X Men : Runaways

Baron Cimetiere

The Rebel

One of the few free mutants left in this world, They are on the run from everything & one they've ever known because of their powers. Threatened with death or capture if they expose themselves to normal society...Life is going to be difficult and it won't get any easier...Friendships will form, Hatred will stir, Romance will bloom & Loss will entangle everyone.


Also known as the Hunters, These are the few mutants who were unlucky and were given two options. Help the Sentinels kill their own kind or get killed without anyone to remember or care about you. You chose the former option and are now forced by the Sentinels to hunt your own people like animals and if you don't comply...Well the Microchip in your neck will kill you. Your Morals will be tested, Questions will arise and self loathing will burrow itself into the hearts of anyone in this group..

Character Name here

Insert Character Image here. Centre it & Make sure it's realistic.

Character Statistics

Sexual Orientation:

Physical Characteristics

Distinguishing Mark:
General Appearance:

Mental Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


Mental Disorders

General Personality


Ability Name:




General History:


Character Name here

Insert Character Image here. Centre it & Make sure it's realistic.

Character Statistics







Sexual Orientation:



Physical Characteristics





Distinguishing Mark:

General Appearance:

Mental Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


Mental Disorders

General Personality


Ability Name:




General History:

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Ongaku Tori


Character Statistics

Name: Ongaku Tori

Nickname: Gaku


Sairen (siren)

Sex: male

Gender: male

Age: 18

Sexual Orientation: homosexual

Nationality: Japanese American

Allegiance: Mutants

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'6

Weight: 157

Hair: Black

Eyes: Grey

Distinguishing Mark:

Ongaku has a scar from his left hip to his ankle and one tattoo on his right shoulder blade.

General Appearance:

Ongaku stands at 5'6 and 157 lb with a lanky build lilth with muscle, from constantly being on the run and fighting for survival. He has uneven black hair from being cut with a knife and usually covered dark grey unfocused eyes with sunglasses to hide the fact that he is blind. A feat he has accomplished well. Usually he wears worn used hand me down clothes that are usually to big on him and mostly in dark tones.

Mental Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

L: Sweets, climbing, swimming, animals, and music.

D: Sour food, being woken early, cold days, being bored, and seeing those he cares for die.


He fears his disability will get those he cares about killed.

Mental Disorders:

He suffers from slight paranoia.

General Personality:

Hiro is very friendly, has lots of energy, and is full of curiosity. He likes to surround himself with friends though few manage to become close enough for him to trust them. Toward the few that manages it he is very loyal toward. This is because of trust issues built from his past which also means he does not take betrayal lightly, no matter how small. He doesn't forgive easily either. However he is usually very fun loving and can seem very quirky and weird always having new hobbies and loves to learn new things no matter how small.


Ability Name:

Sound manipulation


Using his power he can amplify or cancel his hearing as well as tune out or tune into sounds as far as 20 feet away. He is also able to use echolocation which allows him to sort of see within 50 feet. His most important combat use though is his ability to cancel out others hearing and amplify his voice into a sonic scream that can burst eardrums.


Shields and loud music can block his sonic scream and Ongaku is blind so depends on his power to survive.


General History:

Ongaku does not remember a time that he was not on the run. His mother, a fellow mutant, had struggled to raise him on the run as they hid from the sentinels. His father had been one of their first victims as he defended his family against them. Growing up Ongaku had to learn to use his mutation quickly or die as they were faced with threats from all around. His mother did her best to teach him both about his mutation and other skills he would need to know. Unfortunately that training came to an end last month when her mother was found dead. Her killer is unknown.

Alexander Crestler



Character Statistics

Name: Alexander Crestler

Nickname: Alex, Al, Bolt, Zappy



Gender: Male

Age: 22

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Nationality: Italian/Chinese/Portuguese American

Allegiance: Jager's

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'0

Weight: 168 lbs

Hair: Dark brown

Eyes: Dark brown

Distinguishing Mark: Silvery-white lightning bolt shaped birthmark; length of neck on left

General Appearance: Alex stands at 6 feet tall and wouldn't like to talk about his weight. His build would be described as muscular but thinner than you would expect. With lankier limbs, he would be considered as a bit of a runner's build. He looks as if he were built for endurance and fighting. His skin would be considered tan, but not so dark. Thick, side-swept dark brown hair covers his head which often ends up messy. His dark eyes are usually covered by sunglasses which serve different purposes to aid him. Alex's clothing style would be considered practical and less of fashion and more of comfort. He prefers long pants and shirt that are personally designed to cope with the effects of lightning. The most distinguishing part of his clothing would be the ever-present gloves he wears. With huge metal cuffs ad well as circuits crawling down his fingers, these were made as a conductor of sorts. They don't hugely effect his power, but they do help with control.

Mental Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

? Adrenaline Rushes ? Feeling in Control ? Sour Food ? Animals ? Thunderstorms ?

? People Who Are a Waste of Time ? Being Controlled ? The Cold ? Hunting His Sister ?

Fears: Above all, Alex fears that he will be forced to kill his sister in combat without her knowing the truth. To further his fear, she still doesn't know he was taken against his will.

Mental Disorders: Alex suffers from insomnia as he was always on the run as a younger child from the sentinels. The fact that he was being chased only made it harder for him. Always knowing the fact he could be killed with the microchip has only made it harder for him to fall asleep. Although, he usually gets sleep from pure exhaustion from his powers or from getting no sleep.

General Personality: At the present, Alex is cold and ruthless.


Ability Name: Electrokinesis (aka Electric Manipulation)

  • Hints of Electromagnetism

Capabilities: The user is able to create, manipulate, conduct, and destroy electricity at varying intensities. Basic use of this magic includes the ability to electrify objects, heating them, and/or using the object to conduct electricity. This would be useful in charging electronic devices and such at the right intensity. Basic fighting attacks would be projecting the electricity to electrocute the target. In use of electromagnetism, Alex is able to create enough static electricity to climb various surfaces. This ability would also be known as Static Cling or Wall Crawling. With enough control, Alex is able to send enough tremors throughout a person's body to merely paralyze them instead of killing them with enough control. Depending on the situation, Alex may temporarily paralyze them or per manatees. Alex is also able to send his electricity to even greater lengths with conductors such as water. He carries around a whip made of various conductive materials.

At different intensities, Alex is able to send enough energy out to fry and kill a person. This ability is known as Death Inducement. To do this Alex must first generate enough electricity in his whole body, particularly in his hands or feet, depending on how he wants to attack the person. This takes several minutes and extreme patience. When he succeeds in generating enough power, all he has to do is touch the person to send waves of electricity into said person. After a few minutes, they will be fried beyond recognition.

Weaknesses: One of the biggest disadvantages of electrokinesis is that it takes extreme self-control and patience to properly use his ability. It may be a huge threat to others, Alex is just in as much danger as the said person. One wrong move or sudden outburst and he could be electrocuted by his own body. Abilities such as Static Cling take much more control to use at the right intensity. Too much could issue a shock to everyone else climbing or against the wall and too little could cause him too fall from his position. Depending on the power of the electric bolt, Alex may tire out faster. The bigger the shock, the more energy it takes to create it. Electric Induced Death takes several minutes to generate enough power, needs direct contact with the person's body (clothing doesn't harm it too much unless it is of properties that absorb electricity), and intense control in order to administer the full power of the electric shock. Alex uses this in last minute fight-or-die consequences,


General History:




Character Statistics

Name: Avery Crestler

Nickname: Ava


Sex: Female

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Nationality: Italian/Chinese/Portuguese American

Allegiance: Runaways

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 127 lbs

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Brown

Distinguishing Mark: Silvery white lightning bolt ; length of the right side of her neck

General Appearance: Long wavy dark brown hair with lighter highlights at the end and darker brown eyes, Avery stands at five feet seven inches, weighing roughly one hundred and twenty-seven pounds. She's small and lithe, giving her a bit of a speed boost. On the right side her of neck, her silvery white scar defines her as a mutant, and when using her abilities, the mark and her eyes glow. She wears comfortable and practical shoes along with jeans and t-shirts, and depending on where she's going, a scarf to hide her mark.

Mental Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes:


Mental Disorders:

General Personality:


Ability Name: Electricity Manipulation

  • small traces of Electromagnetism

Capabilities: User can create, shape, and manipulate electricity of various intensities. The most basic capabilities include charging objects with electricity, heating them and/or making them conduct electricity. There is also the basic type of attacks, just plain electricity attacks, that, with enough power can become deadly enough to vaporize matter. With small traces of Electromagnetism added to her ability, Ava is able to climb walls using static electricity. Also known as Static Cling or Wall Crawling, the ability is associated with Electromagnetism.

Though the skill most particularly set to Ava herself is the ability to use Electrical Healing, which is the act of using electricity to stimulate damaged cells.

Weaknesses: One of the most obvious disadvantages to her use of Electricity Manipulation is that it takes a lot of self-control. While it is a powerful element against others, it can also be dangerous to herself if not used carefully and properly. Some particular abilities, like Wall Crawling, takes more control than simply sending out a blast. It also takes a lot of energy. Depending on the level power behind an electric based attack, the user can tire out much faster than normal. Ava's particular skill of Electrical Healing, while powerful, takes most of her energy and control. She has to be careful about how much of a shock she's administering so she doesn't hurt the one she's trying to heal. It takes power, control, and even patience.


General History:


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