• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fandoms I'm in: anime, manga, and games





Tsubasa reservoir chronicles



Akatsuki no Yona

One Punch Man

No. 6

Trinity Blood

Blood C

Blood +



Attack on Titan


Accel World

The Heroic Legend of Arslan


Utawarerumono Itsuwari no Kamen

-I would like to RP with someone who likes yaoi :D -

Pairings: FatherXSon, MasterXSlave, ScientistXExperiment, Abusive Relationships, RapistXVictim, and Abusive BrotherXBrother

Paragraph/dialog: both

Short/long term RP: Both, although I'd love long!

Genres: torture, romance, and others!

Any Can'ts: I have no limits

As my partner, a person would have to: Tell me when you would like to leave, reply at least with a few messages a day (I'll get the feeling that you left, but I'll understand if you are busy! :D ), be respectful of each other's choices, and have fun!!

Please don't be shy to contact me! I'd love to make friends and roleplay with the people who have the same interests as me! I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun! \^^/
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I enjoy Noragami, No. 6, Blood +, and Attack on Titan. Some others that I enjoy are deadman wonderland, No Game No Life, Kuroshitsuji, ouran highschool host club, fruits basket, Durarara, and many more!

I can do any pairing you wish, from either side. I am always open to new ideas to roleplay, I am not afraid to try new personalities on characters.

I don't mind what length or type you like, I am up for it if you are.

I wouldn't mind a long term roleplay partner, I miss my old one...drama happened and shit went down.

torture is always fun it goes hand in hand with my horror side, romance is nice in correct proportions, I really like fantasy, and anime based, and insane asylum role plays.

I only have one rule is that it doesn't go to far sexually, I love the cute before stuff but I don't do sexual roleplays but I can do just about anything else if I try.
Hello! I'm glad you replied! Unfourtunaly, I don't watch No Game No Life, ouran highschool host club, fruits basket, nor Durarara :(

Oh, if you would like, pick a pairing that I listed or tell me what you want xD

Yes, I'd be happy to do longterm with you! :D

If you want, I would like to have a role play that includes torture/pain and mainly revolves around it.

Yep, if you don't want the rp to be sexual, then it won't :)
That is okay, was just seeing if you knew any of them.

You can pick if you like, I have no starting preferences.

We can do that, pain and torture are fun, want to go ahead and make it like a horror/ship mix? You can choose the ship.
Same as well! So, what story line do you have in mind? I was thinking somewhere on the line of an abusive Relationship; where Nezumi abuses Shion in some way.
It really is up to you it seems more likely that shion would be the abused since you know he was never really a very good dom
Neither am I xD I hope it'll be ok with you! If you want me to change anything I do or how I write, please tell me :)

The day was long and warm as the ground smoldered and sent up a disorientating haze. Shion entered into Nezumi's old rundown house from working at Inukashi's Hotel and felt weary. He lazily picked out a book then flopped on the couch without taking off his jacket and started to wonder about Nezumi, wanting so badly to see him.
(forgive if i'm off plot, it has been a while since I have watched it. )

Nezumi was out he was busy trying to figure out what to do next, he was at a stump with nowhere else to go. He wanted to go back home but was unsure if it was wise. He pondered the streets for a while till it got cold and eventually gave in going back to where him and Shion lived together. He was only half way expecting Shion to be there. He wasn't about to let him know he didn't know what he was doing with his life anymore, so he sat next to him and sat there in quiet.

(I shall go rewatch it now so this can be more accurate.)
(It's totally alright! You can twist our story however you want, doesn't have to be completely accurate :D )

Breaking the silence, Shion noticed his friend that sat right next to him, giving him a slight rise on his side of the couch. He memorized the page number, laid it on a nearby table, and turned to Nezumi. "Hey! I was a little worried about you. You came a little bit later than I expected. What's on your mind?" Shion said with his warm smile drooping.
Nezumi watched him intently and smiled at him not completly sure what he wanted to say, he thought for a moment and then spoke. "Not a lot, you okay?" He said which he then realized would probably just worry him more and that was not his intent but he had already said it. "Don't leave here without me. It isn't safe okay." He said and then watched him just for the sake of it.
"Ah yes, I'm fine as well. Just a little worried seeing that this place is still a little new to me. The people around here seem dull and lifeless... I guess that's why they live in poor conditions." Shion was a little relieved hearing that nothing much was going on, so he took a little deep breath in and exhaled it out while his eyes shut. "Thank you, I'll keep that in mind."
Nezumi Gave Shion a hug and then looked away slowly. " You want to go for a walk?" Nezumi was wrestles for some reason and didn't want to be still, but he didn't want to leave Shion alone right now. So he decided a walk might be nice, where they could just chill and walk together. "I want to show you something" He said as he had found a new spot he rather enjoyed walking by when he was out. even though he never had the chance to stop he wished he could. So he figured he would take shion there.
Shion was surprised at the warm and welcoming hug Nezumi gave him, feeling a bit a aroused. "Sure, I would like to!" said Shion with excitement. Shion was wanting to know more about his friend and this was the perfect opportunity. He might even get himself more familiar with his surroundings. "Oh! I wonder what you want to show me..." Shion began to think of the various things that Nezumi might want to show him, although he doesn't know. He stood up and started to walk out of the door. "Let's go then." he said with a loving smile.
Nezumi grabbed a jacket and opened the door he walked outside and waited for shion. Once they were both outside he started walking he didn't say much but he knew. The walk would be for good.

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