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Realistic or Modern You crashed here, now survive.


The Pickliest Bean
Roleplay Type(s)
1) No one liners.

2) A character cannot be perfect. Perfect characters make bad plotlines. It's like Twilight's sparkly vampires, times a billion.

3) Absolutely no godmoding. In the case of godmoding, I will override this rule in order to brutally murder your beloved character.

5) If you're going to be away for more than, say, a couple days, let me know so we can arrange for your character to be carried along. If you randomly disappear for, say, a week, I will override Rule 3 to have your character kidnapped by a mob or something so that if you return, they can somehow escape all bloodied up or something. If you don't return, we might find your severed head at the bottom of a river rotting with maggots.

6) Keep up with the times. If I'm on Day 3, evening, you should be on Day 3, evening.

7) Punctuation is the difference between me thinking you're nuts, and me kicking your nuts.

8) Grammar are way too srsly ferstr8 me. Pls dn't ferstr8 me.

I reserve the right to add to this at any time.

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