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Fandom X-Men: SoN [CS]

Kameron Esters-

Fear my godly wrath!
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
(You can add a faceclaim here. Realistic or animated is all fine.)
Gender: Male or Female?
Ethnicity: Hispanic? Caucasian? Ect
Position: Xavier Faculty? Student?
Alignment: Good guy or bad guy? Vigilante?

Powers: Abilities granted by their X-gene.
Strengths: (2-3)
Weaknesses: (2-3)
Personality: Basic description of what makes them tick.
History: A brief explanation of their lives up till this point. Bullet points will do just fine~​
Name: Rhajaki Da'Hyle
Alias: Furie
Physical age is 18. actual age is unknown.
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Unknown
Position: Student
Alignment: Vigilante
Wall climbing.
Once killed, her body fully regenerates, but not untill she's killed. If the cause of death destroys her brain, she won't remember anything when she regenerates.
Night vision.
Super strength.
Retractable catlike claws.
High pain threshhold
Instinctual ability to fight hand to hand
Detailed photographic memory
Trusting of nobody
Mind control
She hates people touching her or telling her what to do. Although she doesn't trust anyone, she does make an effort to help people, but berates herself when she fails, and likes to get back at people who do her wrong. She wants to find out who she is and where she came from. She likes candy and soda. She hates clothing, and tends to wear very little. (her fur covers everything.)
No one knows where she came from, and for many people, she seemed to be a demon. She can't recall how many times she was killed, and she doesn't know who her parents were. All she knows is she's always been in hiding, trying to scrap out a life for herself.​

Name: Ethan Whitman
Alias: Tiresias
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Position: Student
Alignment: Vigilante would probably be the best description. He exists somewhere between chaotic good and chaotic neutral (he tends to prioritize himself but is still fundamentally good)

Enhanced Spatial Sense: Erhan is blind, but can "see" the world in more detail than anyone else. He can sense his surroundings in astounding detail in all directions. He can alter how far he can sense, but it's typically a radius of about 40-50 feet. If he focuses he can expand his range. This vision can include more than just surface layers, allowing him to "see" things like muscle contractions.
Enhanced Reflexes: Ethan's brain is fundamentally changed to allow him to process all of the information he is constantly taking in. As a result, he generally thinks faster and reacts faster. This is only amplified if he focuses in on muscle contractions to predict his opponent's next move.
Strengths: Ethan is a natural acrobat, being well balanced, flexible, and strong. He is also very intelligent and strategically inclined.
Weaknesses: There are still a great many things Ethan cannot see (mainly anything on a screen or just colors in general). He dislikes open spaces, being unable to "see" everything around him. On the other hand, he can't just look away from something he doesn't want to see.
Personality: All things considered Ethan is a fairly friendly person, but needs his alone time. He tries to keep things lighthearted and tosses around jokes fairly often. He usually prioritizes himself over others, but is fiercely loyal to those he's grown attached to.
History: Ethan wasn't born blind. In fact, he had a totally normal childhood. It was only as he entered puberty that things started to get weird. It started pretty slowly with him only occasionally sensing things he couldn't see. He didn't give it much thought until he started experiencing regular headaches and constantly sensing his immediate surroundings. Things only got worse as his quality of vision got worse and worse. It was degrading so fast that he couldn't get any kind of prescription. This continued until he woke one morning to complete darkness, now permanently blind. What really freaked him out was that he could still "see" everything in his room and a little beyond.

Ethan missed a year of school while he learned to live with his blindness. Although it still took a while, he learned braille faster than most. He tried to stay upbeat, but he had long since succumb to boredom. He couldn't see anything involving a screen and the few braille books he owned he'd read several times now. His parents rarely even let him leave the house. The worst part was that he had to keep pretending he didn’t have any powers.

Things finally started looking up for Ethan when his parents were contacted about an organization that claimed to be able to help him in a way no one else could. They wanted what was best for their son and agreed to send him to live with Professor Xavier.

(Sorry if any of this does not mesh with the AU)​
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Aia waters
Red eye
Good guy

Aias biggest mutation is well obvious just by looking at her But those are just appearance wise. Having enhanced strength, reflexes, speed, and senses she’s often compared to a raptor of sorts. Vicious carnivorous teeth as well as animalistic urges and appetite, elongated tongue. She’s often more like an animal or child than a human but she is still human

Strong willed
Always wanting to do the right thing

Childlike nature
Can be easily manipulated by those she trusts
Doesn’t understand social boundaries and concepts

Aias personality is best described as a combination of a 4 year old child and a velociraptor. Vicious predatory instinct and drive combined with childlike nature’s.

Aia was as far as the school knows born in Japan and was the way she is from birth. Her parents tossed her out almost immediately and left her for dead on the streets of Tokyo. She was lucky though. A woman found her only minuets after she had been condemned by her former
Mother and was taken in. There with her new mother she grew up. Learning as much as she could though it was hard. She learned to speak Japanese though preferred to not talk, clothes where a major bother to her and she almost never wore them. There she lived growing up hiding from the world till Xavier found her. Coming to her home he convinced her mother to let him teach her. Give her a better purpose than sitting in the shadows. So she went​
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Aia waters
Red eye
Good guy

Aias biggest mutation is well obvious just by looking at her But those are just appearance wise. Having enhanced strength, reflexes, speed, and senses she’s often compared to a raptor of sorts. Vicious carnivorous teeth as well as animalistic urges and appetite, elongated tongue. She’s often more like an animal or child than a human but she is still human

Strong willed
Always wanting to do the right thing

Childlike nature
Can be easily manipulated by those she trusts
Doesn’t understand social boundaries and concepts

Aias personality is best described as a combination of a 4 year old child and a velociraptor. Vicious predatory instinct and drive combined with childlike nature’s.

Aia was as far as the school knows born in Japan and was the way she is from birth. Her parents tossed her out almost immediately and left her for dead but the animal inside her kept her alive. There she lived growing up hiding from the world till Xavier found her.​
Hey my dude. I love it.
Where didya get these images man??!!! If this is an anime, I really want to see it!
A few small changes (If you don't mind): How about The primal veloceraptor Instincts kick in when she's in danger or really excited? Similarly like how the Hulk changes during high stress situations. The main personality can still be curious--to the point of pushing boundaries, but have her able to hold a conversation and make rational decisions when she's calm. And maybe add in somw education or at least human contact, even if it's negative.

If you can do that, then you're on board. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
A few small changes (If you don't mind): How about The primal veloceraptor Instincts kick in when she's in danger or really excited? Similarly like how the Hulk changes during high stress situations. The main personality can still be curious--to the point of pushing boundaries, but have her able to hold a conversation and make rational decisions when she's calm. And maybe add in somw education or at least human contact, even if it's negative.

If you can do that, then you're on board. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Well ok I guess I should have explained more but it’s mainly like she’s a highly evolved animal. The instincts to hunt and eat are always there much like we humans have instincts still but she can control them. She can easily interact with other humans though it will be like a human talking to a child who doesn’t know something.
Name: Ib Sukarno
Alias: Ai
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: half white half indonesian
Position: Student
Alignment: Good guy
Powers: Ib is able to copy the power and abilities of fictional characters this includes the creation of signature or used items via a form of localized reality warping. Depending on the power of the character and needed trigger her power might be restricted. It is notable she can not use divine/ all powerful characters. it is noted she also take son character weaknesses and aspects of their personality.

Her ability is very powerful and versatile.
Ib wants to be a hero so she is unlikely to turn against others.

Weaknesses: (2-3)
Ib like to be flashy and is not always practical enjoyment showing off.
She is not the best at teamwork and is likely to run off without a plan focused more on being awesome in her mind..

Personality: Ib is rather simple she wants to be the greatest hero mutant or otherwise. She also has a deep love for video games and has a very bad tendency to stay up basically every night playing them and make up the excuses she is studying them. outside of these huge traits she is a very positive person and energetic though seemingly unwilling to do things she doesn't think are fun or glorious , namely studying.

History: there is not much to say Ib was living a normal life unaware of her mutation until Prof X came in and informed her about it given hers required a willful trigger instead of simply activating at random. Ib didn't pass up the chance to be a hero and went with Xavier, though she isn't exactly happy about the school part wanting more fighting evil.
Not sure if your still open, Discord links expired but might as well throw a idea forward just in case. PlusUltra#6303 if you want to add me. I normall write a bit so will keep it brief for now, since i can always expand/answer questions if accepted/interest is shown.
Name: Lemmy Swanson
Alias: Savant
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian (American)
Position: Xavier Student
Alignment: Good guy​

Powers: Self-Supremacy
The user is in complete control of every element within there body and its functions, this alows them both push there body well beyond its normal limits and rapidly adapt to situations. It is still unknown the full extent of this ability as her mutation is goverened entirely by her own growing understanding, control and experiance.
Extremely resistant to powers and abilities that control their mind, body, or emotions.
Versatile and adaptable to situations with high potential for growth.
High mental capacity for cognitive thinking, resosoning and overall intelligence.
Despite its improved efficency there body still requires material to function or time devoted to rest and some alterations may be slow.
Involuntary actions or processes (like metabolic rate or heart rate) must be conciously controlled by the user.
Constant awareness and control of one’s body, mind, and emotions may overwhelm user.
Coming across as a delinquent to some, Janes words often carry a cold bluntness to them that can be jarring in their straightforward manner and lack of subtlety, some believing them as overly prideful or haughty with the amount of confidence they tend to display. While mostly passive and observant, they nevertheless show a almost inhuman determination for anything they put their mind to locked behind their usual demeanor. This is most obvious in times of adrenaline, seeming to come alive when pushing herself or devoting themselves to a task they care deeply about.

Towards others they can be somewhat anti-social, mostly due to misunderstanding several emotional cues, though they do seem to want to help in their own way if somewhat haphazardly. It can also happen to come across as lacking respect as many of her prior teachers would often state, confronting them as a challenge and a refusal to back down when their mind was put to something.

Jane has had a number of philosophies deeply ingrained in her by her childhood and parentage, many that shape the way she behaves and drive her. A example would be from a few simple word she has taken a great deal “Don't be sorry, Be better”, seeing be how a Failure only seeks to drive her onwards and her belief that the only true obstacle to overcome should be herself. Though this has been taken to a extreme degree such as her habit to purposefully confront her many of her dislikes as perceived weaknesses to overcome.

Despite all this, deep down Jane is deeply conflicted about her purpose, struggling to put thoughts to feelings and often questioning why she carries out some actions or feels the way she does. The emotions are clearly there to her, yet she lacks a clear understanding at times. The two strongest connections she holds is to her parents but for differing reasons, looking up to her father most of all despite many seeing them as the weaker of the two.

Likes: Biology, Martial Arts, Music, Meat, Obstacles, Parkour, Puzzles, Reading.
Dislikes: Bullys, Cowardice, Excuses, Fish, Flowers, Loss of Control, Waste.
  • Grew up not knowing her mother, having been left with her father shortly after birth and his reclutance to speak about them carried on until his passing.
  • Grew up relatively happily until her fathers remarrying resulting in her being pushed to the side by her step-mother in favor of her step-siblings. Pushing her to attempt to overcome and surpass them in order to gain recognition and not be pushed to the shadows, this eventually lead to her acting out and more delinquent behaviour.
  • When father was not present, and especially after his passing home life was hostile. Her Step-Mother doing little to prevent her own childrens treatment towards her.
  • X-Gene Activated and in the process threatened her live as she attempted to control it sending her into a camatose state, even once awakening it required manual effort to control her limbs individually,her breathin and even her heartbeat meant she had to physically relearn everything. It was only due to Xaviers intervention that she managed to survive and come back. The entire process was extremely traumatic and they show great reluctance to speak about it.
  • Step-Mother disavowed them due to mutant status, their father having been caught and killed within a mutant related incident many years prior while attempting to defend their rights, resulting in the school currently being the only home they have available.
Name: Saburo Kusanagi (草薙三朗 Kusanagi Saburou)

Alias: Persuasion

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Half-Asian, Half-Caucasian

Position: Student although I'm willing for him to be an antagonist.

Alignment: Could go either way, depends what the story needs.


Virus-Based Mind Control - Saburo has the ability to control another person’s mind through literal verbal commands and make them completely obedient to him, thanks to a virus that he emits through micro particles in the air from his body. He was able to enter into another man’s house by simply saying “you’d like to invite me in” in order to acquire a place to stay during his time when he was homeless in Tokyo. He inherited the virus from his father who was injected with it as a child to cure a degenerative neurological disease which gave him his mind control powers.

Due to the genetic-editing properties of the virus his X-Gene simply boosts this ability massively. Before his X-Gene activated, he was limited to a range of 100 yards and with a maximum time limit of 12 hours before the person had to be re-infected with the virus he carries as well as only being able to control up to 100 people simultaneously. The viral powers manifested in puberty due to a mixture of heightened hormonal levels and emotional stress which activated the dormant virus in his body, the X-Gene following a day later when his mother attempted to murder him.

When his X-Gene activated, this increased the virus to a range of 10 miles and a time limit of 48 hours with the ability to control thousands, the full limits of his powers are yet to be tested.

Regenerative Healing Factor: The virus also slightly boosts his healing factor, although nowhere near the level of Wolverine. The healing factor is capable of completely healing minor scratches and injuries in mere hours without any permanent scars, and major injuries like broken ribs in just a single day.

Strengths: Very intelligent with a good tactical mind, his powers make him difficult to stop since anyone can be used as a hostage or as a distraction or you could be turned against your teammates.

Weaknesses: Is reliant on his powers during combat since he isn't very capable physically, his emotional detachment means he may command people to do things others would consider abhorrent and have no problem with it, his internalized anger may cause him to lash out at people with his powers.

Personality: Initially, Saburo was a normal, quiet child who was unaware of his true parentage and assumed Asaka’s husband, Yuichirou to be his biological father which is something Asaka begged Yuichirou to agree with, not wanting Saburo to find out about Kilgrave. During puberty, when his powers initially developed he was unaware of them and was surprised when he told his classmate to shut up that they actually did, the virus in his body being activated due to a combination of heightened hormonal levels and emotional stress.

His mother found out about Saburo developing his powers when he told her to get him an iced tea from the fridge, still unaware of his abilities or that the question was worded like a command. Asaka was terrified that he would follow in Kilgrave’s footsteps and become as sociopathic and malevolent as he was and she instantly tried to murder him, grabbing a kitchen knife and stabbing Saburo several times before he forced her to stop with a command, he made her tell him what she knew and was horrified to learn about his true parentage.

After the attempted murder and learning about his powers, he became darker and more selfish, willing to control people to get what he wants such as abducting geneticists to make his powers stronger. He is extremely hesitant about having any sort of romantic relationship with anyone as he worries that they would only go out with him because of his powers and not out of genuine consent. He often struggles with self-hatred, often debating with the fact that he has mind control powers, does it make him inherently evil or malevolent. He is a conflicted individual, wanting to take control of others because he believes they will turn on him like his mother did but also hating his powers because they deny him from having a relationship and also mean he has to painstakingly choose each word he says incase he accidentally gives a command, such as when he told a man to go fuck himself and was horrified by what his accidental target did.

History: Saburo was born on the 28th November 1999 in Hinamizawa to Asaka Kusanagi who was a model although she recently gave that career up and was pursuing a degree in law and Yuichirou Kusanagi, a network administrator for a large company in Sapporo. He had a normal childhood, Asaka and Yuichirou never told Saburo that he wasn’t their child as Asaka begged Yuichirou not to, with him being the only other person apart from Asaka’s parents who died in 2001 to know about what happened to her with Kilgrave after being shown video footage of him using his powers on her as well as video of him making someone kill themselves.

At school, Saburo was bullied for being different due to his difficulties with socialization with Asaka worrying Saburo had inherited Kilgrave’s sociopathy until a psychologist ruled it out and said he needed more socialization due to Asaka keeping Saburo away from other children as he grew up, secretly frightened that he had mind control powers. Eventually. the bullying stopped as Saburo learned how to act more “normal”, making his family happy although they knew deep down Saburo was faking and was merely learning of what to say and do, he pretended to be normal almost every hour of every day when around other people.

He went to a Japanese High School where his abilities manifested due to a stressful day of exams and when puberty was in full swing, the combination of adrenaline and testosterone as well as other factors activating the virus that lay dormant within Saburo, giving him Kilgrave’s abilities which he unsuspectingly used on a classmate who teased him jokingly about his performance, when he told them to shut up in response as a joke, he was very surprised when they fell silent and remained that way for hours, believing it to be a prank.

The second incident happened the same evening, Yuichirou was away in Tokyo on a conference when Saburo told Asaka to get him an iced tea, stilll unaware of his abilities or how they activated, Asaka complied but was instantly overwhelmed with fear at the prospect that Saburo had Kilgrave’s abilities and attacked him using the kitchen knife in her hand, stabbing him repeatedly before Saburo commanded her to stop.

Saburo made her tell him why she tried to kill him as she drove him to the hospital under his command. Saburo was horrified to learn the truth of his conception and about his real father, as soon as his injuries were healed Saburo ran away, no longer feeling safe with Asaka as well as wanting to get away from them as far as possible in case he did become like his father, living in Tokyo and using his abilities to stay in hotels, begging on the streets for money and being surprised when he was given all the money in people’s wallets before moving on to living with other people by saying they will invite him in. He moved to America after making a man give him his credit card and it's details before driving his car into the ocean, using the card to buy plane tickets.
Hm. So far everything looks good, though one thibg i would change is that his powers are only succeptable on humans, as i do kinda see this as a power that can be easily abused. If you dont mind that, then you're all good to go
FactionParadox FactionParadox
I could reduce the total range to 1 mile and total control time to 24 hours if I can still affect mutants?

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