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Fandom Yo-Kai Watch: Soul Watchers (Characters)


I am the truth. Deal with it.
Age (keep in mind our characters are in the 5th grade):
Appearance: (you may use an image or/and a detailed description. Include their height and physical appearance (eye color, hair, body type, etc).
Personality (tell me how they typically behave in most circumstances:
Background: (what is a typical day for them? Give me things like details of their life with their family, ambitions they have, and their feelings of the existence of Yokai.)
Yokai Watch: (a watch or a locket)
Yokai Friends: (you may start off with at least three*, and they can be of ranks E-C)

Yo Kai bios:

Nickname (optional)
Atrribute: (use the game one)
Abilities: (use the game ones, but also list any abilities they demonstrated in the show)
Backstory (optional): (their life before they became a Yokai and/or how they befriended your character. The latter isn't required if they are befriended during the rp. It doesn't have to be long either, but it should give us an idea of how the encounter went)

Also note that Mirapo is befriended by all of our characters at the start, but they don't take up a slot.
Name: Vince Lane
Gender: Male
Age (keep in mind our characters are in the 5th grade): 10
Birthday: November 5
Appearance: Being around 4' 10"Vince is a young boy with light skin and blue eyes, with short red hair that is usually underneath a yellow baseball cap. He would usually be found wearing brown and white sneakers, with blue pants, and a yellow and white T shirt.
Personality: Vince is a rather amibitous and fired soul (even if he is not inspirited by a Yo-Kai), being ready to do almost anything he wishes to do, with utmost certainty to plow throw anything that might get in the way. This of course can lead him to getting in trouble somewhat often, as he often would try to do what he wants to do against his wishes, which would lead to him finding himself on the receiving end of his parent's fustrations (and rightfully so). But even if he can be viewed as reckless, he is able to think logically and reasonably when he slows down on his ambitions.
Background: Vince lives as a middle child in a family of seven, with an older brother (who is currently at collage), an older sister, and two younger sisters. As a 5th grader at Woodvine Elementry, Vince is one of the players in the school's soccer team, with playing the sport professionally being a dream of his. But then his life changed when he discovered something more unbelievable then a dream when he and his friends discovered the Yo-Kai Whisper. When he introduced them to how Yo-Kai influence the world, Vince was the first to propose that the kids form a new club where they try to solve all the problems that are of and caused by Yo-Kai. Which from then on, they called themselves, the Soul Watchers.
Yokai Watch: Watch
Yokai Friends: Lie-in, Zappary* , So-Sorree

Name: Lie-in
Tribe: Brave
Atrribute: Ice
Abilities: When Lie-in inspirits someone, he causes them to lie around and not want to do anything. Alternatively, he can raise a Yo-kai's strength in battle by awakening the lion power within them. As an ice attribute Yo-Kai, he also has manipulation over ice and cold air.
Backstory: Lie-in was the first Yo-Kai encountered by Vince (after Whisper). He discovered him inspiriting the employees at the market place, making them unwilling to help their costumers. When Vince investigates, it turns out that Lie-in wanted to figure out how to become a strong warrior......except he wasn't sure exactly how to go about it, so he decided to just laze around. Vince promises to help Lie-in achieve his potential, on the condition that Lie-in stops inspiriting the employees, which allowed him to earn Lie-in's medal.

Name: So-Sorree
Tribe: Mysterious
Atrribute: Lightning
Abilities: So-Sorree's inspiriting causes the victim to become an incredibely irritating all around jerk, who will do anything that will annoy the people around them, and then make a sarcastic apology to rub the salt on the wound. As a lightning attribute, So-Sorree also has some electric manipulation.
Backstory: At a soccer game, the goalie of the school's team kept purposely failing to block any of the shots made towards their goal, causing them to lose. Vince suspects that a Yo-Kai was inspiriting him. When he uses the Yo-Kai Watch, he turns out to be correct, with Yo-Kai turning out to be So-Sorree. Vince tried to negotiate with So-Sorree, but the Yo-Kai insisted on inspiriting the goalie, which lead to Vince summoning Lie-in to deal with him. Though they initially struggled, Lie-in was able to defeat So-Sorree. Fustrated, So-Sorree agrees to leave the game, and Vince recieves his medal. Unfortunately, the team still loses the game, which prompts Vince to summon So-Sorree to take it out on him.
*Denotes a Yokai that will be encountered later in the rp.
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Name: Warren Ledden
Gender: Male
Age: 9
Birthday: 7/15
Personality: Warren is a nice and upbeat kid, that loves to help others out with whatever troubles them. He’s a good listener and does his best to give his all to his friends, and his studies. Although he may be nice, Warren will get angry easily and will go on the offensive. He gets flustered when put on the spot, and around the girl he likes.
Background: Warren’s father is a detective, his mother an acclaimed chef, and his big brother is in college. Warren normally comes home to a large, empty house. Although he does have plenty of friends to hang out with, there is a void that only his family can fill. After he discovered Yokai to keep him company, the long nights alone became a little easier.
Yokai Watch: Watch
Yokai Friends: Jibanyan, Roughraff

Yo Kai bios:
Nickname: None
Tribe: Charming
Atrribute: Fire
Abilities: Jibanyan can inspirit others to take over thier bodies, and control them at will. He does so to put himself in position for “training.” In which he attempts to punch trucks, to eventually overcome them. You gotta admit, he’s pretty tenacious, huh?
Backstory: Jibanyan was originally a normal house cat that belonged to a young girl. The two shared an inseparable bond, and would go everywhere together. But he sadly passed away while saving his owner from being hit by a truck. He then became Jibanyan, roaming the streets of town and trying to advance his training. Warren happened to run into him one day amidst his training, and was instituted by him. He decided to investigate after blanking and ending up in the middle of the street. He discovered Jibanyan, trying to punch trucks. The two had a long talk about why you probably shouldn’t lure people to the middle of a busy road, and eventually Jibanyan requested to Join Warren. Something about him reminded him of his previous owner. Warren happily agreed, and the two have been friends since. Jibanyan spends his days hogging Warren’s bed, and eating all the good food around the house.
Name: Roughraff
Nickname: None
Atrribute: Earth
Abilities: Inspirits others to turn them into delinquents.
Backstory (optional): Warren discovered Roughraff after he noticed one of his friends at school acting strange. His speech was different, more slang and more slur. He listened to heavy bass music without headphones, and even began shifting his stance. Fed up with this new behavior, warren looked into the matter, discovering Roughraff. Warren called upon Jibanyan to help out, but Jibanyan ended up being inspirited instead! Jibanyan became the mild rebel, Badinyan, who eats candy before meals, spoiling his appetite. Truly awful. Fed up with this abysmal behavior, warren gave the Jibanyan Roughraff combo a piece of his mind. After a heated battle of wills, Roughraff caved in, uninspirited his friend and gave Warren his medal. He claimed to “like his firey attitude.” Roughraff likes to hang around the house, standing in the corner, crouching like a delinquent.
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Gaku Kuon

Gakuku (Younger Siblings)

December 13th
Height and Weight
4'6" and 87 lbs
Uses Yokai Locket


Gaku is a very polite but aloof kid. He is very quiet, intelligent, polite when spoken to, and extremely helpful if he notices you struggling. However, most of the time, he can be seen tuning out everyone and everything as he does something arts-related, whether it's hum a tune, sketching a picture, or thinking up something new to cook.This tendency to zone out due to boredom also stems from the fact that Gaku has an eidetic memory for anything he hears & sees.

After breaking through his shell, Gaku starts showing more and more of his more personal side. For one, he reveals that he is very arts-oriented, always ambitious to improve his art related skills in one way or another. He also reveals that he is not only introverted, but a bit shy and soft spoken. More of a stoic type, Gaku sometimes has a hard time with conversations, whether with other kids, adults, or even his parents. However, another aspect of his personality is the way he acts around his siblings. As the oldest of 5 kids, Gaku also reveals that he is responsible and very mature for his age, as he knows that when his parents are off at work, it's his duty to take care of his siblings. When interacting with them, Gaku gains a boost of confidence, that is only seen at other times when he is performing.


At a very young age, Gaku was like most young kids, hyper, active,and extroverted. From a very young age he also developed his love for the arts. He began taking voice lessons and piano lessons at 5 and trumpet,violin, dance, and acting lessons around age 7. It was around age 6 that Gaku changed. Both of Gaku's parents are doctors and as such, Gaku and his siblings rarely see them as they are always working. Because of this, Gaku, who used to be more carefree and extroverted, grew more stoic as he made it his mission to care for his siblings when his parents were unable to. So, although he continued his extracurricular activities that are arts related, Gaku began spending less and less time with friends outside of school, although he does still have friends who he talks to at school, although they are more like friendly acquaintances.

However, at the beginning of 5thgrade, Gaku's father decided to follow his dream of making video games. Fortunately, this kept him home more often, so although Gaku still cared for his younger siblings, he now had more time to make friends. Fortunately, after careful consideration, after going out with the people he felt most comfortable with, he made the life changing discovery of Yokai alongside them. Probably, the first and only time anyone in the group had seen Gaku get excited about something that wasn't arts-related.




Yokai Friends

  • Name: Don Chan
    Nickname: DonDon
    Tribe: Heartful
    Atrribute: Restoration
    When Don Chan inspirits someone, he causes them to uncontrollably beat rhythmically on whatever is nearby. As a restoration attribute, Don Chan can also boost the stats and heal the health of his allies.
    Don Don was the first yokai Gaku encountered after being told about them by Whisper. Don Don was going around the school inspiriting people when he came upon Gaku. He was about to inspirit the boy, when he realized the boy was already compulsively drumming on various objects around. After confronting Gaku about it and learning more about each other, Gaku agreed to join him. Don Don goes everywhere with Gaku and although he does get into trouble at times, he and Gaku are for most part inseparable.Don Don is helping him to become more extroverted like he used to be.


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