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Fandom X-Men: Rise of the Sentinels

Suddenly an odd calmness swept over the town. It was as if the wind stopped blowing. Four Sentinels descended upon the time, as well as half of one skidding across the desert floor. Blightview must be defended.
No matter how fast Nick ran, the Sentinel was never too far behind. He started shooting the ground in attempts to confuse the robot, but it seemed unfazed. He needed to start making direct attacks, but he also needed backup. There was no way he would be able to stop running and make a successful attack with the Sentinel already shooting at him. Luckily enough he had made it back to town. Now he could try to make some real damage! He shot a continuous jet of chaos energy, which looked like crimson lightning, at the thing. It didn't appear to be doing anything, but Nick knew it was screwing with the innards of the robot.
Auraya looked around as things seemed weird. Something was getting nearer and nearer to them. It took her a moment to realize that it was several sentinels coming closer to them. "So much to the safe place..." she said sighing getting ready to fight walking up to upcoming sentinels. She used her power to grab the next heavy thing near her and flung it at the one of the Sentinels hoping it would at least cause a little damage.
She'd just found somewhere to sit down and started to relax when she heard something approaching. She looked outside and saw sentinels approaching. Something began to boil inside of her. The pain nand exhaustion from earlier faded and was replaced with rage as fragments of her memory resurfaced. She looked her eyes on a sentinel, everything else fading. Bshe raised both of her hands towards it and unleashed a surge of electricity at its head.
The combined electricity destroyed the Sentinel. While it attempted to adapt the two bolt's energy signatures were two different and it's head went flying off.

1 down, 3 to go.
The first scream tore through the air like a bolt of lightning. And just like a storm, the rest of them followed, filling the air with the horrid sound of people everywhere voiding their bowels in fear.

Jake looked up from his meat-on-a-stick to see what all the fuss was about; A hunk of beef fell from his lips and landed on the ground with a thud. Through the frantic marketplace crowds he saw the glint of sunlight on metal, and in a second he was airborne, leaving a cloud of desert dust in his wake. Sentinels, he thought, pulling his goggles over his eyes just in time to block a speck of flying debris. A girl had thrown a fallen street light at the thing, sending shattered glass cascading toward the sky.

She had gotten its attention. With the Sentinel hopefully distracted, Jake darted downward toward its back. At the last possible moment he spiralled inward, pulling a torrent of air about himself from all about to coalesce into a single blade. Enjoy your trip, he thought (wincing at his poor taste), and whipped it at the monster's heels.
Protectig herself from the Sentinel's attack with her force shield, she was surprised over getting help looking over to where the blade had come from. Seeing a guy standing there. Hoping she had gained a moment because of the man's attack, she used the street light again. Aiming on the chest of the sentinel and rammed it into its chest. Auraya hoped that would give it the rest.
With the street light now embedded in the sentinels chest, she shot another beam of electricity at it, the current from the strong blast surging through the metal of the street light (which I'm assuming is metal) and into the sentinels body.
Hyomachi was just entering what he believed to be the small town of Blightview. After a long journey filled with blood, sweat and tears, he had finally made it. His shirt was covered in blood, mostly from having to fight humans that tried to kill him out of rage and spite. He scouted the town and sighed. "Hello? Anyone hear? This isn't some type of mutant trap is it?"
After nearly being vaporized a few times, the sentinel Nick was targeting started to malfunction. He had no clue what damage was actually done, but hopefully that one wouldn't be too much trouble any more. He turned his attention to another one just in time and barely escaped being blasted apart. In return Nick tried to explode that sentinel.

(@AvidElmV2 It is currently being attacked by Sentinels)
(OOC: We should just go with it, keeping it tame)

Three Sentinels had fallen, leaving a single rampaging robot to level all nearby structures and slaughter every mutant in its path. Jake watched, ready to act as Nick triggered an explosion on the Sentinel's site. The smoke cleared to reveal their foe, lacking an arm but otherwise unphased; with its remaining arm it fired a beam of pure electrical energy at Nick.

A cushion of air intercepted the blast, dispersing the energy in a brilliant flash of light. Overhead, Jake hovered out of the Sentinel's reach. As he concentrated, a sphere of rapidly rotating air surrounded its arm where the beam had escaped. He hoped the move would prevent any further blasts, and in the event that it didn't, the blowback from a blast could shatter the Sentinel entirely. . .
Apollo heard all of the commotion on the other side of the town. He quickly flew over to the other side and when he got there he saw sentinel remains and one more sentinel standing. Apollo waited to see what would happen in case he would have to step in. He wanted to see the newbies' abilities.
Lucian singled out one of the sentinels and stood directly in front of it. His handed glowed ever so slightly as a grin slowly spread across his face. "Come on then!" Lucian spread his arms to invite the sentinel to attack "Hit me with your best shot!"

Lucian didn't move as the sentinel opened its palm and shot energy at him, in fact its exactly what he wanted. Lucian put a hand up and was quickly engulfed by the energy but instead of exploding, it merely pooled around him. After a couple of seconds, three different energy signatures started to swirl around in the sentinel's energy before hurtling back towards the Sentinel itself.

Lucian, a bloody and battered wreck, then flew behind the sentinel and charged it's back with energy from the Phoenix Force surrounding him like a spear head.
More people were starting to join in and she made her our into the desert with them. There were still other sentinels to worry about. Too many. The longer they remained there, the longer she hated them. The more they bought back to her. Lucian had one of them taken care of. This other one was hers. Remains from the others were scattered through out the desert, the closest to her was an arm. She was able to pick up traces of fading currents of electricity in it. She decided she would try something.

She focused all of her energy on the small trace and the head began to levitate, slowly. She clenched her fist, the currents in the arm becoming stronger. Her muscles began to grow tired and she feel herself getting weaker, but did not allow herself to quit. She focused. She focused on the rage, the battle and current. Using all the strength she could muster, she raised the arm higher in the air, it was now almost engulfed in electricity. She made a pushing movement with both hands and the arm surged forward like a giant, bullet of electricity at the sentinel, and passed through its chest leaving a gaping hole.
The Sentinel fell the the ground with a tremendous thump and a sphere flew out of it's chest, rolling onto the desert floor. It seemed to house a projector and a small button on the bottom. The Sentinels had been defeated, for now.
The dust and sand that flew up when the sentinel fell blew in her direction, causing her to cough. She passed the dust at the fallen sentinel and laughed. "Holy crap, that actually worked..."
Nick walked over to the fallen object. "Hey Apollo!" he called out. "Think we have any use for this?" He wan't entirely sure if he should be holding it, but this needed to be cleaned up anyway.
Apollo pointed at Nick immediately and yelled, "Put that down! Give it to me right now!" He flew over to Nick with near light speed and swiped the orb from his hands. He flew up high and looked around the orb for a switch. He thought it was a bomb and was ready to absorb the blast. HE pressed the button and was ready for anything.
As the button clicked a blue display shined from the screen. It was a map titled Capt. A, location. It looked like Western California, easily 120 miles away. A small knob extended from the ball. It turned itself then the hologram changed into blueprints for a stasis chamber. Looks like the residents of Blightview had just destroyed a couple of Sentinel messengers.

(You wanted story progression, you got it.)
Apollo quickly dropped to the ground and said to Nick, "Hey. Check it. I think these sentinels were sent here on purpose. It says Captain America's location. Do you think it's a trap?" He showed Nick the orb and the hologram and studied the map.
Lucian stood away from everybody as his wounds started to heal. "Well that was boring. The least they could have done was put up more of a fight. I barely felt any pain"

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