You will save me, won't you? (Ene & RyuChi)


Junior Member
Plot line:

This fantasy world is ruled by nobleman who love the sport of fight tournaments, setting up two beings, from the same race or not, as they fight to the death in a bloody battle. The more drama and bloodshed, the more brutal the killing, the better the game. The nobleman place bets and buy slaves to fight in these games and the better the fighter the better the noblemans status will rise making it a political battle as well as a physical one.

From the slums of the city a fighter has risen, known for their beastly ways of using no weapons to fight their opponent, they rip out their throat using their fangs and pull out their opponents heart using nothing but a well placed blow from the fist. Such bloodshed is relished and this slave has risen in ranks till they are fighting the worlds best, nobleman against nobleman it seems.

This great fighter had one thing all the others did not, it was a girl. Never before has a girl gotten even barley as far as she has, but it comes with a price. This girl has grown up being taught how to kill, that killing is the only thing in the world. Everyone says she is nothing but a beast in a female body with no soul. What they do not realize is she is trapped, she has a personality and soul under that beastly layer.

You, playing a young rich amd ambitious nobleman who wants to rise through the ranks and use fighting to get there. When you hear of this new fighter you think she is nothing but a beast till you go to a slave fighter auction and there she is, caged up because she cannot control her killing. In her eyes you see a glimpse of the suffering reflected in them. The auction goes off and you find yourself buying her. You go to see her before every game trying to convince yourself she is nothing but a beast but every time you do you see that so clearly human suffering glimpsed in her eyes. Something changes in you and you want to help her, you want to see the person she really is. But how?

My character:



known as 'Beast'


Prosumed somewhere between 15-17


Prosumed to be a crossbreed of somesort.


Born into slavery with slave parents, she was taken from her mother at the age of 3 and sold to a nobleman who owned a large slave fighting company. Her unnaturally bright red hair and adorable features made her stand out from the rest and she was a kept to be sold off later at a higher price. When she reached the age of about 5 one of the slave fighters grew a bond with her and taught her how to fight in self defense ways only but when he saw her skill for the art he stopped, not wanting the others to notice. At the age of 6 the slave fighter was killed in a tournament and it set her off on a killing spree, killing as many guards and slaves alike as she could, the nobleman saw her skill and ordered she be put into the child fights(not a fight to the death but a win meant beat the other within an inch of their life). She cleared these tournaments often ending up killing her opponent by ripping out their throat with her teeth which got her banned but made her prime target for the proper tournaments. She stopped talking at all and had to be chained up with a collar in a cage because she was so savage and if you got to close she wouldn't hesitate to kill you too. At about the age of 14 she was entered into her first proper tournament in which she killed her opponent within seconds with a hand through his heart. She was then auctioned off to the highest bidder.


She doesn't have a personality as such, she is like a wild beast who kills anything that moves or at least tries too. Her under personality is a timid young girl who is heavily scarred by what she has done and will do and how much she enjoys doing it.


She is usually dressed in ripped leather pants with a long sleeve black ripped shirt. She wears black knee high boots and a black collar at all times. She has somewhat beautiful features but they are scarred by her beast filled eyes, she has long bright red hair with elf like ears and sharp fangs as well as sharp fingernails. She is very quick and agile and never the type to wait for something, she is smart though almost incredibly so but it is carefully hidden under her beast like ways.
My character


Name: Lord Xerxes Francis Break IV

Age: 21

Race: Unknown (claims he is human)


Looks like he's about 21, his hair is a silver white and his eyes are red. His clothing style is feminine and rather flamboyant. He is pale as moonlight and for some reason lacks the ability to tan.

Personality: Xerxes is greedy and self-centered, and always gets his way, and if he doesn't then the cause of him not getting his way will be dead in a number of seconds. He is a bit of a player and quite lustful, and has enough money and power to make anyone afraid. He has lots of slaves that die to his amusement in the games he created.

Xerxes is always blood thirsty especially against his enemies, which are a lot. Many people hate him but suck up to him, just to get fame and fortune. He is smart and can be very charming when he wants to, but is also very proud of his family's business that he owns.

Bio: Xerxes has been cruel since the very beginning. He had always loved watching slave fights, unlike his father and mother who both disbelieved in slaves. He thought that was hypocritical, because they both had plenty of their own servants. When he was 13, he secretly killed his father, who always treated everyone, "fairly," and, "justly," making Xerxes feel like he was being over looked as an equal to everyone else. Because of her husbands death, his mother killed herself after being depressed for so long.

Xerxes was happier than ever and immediately took over the business of selling land to certain people and collecting taxes for himself. There were so many people below him,making him feel powerful and happy. He eventually had so many slaves, he began to start making illegal slave fights and gaining even more money. The young lord even had the wonderful idea of having a tournament of fighting to the death and the slave would get their freedom. Each fighter would get the weapon of their choice, but that didn't mean it would be in the best condition. Of course, once they were away he'd chase them down and challenge them again, with not one slave actually free for very long, yet.
(awesome! My iPad can't see the pics but I will try my phone just now :) would you like to start or must i?)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Break-3-xerxes-break-23438403-1802-2500.jpg.c1d68ad10bd2ceee47398d820134fd9f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1487" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Break-3-xerxes-break-23438403-1802-2500.jpg.c1d68ad10bd2ceee47398d820134fd9f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Break-3-xerxes-break-23438403-1802-2500.jpg
    185.9 KB · Views: 18
(That's the image and I will start)

Xerxes looked out over the land from his upstairs window as the sun was setting. "Ahh, tonight's fight will be wonderful won't it, Clarice?" He said with a smile looking back at one of his many beautiful slaves. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes, and would be considered a maiden if it weren't for the collar around her neck and chains on her arms. "Yes sir," she said with a forced smile. "Leave and bring me some one else, your boring to me," he said with an angry scowl. "Yes sir." As she walked away Xerxes decided that maybe he should find some other women slaves who would be more fun, as it had been a while since he last taken them from work. He loojed at the list again of who he'd use to fight and he would definately try and buy some more winners. He was sending his slave, R, who was one of his favorite male fighters, as he didn't even use a weapon, and could bend metal with his hands, unless it was the expensive metal known as Iconel, that can't even be melted very easily. He continued looking, at pictures of the fighters and saw a peculiar young woman with fire engine red hair. "Beast," he murmured, reading her name with a grin so big, even the cheshire cat would be jealous.
Beast curled up against the back of her cage, sleeping soundly when the large clang of the door behind her swung shut and a timid looking slave came in. She gave him a sleepy look but as she neared she growled making the boy gulp but he kept coming closer. In his hands was a plate of raw meat, still bloody and fresh which made her stomach grumble in hunger. She hadn't eaten in 3 days and the thought of food made her mouth water. The boy got just out of arms length and threw the meat at her which she snapped out of the air and gulped down, barely enough to satisfy the emptiness in her stomach. The boy ran off before he could get hurt and she was once again alone in the dark. The chain that tyed to her collar trailed along the floor as she settled herself back against the cage bars and fell to a nightmare filled slumber once more.
"Lord Xerxes, it's almost time for you to go, I've prepared a bath for you so you can wash yourself up before you leave," The young maid said, and started to leave once she was done with her message. "Thank you," said Xerxes, as he started to walk to his ginormous shower room, stripped down, and waded into his big tub, that was more like a pool or hot springs. He washed himself off in a number of minutes and got out, being given a towel, from another one of his servants. He walked towards his changing room and asked for his favorite outfit. It was a purple died cloth of silk with black pants and a white jacket made of rare Vicuna garments. He was dressed by his mades as they dried off his silver white hair and gave him his black and gold walking staff. "I'm already, but I want you to prepare R for his fight, and write about it, because I have another fight that starts during the middle of his and sadly, won't make it to the whole thing," He chuckled as the maids simply replied, "Yes, Lord," with a bow.
"Oi! Get up you piece of filth!" a voice startled Beast awake and she growled, standing instantly and glaring at the guard, how dare he call her filth when he smelled hardly any better than a rotting fish? "You've got a game in a few minutes, if you behave we could let you go kill someone" he said in a voice one would use when trying to get passed a growling dog. he rolled her eyes but stopped her growling showing she was willing to co-operate as long as he fulfilled his side of the bargain. The guard snickered and using a special pole device her clipped a chain to her collar and pulled it tight, making sure she could not escape. He then led her at spear point to the rooms just behind the fighters gates into the ring and left in a hurry.
The fight was going on well, and R was winning as expected. Xerxes looked at his pocket watch and smiled, as a group of servants led him to the fight he was much more interested in. He continued walking, because he had faith that R would win, as his opponent was already bloody and in bad shape, and Xerxes was amused that she had been alive so long already. He finally got to the other side of the arena, where Beast would soon be fighting. He sat down in one of the Lord's chairs, that was reserved for anyone who had enough money to have enough slaves to play games with, and immediately sat down.
Beast waited in the dark of the room, she could hear the crowd above her and her blood pumped with anticipation. "Aaand now we give you the most terrifying girl to ever enter our rings, so beastly and wild she hasn't even chosen a weapon!" she could here the commentator above riling up the crowd and she gave a snort, she hadn't even been offered a weapon in the first place, not that she minded. "Ladies and gentleman may I introduce to you, The Beast!" The first set of doors opened and sunlight poured in though she was still constricted by the second set of grated bars she could see the whole, huge arena. She played her part with not much effort, letting her body move on its own as it run up against the cage bars and growled and snarled, hitting the bars in anticipation to be let out for the hunt.

The grates slid open and she ran, using all fours at a terrifyingly inhuman speed she dashed straight at her opponent. The man was large and swung a huge axe as if it were a play thing, when he saw her coming her swung it as her but she jumped over it, clearing the swipe with ease before landing behind him. He was fast for his size but much, much to slow for her. She swiped at his ankles, splitting them open with a gsh of blood and the man gave a cry and fell to his knees. too easy. She leapt at him again but now unable to turn in full rotation she easily landed on his chest. Too Easy. She lifted her hand and plunged it straight into his chest, her hand slipping between his ribs and grabbing at his still pumping heart. TOO EASY! her head screamed at her and she ripped the heart from his chest in a spray of blood and the gurgled choke of the man as he fell backwards into the dirt. She stepped off him and tossed the heart to the side like it was an old toy and licked her fingers clean of the blood as she made her way back to her cage. She was unhappy enough to think straight and she wasted no time with things like appealing to the crowd and instead walked back to her cage, on days were the kills were actual fun she would have to be dragged from the arena with chains and spears.
Xerxes watched excited as the fight was quickly over. He almost jumped at the speed of the game and his heart raced with excitement, as his smile seemed to grow wider, if that was even humanly possible. Another servant reported back with the answer from R's fight telling him, "R's fight is finished, and he will be fighting in the next round tomorrow night, My Lord." "I don't care, I want to speak to the owner of a slave called, "Beast," and I want her. Bring her owner to me.
Beast let them clip a chain to her collar without much fuss and she went back into her cage only to be once again left alone there. She wanted to cry, to curl up in a ball and let all her misery out but it was if she had no control over her own body. She instead sat on the floor of her cage and scratched aimlessly on the bars out of boredom.

Sir Robertis walked with a smug look toward the other Nobleman, he knew how perfect his slave was and knew he had gained huge amounts of favour from her fights, "what Can I do for you Sir Xerxes?" he said, the smugness seething through his words. 
(sorry I haven't been on much, my dad had to reinstall all the software to my laptop because he put a lock on a few things like settings and installing software and he forgot the password xD )
(It's fine lol)

Xerxes grinned at him and asked him a question he already knew the answer too, for he was ths only one who could enter more than one slave in his competition. "I'm willing to make you a deal, which is rare because I usually make deals with those above my power but first, I'll ask a question, and I expect that you will answer it. How many slaves can you put in these fights? How much money must you pay for taxes?"
Sir Robertis gave a nervous laugh, "I-uuuh- think the limit is about two and well taxes are quite a bit" he avoided eye contact, knowing he wasn't in the best position. He backed away bit by bit, "wonderful fight wasn't it?" he asked trying to change the subject, he had 4 fighters at the moment but he knew that was beyond the proper limit.
"Actually the limit is one, and the taxes are very quite a bit, meaning about 25% of your income. I make a lot of money with these taxes and this business, if I do say so myself. However, being the nice man I am, I will give you the deal of letting you have five fighters and 21% taxes, all for that one little slave, because I am feeling genorous today," Lord Xerxes said with a confident grin. Anyone who was close to him would know that this was not genorositt, and that he loved going extreme on bets and deals, for he liked the excitement and thrill of prosper and fail.
Sir Robertis coughed in surprise at the deal, "I suppose I can give her up" he said standing a little straighter and his smug expression returning. "Yes I think that'll suit me just fine" he didn't want to give up his newly found Beast but with that type of deal he could barley say no. "Would you like me to bring her here or wil you have a picked up later?" he asked.
"I want you to bring her to me," Xerxes answered, "I'm happy you accepted my offer; Pleasure doing business with you. You're lucky I was deciding to give you a pass on the other slaves you have in the fight, otherwise you might actually would've had to deal with a strong penalty." He smiled with pride as he sat back down, waiting for the next fight to start, between slaves from two commoners' farms. There wasn't much that could get around him, besides, he did own the arena.

He had a grin on his face, and knew that he would have a lot of fun with this new, beautiful red beast, and couldn't wait for his experience to start.
Scurrying away, like a dog with his tail between his legs, Sir Robertis made his exit. He called for a few of his personal guards as he made his way to the Beasts room. Finally getting rid of this creep, he thought bittterly as he swung open the door with a loud clang. The room was dark and as the light flooded in from the door the huddled figure formed in the back of the cage.

"You have been sold!" He announced, gesturing for the guards to chain her, and so they did. She fought back but he arms and legs were chained and a long chain was clipped to her collar. They lead he ot at spear point but it didn't stop her from growling and snapping when she could.

Arriving back within only a few minutes Sir Robertis gave a curt nod before announcing, "Your new slave" and bringing in a growling, red headed girl.
"Is that many chains necessary? Whatever, I shouldn't complain too much, besides, I did get what I asked for," Xerxes moaned. "Servants, please take Beast's chains, we're going home now that R has finished his fight. Thanks again, Sir Robertis!" He said as he walked away to his fancy car with the girl now in his clutches. "He made a mistake, girl, but it was one he can not undo. Do you speak?"
Her new Master was younger than she had expected but his air of drama was evident that she was not dealing with any young man. She didn't know who he was but her old Master seemed a little to compliant for her liking. A mistake eh? she thought with a mental smirk, anyone who is against me in the ring is dead so if that's what he refers to as a 'mistake' then yes.

She growled savagely when he asked if she could speak, better to never speak than be forced to spew lies of love and acceptance to masters.
"If you can make noises like that than I assume you can speak," He smiled his classical charming smile as he was about to step into the car and told his servants, "Rather than riding in the servant car, she may ride with me and R." A huge man came towards them, with ginormous tan muscles and ruff short black hair. "Ah, speak of the devil!" Xerxes said," R this is your fighting partner. You are now a tag team in the tournament towards your freedom, is that alright with the both of you?" R stared at the small girl, but didn't question her or her strange appearance and nodded. As they stepped into the car. "If I take off these chains, will you rip me to shreds? Or will you be a good girl and act like you like me," said the Lord.
Following after her new Lord to the car was a wake up call, she was no longer in the comfort of 'routine', if being thrown into the ring and dragged into a cage daily was what you might call routine. The lord mentioned an R she wondered who this person might be, images flicking through her mind till a massive, muscular man came towards them. This must be R, she thought and the Lords words soon confirmed it. R gave her a once over as she did him and they exchanged nods, she liked him already, no judgement or chit chat, and now they were partners. Beast wasn't sure how to handle this, she had always been a one man show of blood and guts, would she be able to keep herself from killing her partner in the heat of battle? Probably not.

"Keep the chains" she said, the first words she had spoken in years and the sound of her own voice startled her, a thickly accented yet very feminine voice that didn't suit her appearance that was laced with distaste for her new Lord.
(Sorry I've been busy lately and couldn't have enough time to go on here whenever I was on the computer...Having a summer job is tough... Either way I'm posting now ;D...)

Xerxes smiled happily at how fast she was warming up. "I hope to hear your voice again! I'm glad your warming up to us," he said as he got into the car, with R following after telling her, "You have a generous owner now, so fight your best just as I have, even when you don't have to." His voice was one that fit his looks, one of deepness and a bit hoarse. As he got in both of them motioned her to follow, and sit on the grey, leather seat next to him. "Ah, I can already feel the powerful aura of this team!" Xerxes said happily and continued, "If you both win your freedom together, I wouldn't be surprised at all."

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