you may have noticed that i'm not all there myself


(crush me)


Kaitlyn Lucy Cheshire

Nickname: prefers Kitty by a long shot although will habitually answer

to Katie. Only her mother gets away with calling her Kaitlyn and that's

only when she's in trouble or her attention's desperately needed.

Age: 19

Birthday: november 12th

Zodiac: scorpio

Gender: female

Orientation: bisexual

Occupation: works as a retail assistant in the town's joke shop, Jester,

and also volunteers at the local animal shelter during the holiday seasons

or whenever she has free time.

Parents: her mother is the Cheshire Cat.

Hero/Villain: neither. She's a mischief maker and the only side she's on

is her own. She likes causing trouble for her own amusement but not in a

drastic manner that would seriously harm anyone, meaning she's not a villain.

But as a result she isn't a hero either - she likes to do things for her own gain

mostly so if her own livelihood was threatened she could easily take on a heroic

role to save herself.

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 55kg

Hair: blonde

Eyes: brown

Other: she has an unsurprisingly feline appearance, with sharp nails

and teeth as well as cat-esque eyes. It doesn't help that she has an

affinity for frequently wearing headbands that have cat ears on them.

Vices: mischievous/trouble-maker; deceptive; inconsiderate; inconsistent;

reckless; obnoxious; mysterious.

Virtues: adaptable; creative; friendly; eccentric; opinionated; independent;


Skills: deception; lying; planning, and following through; sweet talking;


Quirks: makes a light meowing sound when she stretches after waking

up; stops mid-conversation if she hears a random and/or suspicious noise;

curls up in a little ball when she goes to bed.

Fears: dogs; water/drowning; failing to meet her mother's expectations;

fireworks + most other loud noises. While not a fear, the sound of a hoover

starting will make her jump violently if she doesn't see it coming.

Temperament: Sanguine

MBTI: ENTP-A ("The Debater")

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Theme: x

Biography: raised in a cottage in the middle of a forest, Kitty grew up blind

under her mother's influence with no contact with the outside world other than

playing pranks on unsuspecting passersby and witnessing her mother cause

trouble throughout the land. She admired her mother from a very young age,

wanting nothing more than to be like her and fulfill her role as the future

Cheshire Cat to the best of her ability. She quickly became amoral, deciding that

rules didn't apply to her and that other people's feelings weren't her problem: "If

you're too soft and stupid to see the wool being pulled over your eyes then you

deserve everything you get."

She has an affinity for pulling tricks, although only when she wants something to

cure her boredom, and spends most of her time lounging on tree branches and using

her disappearing trick to steal food whenever she craves it. But while she may be a

troublemaker she isn't completely villainous. She still has a sense of self and a heart

as solid as gold for people she cares for - she is loyal to Wonderlandians more than

she is members of other fairytales. While she will play tricks on them she will

always keep their secrets and will generally get along well with them. Kitty can be

a good friend if you get past her eccentricity and slightly callous sense of humour.

If the world was in desperate need of her assistance she would put aside her lack

of morals and her self-absorbency in order to help with little to no hesitation but

should everything go back to normal she would be back to herself in an instant.


In the mortal realm, Kitty's mischievous ways remain the same although on a

perhaps slightly lighter note - she works in a joke shop so she can be around the

things she loves and can meet fellow pranksters on a daily basis. She is much kinder

in this version of reality, keeps secrets and listens to people much more. You could

say as a mere mortal she is the polar opposite of her fairytale self. However her

desire to please her mother and make her proud remains just as strong as ever - a

con artist through and through, Miss Cheshire hopes her daughter will join her so

they can be a double act; while Kitty loves causing mischief and setting the foundation

for both trouble and drama, deep down the thought of tricking people into misfortune

rubs her fur the wrong way. Yet whatever mother dearest asks, Kitty will happily do.

Her sense of humour still remains slightly warped and she can still be at least

lightly amused by the misfortune of others - she also continues to prefer receiving,

to giving, and while generally kind it will still often take a little convincing or an

ultimatum to get her to do something she would usually have no care for. Even as

a mortal Kitty still prefers not to exert her energy unless it's for her own personal

gain or the gain of people she has come to care deeply for.

if something's not up to scratch or i missed something out let me know!

also if anyone wants to discuss relationship etc. then feel free to hmu!

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