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Fandom X-Men: Rise of the Sentinels

Apollo laughed to himself at the word hovercraft. He said to them, "Or I could just fly is to where we need to go. With my cosmic empowerment I can lift this car with my pinky." He may need to recharge some more of hi energy before he mixes his empowerment and flight but he could do it.
"No the other thing. I'm a what?"Lucian kept putting parts together that didn't go together. "This definetly goes here..."
"And what if one of you aren't on board?" Nick asked. He was trying to avoid saying anything directly related to death, but he was fairly sure everyone read it that way. "It does screw the rest of us over."

Clyde sat in the back of the van leaning with back with is eyes closed he tried to get some more sleep.

He thought to himself that he should of escaped before others endangered themselves, and why was everyone in a van when a number of us could fly?
After the van had drove over a small bump, it had caused Carter's sleeping form to fall off to the side, bumping against Clyde's form. Quickly after that the teenager woke up, rubbing his head and pulling his headphones down so they rested around his neck so he could apologize to the other. "S-Sorry 'bout that." He spoke sleepily.

Clyde smiled at the new mutant

"It's alright, you don't need to apologise."

Clyde then took some of the sand out of his gourd and started to play around with it.

Changing it to different shapes and sizes.
"Well, if neither of us were onboard, one of you would operate it through whatever means we decide. An alternate power source that utilizes any or all of your abilities." He shot a sidelong glance at Clyde. "You whipped up a nice little dirt devil back there. You could easily muster a larger whirlwind propelled by sand to keep it above ground. However, I'm not opposed to adding a gas engine and proper tires if need be." Jake smiled, pulling together the strings of thought that could easily become their trademark means of travel, at least for the time being. The idea tickled him.

"This is, of course, all hypothetical." He folded his fingers behind his head to stare blankly at the hood. "And I said you're a TK. Your power is based in the realm of telekinesis, I assume. That's the conclusion I'd reached based on what I've seen."
Carter's eyes fixed on the small sand structures the male was making, nearly finding the sight amusing even their current situation and cracking a smirk. Then he got an idea.. focusing on the sound vibrations reverberating in the van around the male's sand, he watched as the figures distorted and began taking shape of the direction of the vibration wavelengths Carter controlled. Zigzag patterns, a vertical spiral, even a DNA-like pattern but never letting the sand leave its position in front of the sand-manipulator. "It's pretty cool..what you can do, I mean."
(I won't be able to post again and Clyde uses his arms/hands to control the sand, I assume you weren't saying Clyde was TK though.)


Clyde smiled again.

"Thank you, I'm sure your powers are cool as well, even though I don't know what they are hehe."

Clyde moved the sand back into his gourd and put the lid on it.

"Any ideas on we're we going?"
Carter shook his head in response to Clyde's question, scratching the side of his head with a finger. "Can't say I do. But whoever came to us in this van..I think that's where he was headed. Before one of those things got him anyway.."
"Getting the hell outta the desert that's for damn sure." She yawned as she rested her head on the windoe, her eyes closed as she waved a hsnd dismissively. "No offense, I know sand is your thing."


  1. We're headee off to see the wonderful person who wants to meet us so badly. I'm quite flattered at how much effort they're putting into talking to us. Wanna thank them personally. Don't you guys?"
"I....used to be." Lucian said before holding up his invention. "I need that flywheel" he said to Jake changing the subject
"We are currently heading north" Nick said. "It should be a couple more hours before we hit any kind of road. And I suppose you should know that those things are called Sentinels. Their very purpose to even exist is to kill us. Dark, huh? Though the more I think about it, the more I like Jake's idea. We have no option of stealth anyway with this car beat half way to hell. And besides, we have no way of telling the extent of the damage to any curtail parts and I for one do not want to have one failing from trauma leave me stranded anywhere."
"A beat up car in the air isn't much more discreet then a beat up car om the ground. In fact ot could be more dangerous. Especially if get discovered in an area we're not supposed to be flying in. Besides...making an armored truck into a hovercraft...is it really that do able?"
Carter's gaze turned over to Nick. Sentinels? So that's what they were called. But the other's words only left the teenager with more questions.. "Kill us? But..why? We haven't hurt anyone. Who would even make those things?"
"We would need more resources, but certainly possible" Nick said. "And besides, the hover craft will be faster. We have no option of stealth anyway, so why not use that to our advantage?" He sighed when Carter asked his questions. "Tell that to society. People are scared of what we can do, and fear is a great motivator. Sure we haven't done anything, but we could and other mutants have."
Carter was confused by Nick's response. Was that why those 'sentinels' were really created? To murder mutants so the to so-called 'normal' people would feel more secure? How was that humane in any way? The thought infuriated Carter, but it also deeply saddened him. His face was twisted in a deep frown, his eyes even welling up a bit from the sheer frustration. "I-It's not fair..We barely make it by, trying to hide and trying to fit in as much as possible. And they...they make giant flying robots armed like a tank to try and wipe us out l-like a bunch of ants under a magnifying glass?" A few of those held back tears fell down Carter's face, but he tried hard to avoid letting his voice crack.
"No, this world isn't fair" Nick said. "We have to live in an oppressive society controlled by fear. Now, if we are being honest here, I lost hope. The only home I have ever considered save was destroyed. When I let all of my energy drain out of me, I just wanted to fade away. I wanted everything to just end. But the only way this will end is if we destroy their means of making Sentinels. Then they won't have their big guns and we might beg able to have a civilized conversation with a government official."

Trinity chuckled bitterly. "Civilized and government have never really belonged in the same sentence. Especially now that mutants are involved. Even more so when said government advocates the destruction of all mutants via giant killer robots." She drummed her fingers against the window and sighed. She glanced up in the rearview mirror at Carter. She noticed the tears but didn't say anything. She felt sorry for him, but at the same time envied him. Being a mutant for as long as he was and only just now finding out what a sentinel is. He'd been spared a lot of crap sentinels came with for the majority of the time he'd been a mutant. She cut her eyes back to her window and gazed out it as they rode. "Are we getting any closer to a road?"
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"No clue" Nick said. "But I do know that we need a place to crash when night comes. And food. I'm starved, though admittedly I should have had a bigger breakfast. What do you guys think we should do?' He also needed a shower, but wasn't going to say that out loud. It had been a good two weeks before he had a shower, and he worked in the desert all day. They could probably be tracked just by his stench. Well, not really, but the point is proven.
"We should try and get a better view of where we are. One of us should get up in the air and see if we're getting close a road or anything."
After wiping his face clear of the tears, Carter cleared his throat. They were right, they need to find somewhere to settle down for the night. And crying definitely wasn't going to help them out. "Just...stay quiet for a minute." He instructed as he placed his hands on the floor of the van and closed his eyes. The vehicle's engine was sending out sound waves throughout the air around them, which Carter would focus on to expand outward then increase the vibrations to a higher frequency to give the teenager a sort of sonar-like effect to see if he could pick up anything close by. "Let's see..." He was silent for another moment or two before opening his eyes.

"I think there's a town nearby. I'm picking up a lot of frequencies probably about 10 miles Northeast of here. They might have a gas station, and somewhere we could stay for the night." He was usually confident in his abilities, but Carter's voice still sounded unsure. That was when he added. "..Hopefully."

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