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Fandom X-Men: Rise of the Sentinels

"Me personally?" Nick asked. "I just ran. I left my home running and had no idea where I was headed, to be honest. After a while I caught wind of this place when it was still in its relatively early stages. Then I packed up and tried to find it. It took a while, but here I am. I guess I'm one of the older people here in terms of how long people have been here, but not the oldest by any means. For the entire time I have been here I have just helped in any way I could. What about you? What's your story?"
Hyomachi sighed and bowed his head. "Long story short, everyone I knew considered me a monster for what I could do. My parents tried to protect me but soon a mob of people came and tried to kill me. My parents packed my bags aand told me to run. That was some time ago. After the sentinels took over, I heard about this place and decided to check it out."
Lucian watched them walk away and waited until they were long gone. He turned and puked pure energy. "....ugh. So it's come to this" Lucian spit a little bit and stood up straight. "Gotta keep it together..."
After her shower was done, shen turned the water off and pulled her clothes back on she rung the water from her hair as she walked back to where she was told she would be staying, She went over a mattress and collapsed onto it, sleep already starting to claim her m
Lucian picked up his pack that he had put down in the battle and walked to the outskirts of Blightview. He sat down, propped up by a gate post and reached into his pack for a bottle of water and a towel. Lucian wiped his dried blood from his face before returning the bottle and rag to his pack. He sat there silently and stared out over the horizon, he didn't sleep, not since the he was reborn.
Gentle gusts of air caressed his body, pushing away every last drop of water. A final swoop left Jake's hair standing slightly upward, dark brown and feathered to the left. He dressed quickly; it was but his second day in Blightview, and he'd yet to see more than half of the settlement.

He left the building and took up watch at the nearest post.
She told herself she could sleep for days after the past few weeks she'd had. However, fatigue proved to be no match for the anxiousness that had accumulated in her. She felt like she always had to be looking over her shoulder. Even in this place, which had other mutants and housing, she still felt that needed she to be guard. She woke up after just a few hours and scanned the room to make she was safe. She then went over the window to look outside. "Stupid paranoia." She hated being a mutant sometimes. If it wasn't for her being a mutant she'd be back home in New Orleans with her mother. They would have been taking a carriage ride town at night, exchanging funny stories their high school year. She'd be getting last minute advice about how to survive college. She'd been accepted into Julliard, her dream school. Instead of being there, she was running from hate groups and giant robots. Not quite the future she had envisioned. She clenched her fists and sighed. Sleep was out of the question now. She was too angry. She left the room and went outside to find something or someone to distract her. She didn't want to be alone with her thoughts much longer.
Nick took careful aim and fired. He had built several large sand piles outside of town and was shooting them. The explosions were quiet, but the sand flew everywhere and anyone could plainly see the sand flying. It was his morning ritual at this point. He knew he needed to keep focus, but he woke up every morning angry. He always seemed mad at everything before blowing up the sand. He was mad at the bullies from school, BOOM. He was mad at the people who hated him for something to he couldn't control, BOOM. He was mad at the Sentinels, BOOM. A pile of sand for everything he was mad at, and there were still two left. He lowered his hand to take a small break. At least he got his anger out early.
Lucian remained still for hours on end just staring out over the landscape. He only moved when he saw Trinity. He looked at her for a moment before staring off in the distance again
I was thinking of having Sentinels attack and destroy Blightview to give your characters a reason to start on your quest. Though I won't without a majority approval.- OOC
(Sounds good to me dude!)

She wasn't sure what she would do with her free time, she knew she would avoid whoever was off blowing up sand. She found a post by a gate around the settlement and decided being on look out was a good way to kill some time. Lucian was over there as well. She leaned against the gate and looked out over the vast sea of sand. "Hey."
Nick took a calming breath. All of his sand piles were destroyed so he walked back into town. He supposed he could try and help make food again, but he was always shooed away when he tried. He was a pretty bad cook after all. Instead he decided to just wander and see who needed what done. On the way he passed. Trinity and Lucian. "Morning" he said as he passed.
"That's what I'm about to find out" Nick replied. "Though I imagine there is still a lot to clean up after the, err, "incident" yesterday. Either way, there is always something to be done. Maybe I should take a shower..." He added the last part as an afterthought and didn't even mean to say it out loud.
She laughed. "Hey I'm the last person who has any businesses judging you for that." She looked out the setinals. "Think more will come back?"
Nick stopped to think about the question for a moment. "I think it depends upon what we do. It is clear that these ones here were just messengers, and there message was clear. "Go where we tell you". They know we are here and are most likely monitoring us as we speak. I think more will come if we don't move soon enough. That leaves us the option of leaving or trying to fortify this trailer park. If we leave, they leave us alone long enough to set their trap in motion. If we stay, they come in force. That's just my thought though."
"Without question." Lucian said "sentinels aren't known for letting something go. Either they're comin back to end us, or to retrieve that message...probably both"
Carter slowly opened his eyes from his nap in the back of the black Lincoln that had been issued to transport the boy to Blightview as the vehicle came to a stop. 'Well, I guess this is it.' He thought to himself as he listened to the robotic-sounding music emanating from his headphones. The driver had stepped out and walked around the car to open the door for Carter, who was glad to stand out of the vehicle after the horrid 4 hour drive. After retrieving his backpack and a single duffel bag from the trunk, he halfheartedly waved goodbye to the driver before the tall male sat back into the car and drove off, leaving the boy by himself as he stood in front of the large institute..

Carter's green hues gazed upon the building for a moment or so, a foot absently tapping at the sandy ground below him to the beat of his music. Finally, he began to advance forward to the front doors with an almost stoic expression before he raised a hand and knocked on the large door.
The air was still. A light humming could be heard and tiny blips could be seen in the clouds. It was at least a dozen.
She chewed on the inside of cheek. "Sounds pretty lose-lose. We should meet with the others about this, see what they think. If either of your theories are right, we don't have much time to waste. We need to be as prepared as we can for whatever happens next." She looked between the two of them and then down at sand, she began to dig a hole with the toe ofher boots and shrugged. "Just my two-cents."
Nick's eyes widened as he found the source of the humming. He ran deep into the settlement and found the panic bell. It rang long and loud. Everyone was needed for this fight, as he doubted these were messengers.
The blips expanded, then doubled. The humming became louder as bolt of energy began to fly toward Blightview.

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