Yeh-Lu Wong

Anno Bane

Gone from G to Gent
Name: Yeh-Lu Wong

Age: 23

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Personality: Yeh-Lu embodies fire, he can be calm but if you give him fuel, he will grow in rage and destroy your life. For the moment he works as host in one of the ghetto's many shady bars. Women love his bad boy appearance, they flok to him, and this gives him a very high level of self-esteem, sometimes to high. He is a ruthful trainer and is master of disguising himself in different enviroments. He is a chainsmoker and drinks way to much coffee to function normally. He also has ADHD, which makes him good at physical strain but bad at listening in school, so his intelligence is rather unimpressive. And he is a sucker for hot girls. 


Bending: Fire (Master)

Special bending power: Lightning

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