing a pair of classes with markings on it, which enabled Robo to see in the dark.
Caricon pulled out his long sword. "Lets do this the human way. And my food planet!!!! Maron is the only planet to be populated by the great rice of Elves." He then rubbed his ears sad because of his loss. He looked hard and got some Elven vision. That's what happens when you make your creations with separating your self from them.
Equinox stopped and sat down on the ground. "ANYONE?!" She yelled then put her hands to her face and started to sob quietly. She usually had guides to help her get around so this type of thing was very frustrating for her. At this point she just wanted to go back home...back to the Land of Harmony.
"Elves, shmelves. Same crap different pile." Robo said walking at a good pace towards the noise, "Now if you are coming feel free to follow. " she smirked, turning her arm into gun, which she never actually changed back from before. Robo stood still for a moment noticing that 'Caricon' was being fairly slow.
Caricon caught up. "At least they are rust buckets," he said under his breath. He then pulled out arrow and loaded it he pointed it at the sound. As he slowly approached he dipped poison on his arrow.
Kai Haydn had been showing off his wares to the Ezor-Kah, the feudal lord of the City of Wings, for the better part of two hours. The day's sweltering heat beat down upon his bare neck. Silently, he cursed the open pavilion of the Ezor-Kah's palace, wishing his could suggest that his slaves could erect a large silken lean-to to provide Kai and the Ezor-Kah a merciful bit of shade. Of course, even implying that the Ezor-Kah's palace was less than perfection could result in Kai loosing his head. So, he remained silent on the issue.

"How does twelve thousand cubits sound, for this dragon egg sized firestone?" Kai Haydn asked the Ezor-Kah, or feudal lord, of the City of Wings. The Ezor-Kah opened his mouth to answer, when-


It was more than deafening sound. In that moment, the palace shook beneath him. The stone floor of the pavillion cracked open beneath his feet his feet, and Kai had only enough time to store the fire stone in his napsack and pick up his sword.

In the next moment, the fissure widened and the ground crumbled, opening up to an endless black abyss so large than neither the Ezor-Kah, nor his slaves nor Kai Haydn could escape it. Despite his life as a mercenary, Kai was terrified as the black hole swallowed him up. He screamed all along his journey, right up until the point where his tailbone cracked on the marble floor of a strange, stone palace that Kai had never seen before.

Where was he?

After a moment, Kai's warrior instincts took over, and he unsheathed his sword slightly and crouched, ready to spring should anything attack him. Out of the corner of his eye, Kai caught a glimpse of movement. On the far end of the spacious room Kai saw a blonde girl looking around, clearly as disoriented as he.

"Who are you? Identify yourself!" Kai Haydn commanded, rather than asked. After years as a mercenary, and then as a successful businessman, Kai was accustomed to dominating those around him.
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