Yearning For Love [RP]

Gerus walked the streets feeling like a street rat. He grew a vine in his hand and played with it in his hand. He hid his ears by pulling his hoody around his ears. He continued walking trying to find a place to grow his house.

Dominic walked down the street, sniffing the air and window shopping. He was bored, and he had hours left before he had to go back to his apartment. His stomach growled, and he let out a hearty laugh. Sniffing the air, it stunk of humans and other scents, he couldn't locate a food store with his sense of smell, so he started looking the old fashion way.

"Hey ma'am." He said, but she brushed right past him, not even recognizing his existence.

Huffing, Dominic walked down the street. He started his persistent mission, searching for a food shop.


Kai noticed a man with blonde hair walking around in a hoodie. She watched the vine grow in his hand, and stared intently at it. She realized it wasn't in his hand before and recognized it as a sort of magic. Realizing she wasn't alone, she smiled. To shy to approach the magic user, she followed him with her eyes.

Gerus sensing he was being watched, he turned around. He saw nothing but when he used his Elven vision he saw person watching him. He put his hand behind his backhand let the vines disappear. He then put his hand back where it was, his jacket pocket. "Did you by any chance see..." He didn't want her to be suspius in case she didn't see his vines.

Her eyes widened in disbelief, and she stared at him like he was crazy.

'How did he see me? I'm practically invisible to other people! No one ever talks to me,' she thought worriedly.

She rubbed her hands together, eying his jacket pocket. Her voice came out as a whisper, "Uhhh... Did- Did I see what? Do- Do you... Do you mean the vine you have?" Her eyes were giant, her hands clammy, and she looked super pale. She was absolutely terrified, and she was also a nervous wreck. She wrung her hands together and looked down at her shoes.


He found a pizza store, and his stomach growled again.

"Oh god... I sound like a starving mutt." He chuckled at his own joke. He quickly ordered a pizza and sat down, twiddling his thumbs.

"Lets talk somewhere else." He led her to a park and found a spot where nobody was watching. He snapped his fingers and a ladder leading up the tree. "Lets visit my house." He started walking up the tree expecting her to follow.

Kai watched as he climbed up the tree. She was horrified.​

Oh GOSH! What if he's taking me here to kill me? I don't want to die, nor do I want to hurt a perfect stranger! Oh please, oh please, don't try to kill me,

' she thought as she followed him up the ladder.

She prayed she didn't slip and break something. She prayed that he wouldn't kill her. She also hoped that she didn't pass out cause her vision was black around the edges and her head was light. It didn't help that she was moving upwards and away from the ground, either.​
As he got the the top he entered his tree house and made the ladders disappear. He took off his hoodie exposing his ears. "Why do you act like you have never talked to someone before." He had never talked to humans but he was popular in his village until, no he would never think about it again. He sat in his bean back. The tree house was a mix of modern and rustic all at one time.

She twitched nervously, and then noticed his ears. Her eyes widened like a curious child, and she wanted to see if they were real.

Distracted from her nervousness temporarily, she asked in a clear voice, "Your ears are pointy???"

She blushed and realized she hadn't answered his question, her voice went back to it's quaking, and she answered his question, "I.. Errr... I was raised- ummm- back in the countryside.... The-There wasn't a lot of people... Just my mo- Just my mother and I. I didn't have an- any friends."

Her eyes traveled around the tree house, trying to avoid eye contact and further embarrassing herself.


"Where is my pizza," he growled to himself. apping his foot impatiently, his stomach growled. He half mumbled- half spoke, "I'M GOING TO STARVE TO DEATH!!!!!!"

Emma simply walked on the side of the street. She loved the city, where she was away from everyone she knew, away from everyone who couldn't bother about her. She felt more happy here.
"Yes, I am a Elf. Which is why that vine was in my hand and the next second not. Don't be worried. I am a alien but I am not here to destroy your planet. Please don't tell anybody. They will find me and.." He shivered this brought back mesmerizes of his past life before he came to Earth.

Kai shivered and whispered, "Destroy my planet? I- I would never have thought such a thing.... Errr... Um... Maybe not... Th- Thanks for sp-sparing us? Ummm... Well, your secret is safe with me- I am- well, I am a witch, so if it happens to- err- get out about your extra terrestrial background, you have some- errrr- dirt on me."

She twitched again, proud that she was able to speak as much as she did.


While impatiently waiting for his pizza, he noticed a pretty girl walking down the street. He wanted to wave to get her attention so maybe he could make a friend, but he thought otherwise. It would be weird to just flag some stranger down for no reason.

It was his turn to ramble. "Oh good your a witch. I mean not for you, agh well do you like being a witch. I mean well I'm a elf and see we as a race lived on earth until we were chased off by the humans and well uirgh. I'm one of the last ones. I mean urg. Want to watch TV. He flipped on his small flat screen in the corner." Smoth I just told her that it was good for her to be a witch and earth belonged to my race instead of hers.

Kai laughed and said, "Well -ummmmm- sure... I don't mind being a witch... Ummm.. Do you have a issue with witches?"

She was somewhat calm now.

Zara stretched and yawned, rubbing her eyes as the sun danced across her skin. She shivered, rubbing her arms as she pushed aside the worn blanket that covered her pale and thin body. Another beautiful day in that dump she called a home, she thought bitterly, kicking away a pile of rubbish someone had tossed by her hovel. It was not a nice place to be, on the streets. Her limbs felt like they had a thousand needles poked into them through the night and her clothes were rumpled. The ground was hard, painful to sleep on but better than being in a ditch somewhere. She'd managed to find an old latex mattress in one of the alleys and had dragged it to her shack, a small fort she'd built out of old milk crates and other bits she could find. Her door had been a piece of linen until someone had nicked that too. Countless times before she had been privy to someone stealing some part of her home, as if she wasn't there just watching them. She'd tried to interfere and they'd just shrugged her off as if she were nothing. At least they hadn't got her personal items, she thought with some relief as she found the small bag she'd hidden under a paving stone. Checking that everything was there, the orphan set about preparing for the day, grabbing her bag of clothes and heading for the nearest public toilet, in this case, the subway.

Dressed and presentable, Zara made her way back to the street, her fiery red locks glistening in the sun, catching the light on the luscious curls. When she was a little girl she'd hated her hair, hated how red it was, how people called her names for it, but now she had grown to like it. It was one of the few reminders of her parents she had left. Looking around she pulled out the crumpled piece of paper she'd torn from the phone book and scanned down the list of names. Some she had already crossed off and others she'd written question marks next to. She checked the list and sighed. McClymont's home for Boys. That was her next stop she supposed. But it was so far away. She had no idea how she'd get there. Her stomach growled as she smelled pizza. She looked up and spotted the parlour barely three metres from her. Checking her wallet she frowned a little. Would she have enough? Her last gig had been a week ago, most of her money had been used already, but maybe she could afford a small pizza.

Ten minutes later she stood at the counter, shame faced and tears in her eyes as the store manager began yelling at her in front of the other customers. 'You don't have the money kid, get lost! I don't run a charity you know!' the man shouted. Zara looked up with pleading eyes. 'Please.. just this once? I haven't eaten in days..' Tears shimmered in her eyes. She'd hoped that maybe he wouldn't count the money till she got away with the pizza, but he'd snatched it off her immediately. 'Get lost brat! Before I call the police!' Zara went red and turned on her heel, bumping straight into a guy she hadn't even noticed in her endeavours. (Dom) 'Sorry..' She muttered, starting to walk away again, humiliated and defeated.

Dominic finally got his pizza, but when the girl bumped into him he almost dropped it. Regaining his balance, Dominic stared at the girl who bumped into him and then the man who shouted.

"Hey, wait a sec!" he replied, calling after the girl, but she was already out of hearing distance.

He sent a nasty glare to the man who had yelled at and chased after the girl, pizza box balanced in one hand.

"Hey, miss!" He yelled, maybe a bit to loudly cause people glared at him. He went to touch her arm, but thought better of it. "Miss, I'm sorry I was listening to what happened, and I have a whole pizza which I can't possibly eat all by myself. Do you want to share?" Dominic knew he could easily finish the pizza by himself, but he ate earlier today and could manage without till dinner.

"No I don't see I haven't talked to somebody that understands me in a while. It was before I even settled down in my village..." He stopped himself no never. "Well, what's your story. How did you go from human to witch?"
Humiliation burned in her cheeks, tears running down her face as she pushed through the crowds of people on the streets. She collided with a couple of people and stumbled, nearly falling to the ground. She flung out a hand and caught herself on a table, steadying herself. Then she heard someone behind her, talking to her it seemed. She turned around, green eyes wide with surprise and fear. She thought it might be the pizza man chasing her away from his property, but it wasn't. He must have been someone in the shop though because he held a pizza box in his hand and he was talking about sharing pizza. She blinked, surprised. Why did he even care? No one else did. Hell most people didn't even see her at all, She could count on both hands the amount of times people had stepped on her in her sleep before she'd built her little shack. 'Oh.. I.. I.. I don't know if I could.. I mean, you don't even know me.. Why would you share your meal with me?' She was honestly very shocked at this act of kindness. No one had been so toward helping her before, except for Henry, but even he'd had his limits. After a while she just hadn't been able to remain at his place because she couldn't afford it and neither could he. He'd already helped her so much anyway, she'd feel rude to impress her need on to him any more than she already had.

'I don't mean to sound rude, I just.. I'm not use to people wanting to help me. Most people just ignore me without so much of a glance in my general direction.' Her stomach growled loudly and she flushed a deep shae of pink that clashed with the red of her hair. 'I suppose I ought to take you up on your offer though.. if you really don't mind..' She looked at her feet, shuffling a little and scuffing the well worn toe of her sneaker on the pavement. 'I can pay..' She said, looking at the ground and feeling awkward. it was only fair that she paid for the half she ate, in her opinion. She hated relying on another for such things, so it was the least that she could do.

Kai smiled a tiny bit, and spoke quietly, "I was born a witch. My mother was a human though, so I'm assuming my father was a wizard. I was raised single-handedly by my mother. I came to the city as of recently because the countryside had bittersweet memories."

She smiled sadly. She stared at the TV, not really paying attention to what was playing.

"How long have you been living here?" She asked, abruptly changing the subject to avoid further questioning. She motioned to the finely furnished treehouse.

"I am not familiar with human times. I could say I have been here around 5 Elven years. I could say though the planet Caricon spins about the same as yours. So how many days is there in a year?"

Dom let out a chuckle out when he heard her stomach growl, but then his did too. He turned bright red in embarrassment. Then he sobered at the seriousness of the situation in front of him. This girl hasn't eaten in a long time, and she was kind enough looking. He was pretty sure she wouldn't attack him, and even if she did, he was a werewolf and could outweigh her.

He let out a one thousand watt smile and said, "No need, I'm hungry, you are hungry. I have a pizza, and I'm more than willing to share with a pretty girl." He smiled lightly, he wasn't being a dog, (no pun intended... OK, maybe there was, but OH WELL) he was just trying to be a gentleman and help someone out. "How could I let a poor maiden go hungry? Plus, I think I need another pizza, I just don't like these toppings, so you are honestly doing me a favor and keeping me from wasting it. Anyways, I just got here and I need a new friend or two, the people here are so rude. They ignore me all the time, you are the first person to stop and talk to me without me having to yell or wag money in their face."



Kyra's eyes were wide and racked her brain for the answer. She thought little of the eduction because containing her magic from hurting others was on the top of her priorities. She pried through her brain, smiling like a dork, and said "365.... Leap year is 366."

"Ok then I have been here for 30 years but I only aged 5 years. But officially as of a few days ago I am aging on the Earthen time. Do you know your fathers name?"

Her eyes widened and her voice wavered, "30 years?!?! Ahh, pardon me." She paused, a dark look went over her face. Her mouth opened, then closed, then opened again and she whispered the answer to his question, "No."

Her hands in her lap fisted tightly, and she pursed her lips, almost angrily. Despite her looking almost furious, she looked more like a mad kitten. Her eyes snapped shut, the air seemed to thicken with power. Her eyes snapped open, and it was gone. She let out a relieved sigh and loosened her hands.

She turned to the elf, smiling softly and somewhat sheepishly, she spoke quietly, "I'm sorry, when I experience intense emotions, I lose control. I've been working on it for a long while now. Thankfully, my powers aren't too strong." She sighed yet again. "I haven't been told the best of stories of my father. My mother never did disclose his name to me."

Actually I'm 18. See well the time was slow on my planet and for some reason the people living there did the same. I might know more but I assure you I am 18."
His words made her wary, suddenly paranoid and completely aware of the danger that could be about to occur. She slipped a hand into her pocket, her fingers wrapping around the pocket knife she kept for protection. '...What do you mean by that? Look, if you think is some kind of.. excuse to get with me or something you have serious issues pal. You can just march right back to the pizza shop and find some other girl to stalk.' She said, eyes gleaming and her hand shaking a little with anger. She was so stupid, letting her need get the best of her like that. Her grip tightened around the blade in her pocket, feeling the reassuring warmth of the wooden handle. Zara's other hand gripped the sheet of paper with the addresses on it, panic coursing through her veins. She could just as easily be overreacting she supposed, but you never could be too careful these days. She had spent the last year of her life learning to protect herself, stealing food from dumpsters when she had to, so she wasn't about to let herself be suckered into what could be a very stupid move on her part. She eyed him very carefully, wondering if he'd try anything out in the open. 'If you don't like those toppings why did you order it?' She asked slowly, keeping a wary eye on him.

People milled around going about with their daily lives as they stood in the street, the redheaded girl being very standoffish, her eyes narrowed as she studied him very carefully. She sized him up carefully. he was bigger than her, probably stronger, and most definitely not nearly as malnourished as she, so he had advantage, but she was small and quick on her feet, she could probably out run him if she tried. Even now she looked for possible escape routes. 'Why are you really trying to help me?' She demanded to know, keeping an eye on the flow of traffic.

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