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Fandom ⚘Yandere Simulator High School Roleplay⚘

A o h a n a

Aohana nodded with a hum. "Mm! Kio-chan!" She chirped before awaiting a reply on the other's part... But it never came. Instead, he just... Stood and smiled... And it didn't seem he was going to let the action up soon... Okay...? It caused great confusion for the short girl, and her lips pulled downwards in a frown, eyebrows following suit as they furrowed. She wasn't really irritating; as said above, she was just confused for a good moment or two. Then it hit her... Ace just didn't want to talk about it! Why did it take her that long to figure it out?! Making an 'o' shape with her mouth, the blonde nodded firmly once more as she clicked her fingers. "Right. Gotcha." She murmured under her breath in a surprisingly serious tone. However, any traces of it soon vanished as she began to smile again, albeit more sheepish than usual. "S-sorry. I shouldn't be so noisy, huh...? It's a fault of mine..." Aohana bowed her head as she spoke and sighed at the end of the sentence. It was pretty much her way of saying 'Forgive me!' without any words.

Ace looked at Aohana-kun with smile. He knew that she would disappointed that he wouldn't share with her what Kio-chan had said but he needed to respect what she had told him, after all it was at this moment between him and her. ''Sorry, Aohana-kun, I want to tell you, I really do but..but I'm just can't.'' He said in a slight upset tone before slowly smiling once more as Aohana's voice chirped up. ''Aww, you aren't noisy!'' He said smiling, assuring her that he didn't mind and well he wanted to forgive her anyway. ''Yuyu-chan's been getting on my nervous recently Aohana, if I'm honest with you.'' He said again in his calm soft spoken tone.

@Leaf Fi
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"Not a problem," He said with a friendly smile. Helping others made him happy and he would usually do just about anything asked of him without expecting anything in return. Simply seeing the relief on her face when he took the bag was enough of a reward. They walked at a casual pace to the locker rooms and Hiroshi stopped outside, pulling the bag off his shoulder. He handed it out to Mizuki and when she took it, he checked his watch. Having arrived to school late threw him off his usual schedule and routine. "Woah. Class starts soon, we should probably head there soon. Are you heading there right after dropping off your bag or do you have somewhere else to be?" He asked. If the two were heading to class at the same time, there was no reason he should scurry off by himself. Although, it was important to him that he wasn't late. Hiroshi always made certain to be punctual.

@The Rookie
Mizuki shook her head "Nope, Just gotta put this in my locker real quick. I'll be back out in a sec." She told him. Sje happily took the bag back from him. She looks back at Hiroshi as she walks into the locker rooms. This was awesome, having someone to just kinda chill with in the mornings. She could defiantly get used to it. She opens her locker and sees the necklace she had left the day before. She smiles. "Thank god it's still here" she whispers to herself as she puts tue small lockette around her neck. She then stuffs her bag into her locker amd walks back out to Hiroshi. "Done, ready?" She asks with a smile. @Stamper


Hiroshi stood with his hands in his pockets while he waited. It wasn't more than a few seconds but it still felt awkward standing alone outside the girls locker room. Luckily nobody passed by to give him a judgmental look. When Mizuki headed back out, he nodded and gestured in a somewhat playful way. "After you." After they began walking to class, he noticed she had on a locket she had not had on before. He only saw it because the sunlight caught it and it sparkled. "What's that?" He asked curiously, unable to stop himself before he realized he might have been a little nosy.

@The Rookie
Mizuki chuckles at his little gesture. "Sooo polite!" She teases. The locket bounced up and down as Hiroshi asked about it. She looks down at her locket. "Oh, this?" She asked as she held it in her palm. She puts a small smile on her face as she looks at it. "It's my locket. It was my mother's and Slshe gave it to me right after I was born. It's kinda a good luck thing." She told him. She looks down at the ground, It was always with her. When she ran her first 5k, when she was sick... @Stamper
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"Oh, that's sweet," Hiroshi said, looking at the small piece of jewelry hanging from her neck with a thoughtful expression. He himself had never understood the sentimental value of objects all that much. Perhaps that stemmed from the indifferent way in which his parents treated him as if he was more of an acquaintance than their son but that hadn't bothered him and wasn't really what he was thinking. He was more curious about what the locket meant to Mizuki. He assumed her and her mother had a close and loving relationship and that in itself was enough to put him in a small amount of awe. Upon arriving at the classroom door, he pulled it open and waited for Mizuki to enter before he did. Hiroshi would always be a chivalrous one. Inside he saw most of the students had already settled in and it seemed strange to him since he was often one of the first to arrive.

@The Rookie

"Hey-ho, Pres-zo!" Yukiko greeted from her seat upon seeing Hiroshi walk in with Mizuki. She had a rather sly smirk on her face as she took out her digital camera and took a snap.

"Breaking news: School Newspaper President in hot love triangle! How will his poor, poor Head Journalist ever hope to make him notice her~" She teased while putting on a sad expression and placing a hand over her chest but ruining the effect with a cheeky wink at the end.

"Ah, I'm just playing with ya, Pres. Just wanted to tell you that I think I may have found a dedicated photographer for the club. Chance meeting really." She reported.

@Stamper @The Rookie @Zeldafangirl (Mentioned)
Mizuki walked with Hiroshi down the hall's of Sakura High. The sun shined in through the window's, the birds sung, and the wind blew. It was a gorgeous morning, a perfect morning really. It didn't seem like long before they were in front of class 2-A. Mizuki was about to reach out, and open the door, but Hiroshi got to it first. "Oh, Uh.. Thanks" She said, then walked into the class only to be blinded by the flash of what seemed to be a camera. Great, just what she wanted, A photo. Mizuki rubs her eye's and blinks a few times before her vision comes back to her. A voice yelled something about love triangles. Once Mizuki could see again, she saw Yukiko making a rather dramatic pose. "I.. We aren't.." She started to retaliate. But shut her mouth, not wanting to say something stupid or make a scene. "Never mind..." She whispers to herself. Well, at least her morning was nice up to this point. She walks over to her usual seat and sits down, resting her cheek in her palm.

@Wandering Hollow
Sachiyo, who was sitting within earshot, heard Yukiko's snarky remark about a love triangle. This caught her attention for some obvious reasons, and she couldn't help but look over. She saw Hiroshi walk into class with Mizuki, and Yukiko doing poses and taking photos. If they are right, then this is bad. I'll have to step up my game. She thought, frowning at the thought of competition.
Yukiko was chuckling in her seat as she stowed her camera away. "Ufufufu~ Scoop get. Or so I think.... Maybe we should start a dating section for the paper.... What do you think, Pres?" Yukiko asked, kicking back on her seat.

@Stamper @The Rookie


When Hiroshi could see again, he held up his hands and shook his head, his cheeks turning a light pink. "Do not say such things, Yukiko! I would not do that, it would be mean," He insisted with a sad frown as if it was something easily controlled. Sachiyo and Mizuki were friends, he wouldn't think of taking advantage of them... They didn't think that way about him... right? He shook his head and banished the thought before his face would give away his thoughts. Hiroshi had never been good with such things and had never had a serious girlfriend. As far as he was concerned before, he had never had the time. Now it was just because he was awkward and inexperienced. He also had a small inkling that Yukiko was only teasing since she did often however he took things seriously most of the time. He walked over to Yukiko's desk and added, now in a more calm tone, "I don't think the school would approve of such a thing. In case your serious, I'd ask a teacher or something. And who is this photographer you speak of?" The team was in need of another one. So far the only one on the team was Kou.

@Kayzo @The Rookie @Wandering Hollow
Kou sat in the middle of the classroom, feeling like he wanted to be in the corner instead. He silently listened to the rest of the Newspaper Club discuss a new club member. He sighed. He already had difficulty keeping up with the names of the club members other than Hiroshi, and even then, his name was mentioned a lot. While Taichi has been on a depature, Kou decided to turn into a ninja. Well, more or less. He just sort of wandered around and watched people talk. He learned a few things, most of which he forgot, but he heard Hiroshi's name being mentioned a lot. He put his head on his desk and stared at the window. Days were starting to feel like seconds. Was he getting old? He quickly felt his face to make sure it was there before sighing. That was a ludicrous thought. He shook his head, then prepared himself for the boredom of waiting for class to start that was to come by closing his eyes and leaning back in his seat.
Yukiko spun a broken pencil on her finger as she thought back to this morning. "Some girl named Hikari. She tried to enter the Newspaper Clubroom by herself but it was a good thing I set a tr- alarm! Yes, yes. Alarm."

Yukiko looked away from Hiroshi as she said this. The pile of boxes was meant to bury any intruder but she leaned it the wrong way and it became a noisemaker instead. How..... Unfortunately fortunate. "Yeah.... Alarm warned me about an intruder so I ran there. Invited her in and interviewed her a bit. She's also in the Therapy-" Her finger twitched and the pencil fell. "Club too. So, what do you think, Pres? Worth adding to the team like Miss Hyper back there?" She asked, jabbing a thumb in Sachiyo's direction.

@Stamper @Kayzo
Class Begins

The School begins again with another *RING RING* to signal to Students that it's now time to go to class, it appears that Matthews is absent today which is quite odd for the second day. Mrs. Satoya as usual, walks into class with a cheerful smile on her face as she puts her books down and prepares for class. *RING RING* The Second bell rings to signal that class will now begin. She does her morning greeting "Ohayo gozaimasu!" she said in a greeting tone. She opens her book with a smile and checks off everyone who is here today. After finishing today's roll call, she opens her Algebra book with a smile as she begins to write down some equations "Let's start back where we left off yesterday" she said as she continued to write more Algebra on the board.


The Class ends at 12:30 pm and Lunch Time begins, Mrs. Satoya closes her book and smiles to everyone as she leaves the classroom. "Alright Class! I'll see you tomorrow! Don't forget to do your Homework!" She walks down the hallway to meet up with her husband.
Hana did not pay attention during that class. She had too many things on her mind. The murder of her fellow classmate, the strange American, her upcoming stories... it was all too much for the high school student. As the bell rang, Hana groaned and burrowed her head in her arms and did not bother to move. All people wanted to talk about were themselves. The Newspaper Club the Newspaper Club the Newspaper Club. Hiroshi Hiroshi Hiroshi. Those were seriously the only two things she heard people talking about! Hello, a girl was murdered just a couple months ago! There are bigger problems in the world than some silly extracurricular activity! You're in high school! Hiroshi will probably move far away and you'll never see him again! "Suck it up; it's not worth it!" she just wanted to scream at all of them.

Hana was no better. All she did was focus on herself while her mother was working her life away. She clenched her fists. Hana made a decision that moment. She wasn't going to twiddle her life away any more. It was time to take action. She wrote the following in her notebook:

Kusuhara Noriko

Age 15

Found stabbed in her own home

Motive: Unknown

It wasn't much. But it was a start. It was time to start some investigative journalism.

((Okay, so one of the reasons I think this role play started to lose steam was because we weren't focusing on the Yandere! This isn't a regular Japanese High School Role Play! Hello! P.S. I'm not trying to offend anyone. I just want to get this going again))
Mizuki found herself staring out the window during the lecture, like most days. Her thoughts were entangled in different matters. Jumping from track to this and that, then finally to the thing she really didn't like to think about. It was easy, just to pretend like nothing had happened and go about life like normal. But a girl had been murdered in her own home, and she was just acting like a coward. It there really was a killer out there targeting young girls, she should be especially scared. With that depressing thought sweeping over her, she thinks for a moment. She really didn't have long, so, what was the point in moping when she could actually do something about this and possibly save a life for once. Instead of trying to save her own? She bury's her face in her arms, thinking about the un-inevitable made her feel trapped and alone. With that, she decided to sneak out of school during lunch and check out Kusuhara's house. Because why not? 'Not that I have long to live anyway..' she says into her arms. Muffled so no-one else hears.

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