

Reach Heaven By Violence
Name: Xa-Raku (Pale-Knuckle)

Gender: Male

Race: Argonian

Age: 35

Birthsign: The Ritual

Role/Occupation: Monk

Attributes: Speed, Agility

Primary Skills: Hand-to-Hand, Acrobatics, Unarmored, Restoration, Medical

Secondary Skills: Alteration, Athletics, Climbing, Spear, Alchemy

Faction(s): None

Religion: Hist Worship



Height: 6'0

Weight: 190

Weapons: Xa-Raku has no weapons of any kind, other than his own body.

Armour: Xa-Raku wears simple cloth, the only armor he ever wears is that of mage armor spells.

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual, but open minded. Prefers argonians but is not shy of other races.

Likes: Philosophy, storytelling, meditation, healing those in need, herbalism

Dislikes: Unnecessary conflict, frivolities, material wealth, slavery under any name, Empires

Bio/Backstory: A Black Marsh native, Xa-Raku's parents feared for his safety amidst the stirrings in the west, and so placed him in the care of a family friend, Lin-Koh. The old argonian trained Xa-Raku in a centuries-old fighting style originally developed to help unarmed slaves defend themselves. Nowadays long after revenge was already claimed on House Dres, the martial art has become more of a spiritual tradition. Still, Xa-Raku is dedicated to the art, and embraces the liberating feeling of total reliance on the self. He travels the land, honing his art and healing the injured and sick, as well as putting down the more troublesome creatures that roam. Now that Gideon has been swarmed with foreign travelers, Xa-Raku heads there knowing injury and sickness will not be far behind - it never is, when other races come wandering into the Black Marsh with heads full of treasure and glory...
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