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Fandom X-Men: Rise of the Sentinels

Trinity pursed her lips and swallowed. She looked over at Apollo who had yet to awaken, then at the overturned truck. She grimaced as she showed Nick the message they had just received. "We go where ever the hell this is. They want us this badly, let's not disappoint." She gazed inside the truck. "It's not that damaged, we can get it upright and stay there for the night. Or st least until Apollo wakes up. You should rest inside with him, keep an eye on him. I'll take watch." She tapped her chin. "Maybe later we can find a way to get it running. They shot the side so the engine should be fine." She stood up and offered her hand. "It's not over for us, Nick. Not yet. We're still alive and we have each other." She placed a hand on his shoulder. "We haven't lost anything."
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Carter nodded at Trinity's words. This wasn't over. Not by a long shot. He still wasn't entirely sure what was happening, but he did know that this was survival now. And staying with the group would be his best chance "Yeah, we're gonna make it. So stop spitting that crap out and man up. I don't know about you, but i'm not about to let some dumb machines take me out out!"
she went to the front of the car. "Perhaps it would better to just try and get it running tonight." She said rethinking her plan. She opened the hood snd found the engine undamaged. "Yeah, we're getting outta here tonight." She went over the side again. "Come help me sit this back up. Maybe the three of us can do it."
"Those "dumb machines" just happen to be the resin we are in hiding. They are the reason most mutants are dead and the world has gone to hell" Nick said. "Just let me get some rest. I'll be better then." He looked at the car with Trinity. "I don't suppose anyone had telekinesis?"
"HAD being the subjective word" Lucian walked up to the car and slapped both hands on the ground. A wave of energy hit the car and flipped it over into its wheels "now i just do things like that"
"No..." she cursed under her breath and looked to the nee guy. "Hey, your sound waves can move stuff right? Maybe if you shoot the ground at a certain anglr it'll create a force strong enough to sit the car up? That's possible right? I was never that good at physics"
Carter stood beside Nick and Trinity, observing the van before Lucian had walked up to it and used an energy wave to pop the vehicle upright. Very similar to how he would have gone about doing it.. Guess he wasn't too different after all. Even still, the feat impressed the teenager. "Woah. Cool.."
"....or that. Alright you guys climb in. She went over to the drivers side and keys were still there she began trying to crank it. "Come on...come on..."

After several more tried the engine finally revved up. She pumped a fist in the air and laughed. "Yes! Life! Everybody in?" She looked out through her window to see everyone else."
After the van finally revved to life, Carter made his way back into the front passenger seat. This time though, he did not forget to buckle in his seat belt. He then looked over at Trinity as they waited for everyone to board the van once more. "So..you got a name?"
Trinity adjusted the mirros and put her seatbelt on as she looked at the paper. "I'm Trinity. And you? I'm sure new guy is gonna pretty old soon." She smiled.
Even in their current situation, Carter could have chuckled at the girl's remark. But he didn't. Instead he smirked before he answered Trinity. "Carter. But Siren works too. Heh."
She nodded. "Siren. I like that, already have a nickname for yourself. Lucky." She rassberried him as she began to search compartments of the car. "Anybody see anything about where this guy might have been headee? He had to be coming from somewhere nearby. Might be a safer place for us to figure things out."
Clyde woke in his bed, he got up and wiped his eyes, but before he did anything he sensed something.

He couldn't feel the presence of others in the sand anymore, but instead a dozen or more large, moving objects.

He knew these were sentinels, so Clyde put on his gourd and he opened his front door.
".....CRAP." Lucian shot into the sky and headed back towards the Sentinels without telling the others why. "How the hell did we forget sand guy?"
Trinity huffed. "lright hang on." She revved the engine up again and turned pushed down on the gas, she began to drive back to Blightview, hoping Clyde would still be there when they arrived.
Lucian slammed down in front of the van in order to stop Trinity. "You stay here. You guys are no good injured and fatigued. It's better if you stay here" Lucian said with a stern voice
Trinity gritted her teeth and glared at him through the wind shield. "Are you insane? No, let me rephrase that. You're insane. You have no idea what the situation is back there, you shouldn't go in alone."

Clyde made a wall of sand in front of him, he also reinforced his sand armour that covered his skin, he pushed the sand wall with as much force as possible into the sentinels,

He then increased the density of the sand making it heavier.

Clyde then began to run, there was only one exit available to him and it was the back entrance.

Clyde could only hoped the sand would hold the sentinels down long enough for him to escape, but just to be safe he made a small tornado of Sand and sent it into the sentinels.

It was small so it would not do much damage.
Nick stepped out of the vehicle. "He isn't going alone. I'm going with" he said. Before anyone could react he started joggin off towards the smoking settlement in the distance.
She sighed and huffed and then turned to Lucian. "Get in. Get Clyde. Get out. That's the plan okay? Let's try not to start another fire fight, okay? But if it looks like things get too messy I'll come over. Deal?"
Apollo woke up and remembered the sentinels. He shot up and hit his head on the car. He said a quick "ow" and rubbed his head. "What's going on? What happened to te sentinels?"
Lucian smirked a bit " Starting firefights is what I do best" Lucian flew off towards the Sentinels, he purposefully crashed through the nearest one he could find. Once it exploded, he grabbed the head. "....time to make things go boom."
Trinity turned at the sound of Apollo's voice, relieved to find him awake. "We aren't sure yet. There may be some more back where the town is....or where it used to be. How are you feeling? You really burned your self out back there."
The Sentinels continued their approach in the face Clyde's whirlwind, only slowed by the minute sandstorm. They faltered, however; the miniature tornado was fluctuating in size, sending turbulent gusts outward only to pull them back in, bolstering the storm.

Overhead Jake zipped through the air in tight circles, gathering winds into a funnel that gradually grew to the size of a small skyscraper, til the force alone pulled the Sentinels off the ground. Slowly at first, then altogether, they were pulled toward the storm's center where they collided in a heap of metal. The screech of steel shredding steel rung in his ears, but Jake held strong: Clyde must escape.

If it meant displacing an entire ruined town to save another mutant from the horrors of the Sentinels, he would carry the two of them from Kansas to Oz and back.
Trinity sat anxiously in the car as she awaited the return of Lucian and the others. She looked towards the sound of a fight going on back at the town. She considered going back for them, but at the same didn't want to risk their only mode of transportation getting destroyed. "Come on you guys...hurry up..."

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