Your Secret is Safe with Me (1x1 AnnelieseBeilschmidt x Sol)

Anneliese ran through the dark woods, her blonde hair bouncing against her back as she pushed past trees and other bushes. She was trying to get far away from home as possible, so that the killer who murdered her parents wouldn't find her this far out. Tripping over a rock and into the small stream behind her house, Anne pushed herself back up now limping here and there on her right leg.

Stopping to sit on a large stone in a nearby cemetery, Anneliese slid down the long black stocking to see a bruise on her ankle. It wasn't bad but she could still feel it tingling with pain. Pulling it back up adjusting to wear it wouldn't fall, her eyes darted around the cemetery. It was creepy but at least she was away from the mansion where the killer still lurked.

" I've got to get somewhere safe...Maybe there's a house nearby. " She told herself getting bad chills throughout her entire body.
Tonight was another mundane and routine night for Jaime. He had simply missed his quarry and decided to retire home for the night. It wasn't as if the person had good look at him and neither did he know who that person was, there would be no problems and everyone would still think of him as the man who owned a humble estate in the woods near the town.

The sounds of screaming as he slowly butchered that elderly couple was simply delightful. A symphonic chorus with a scream turned gurgle as the crescendo for the opera he conducted this night. A simply magnificent overture was the sound of the door unhinging and crashing to the ground and the steady rhythmic beat of panicked footsteps rushing down the stairwell. A scream ended the overture and signal the main piece of his musical piece. To Jaime, it was not enough to just kill and maim, there was a certain flow and rhythm that had to followed to deliver the best performance to the audience.

Tonight would be no different from the other nights in which he has performed a musical piece, he would dispose of the "instruments" and return home. Upon reaching home, he would pick up his note book and pick a piece to play on his piano before retiring for the night and going on with the normal flow of his life, until he yearns for "music" again. Such was his monotone life, how he wished a different and interesting track would be played.

Jaime was wrong about tonight, however, a stranger was hobbling towards the direction of his humble estate. Jaime had half a mind to conduct an encore but decided better of it. This person might, after all, be an interesting track to listen to. He moved closer and greeted the stranger. "A bit late to be hobbling around at night, miss? The woods are home to host unsavory creatures...or so the towns people say." The stranger in question was a woman who was injured. "Would you allow me to escort you to my humble estate not far from here? You may rest there for the night." Without even waiting for answer, Jaime held her hand and led her at a reasonable, although faster, pace towards his home.

He was not an idiot, no one save him and that delightful elderly couple resided in these woods, she would be their daughter or a relative, he suspected. Depending on how she'd behave, Jaime may or may not push through with his encore, he really disliked unnecessary addenda to his musical pieces.
Anneliese followed the man and walked with him toward a nice looking mansion that lay beyond the cemetery. She was very cautious about this mysterious guy who was helping her out in a rough time. Her parent's had just been killed by someone she had never seen before and now this person, just in the nick of time, was helping her? Something had to be off about her situation now.

Getting closer to the large home, Anne thought it would be the perfect time to ask some questions about this guy. They approached the mansion quietly though, him opening the door to let her inside from the cold air. It was definitely much warmer inside than out. She spotted multiple different figures and paintings on the wall. This man must have been a rich person to obtain all of this.

Turning back around to see him closing the door, which made the room seem darker, Anneliese went to sit down and asked, finally gathering the right sentences," W-Why did you bring me back here? I appreciate the help, but I'm very weary of strangers at the moment. If you don't mind telling me who you are, please explain your reason for leading me to this place. "
Jaime escorted the woman for a while, he knew the forest like it was the back of his hand. Making his way through the forest was simple as he was already familiar with the twists and turns it had to offer him. He had too, it would be a disgrace to him were he unable to successfully navigate his own territory.

Upon reach his humble estate, which was the old manor his parents used to reside in, which was passed on to him after being the victims of an "accident." Jaime himself didn't believe it was accident, he believed that a rival family just wanted to cut the bloodline short. The bitter memories of living alone flooded back into him, another sign that the monotone track which was played by life was changed into something else. Leading her inside without uttering a word and staying in complete silence was simply acceptable to the young man.

The woman, however, had other designs brewing in her head. She had decided to make the first move, much like an invisible game of chess, it would be an advantage or disadvantage depending on the caliber of your opponent, the opening gambit was a crucial move. "Why did I bring you here? Simply because you were injured and a variety of predators actually prowl the forest. You, in your injured state, would not survive long out there. Here, In a walled environment that is untouched by the savages you are perfectly safe." To Jaime everything was almost a game in which he had to participate and, more importantly, win. "My name is Jaime, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, miss?" This woman is more intelligent than she lets on, she has that spark in her eye. Either that or her paranoia has set in, making her cautious about everything. A smile formed on his face. I will be most delighted to play with you.
She felt a little more calm after Jaime introduced himself and answered cautiously," Anneliese.....nice to meet you. Thank you for the stay but I will not be here long. I don't want to intrude unless I can pay off my room in some way. " Anneliese stood up to look around a little more. Her eyes began to watch Jaime as he smiled at her, feeling a little uneasy. She turned her blue ones away and stared at the paintings on the walls. Most of them seemed to be of past family members, ones that used to live in the mansion.

Anne's eyes wandered back to him, again uneasy at the fact he watched her every move. He seems to be a nice guy....but I wonder what he really wants? He is a good looking Anneliese...don't begin to think that just yet....Your family was just murdered and all of a sudden he appears out of the blue to take you in. Impression isn't always everything....She thought, her emotions conflicting in her eyes and face. She was pretty sure he could read her like a book. Almost every man her age she met could do that.

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