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Fandom X-Men: Rise of the Sentinels

Lucian poured countless energy signatures into the sentinel head,effectively turning it into what can only be described as a disco ball of destruction. He then flew into the air carrying it like an ungodly oversized pumpkin head
Nick saw the twister and got an idea. He didn't have all too much energy left, but there was enough chaos around to supplement. 'I'm not going to die, I'm not going to die' he told himself over and over again, though he didn't entirely believe it. Then he did the opposite of what everyone would expect. He sat down out in the open. Fueled by the rage of seeing his dead comrades, he began to charge energy. A crimson sphere of energy formed around him and engulfed anything it came in contact with as it slowly expanded. Several Sentinels shot at him, but he only got a fraction of the blow after their energy beams were diluted in the chaos sphere. Then he released the energy and it rapidly expanded in an explosion. Anything caught in the explosion changed randomly, but mostly disintegrated. He chose a spot where he knew no one left living would be caught in the explosion, but the explosion expanded slowly enough that they should have time to react.

Nick fell over on his back and felt to weak to even move a finger. His breathing was shallow and slow. He hurt all over like he was on fire. 'I was wrong' he thought. 'I will die here, and no one can change that. At least the others will survive.' As if to prove his point, a slightly damaged Sentinel started making its way over to him. He was finished.
A ball of light exploded as the sky was briefly lit up with a beam of energy. Lucian's work she was sure. She watched from the sidelines as a figure flew into the air, ready to jump in if she needed too.
Lucian looked around for others. He marked them ever so slightly with his own energy signature "TIME FOR CHAOS!" he threw the head towards the ground and immediately started to manipulate the energy. When the head hit the ground, the energy quickly ravaged everything left in its path except for the mutants. Lucian made damn sure that the energy weaved harmlessly around them
The explosion was the last straw. After the dust cleared, Trinity revved up the engine and began to drive back over to where the town was. Nearly all of the Sentinels had been destroyed in the blast. Some of them completely disintegrated. If the explosion had been strong to do that...she gripped the steering wheel tightly to keep from panicking as she drove closer to the destroyed town. She passed through a graveyard of Sentinels, but didn't the bodies of any of the others. She stopped when she saw Nick's unconscious body on the ground as a sentinel approached. She stopped the car and stepped out to attack. As she was about to fire, a wave of energy was released across the dessert that obliterate everything in it's path. And it was heading her way. She braced herself for the impact and closed her eyes but felt nothing. When she looked again, the energy had weaved around her and Nick and made its way to the Sentinel which was destroyed when it made contact with the energy. She hadn't been harmed. She stood there a moment in shock before running over to Nick. "Nick!" She dropped down beside him. Hiss breathing was shallow and she could barely find a pulse. "No, no, no." She took Nick's arms and stood up so that she was able to half carry, half drag him back to the van. She opened the door and set him down gently in the back of the van.
Apollo saw that no one was around so he stood up and started to fly towards the city. He wondered if someone was there, he had forgotten what had happened. When he reached the city, he was in awe. His city was destroyed by the mutants trying to get rid of the sentinels. He walked over to Trinity and said in a quiet voice, "What happened to Nick? What's going on?" He was so confused and his blood was rushing to his brain. He hated that feeling. He saw a sentinel and tried to fire a beam at it but he couldn't muster up the strength. He walked away from it going towards the van. It followed him.
She didn't waste time. She remembered everything her mother had taught about what to do in these situations. She loosened any tight clothing on him that would have made it harder to breathe. She kneeled back by his side and began CPR.

She came away from Nick's face for air and began to do chest compressions again. "I just him like this I'm not quite sure what he did." She looked over her shoulder as another sentinel approached and felt her heart dropped. She looked between Nick and the approaching sentinel, and began to feel hopeless. Apollo couldn't attack and was probably in no state to continue with CPR. She looked up briefly and shot at the Sentinel to stall it and weaken it some before she turned her attention back to Nick. "Come up, wake up..."
Nick felt everything Trinity was doing, but was too wake to respond. The most he could do was twitch his fingers, which, admittedly, was more than he could do just minute ago. All he needed now was rest or some sort of jump start. He had no clue on the later of the two, so he assumed he would be a vegetable for a few days.
She saw him twitch a little. A good sign, but not the one she had been hoping for. "Nick? Nick can you hear me?" She put her head to his chest to check his breathing again, and a hand on his wrist to search for a pulse. She felt the Sentinels steps shaking the ground as he got closer. She shot two more beams of electricity at him, her attack a little more powered from her anger and frustration.
Apollo turned around and remembered about his cosmic empowerment. He put his hands, palms up, to the sky and let what looked like space enter his body. He grew an extra foot and turned away from Nick and Trinity. He stared at the sentinel and when it got close enough to him he punched it right in the chest causing it to shatter in the many pieces it was made from. He looked at Trinity and said, "That is the power of the cosmos." He smirked and sat down next to Nick still regaining his energy and slowly going back to normal size.
Lucian smashed into the ground near them giving off high levels of energy. He started writing in pain as he was slowly being torn apart by his own power. Lucian desperately needed to shed some of this excess power. He saw Nick and grabbed his shoulder and the energy quickly transferred over to Nick.
Trinity moved back as Lucian climbed touched Nick and began to transfer energy into him. She backed away thinking that would do the trick and looked outside. "Where's Clyde, we need to go."

She rushed back into the driver's seat to crank up the engine again. She waited for Clyde as the others sat in the back. She looked back at Lucian and Apollo, "You guys okay?"
Nick's eyes bolted open wide as the energy entered his body. He no longer hurt, but now the only sensation he felt was a dull tingling. His pulse and breathing returned to normal. When Lucian let go he felt fully rejuvenated. He sat up despite his muscles protests. "Thanks man" he said to Lucian. "I owe you one. Now we actually have some breathing room. Lets find others and get out."

(Clyde is offline. I advise we snag him and Jake who also appears to be off line. This way we don't leave them behind again. Just a suggestion, though.)
Trinity waited for Jake and Clyde to get in the car and then took off across the dessert again. She began to relax as they moved further snd further away from the town. A strong wave of fatigue and relief hit her as she drove, not quite sure where she was going.
Apollo sat back in the car, not a fan of driving in cars. He always had felt nauseous. He looked at the desert and asked, "Do you know where you are going? Wait! There is a map! Get the map guys! Where is it?" He searched the car for the map almost throwing up in the process. He found it and gave it to Trinity. "Just follow that. Ok?" He smiled at her.
Nick noted how tired Trinity looked. "Do you need me to take over driving? I can handle it for a while thanks to Lucian." It was true. He felt like he could run a marathon. Well, most of his muscles were sore, but besides that.
She took the map from him and glanced at the the paper

She looked it over for their destination and frowned. "And where are we exactly? I don't see middle of nowhere anywhere on the route. Any of you happen to have a GPS?" She glanced at Nick. "You sure? You guys did most of the heavy lifting back there. I can handle this if you wanna take a minute to rest some more."
"I got this" Nick said. "Don't worry. You did plenty of work yourself. Just take it easy for a while."
He seemed sure enough about it. She nodded. "Okay." She stopped car and shifted over into the vacant passenger seat to allow Nick to take the wheel. Her body relaxed even more as she rested her head on the window. She looked over at Nick. "Thanks."
"No problem" Nick said as he changed to the drivers seat. He hesitated for a moment before shifting the car into drive. He was plenty alert by this point, but it had been a while before he had driven a car. He stepped on the gas peddle cautiously at first, but quickly grew more confident. Soon they were speeding down the desert. He used the sun as a compass and judged they were heading north. He notice the gas meter showed a quarter of a tank left and began to worry about how far they could get. "Hey, could someone check to see if there is more gas in the back or something?"
Lucian was in the back of the van silently recovering. "Lil bit. If push comes to shove I can get us money to cover costs."
All the while as the others talked, for right now, Carter wanted nothing more than to just drown out the hell the world had quickly become with the music bumping out of his headphones. Firmly having them against the sides of his head, Carter slowly fell asleep in the back of the van and was finally able to let go of the large cut on his arm, the bleeding finally had stopped.

(Sorry for being gone like all day, was out n' about .-. )
"I don't know how much good money is gonna do us if there aren't any functional gas stations for miles and miles around." In the event that they were to break down, what would the group do? An idea occurred to him.

"But. . . I can control air, you're a TK. . . We could easily rig up a hovercraft of some sort, if need be." It was true: with a specifically crafted bottom, a rudder, and a sail, they could easily cover large distances without the stress of a required resource.
"A hovercraft. It's actually an exceedingly simple task for those with our talents." He smiled, eager to expand upon a subject that he was quite familiar with. He explained the craft's structure and the boat-like bottom side, the simple mast and sail, the finer points like seating and controls. And finally, the aerodynamics that keep the beast airborne.

"We could easily outdistance this car. Even a Sentinel. And so long as you or I were aboard, there'd be no worries about gas or anything like that."

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