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Fandom ⚘Yandere Simulator High School Roleplay⚘

[QUOTE="The Rookie]Mizuki smiled to herself at Hiroshi's comment. She knew that it probably wouldn't make a huge difference in her club's size. But the thought that he wanted to help made her happy. Not many people had open heart's these days. Most of them just wanted to box their feeling's up and sit on their phone's all day. Mizuki chuckled at his comment "Yeaaah.. You may want to stay outside." She joked. "But I doubt anyone would be in there right now. I'm usually the only one in there in the mornings." She told him. She looks over at him "Yup" She replied to him. "Thanks again, It's a bit heavier than usual today." She told him as they walked. She needed every advantage in this 'race' today. Which is why she had the Pre-workout. Usually she didn't like to use sport's supplements. But today was special.

"Aw. Its fine Hikari-chan," Yukiko said with a small smile as she kicked the box pile aside before entering the Newspaper Clubroom. "Come on in. I did say to come after school but what the heck. I can probably wrap this up in a snap."

Yukiko chuckled as she moved the boxes aside and sat at her workstation.

"So, what do you want?"

Hikari just looked at her as she was being a little shy as she was figiting with her fingers" i uh i wanna join the club if its okay i mean i only joined therpy club to help people but i want to do something with my passion" she say nervosly @Wandering Hollow
"Thank you," Hana said to Connor. She wondered what kind of toll all of this took on him. She debated whether or not he had his own problems. She nodded. He probably did, but he pushed them aside to help others. "And you ever have a problem, remember that those you help want to help you as well," she said, alluding to herself. She grabbed her lunch box and left the room, heading to class. It looked like she was the first one in the room. Hana glanced at the clock. Her first class was about to start, yet where was everybody? Hana put her head on her desk and decided to take a nap until everyone else trickled in.

@drummerboi (I guess :P )
"Whazzat? Mind speaking up a little there?" Yukiko said as Let Me Hear by Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was blaring from her handphone. A small smile on her face.

"Did you say you want to join the Newspaper club as a photographer?"

Hikari just looked up" yeah i did sorry i'm a bit shy i don't mind taking the pictures i love taking pictures so if you don't mind me joining" she say to her



Ayame blinked in surprise. Had that many people heard about her fall? In surprise, she looked down at her knees which were still pretty bloody. "A-ah yes. I k-kinda wanted to talk about my mother and stepfather. When I was l-little, my mother couldn't support me so my grandparents took care of me. However, recently my mother remarried and I tried to live with them. B-but I just can't. I-it's too hard and I can't figure out why it causes me such an issue," the brunette stated, furrowing her eyebrows as she thought about it. It wasn't that big of an issue, but she kinda wanted someone who could give her a better viewpoint on it.


"well its simple you just spent so much time in your grandparen'ts care that you ad your mother' don't really know eachother that well along with your stepfarther you two need to bond more as mother and daughter as well with your step dad as well. Maybe do some activities like camping or talk about your intrest's to her to let her know what you like dislike ect. A mother and daughter relationship dosn't start from nothing you need to talk to her a bit and if she dosn't offer her time to yu then there isn't really any point of her being involved in your life in my opinion." He said looking at her as he jot things down "Thing's will get better sweet pea i know that for cirtain hell my parent's just shouted most of there life and look at me now helping people with problems" He said smieling as he then continued to look at her "any other problems sweet pea at school I know your new so i hope no one's bullying you just send them to me and ill sort them out okay" he said smieling

@Zero Gravity
"Sucks for you then," she flicked Ace on the forehead and finally stopped leaning on him. "They're both pretty cute if you ask me." She began to walk away, taking another bite of her apple. "Later, fuckboy~!" she called behind her as she headed to class.

Ace watched on wards as Yuyu left, but her comment stuck with him. ''Man, I really need to sort this out.'' He mumbled before walking down one of the school corridors. Now the whole situation he was in was on his mind but he hadn't forgotten about there being a murder around. He continued to walk down the corridor as he saw a couple of people nearby.

@Anyone really.
A o h a n a

Silently waiting for Ayame's appointment to end, Aohana leaned against a wall as her gaze focused on the ground. The sound of random conversations hit her ears and it made her feel rather lonely, to be quite honest. I mean, if you were standing by yourself and everyone was having fun, wouldn't it be rather saddening? With a slight frown, crimson orbs flickered upwards and locked onto a familiar lock of dark hair, instantly cheering her up. "Ace-kun!" Pushing away from the wall, the girl waved frantically to him to catch his attention before darting to his side, smiling ear to ear. "Ohayo! Did you have a nice rest?"

"Hmm... You 'like' taking pictures eh?" Yukiko mused as she fiddled with her now silent phone. Sure the club could use a cameraman/woman but...

"Tell you what. How about you come back here after school with some samples to show the Pres. We in the Newspaper Club tend to have rather high standards.... despite our..... oddness." Yukiko coughed slightly given that she's probably the oddest in the Club. She then stood up.

"Anyway! Off to class with us! Got a whole day of learning ahead!" Yukiko cheered, grabbing her bag and slowly pushing Hikari out of the Clubroom before locking the door.

Hikari just sighed as she didn't really like school as she grab her bag as she walked to her class" yay class" she say to her
"Oh cheer up! Class is fuuuuuuuun~ Ufufufufufu~" Yukiko chuckled before jogging off to Class 2-A and slamming the door open.

"GOOOOOOD MORNIIIIING~!" She cheered before sauntering to her seat.

@Anyone in class
Hana was snoring softly in her seat when a loud cry awoke her. It was Yukiko screaming hello to everyone. Hana groaned and pulled her jacket over her head. "Too early...." she mumbled. Her voice was muffled by her jacket. After staying like that for a moment, she emerged from her jacket. The side of Hana's face held markings where she was lying on her notebook. Her hair was plastered to the side of her face. "So not ready for this..." Hana groaned, though she knew no one was listening. "Just kill me now ahhhhghhhgh," she leaned back in her seat and waited for class to start.

@Anyone in class
"Ufufufufu~ Its never too early for a journalist, Hana-cwan. How did the interview go anyways? The Therepy club-" Cracking noises as Yukiko snapped her pencil. "- seems to be really popular now eh? All because of a dear departed schoolmate...." She sighed.
"The Track Club was fine," Hana answered. "As for the Therapy Club, it isn't going as well. I'm trying to get Connor to like me, but he seems bent on not liking me," Hana trailed off. "Wish I could get closer to him." she shrugged. "I suppose the Therapy Club is a bit more popular now, though I think some of its traffic is directed to its leader and not the group itself." While she was talking, Hana twirled her pen wildly. It spun out of her hand and hit the chalk board. "Whoops." she didn't bother retrieving it for a moment, but then did so, bending over near the floor to reach it. She pulled her skirt down and hoped she didn't flash anyone; though she was near the ground.

@Wandering Hollow
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"Heh. Knew it. Those girls only attended the Club for the handsome, good looking President." Yukiko scoffed. She then had a rather devious smirk on her face.

"Say.... If I started attending Newspaper club meetings in my swimsuit, do you think guys would start flocking to it? Ufufufu~"

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Hana smirked back. "Sounds fun... and they probably will. I'd even join you," she said. "I doubt any boy will be able to resist.. THIS!" she joked, gesturing down her body. "Though I doubt we need it. Things are getting a bit too crowded in the club for my liking; there are too many girls after our club leader as well!" She rested a finger on her chin. "Now... if we put Hiroshi in a swimsuit, how many new members do you think we'll get?" she asked.

@Wandering Hollow

(I need sleep ah good night you people)
Sachiyo listened into Yukiko and Hana's, but her mind was somewhere else. Class would start soon and Hiroshi hadn't showed up. Where could he be. Is he sick? Or maybe he's flirting with some girl. How great that would be. She shrugged the thought away and continued to listen in, laughing a little at was Yukiko said.



Ayame nodded as the other explained to her what was going on in her family, and she hummed in understanding. She then smiled at Connor, resisting the urge to give him a hug after he told her about the situation. "A-arigatou, Connor-san! The help is very much appreciated!" She chided, a bright smile coming across her face as he finished up. Her face then lit up with red when he called her "sweet pea." This made her fidget softly and look away, slightly rubbing her arms as the sunlight filtered into the both of them. This has definitely been an experience. "Y-yet again, arigatou. H-how are you so good at it?" The brunette asked, raising an eyebrow.


"hmhmhm well you can say im well experienced with problems that most people face it take's one to know one type of deal." he said as he looked at her as he continued to wonder if people will someday notice him one day. Help him with his problems instead of helping others, he isnt selfish or anything he just want's someone there to listen to him. As he looked at ayame he hoped she didn't find out about him as he walked towards her and looked up "Anyway you get better okay you seem okay anyway so that's good" he said smieling at her as he sat there with her.
Ace turned slowly around as he heard a familiar voice, he knew who it was and well if there was anyone who could cheer him up it would be either Kio or Aohana-san and luckily for him, one of them spotted him and walked over. He began to smile as he looked at Aohana. ''Aohana-san'' He said continuing to smile before speaking once more. ''It, wasn't too bad. Thank you, how about yourself?'' He asked with a slight chuckle. Now Ace didn't know if she should tell Aohana what had happened with Kio confessing or even with Yuyu calming he was a pervert.

@Leaf Fi
A o h a n a

"Really good, thank you!" Beaming brightly at the boy to convey her thanks, Aohana then clasped her hands in front of her. A drop in conversation like this was usually a crisis situation- after all, the poor girl was as awkward and shy as anything, so apart from polite and sweet questions, trying to think up what to say was always a monumental task- but, for once, she could actually think of something else to say! Ace had appeared rather tense before she arrived, you see, and it worried her a little. Had something happened when he was chatting to those two girls? "I saw you met up with the girl who ran away yesterday. Did she say why?" Aohana paused for a second before giving him a sheepish look. "O-of course, you don't have to answer if it's too personal..." She added softly.

Ace looked at Aohana with a smile, keeping eye contact with her after all he felt avoiding eye contact would be rude before adjusting himself slightly after all he did seem slight tense earlier but now seemed to be a bit better. ''Umm, oh you mean Kio-chan?'' He asked in a calm tone. Although Ace now knew that Aohana wanted to know what she had told him and he didn't know what to do once more. He could tell her the truth, as he knew he needed to tell someone about what happened but at the same time he needed to respect Kio san's wishes. He really was confused on what his next approach would be and instead continued to look at Aohana with a smile. Hoping she wouldn't pick up on him acting strange.

@Leaf Fi

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