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Fandom X-Men: Rise of the Sentinels

Nick rolled his eyes. He hoped he saw this guy as little as possible while he stayed. He was too sure of himself. He even took Clyde's suggestion of acting less aggressive as a threat! "Just try to be productive please. I'm going back to check the perimeter again. And Clyde, if you need me just send a signal, ok?" With that he headed out into the desert again.
Trinity stepped between the two and pushed them apart. "No one needs to be threatening anyone. We all appear to be in the same situation, the last thing we need to do is fight each other. so both of you just calm down and try to stay off each others case okay?"

"Because right now both of you are acting like a couple of damn kids," she backed up. "Now how about we let this go and play nice with each other?"
Lucian lifted his hands out of his pockets and put them in the air. "I'm not the one getting in other people's faces..." he took a few steps back "I'm just an average smartass with every right to be cocky. I'll continue trying not to cause a problem... But I'm REALLY bad at it..." Lucian looked dead at Clyde "especially when others keep threatening me"
Jake rubbed at his temples. Infighting, before any real fight had begun. It did not bode well for the small group that such tempers would be flaring so early on; Jake stood away from the fray, awaiting whatever instruction would be provided. If none came, he would simply take to the skies and see what the tumbleweeds blew their way.
Clyde was furious now,

"Alright mister smartass, if it's a fight your looking for than I'll give it to Ya, but I'd suggest clearing your ears of the sand first."

Clyde took a few steps back and took of his gourd, he placed it on the ground, he didn't know this guys powers so he would have to be careful, if he chose to engage.
Trimity looked at Lucian and crossed her arms. "Then make your self a little less easy to threaten." She looked to Clyde. "And you, try not to lose your temper so easily." She stepped away from the two of my them then

"Hey!," she looked at Clyde. "No one is fighting anyone. Calm down okay?"
"Oh?" Lucian dropped his hands to his sides and the air around him started to shift abnormally. His eyes started to get more feral, like an animal that knew nothing but survival. He started to take a step forward but stopped. "Maybe one day...but as of right now, you're not a sentinel...and Chaos doesn't fight other mutants."
"I dunno." He approached Trinity, standing next to her. "Perhaps it would be best if they got it out if their systems sooner rather than later." Jake's eyes darted between the two near-combatants, quickly as the spark that was soon to ignite the fuse of battle.

"You know how this goes. Boys will be boys." He shot her a wink.
"That and I don't feel like turning this area into a giant Phoenix Force beacon..." Lucian accidentally let the slip while he was looking off at the sky
Clyde calmed down a bit.

"Wise choice, I wouldn't want any newbies getting hurt, and I'm guessing chaos is a nickname you gave yourself right, or are you another one of those two people one body type things?

Clyde put his gourd back on and turned away from them and began to walk back to his place.
"Or they'll fight over nothing and continue to fight over nothing and this will only escalate." She shot him a wink back. "Because boys will be boys."
Lucian twitched at the word newbie "heh...heh heh... Don't ever call me that again. Chaos is the name the government have me for the amount of trouble I've caused them."
Clyde turned around again,

He had to raise his voice because he had began to walk back to his place.

"So it is a nickname then?

And you'd better get used to being called newbie, that's how things go around here."
Jake shrugged, indifferent. "Guess we'll have to wait to see what we're all made of." What he was waiting for, Jake hadn't the slightest idea. But he had some decent company, so it didn't matter.

He scratched at his chin, which was once again coarse with 5 o'clock shadow. Battle loomed on the horizon, dancing on the fringes of their nightmares. All that mattered was the fight. All that mattered was survival.
Trinity face palmed. "Good to see things are getting off to a good start here. That was what? One? Two minutes it took for that to happen?"
"Well this 'newbie' is completely merged with a being infinitely your greater...." Lucian had to restrain himself from sending a column of pure energy into the sky to prove his point
Clyde smiled.

"I Don't think you understand what I could do here, we are in the middle of the desert and you are threatening the sand manipulator?

Just how cocky or stupid are you?
"Is it really cocky when you have the power of the Phoenix Force? I think that at that point it's just...normal. I don't think YOU understand what I could do regardless of where we are" Lucian grinned. He fully understood that he was in the middle if a desert, and truth be told he had no problem with Clyde...but the fact of the matter was he really...REALLY didn't like being looked down on.
"Neither of you would get very far with a pair of imploded lungs." Jake turned away from them all, toward the exit. They were just threats at the end of the day, and words are wind. At any rate, he was sure he'd heard of a marketplace nearby, and his stomach was turning in on itself in some dimension-defying fit of hunger.

On a pocket of air he propelled himself into the sky, spreading his arms wide to catch the winds that would carry him to his dinner.
"If we were to fight it would be over in seconds newbie, there is already grains of sand in your eyes ears and nose, so I suggest walking away from this one newbie."
Lucian looked in the general direction of Jake starting to think they don't know who you are buddy... Lucian thought to himself knowing that the Phoenix Force had heard him "and yet you haven't stopped to ask yourself why. Why is it that with all of these advantages does he still seem so confident? Why when my element is literally all around him and in cracks he really wished they weren't in, does he show no signs of backing down?"
Trinity grew annoyed and gave up. She left the two of them behimd to fight over nothing and went off in search of a bed or anywhere she could take a moment to get some proper rest. Her body was still sore from that tast attack. She cautiously stepped into one of the small buildings and looked around inside
Lucian turned back to Clyde, his face was dead serious, not hostile or threatening, just serious. "It's because if we were to fight, the odds aren't in your favor... And I actually like having you around. You're fun."
Auraya sighed relieved, getting dressed again after a good old shower. She felt better than before, sometimes it's just a miracle what something so simple good do to you. She guessed she should walk outside to help. Walking outside, the sun shone into her face making her bat her eyelashes a few times. Thinking of where to go she looked around wondering if someone needed her help.

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