Xen Zavrick

Kenzo Raxon

One of a kind
  • Name: Xen Zavrick

  • Gender: Male ♂

  • Age: 202 Years Old

  • Appearance: *SEE PIC BELOW*

  • Personality: Xen is typically not the type to befriend others. He is fiercely driven, impatient, violent, and extremely unpredictable. Not to mention that his emotions can vary greatly; one moment he will be calm as a turtle-duck, the next he can be raging worse than an angry moose-lion. He will stop at nothing to get what he wants, regardless of the consequences. He has a tendency to see mortals as pitiful,  and thus shows them very little respect.

  • Height: 5'11"

  • Weight: 177lbs

  • Nationality: DESTROYER

  • Skill Level: DARK MASTER of WATER


  • Fighting Style: Xen is overwhelmingly powerful. He is a master of deception and revels in messing with his opponents' mind. Virtually all who stand in his way are destroyed with the very liquid that gives life; Water. 

It is rather difficult to quantify his exact fighting style, as it greatly varies on the situation at hand. 

  • Occupation: DESTROYER

  • Social Class: DESTROYER

  • Backstory: Xen was the first of the Destroyers to be created, and therefore is the most powerful. This also means he is the most die hard dedicated to the true purpose of the Destroyers, as it is the very fiber of his being. He is incredibly protective of his younger brothers and thinks of himself, and them as Gods. He however focuses virtually all of his energies on destroying the Avatar. Reincarnation, after reincarnation, he will vehemently hunt the unfortunate soul(s) down and eradicate them until the end of time. His ultimate dream is to kill the Avatar while they are in the Avatar State, effectively achieving the goal he was created for, destroying the Avatar for good. This being said, any Avatar who comes into contact with Xen Zavrick should use the Avatar State very,  very wisely, and not assume that it alone will grant them the power to defeat him. During the historical imprisonment of the Destroyers, Xen was certainly the hardest to capture. To his very core he believes the Avatar to be a wretched abomination and with every fiber of his being he harbors an intense hatred of the Avatars, and all who support them. 

  • Unusual Trait: Xen's eyes glow a vivid white when he Bends water, similar to the Avatar when they enter the Avatar State. He also typically wears his mask. Something else to note is that wherever Xen goes, the air tends to grow so chilly that one can see their breath. 

  • Special Skills: Xen has the unique ability to endlessly pull the moisture right out of the air around him, appearing as if he creates water from thin air. His ability to Bend water is currently unparalleled, fueled by the Dark Spiritual Energies that swirl within him. From flawlessly controlling multiple, large bodies of water at once, -to dehydrating the fluids right out of a crowd of peoples' bodies, Xens Bending prowess is assuredly the very stuff of nightmares. 

Theme song: (best to start it at 0:20, headphones strongly recommended) 

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Virtually all who stand in his way are destroyed with the very liquid that gives life; Water. 

I LOVED this quote.

This is pretty much how i pictured the water destroyer.


Though just remember that he can only bend the water he creates.
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First, you do not need to pin this. second, he won't be able to control pre existing water, so he won't be able to dehydrate people. But other than that, its fine.
First, you do not need to pin this. second, he won't be able to control pre existing water, so he won't be able to dehydrate people. But other than that, its fine.

I don't know what pinning is.

Good point though, no preexisting water.. That definitely forces one to think outside the box. 

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