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YoshiAnkoTay & Vatican Cameos

She laughed haughtily, as she thrust her foot into Matthew's face. "You little boys are 100 years too early to be taking someone like me on." She punched Andrew in the face as the two men blatantly disrespected her. She had no personal issues with demons. But she did have a personal issue with people who picked on someone who couldn't fight for themselves. "You miss understand, demon. I want quality and it should not be tainted with the brutality you are putting her through. Any feeder who just gave blood is an easy target." Arya smirked. It would be a lie for her to say that she wasn't enjoying watching them groan in pain. Lets see if they put up any kind of fight. She waited a moment to see their next move.
Matthew and Andrew quickly recovered, but looked at one another, eyebrows quirked. They were confident that they could take Arya, if they really wanted to (they were definitely not the type to accept defeat; no demon was). But what really got to them about this situation was not that a vampire was picking a fight with them, but that she was doing it in defense of Olivie. They were supposed to report any associations Olivie might have with any vampires - and this definitely constituted that. Arya's head now had a sum on it, as long as she was with Olivie. And anyone actually helping Olivie pissed them off. All the more reason to report it and get Arya out of the picture. Decided, they left quickly and without a word - but Olivie knew. She was standing surprisingly steadily next to Arya, watching the two carefully. "Guess this means I don't have to go back," she said.
Cowards. They are going to go cry to their boss. "Well if they are treating you that poorly, its a good thing anyway." When they were out of her line of vision, Arya turned back to Olivie. "Are you alright? You aren't hurt anywhere right?" Arya knew that Olivie was barely standing though she was doing a great job hiding it. Arya had her own obligations to fufill but she would not have felt right about leaving them to almost kill her just because they were assholes. "Well I will be off now." She began to walk towards her bar. Looking at the time, she would be a little bit late but Arya didn't care. Olivie was now free which is what she seemed to want, she could feed on any delicious demon.
Olivie, feeling rather detached, followed behind Arya. "I'm coming, for a bit. I need something to eat, and I don't feel like hunting." She was sure that by the time she recovered some of her strength, she'd be back to her old self, but for the moment, she was feeling out of it, to say the least. At the moment, she didn't care for Andrew and Matthew or for whatever further punishments she'd have to face for getting involved with a vampire. For right now, she just wanted to eat something and retreat somewhere isolated to get her shit together. That was as far into the future as she was willing or able to go for right now. Hopefully, it would be enough, but she wouldn't know that until she made it.
Arya looked over at Olivie. It was true she could look a lot better. Her hair was a bit disheveled. She had dark circles under her eyes and her legs barely seemed to be carrying her. "You don't look like you can do much of anything right now. We can take care of this at my place." By her place, she meant the bar. At least there, Arya could help her get what she needed. The only thing Arya wondered was about her living situation. Its not as if she was going to extend her own home to Olivie since they barely knew each other but Arya wondered about the smaller woman. She shrugs her shoulders. It didn't matter that it was Olivie but she would not watch anyone suffer like that.
"Whatever works," Olivie murmured, walking along with Arya. It didn't even occur to her to consider what she meant by "her place"; all it meant to Olivie was having somewhere to recover a bit, so she could get herself together. If she were a little more cognizant at the moment, she would've definitely protested to this plan, snark and all, but all considered, she couldn't be bothered. Perhaps she should express some gratitude, say thank you... Wouldn't do any good. It wasn't like Arya was inviting her, and it wasn't like she was doing whatever it was she was doing out of the goodness of her heart or any bullshit like that. Besides, Olivie wasn't following out of any actual regard for Arya, either. It was mostly for herself, which she was having enough trouble focusing on at the moment. The rest of it? Well, Andrew and Matthew didn't seem too pleased about this new arrangement, and what displeased them pleased Olivie.
Arya said nothing as she glanced at the woman beside her. She was in bad condition. She would have to take her to the back to get her cleaned up and publicly acceptable. She sighed to herself. She only saved her because it was too cruel to leave it that way. Now she would be stuck with this demoness who more than likely hated her for being a vampire.

They arrived at her bar and she grabbed the girl's hand. Arya led her to the back room which had no windows and was covered in silk fabrics. It was all purple with white embroidery. "This is usually a private room that I use for important meetings and such but here lets get you cleaned up. I think I have some spare clothes around here." She left briefly to another room before returning with a tank top and jeans. "Here. I hope they fit."
Under normal circumstances, Olivie had no shame (after all, what was more fun than offending people with something as silly as her body, for example). Under these circumstances, Olivie didn't even consider it; she took the clothes and changed without pause, her movements somewhat sluggish and delayed for a demon but she still accomplished her task. Deep down, Olivie was starting to feel a simmering frustration, no more than trembling heat in her chest - not even a spark yet. It was too dulled by her current state, but it would flare later and she, wearily, knew it. It had little to nothing to do with Arya, and most everything to do with herself and her own shame, but she was certain that Arya's reluctant hospitality would only stoke her flames that much more. Olivie sighed, sinking surprisingly gracefully to the ground and leaning against the lavish silk.
Arya was caught off guard as the girl began to strip. She had assumed that she would want her privacy but apparently she was unashamed of her body. She glanced over at the girl and took a breath. Olivie was lithe, her long arms and legs were shapely from years of training her body. In spite of her terrible situation, her body didn't seem to take much of a beating, outside of the bruises and scars she had. Arya sighed. The woman before her had take some serious beatings and she was starting to understand why she acted the way she did. When the girl was dressed, she spoke once more. "Good they fit, you can rest back here if you would like. I will get Kendall to bring you food if you are hungry."
Olivie nodded at the offer, slow and deliberate. She should eat, though all she wanted to do was sleep and reset, so she could return to what she knew herself to be. Food would help that process too, even if eating wasn't the first thing on her mind. "Not going anywhere," she said, tilting her head back. Somehow, she still felt tense, as though she were anticipating another blow, despite knowing there wouldn't be one. A defensive reaction, she supposed, given her current state. She didn't feel particularly if at all threatened by Arya, especially not now that she was a target too. Soon enough, Olivie would relax and really rest and recover, but that likely wouldn't happen until after she allowed herself to - that is, until after she ate.
"Sure I will tell her," Arya began to leave the room before turning around. "Are you going to be okay in here by yourself? I could probably use a break from bartending anyway tonight. If you want." she wasn't sure how to approach the girl. They weren't friends but she didn't want to leave her broken and alone. Not like I was when Anna died. She shook her head. Now was not the time to be thinking about the past.
"I can't very well hurt myself on anything in here, can I?" she said, pulling her head forward to look up at Arya. A trace of herself was obviously still alive and well, even as mentally exhausted as she was. Thanks to how quickly demons healed physically, it wasn't a surprise. "But," Olivie leaned her head back again, "I don't care. Stay if you'd like. Can't promise anything, though." Her words faded to a murmur as she talked more, like she couldn't be bothered to put in the effort to carefully enunciate and articulate what she wanted to say.
"You don't seem like the type for self mutilation." She said musingly. Arya sat down next to the girl who was murmuring inaudibly. She stretched. It was the first time in a long while that she had spent time in her quiet room and even longer since she had company in there. She glanced over at the girl next to her. Olivie was prideful. She was sarcastic and had a bit of bad luck. She had no idea what to expect from her but Arya knew what it was like to be alone. "So, when you are all healed up what do you want to do? Or rather will you leave the city?" She asked curiously.
Olivie's eyes slid closed. "Who the fuck knows," she said, although not particularly forcefully. "I didn't have any goal in mind before and I don't have any now except to get away from those goons. Now that you mention it," Olivie tilted her head and opened her eyes to look at Arya again, "skipping town probably wouldn't be such a bad idea. Not like I haven't done it before." She paused contemplatively and then added, "but... they're going to be after you too." Olivie thought for a few moments. She wanted to keep away from those two, yes, but could she also antagonize them while she did it? Could she pull that off? The way to do it would be sticking with Arya, one way or another. Could she convince Arya to leave this place? Doubtful...
Arya looked at the girl and considered her words. Olivie was right. She had put a big red target on her forehead for saving someone who didn't deserve to be treated like an animal. She had not considered this before she went to save the girl but she couldn't just stand by and watch them beat her like that. "Perhaps but I do not fear those demons who went after you but I will lie low in case they decide to start something in my bar. I will not stand for such violence in here. This is a place for everyone." She said exasperated. "You can stay here as long as you like but if you are planning to leave then I will help how I can."
"It's not them I'm worried about," Olivie said. "I mean they're not pleasant, but they're manageable. I'm concerned about the hordes of psychotic demons that'll get pleasure out of ripping us apart when those brutes fail." Olivie hadn't realized how worried she'd been until she heard herself talk about it. It was true; Andrew and Matthew were negligible annoyances, in the grand scheme of things. Now, if Olivie were to be captured, she'd face a grisly death and surely, so would Arya. Now the two of them were a free-for-all as far as demonkind was concerned. That meant it was probably safer that neither of them had any contact with demons... which probably didn't mesh well with the idea of a "place for everyone." "Arya," Olivie said. "We're sport now. Demons only put up with law for so long. They tried and failed and so now, it doesn't matter what happens to us. There might even be bounties on our heads." Olivie smirked at the idea. "Anyhow, that means being around other demons isn't safe for either of us. They do not and will not care for order." Olivie left it at that, certain that Arya could fill in the unfortunate blanks.
Arya sighed at Olivie's words. She knew that this was often the case amongst demons and it would only be worse for her because she was a vampire. Still, she had no regrets for saving Olivie. It was the right thing to do, and she had scene far enough bloodshed to know that, it didn't matter what race you were anymore. It was about the people and to her Olivie wasn't really a bad person. Crass, hard to approach, and sarcastic. Sure. Bloodthirsty. Maybe. But none of those qualities really made her a bad person because it was in a demon's nature to be that way. Olivie was far more tolerable than many of her kind and the girl was needed help. How could she let her go alone knowing she would need support until she was at her best. "Whether we stay here or not they will come after us," she said looking towards the door, "I don't want my employees hurt because of me. I suppose it is time for me to take a vacation. Then I make preparations. We would have to run to my flat if thats alright."
Olivie nodded, solemn. For once, she felt an inkling of remorse for this woman who went out of her way for her and had sacrificed more than she'd known at the time. Unusual circumstances called for unusual feelings, she supposed. "Fine by me," she said, stretching. Truthfully, she was feeling better, just from sitting around and relaxing for a little while. She was far from 100%, but at least she knew that she could remain on her feet without assistance now. "Whenever you're ready." It occurred to Olivie that she perhaps could afford to be a little more like Arya and share the type of concern she had for her employees. At the moment, she wasn't feeling it, but the thought remained: maybe she should be a little more concerned, considering she'd put Arya in harm's way, even if it hadn't been deliberate.
"I will return in a few minutes. I have to do a few things before we can leave." With that, Arya left the room and headed to the front of her bar. She went rigid as she saw two demons, questioning her frightened half vampire employee. She wanted to help her but there was little for her to do without hindering their plans more. She tiptoed into her office and wrote a note with instructions for her assistant manager before rushing back to where she left Olivie. Entering the room, she opened a secret passage behind one of the walls. "New plan, we need to go now. They have already started the manhunt for us it seems." She said grabbing the girl's hand and dragging her through the entrance before they entered the back room. This bought them a bit of time as she headed towards her flat. "I have some things that might be of use to us. I also need to grab my daytime wear. It will make us less suspicious if we travel during the day." Arya only had two tubes of the vampire sunscreen and that wouldn't last long but hopefully she wouldn't need to constantly use it.
As Arya left, Olivie relaxed again, resting her head on the wall behind her and letting her eyes close. Her mind went blissfully blank for what felt like nanoseconds before Arya returned, a whirlwind of action in and of herself. The next thing Olivie knew, she was being dragged through an entrance she hadn't even noticed before. "A little warning would've been nice," Olivie said, stumbling in surprise but cooperating nonetheless. Arya probably needed more supplies than Olivie did - in fact, Olivie was sure she did. Olivie could hunt her own food and, if push came to shove, steal her own clothes and other things. What more would she need? And so, Olivie followed without protest. "Uh. Is there any way I can help? To, y'know, hurry this up."
Arya shook her head. "No there isn't really. I just need to grab my emergency bag." Arya had an emergency bag that she used in times like this. It carried all the things she would need for a long trip including a few bags of blood, vampire sunscreen and clothes that would help protect her skin from the detrimental rays of the sun. They were in and out of her home quickly and she sighed. She would miss the satin walls and silk sheets. She would miss her granite kitchen counter tops, and stainless steel appliances. But now was not the time to worry about trivial material things. She turned to the girl behind her. Perhaps Olivie wasn't someone who she would normally be uprooting for but this was her own fault that she got involved. Arya was someone who always stood behind her decisions.
"Of course you have an emergency bag," Olivie said, amused. She didn't say anything else - she had nothing to say and there was no reason to talk. And, if she were honest with herself, she did feel a little bad for single handedly turning Arya's current life upside down, and she figured that Arya at least deserved some quiet moments to reflect on how much she fucked up when she intervened. The bitter thought entered her mind that it might've been better for both of them had Arya ignored the situation. Andrew and Matthew wouldn't have killed her, right? But... they could've and probably would've done so much worse than killing her. That she knew from experience. Death certainly didn't seem like such a bad thing, but when she died, she preferred if it were on her own terms and not agonizingly painful. "Where to, then?" Olivie said, more to distract herself than anything.
Under better circumstances, Arya would have laughed at the amusement in Olivie's voice. She might have even had a witty retort but under these pretense all she could do was nod her head and lead her to safety. Where to? That was a great question. Arya hadn't thought of any place in particular they could go to. "There is a rumor that there is a place north of here that is a mixed race community. Its heavily guarded however and I have never been there but I hear they welcome demons and vampires with open arms as long as you prove you aren't hostile." Arya had never looked into this place but she had heard very little about it but she had seen many couples and half demons pass through her bar there. It was a few days travel away from what she was told. "We could try there."
"It's a start," Olivie acknowledged, nodding. North was a pretty vague guide, but it'd have to do. Surely they'd find something or other eventually, and regardless, it was best that they started moving as soon as possible. "Go grab your stuff. I'm going to go see what it's like outside." What Olivie meant was that firstly, she wanted to see how light it was outside (if it was at all; she'd lost track of time, and daylight had already been fading when Andrew and Matthew dragged her outside in the first place) and what the best way to escape the city was. She had an idea of which way was north, but she wanted to get there by taking back alleys and the like - routes that were less likely to get them noticed.
Arya nodded and rushed to make sure she had everything she needed. She sifted through her bag of necessities and nodded. They should be good to go. She threw her mattress up and underneath it was a series of weapons and money stocked. She sighed. She was hoping that she could have gone a few centuries without having use for them. Grabbing the cash and tossing most of the weapons in her bag, she walked out with two guns and a katana strapped to her back. The sun had not risen yet and she saw Olivie watching cautiously. "Take these," she said tossing her the guns, "Infinite bullets and particularly effective against demons. They are military grade." She reluctantly gave them to her. The weapons she handed her belonged to someone she held dear and though she trusted Olivie, they had not been fired since the day she passed. "Alright, we have about an hour til daybreak. Let's make use of our time."

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