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Fandom X-Men: Rise of the Sentinels

Trinity stepped closer and gazed at the hologram, her mouth agape. "Am...am I seeing that right?" She knew enough about Steve Rogers to realize this nothing that could simply brushed off. "Who do you think this was meant for?"

"It has to be a trap. Unless they're suddenly feeling generous and want give us one hell of a peace offering, which is quite obviously very unlikely. What do we do?"
One of the bots exploded sending a piece of shrapnel to Trinity's feet. On the shrapnel was black lettering that read. "Designation-Washington D.C. , Messenger Class."
Nick ignored Lucian, who was really beginning to wear on his nerves, and instead focused on Apollo. "It is quite obvious they wanted us to see this. The real question is why would they not just kill us? I find it unlikely that it isn't a trap, but why not just send a Sentinel army to kill us? This seems like more effort than it would be worth on killing us."
"Well it could have something to do with desert kid over there, could have somethin to do with me, or they figure it's easier when they control all the variables" Lucian walked over to the group and cracked his neck "I say we blow their trap straight to hell and grey back good ol stars and stripes"
Apollo looked at Lucian and whispered to Nick. "Who is this kid?" He spoke up. "I think we should at least go and check it out. An army of mutants against robots. Who would win that? And we just easily took out these baby robots. I agree with newbie." He shot a quick glance at Lucian but then reverted back to Nick.
She kneeled down to read the piece of shrapnel. She waited picked it up, jugging it a bit as she waited for it to cool down. "Well that confirms that." She glanced at Lucian. "There seems to be some faults to your plan. Like how we're gonna get to D.C, where exactly to look when we get to D.C. What we're going to be up against?"

She looked to the one who'd just spoke. "We took these down as easily as we did because they weren't here to kill us. Only messengers. And I'm sure whoever sent the message will put a bigger fight than this."
The hologram flashed back to the map of western California with a bullet point right about where L.A. is.
"I agree with Trinity" Nick said. "Even you called them babies Apollo. Perhaps we need to take a look, but we can't go bursting through the front doors." He then leaned closer to Apollo. "Lucian. He has power, but bad attitude. Don't be surprised if I avoid him."
"Exactly. YOU can't. I CAN. So I suggest you let me be your distraction. I burst right through the front and unleash chaos, you sneak around and silently find Cap."
Apollo laughed at Lucian. "Oh boy. Who is going to watch this one?" He whispered to Nick, "I don't like him." He looked at Lucian, "Ok. You can risk your life while we sneak in? But that would really just result in a loss of a mutant and a small chance of rescuing Cap." He shook his head at the aggressive mutants naivety.
Nick's eye twitched a little. Not only did it seem Lucian's ego was overflowing, but he was wearing on Nick at a more personal level. Nick literally created chaos. Then this guy just barges in thinking he is invincible. "I'll go se what we have in terms of provisions for travel. You just stay here and talk this over." He leaned a little closer to Apollo. "I just need to get away from him before I accidentally blow something up." Without another word he walked away.
Jake stepped forward, nodding in agreement. "You're thinking recklessly. Even if we were to use that strategy, we would need more than a single mutant on the front lines. Perhaps use some thought before blurting out your every idea."
"A loss?" Lucian laughed a bit "Trust me. Dying isn't something I can't do. The Phoenix Force ain't that easy to kill. Just let me fight them. Besides, once they realize what I am, they'll flock to me like flies to honey"
"How about we save the discussion for what we're going to do there once we get there? We don't really know what we're in for, you guys are thinking too far ahead. Right now, we need to be planning actually making it there."
(OOC: No but seriously, when the creator said make sure you don't get OP I like to think he was including constant boasts of god-like abilities such as an inability to die. It is wearing on me slightly.)
Hyomachi had into the center of town, ignoring the commotion and fallen sentinels. His main priority was finding people. He kept walking until he found a group of people talking to each other. He pulled his windmill shuriken off his back and talked for the first time in weeks. "I swear to god that first person to shoot, stab or punch gets their arm chopped off. Now, do you people happen to be friendlies or am I gonna have to spill some blood?"
"But you're probably right. In all reality they'd probably kill me before I could buy you enough time. I'm willing to risk it...besides I'm not easy to get along with"
"Woah, woah, woah! Take it easy!" Trinity looked to the random guy who had just wandered onto the scene threatening to dismember them for no reason.
Apollo was taken off topic by the random person who stepped foot on his friends property an threatened their limbs. He quickly said putting his hands up, "Bro. Calm down. We are just a group of people living away from the sentinel's control. Put the sharp thingy down." He laughed awkwardly. He was ready to strike this guy down just in case.

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