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Fandom X-Men: Class of '15


A miserable little pile of secrets
Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters, 6 Months ago.

Charles looks up from his desk as Scott clears his throat to get the telepaths attention. "You wanted to see me Professor?"

"Ah Scott," The older man replies with a smile, "Yes, I'd like your team to escort some young mutants to the institute. What with the publics current opinion, I think they'd be much safer here, don't you?"

Scott nods and walks out of the room to prepare his team to collect the new students.
Xavier Institute, Present.

Mathias groans and reaches around for the source of the annoying beeping noise, quickly finding his alarm clock and turning it off. He sits up in bed and rubs his eyes. 7:45, lessons start in 15 minutes. He gets up and dresses before porting down to the small kitchen that the students share.
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A girl with long blue hair was cooking breakfast for all the students. She had a black cat sitting on her head looking around and was humming happily as usual. She heard someone enter the kitchen and looked back to see it was one of the new student. She smiled "morning" she said to him quietly as she plated the food and set it down on the table with the rest. She took out some glasses and poured orange juice for everyone.
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Achilles walked in a sort time later, looking tired and pale like someone who was deathly ill. "'Morning..."He muttered simply sitting down in one of the chairs and yawned. He did not take any of the food already prepared sitting back and taking a couple of battery packs from his pockets. He placed one on the table and just held one. Gradually colour seemed to return in his skin.
Mathias glances back at Achilles and nods in greeting, he then returns to staring expectantly at the kettle. When the kettle boils he prepares a cup of tea and goes to sit down at the table. As he takes a sip of his tea however he makes a face and quickly goes to tip it down the sink. "Milk's off." He mutters, sounding a bit annoyed. "You'd think with the budget they have they'd be able to get groceries for us on time. Be right back." With that Mathias disappears.
The lady watched them and smiled, but said nothing as the other one disappeared " can you tell the others to put the dishes in the sink when they are done eat?" She asked politely as she took out a tray and put the breakfast, tea and water for Pro.Xavier on the tray. She smiled kindly " I'll be right back" she said and walked of to the professor's office. The black cat on her head moved to her shoulder. The girl patted her head as she walked " I'll get you something to eat later, ok?" She said to the black cat who mewed.
Achilles nodded at Mathias and watched him leave before turning his attention to the blue haired girl as she cooked. Admittedly he found the girl striking to look at she moved and her huming very sweet. "A cute humming and cooked breakfast, the kookla (Greek for doll or pretty girl) knows how to wake someone up."He said to the cat after the blue haired girl left before calling on the cat to pat it,
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Noel walked into the Dinning area "God i'm still not use to these beds, my wings are so sore" Noel says stretching them a bit "what's for breakfast guys" he asks looking at Mathias and Achilles "I'm starved" he adds as he goes to look at what was made to eat
"Considering I haven't slept in an actual bed for more than a year, mine was heavenly." Achilles said looking at the new kid. " Whatever you want blue crystal girl sorted out both a fry up and pancakes. Help yourself to my share, I am not hungry."
Noel smiles and stretches out his wings happily "really I can have your food?" He questions as he walks over to Achilles "I don't want you to starve" Noel added looking at the boy and sitting down next to him, His wings Brushing Achilles by accident
Achilles was irrated by the wing slap. "Watch those wings. And yeah its fine.... " He showed of the batteries, switching them around. " I 'm covered in terms of food."
Noel looked at him "Sorry I didnt mean to touch you with my wing" He said apologetically before stretching in front of Achilles taking his plate careful not to have his wings brush him again "Thanks for the plate" Noel adds before he starts to dig in to his meal
'try Greg just try' Gregory thought as he pulling his gloves on his hands. Gregory stepped into the dining area a short time later. He grabbed a chair and placed it into a corner in the room. Gregory briefly eyed those near him. 'no body to worry about…good' a small smirk crossed his face as he pulled his hood over his head.
Noel watched as the guy walked into the Dining area eyed everyone than moved a chair to the corner of the room "Hey dude you can come over here and be friendly!" He said rather loud "I don't bite" Noel added making himself chuckle a bit before he went back to eating
"I make no such promises." Achilles said jokingly straight after Noel spoke to the new guy. He made a biting motion with his mouth complete with sound effects towards the new guy than chuckled as well. " Don't worry I am only teasing. So.. Sorry I am bad with names I can't remember if I know your names. "He turned to Noel." Yours is something to do with Christmas.... Noel!" He than turned to Greg. "You... You....I got nothing. "
Noel Smiled "Yup! Mother named me Noel because I was supposed to be born on Christmas, but I came a little early" He said than laughed for a moment at his choice of words. He finishes his food and leans back in the chair and turns to Achilles "and your named after Achilles the hero of the Trojan war" Noel smiled flashing his pearly whites
It was morning already. Katherine woke up from the all the talking and footsteps coming from out of her room. After a little while pondering if she should get up now, Katherine decided to go eat something. She got up from her bed and yawned. Checking the time, Katherine saw it was 7:45. No! She shot into an alerted position and quickly began to change and started to brush her teeth. By the time she was done, she probably wouldn't have any time to eat. As Katherine opened the door, she dashed to the kitchen, seeing a familiar girl with blue hair. "Hi Loreli." @Evergreen98
"So you have the middle name Eve?" He said chuckling the choice of words as well. "Talk to me about inconvenient dates." Achilles said wit a joking sigh."I was born 28 February, I only gother birthdays every four years so i am only four years old if you count it that way.."
((Lol she left the kitchen ... we could say you bumped into her in the hallway:3))


Loreli hummed as she walked to Pro.Xavier's room with his breakfast. She heard someone call her name and she stopped, turning to see it was Katherine. She smiled at her kinday "Morning, Katherine... over slept again? I cooked breakfast for everyone... it's in the dining room"


Noel laughs "Well you're not wrong, but its Ева ( Yeva in English letters) which is Eve in Russian" Noel smiled stretching his wings "Is your middle name Heel?" he questioned Achilles with a smile
Katherine took a few seconds to register what Loreli said and she shook her head in attempt to take the groggy effects that were taking her body. "Yah, stayed up last night," Katherine rubbed her eyes and smiled. "Did you eat already?" She asked her. Katherine assumed Loreli didn't eat yet since she was delivering food. But this could be one of those rare occurrences.
Loreli shook her head " no... not yet...I want everyone to eat first... before eating" she said to her. " You join the others and war before you food gets cold " she said to her. The cat cst mewed " and I'll get you something to eat too" she said to the black, Luka.
She took a deep breath as a car dropped her off in front of the school. For someone who had never been outside of the confines of the Order's land this was all a bit much. For one airplane's were terrifying, how did anyone trust a metal tube shooting through the air? Secondly she'd never realized just how many people there were. Growing up Huo had known everyone around her. There had never been a stranger a day in her life. Now there were hundreds of thousands of strangers around her with no sight of a familiar face. It took all of her control to keep her emotions from lashing out and setting something on fire. So she took several seconds and deep breaths to collect herself before gathering up the large canvas bag of her things and walking up the front steps. With a little prayer to the Erementa she rang the door bell.
"No I'll wait for you," Katherine smiled. She didn't really want to leave her friend by herself. Except for the fact that Loreli had a cat that goes wherever she goes, but Katherine decided to ignore that fact. As she was about to enter the professor's room, Katherine heard the sound of the doorbell ringing. It would be more rude to not answer than not coming with Loreli. "I'll answer that," She said and gave Loreli a short goodbye wave before walking away. A few moments later, she opened the door to see a stranger's face. "Hi. Can I help you with anything?" @JustKay
H0lderOfH0pe said:
Noel laughs "Well you're not wrong, but its Ева ( Yeva in English letters) which is Eve in Russian" Noel smiled stretching his wings "Is your middle name Heel?" he questioned Achilles with a smile
"Well, I have been called a heel but no I have no middle name." He replied shrugging, finishing of the last of his batteries and placed them aside. "What do you think they have planned for us today?"

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