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Fandom Yearbook Days CS thread

(Paris's mom and dad as students)

Lilea Hanake
Quirk: Plant Creation- Emitter- Can grow any plant that she knows of out of her flesh and manipulate it.
Hero name: Flower Crown
Age: 15
Personality: Quiet, observant, gentle, kind, peaceful
Appearance: As pictured, though eyes are a pale green.



Claude Fallon
Quirk: Roots- Transformation- Can turn himself into a tree from the waist down and manipulate his roots and use them as weapons
Hero name: Mighty Oak
Age: 15
Personality: Nerdy, goofball, big-hearted, kind, impulsive,
History: Claude is actually an American orphan, adopted by a Japanese family shortly after being accepted into Sakura. He decided to keep his original last name because he 'thought it sounded heroic'. Oddly enough, he doesn't remember what happened to his parents... It seems he blocked it out of his memory. But he worked hard to get accepted into Sakura and make a future for himself.
Appearance: Tall with broad shoulders~


( Natural Flavour Natural Flavour I made an 80s character.)

"What's shaking, baby?"

Art by Seylyn on DeviantArt​
Name: Troy Lyon
Eventual Hero Name: The Wild Cat Hero: Werecat.
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Role: Student

Appearance: Troy is a tall teen that is athletically built. He has yellow, cat-like eyes. Short fur covers his body and manes out around his neck; The fur on his face makes it look like he has a goatee. He styles his hair in an 80s-like fashion. He has stripes on his face and hair, and spots on his chest, arms, legs, and tail. He tends to dress like a bad boy (spiked collar, leather jacket, sunglasses, etc.)

Troy acts like an 80s kid and tends to use slang words. He's charismatic and puts on a brave face for the public, making it look like he has scenarios under control even if he doesn't. As the son of a cop, he has a strong moral compass. He has a playful personality and hang out with people of either gender, but he can come off a little as a ladies man; however, he respects boundaries with the opposite sex and doesn't try to steal other people's girls, nor have more than one girlfriend at a time. As a future hero, he wants to use his charm to help alleviate fear.

Troy was born in New York City in 1972 and inherited his quirk from his father. His father is a cop. His father (and mother) helped teach him right from wrong, but instead of following his father's footsteps, he decided that he wanted to become a superhero. Troy decided to go to Sakura High because he wanted to go to Japan to learn more about his mother's heritage and because he heard it was a reputable school.

Quirk: Werecat
Quirk explanation: A quirk that gives the owner feline characteristics (like fur, claws, and a tail). The person with this quirk has superhuman agility, superhuman senses, sharp claws, nightvision, and a slow healing factor. The quirk is more about precision and finesse than raw power. The healing factor doesn't heal instantaneous, but it does heal injuries faster than a normal person's immune system and slows down the aging process.
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