X-Men: A New Generation

Major Cinnamon Bun

Assistant to the Assistant Regional Manager
Character sheet:






Allied with: (x-men or brotherhood)





Theme song(s)-
Alias- Obsidian

Name- Evelyn (Eve) O'Neil


Powers- wings (flight ability) and slight shadow manipulation- this entails the ability to shroud herself in shadow and also to make a these shadow tentacle-ish things that she can use to hold people or things. However is there is no shadows in the area she can't do anything.

Allied with- the brotherhood (at the moment, she's not quite sure what she's doing right now.)

Age- 20




Her costume is basically the same as domino's except for it has a hole in the upper back for her wings.

Personality- Evelyn is self confident to a fault when it comes to her powers and had self-destructive tendencies. She tends to try to keep to herself and is normally sarcastic, impulsive and a little rude, but if someone can manage to get past that she isn't half bad. She is misguided and ruled by her anger at her father and humans in general.

Background- Evelyn was a seemingly normal kid for the first few years of her life, other than the fact that where ever she was things seemed to get darker. But most people attributed this to the fact that she wasn't a very friendly kid and didn't like associate herself with many people. It wasn't that she didn't like people, it was just that she didn't want to be around others all the time. About a month before her seventh birthday, Evelyn started to notice that her shoulder blades hurt. It was just an ache, but by the time her birthday rolled around it was a sharp pain and there were bumps forming right next to her shoulder blades. Fast forward a few months and a lot of pain, Eve had grown wings.

Her father was having a hard time dealing with the fact that she was a mutant, not so much in the sense of that he didn't like it, just in that he couldn't figure out why. He knew that sometimes mutants were born inexplicably, but he couldn't except that. As it turns out he was right about it not being a fluke. Eve's mother had had a brief affair with a mutant, and obviously her father had never found this out until Evelyn started to show her signs of mutation, at which her mother decided she couldn't keep it a secret anymore. Her father and mother got divorced and contact with her father was cut off. It wasn't the fact that she was a mutant, but the fact that she wasn't actually his daughter that made Eve's father hate her. But Eve didn't understand this and the sudden change in her fathers attitude caused Eve to close herself off even more than before, which is why she reverts to sarcasm and tends not to get close to anyone. This is also the time when she discovered that she was able to manipulate shadows.

At first she was hurt and confused and angry, and now she's just angry. A few members of the brotherhood recruited her half way thorough high school, so she left with them. Figuring that maybe she would finally be in a place where she wasn't to blame for everything, where there would be people like her.

Other- her favorite movie is Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Theme song:

Battle of One- Thirty Seconds to Mars

Civilian- Wye Oak
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[QUOTE="Kyd Jhesus]Boo! Marvel Sucks! DC comic rules!...Can I still make a character.

I would agree up until the point that batman is the best superhero, but overall, marvel kicks DC's ass.

And yeah you can create a character, at least I know that I have someone on this RP that know the difference between the two.
Alias- Gravixx

Name- Sean Riker (shout out to Star Trek lol)

Sexuality- Pansexual. You're outsides doesn't matter, it's who you are inside that counts.

Powers and Abilities- Control of Gravity. Can manipulate the gravitational pull of any object, essentially moving things in a manner like telekinesis. He can push or pull objects/ people to or away from him. He can cause someone/thing to float or be planted to the ground. He has limited force field abilities, in the sense that he can create a gravity field around him that objects/ people are reflected off of. He also has limited flight capabilities as well as black hole creation. Training to improve his powers as there are many other abilities that he hasn't achieved yet.

Age- 22

Aligned with- X Men

Appearance- Still going to wear a cloak with Xs on the hood. Also wears some body armor, but nothing drastic since he isn't usually worried about being touched.

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Personality- He's definitely a serious type but he likes to have fun. You'll know you're his friend if he's constantly teasing you. He's very loyal to his team and will defend them with his life. He's friendly to anyone he meets but if it's a villain he's ready to battle with out thinking it through.

Background- His mutant abilities didn't surface until he was almost 16. He was a late bloomer and that accounts for him not being an expert with his powers. He was always an outcast in school and home. He was raised by his drug addict mother and abusive step father. He was an only child and when he learned of his powers he left home, but not before almost killing his family, and their drug dealer. He nearly crushed them to death by increasing the gravity around them. He ran away and never turned back. He always shied away from his powers, being afraid of hurting someone again, only using them at their minimum capability to steal food or something of the like. After two years of toughening up on the streets of Chicago he saw a news report about the X-Men and decided that he needed to be a part of that team. He made his way to the Institute, and was eventually picked up by Storm on one of her solo missions. She took him under her wing, and trained him to embrace his gift and not fear it. Since graduating he's stayed at the school as a tutor to the students and still studies with Storm and Prof. X weekly.

Theme Song: Kaboom- Adventure Club,

Alias: Anima

Name: Macy Winwright

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Powers: She has the ability to shapes shift into any animal but the catch is she has to have acquired it's DNA by physical contact. Once she obtains the DNA it stays in her forever. In this sense she can absorb human, mutant, alien DNA as well. (Ok she's basically an Animorph without the time limit, sue me it's a great power.)

Age: 17

Aligned: X Men


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Her X-Men costume is skintight to help her shape shift. She can morph the tight clothes but not loose ones, It has a blue and grey color scheme and an X on the front. Sleeveless and tucked into boots.

Personality:Macy is the new girl on the block. She isn't totally sure of what's going on with this new team, or if she belongs. She doesn't feel soskilled compared to the other members. But she's diligent and friendly and always willing to lend a helping hand, though sometimes that's her greatest weakness.

Background: Lacy grew up in a normal home, as an only child. She had a mom and a dad and went to school in the suburbs of Boston. Her parents loved her, her friends loved her, her teachers loved her. She was a bit of a rebel but only because her parents had super strict rules once her powers surfaced. She was about 13 at the time. She was on an oceanology field trip and there was a tank where you could touch a sting ray, well after she did that she started morphing. She wasn't able to stop it or shift back for a while, they just let her stay in the take until she changed back. It was hard for her then, and for the first few years. She couldn't control her morphing and she'd get overwhelmed y the animal instinct completely. After she got busted sneaking off to a rock show as a raven, her parents decided to send her to the Xavier Institute. She trained with some of the greats, including The Beast. He taught her to control her mind in the morphs. She was able to acquire dozens of different animal DNA as Professor X was able to get her access to many different zoos and other places. He was never keen on the idea of her having to morph into another human though, and to this day she has only tried it once, with her best friend from the school. Now she's just a girl looking to help what ever way she can.

Theme Song: Raise Your Weapon- Madeon Remix, Teenage Crime- Adrian Lux
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Alias- 808

Name- Kenny North (Just call him North)

Sexuality- Straight

Powers- Sound control- Generates sound waves from all parts of his body. Most effectivelly his mouth. He can even mute areas with his sound control and control the direction of sound.

Age- 22

Allied with:

Brother Hood


Personality- Cool, upbeat and relaxing attitude. He only wants to do him and skate. He fells that he has faced to much BS from this worlds hate for his kind. The irony that even his own race can't see sickens him. He has found his people, The mutants, the brotherhood.

Background- His early life was on the streets of Compton, Another typical urban kid. He hung around the older boys with his friends wanting to do what they do. He went around getting into or causing trouble which ended with him being beaten by his mom or arrested by the police. He wasn't a bad kid just a dumb one who did what even sounded fun. He also picked up skating one day when his mom bought him his first board. This changed his life, Kenny was a natural.

When he was 13, His mutant powers first manifested when he got into a fight with a kid at the skate park. Him and his friends were joking around and making fun of his skating skill. It ended in a fight after the kid snapped Kenny's board. It was a all out brawl. When kenny was on the ground being punched on her felt his voice grow strong let out a mighty scream deafening everyone around him. He then left the skate park freaking out, He was a mutant. He was banned from the park and abandon by friends.

When he was 17 he was with his girlfriend. One day the were at his house and they heard the front door get kicked down. They ran down stair and saw the group of masked people with firearms. They were called the MSS (Mutant Slaughter Squad), A group of mutant hunter who hunt mutant. They were hunting Kenny, His mother tried to stop them but was stabbed in the process. His girlfriend was shot for being with him. That day he used his powers to kill.

After that he left Compton and traveled with a group of mutants he met till he met the brotherhood.

Other- Loves to skate

Theme song(s)-
Chance the Rapper-Windows

Odd Future-Kill 'em All

Movie: The Conspiracy​
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Kyd Jhesus] [LEFT] [B]Alias[/B]- 808 [B]Name[/B]- Kenny North (Just call him North) [B]Sexuality[/B]- Straight [B]Powers[/B]- Sound control- Generates sound waves from all parts of his body. Most effectivelly his mouth. He can even mute areas with his sound control and control the direction of sound. [B]Age[/B]- 22 [B]Allied with[/B]: Brother Hood [B]Appearance-[/B] [/LEFT] [URL="http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&docid=AdIfYLlY-iJcyM&tbnid=peX12keL1RLDpM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http://rollingout.com/sports/top-10-best-black-pro-skateboarders/&ei=UIDTU9ysFsGmyAS20YKoDQ&bvm=bv.71778758 said:

Personality- Cool, upbeat and relaxing attitude. He only wants to do him and skate. He fells that he has faced to much BS from this worlds hate for his kind. The irony that even his own race can't see sickens him. He has found his people, The mutants, the brotherhood.

Background- His early life was on the streets of Compton, Another typical urban kid. He hung around the older boys with his friends wanting to do what they do. He went around getting into or causing trouble which ended with him being beaten by his mom or arrested by the police. He wasn't a bad kid just a dumb one who did what even sounded fun. He also picked up skating one day when his mom bought him his first board. This changed his life, Kenny was a natural.

When he was 13, His mutant powers first manifested when he got into a fight with a kid at the skate park. Him and his friends were joking around and making fun of his skating skill. It ended in a fight after the kid snapped Kenny's board. It was a all out brawl. When kenny was on the ground being punched on her felt his voice grow strong let out a mighty scream deafening everyone around him. He then left the skate park freaking out, He was a mutant. He was banned from the park and abandon by friends.

When he was 17 he was with his girlfriend. One day the were at his house and they heard the front door get kicked down. They ran down stair and saw the group of masked people with firearms. They were called the MSS (Mutant Slaughter Squad), A group of mutant hunter who hunt mutant. They were hunting Kenny, His mother tried to stop them but was stabbed in the process. His girlfriend was shot for being with him. That day he used his powers to kill.

After that he left Compton and traveled with a group of mutants he met till he met the brotherhood.

Other- Loves to skate

Theme song(s)-
Chance the Rapper-Windows

Odd Future-Kill 'em All

Your character looks good, with the exception that you need to put the super secret thing that lets me know that you read all the rules.
Alias- Colossus

Name- Piotr "Peter" Rasputin


Powers-Is naturally strong, can turn completely into metal.


Allied with: X-Men



Minus the tattoos

Personality-Is fairly quiet and reserved. Is very loyal and protective of his friends, both past and present (i.e. if someone switches from X-Men to Brotherhood, he would have a hard time fighting them), prefers to talk things over rather than fight.


Piotr "Peter" Rasputin was born on a Soviet collective farm called the Ust-Ordynski Collective near Lake Baikal in Siberia. He lived there with his mother Alexandra, father Nikolai, and sister Illyana. His older brother, Mikhail, had been a Soviet cosmonaut and had apparently died in a rocket accident.

Peter's superhuman powers manifested during his adolescence while saving his sister from a runaway tractor. Immediately after, Peter was contacted by Professor Charles Xavier, the founder of the X-Men.

Other- His favorite movie is Aliens

Theme song(s)-
Mr.Brownstone -Guns N' Roses

Decided to use an already present X-men so he can kind of be a mentor/leader at this point, if that is okay.
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DrCompton said:
Alias- Colossus
Name- Piotr "Peter" Rasputin


Powers-Is naturally strong, can turn completely into metal.


Allied with: X-Men



Minus the tattoos

Personality-Is fairly quiet and reserved. Is very loyal and protective of his friends, both past and present (i.e. if someone switches from X-Men to Brotherhood, he would have a hard time fighting them), prefers to talk things over rather than fight.


Piotr "Peter" Rasputin was born on a Soviet collective farm called the Ust-Ordynski Collective near Lake Baikal in Siberia. He lived there with his mother Alexandra, father Nikolai, and sister Illyana. His older brother, Mikhail, had been a Soviet cosmonaut and had apparently died in a rocket accident.

Peter's superhuman powers manifested during his adolescence while saving his sister from a runaway tractor. Immediately after, Peter was contacted by Professor Charles Xavier, the founder of the X-Men.

Other- His favorite movie is Aliens

Theme song(s)-
Mr.Brownstone -Guns N' Roses

Decided to use an already present X-men so he can kind of be a mentor/leader at this point, if that is okay.
Looks good to me. Awesome use of Tom Hardy by the way, he's a pretty good fit for colossus.

Katherine 'Shadowcat' Pryde

“You keep waiting for the dust to settle and then you realize this is it; the dust is your life going on. If happy comes along -- that weird unbearable delight that's actually happy -- I think you have to grab it while you can. You take what you can get, 'cause it's here, and then... gone.”


Full Name: Katherine 'Kitty' Anne Pryde

Codename: Shadowcat

Former Codename(s): Ariel, Sprite

Gender: Female |

Age: 27

P.O.B: Deerfield, Illinois

Occupation: Former Teacher, Now a full-time member of the X-Men

Team Affiliation: X-Men | Jean Grey's School FHL (previously)

Status: Publicly Known

Citizenship: U.S.A.

Education: University Level Courses

Marital Status: Currently Single

Known Relatives: Carmen Pryde (father, deceased), Theresa Pryde (mother, alive)


Height: 5'6"

Weight: 110 lbs. (When fully solid)

Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Brunette


Kitty Pryde is thought of by many as the perfect balance between 'girl next door' and 'brainy nerd'. With an impressive IQ as well as an enthusiastic outlook on life, she has learned how to create a healthy balance between the two. It's because of this that when people meet the young mutant for the first time, they see that Kitty is very open, approachable and friendly; soon after, they also discover that she has several nerdy tendencies. And while she doesn't think of herself as perky or bouncy, it's a fitting description; even if she's in a horrible mood, Kitty won't sulk, pout or display her emotions impulsively.

Kitty is very opinionated and assertive; tending to avoid trivial arguments, Kitty saves her passion and quick wit for topics or people that are close to her heart. However, for all of her intelligence, Kitty is no poster child for maturity; sure, she has improved greatly over the years, but she still has several childlike habits. For example, Kitty does not handle being criticized very well and will become defensive if she believes that somebody is patronizing her.

Kitty's main problem when first introduced to the mutant community was physical mutations. For example, Kurt's blue skin and spaded tail made her uncomfortable; though now, she has become accustomed to many different mutations and whilst she may become uncomfortable at first, she has learned to keep thoughts and physical reactions to herself.For all of her less than savory traits, Kitty Pryde is a pleasant person. She is loyal, determined and undeniably a good friend. Coupled with her intelligence, all of these things make Kitty somebody that is fun to be around; even if she does still have some room for maturity.


Intangibility (Commonly referred to as Phasing)

Having control over the molecules of her body, courtesy of her mutation, has given Kitty Pryde the ability to phase through solid objects. She achieves this by passing her atoms through the spaces between the atoms of the object or person she is phasing through; this also explains how she can phase objects and other people as well via physical touch. Through her ability, Kitty has discovered many sub-category benefits and weaknesses.

  • Selective Intangibility: Can phase other objects and people when having physical contact with them.
  • Elemental Intangibility: Able to phase through attacks relating to the elements.
  • Physical Disruption: Kitty can easily damage tangible matter by passing right through it; most notably, machines.
  • Non-Corporeal Physiology: When phased, Kitty becomes practically untouchable.
  • Air/Water Walking: Using her phasing capabilities, Kitty is able to walk on both water and air. For example, she is able to reach the top story of a building as if walking up a staircase. She can also allow other people to do the same but must maintain physical contact with them.
  • Telepathic Resistance: When phased, her thoughts -regarding telepathy- become very erratic and unintelligible.
  • Cloaking: Kitty can hide herself and others from any type of optical eyesight.
  • Shadow Camouflage: When within shadows, Kitty can become completely invisible.

Phasing Limitations

Kitty can only phase through an object for as long as she can hold her breath; such as phasing underground. Denser materials also seem to be very difficult for Kitty to phase through -such as metal of the Breakworld-, and on occasion have even caused her pain. As her ability is active in nature, Kitty must see an attack to be able to avoid it; this has once been exploited by Deadpool. Solidifying when within an object can prove to cause severe injury if not fatality.

  • Mystical Vulnerability: Even when phased, Kitty is still vulnerable to mystical attacks.
  • Humanity: Having no other mutations besides her intangibility, Kitty is still vulnerable to all of the same limiting capabilities as an ordinary human, including but not limited to: bullets, temperature change, man-made weapons, sentinels etc. However, she partakes in regular exercise that has improved some of her capabilities, such as: running speed and durability.
  • Telepathy/Mental Attacks: When not in her phased state, Kitty is still vulnerable to telepathic attacks; such as freezing, reading her thoughts etc.


Expert Martial Artist - Kitty is an extremely adept fighter who has mastered several martial arts, including Karate, Aikido, Ninjutsu and Krav Maga. In addition, Kitty was taught how to fight with a Sai and Bo Staff by the Undead ninja Ogun; she has also been taught to handle swords, courtesy of Wolverine and Nightcrawler.

  • Genius-level Computer Expert - A genius with applied technology and computer science, Kitty is especially skilled with computer hardware design and use.
  • Multilingual - Kitty speaks fluent English, Japanese, Russian, the alien language of the Skrulls and the alien language of the Shi'ar. She also has some knowledge of Hebrew and Gaelic.
  • Dance Training - A skilled dancer, Kitty was taught by Stevie Hunter in the ballet style.
  • Expert Pilot - Kitty is an accomplished pilot of jet and piston engine aircrafts; she is also adept with interstellar vehicles.


Kitty was born in Deerfield, Illinois and her powers began to manifest at the age of thirteen. An indication of this were the headaches that she used to get routinely; something that drew the attention of both Xavier and the Hellfire Club. When both parties pursued the young mutant, Kitty instantly took a disliking to Emma Frost due to the woman’s attitude. This made Kitty's decision to accompany Xavier to his school for the gifted very easy.

Soon, the X-Men were attacked by mercenaries that Emma Frost had sent; though after defeating them easily, the X-Men were frozen via Emma's telepathy. However, in the confusion of the battle, Kitty was able to slip away unseen and contact the other members of the team: Cyclops, Jean and Nightcrawler. They arrived soon after and with Kitty's help, rescued the captured X-Men.

After this, Kitty discovered that her parents were furious with her; she had only meant to be a few hours but had been missing for the entire day. When Xavier requested that Kitty be allowed to study at his School for Gifted Youngsters, they refused; though after having their memories of Xavier replaced, they relented and Kitty was permitted to join.

Other | Favourite Film, Divergent

Theme Song | Flume Ft. Isabella Manfredi - The Greatest View
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Alias- Hadyn (meaning little fire)

Name- Kalyn Steele

Sexuality- Heterosexual

Powers- Kalyn has the ability to manipulate and control fire. The catch is when she uses her powers, it drains her energy, and after using it for more than an hour, she passes out. She can lose control if her temper becomes out of control.

Age- 17

Allied with: X-Men


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.3128a61e440a78b6d9442ef7208a4681.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25253" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.3128a61e440a78b6d9442ef7208a4681.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her X-Men costume is skintight just because she likes it. It is pitch black with a fiery red X on the chest and it tucked into her matching fiery red knee high boots.

Personality- Kalyn has a horrible temper which is the source of her power. She can be kind and caring, but only when she wants to be, even though she can be a great friend. She tends to keep to herself most of the time, but she does know how to socialize.

Background- Kalyn grew up in a seemingly normal home in Australia. When her father died, she and her mother moved to the states for a new start. She found out about her powers when she accidentally and unknowingly started a fire at school. She got into a fight and her temper got out of control. Later on that day, she found out the school had been set on fire. A few days later, after she found out it was her doing, she came home and found her mother dead in their living room. Ever since then, she's been where she is and doesn't plan on leaving anytime soon.

Other- Kalyn has a tattoo of the yin-yang symbol on the inside of her left leg. http://www.tattooeasily.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Yin-Yang-Tattoo-Designs-29.jpg

Her favorite movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas

Theme song(s)- Bring Me To Life- Evanescence

Bitter Taste- Three Days Grace​



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[QUOTE="Trickster Vixen]Do you mean include "Other" and "Theme Song" or the actual layout?

You can just include the other and theme song.
So, I think we have a pretty good amour of character right now, so I will be starting the role play later tonight or tomorrow. It just depends of when my cousins go to bed and How much time I have to post something.
Alias- Scorn

Name- Tali Brandt

Sexuality- Heterosexual

Powers- Mercury Manipulation. Mercury flows through Tali's body, enabling her to morph her own self into the silvery, liquid metal. Furthermore she can expel mercury from her body to create various objects such as weapons, household items, a suit of armor, etc. Though if she uses too much of her powers, the mercury inside her body will duplicate and go haywire, eventually succeeding her body's altered tolerance level. Tali will contract mercury poisoning for a few hours, but because of her body composition, the symptoms will subside and she will feel fine.

Allied with- The Brotherhood

Age- 17

Appearance- https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRNdnY4aLNrea3GpaK9M10qFlFrBnfOgTXQshw1b64WmWFhhyl0

She has no costume/uniform as her mercury is always reliable if she needs protection.

Personality- Tali at first, is a girl who has trouble acting like a normal person when she meets new people, prone to stuttering, shifting restlessly, not maintaining eye contact, and other assorted awkward mannerisms.

Once she finally gets to know someone, she is a joking, friendly girl where sarcasm and teasing are no foreign concepts.

Though she displays a normal demeanor, she has no problem with fighting or doing anything that injures innocent people, though her fighting style is one of young tenacity, reckless and eager.

Background- Tali was born as the youngest of 3 into a middle class family, living her life as a normal girl with normal parents until she was 15 years old. She was a sophomore in high school, performing a lab experiment in her chemistry class regarding magnesium oxide. During the experiment, her lab partner decided to break safety rules and tilted a Bunsen Burner towards her, immediately scaring her, in a fit of fear, mercury shot from the pores of skin, more shattering the thermometers it had been encased in. Her vision grew blurry, all she could see was what appeared to be a giant, silver, liquid snake biting into her partner's shoulder, then she blacked out.

When she awoke, she found herself in a ruined classroom, bodies littering the tiled floor, which upon closer inspection, were her entire class, the roar of sirens could be heard outside, scared and alone she ventured into another classroom, one that had a widow facing the front of the school, rows of police vehicles, ambulances, and fire trucks lined the parking lot, with even more people standing, news reporters, policemen, civilians. Understanding the severity of the situation, Tali walked out of the school, hands help up, somebody roughly pushed her down, her knees hit the concrete, pain flared throughout her body and she felt like something was slithering through her insides, eventually breaking through her skin as if somebody cut it open, and the same silver snake appeared, instead there were multiple rather than a single one and they all attacked, everyone but Tali, screaming and gunshots sounded out but none hit her as she blacked out once again.

Her eyes snapped open, a feeling of emptiness swirling in her mind. Where was she? What was she doing here? What...what was her name? How old was she? Her parents...who were they? Where did she live?

A man popped into view, he looked familiar, as if she'd seen him on the news before...that weird helmet...she vaguely remembered it. He gave her a warm smile.

"It seems you've lost your memories...so I'm here to help. Let's start with those lowly beings we call 'humans'."

Other- Her favorite movie is Prometheus.

Theme Song- The Commanded -Memphis May Fire
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[QUOTE="Kyd Jhesus]I like her but wouldn't she always suffer from poisoning if it's going through her body.

Well...bollocks...I'll have to fix that. Thank you though!
PKCV2 said:
Alias- Scorn
Name- Tali Brandt

Sexuality- Heterosexual

Powers- Mercury Manipulation. Mercury flows through Tali's body, enabling her to morph her own self into the silvery, liquid metal. Furthermore she can expel mercury from her body to create various objects such as weapons, household items, a suit of armor, etc. Though if she uses too much of her powers, Tali will contract mercury poisoning for a few hours, but because of her body composition, the symptoms will subside and she will feel fine.

Allied with- The Brotherhood

Age- 17

Appearance- https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRNdnY4aLNrea3GpaK9M10qFlFrBnfOgTXQshw1b64WmWFhhyl0

She has no costume/uniform as her mercury is always reliable if she needs protection.

Personality- Tali at first, is a girl who has trouble acting like a normal person when she meets new people, prone to stuttering, shifting restlessly, not maintaining eye contact, and other assorted awkward mannerisms.

Once she finally gets to know someone, she is a joking, friendly girl where sarcasm and teasing are no foreign concepts.

Though she displays a normal demeanor, she has no problem with fighting or doing anything that injures innocent people, though her fighting style is one of young tenacity, reckless and eager.

Background- Tali was born as the youngest of 3 into a middle class family, living her life as a normal girl with normal parents until she was 15 years old. She was a sophomore in high school, performing a lab experiment in her chemistry class regarding magnesium oxide. During the experiment, her lab partner decided to break safety rules and tilted a Bunsen Burner towards her, immediately scaring her, in a fit of fear, mercury shot from the pores of skin, more shattering the thermometers it had been encased in. Her vision grew blurry, all she could see was what appeared to be a giant, silver, liquid snake biting into her partner's shoulder, then she blacked out.

When she awoke, she found herself in a ruined classroom, bodies littering the tiled floor, which upon closer inspection, were her entire class, the roar of sirens could be heard outside, scared and alone she ventured into another classroom, one that had a widow facing the front of the school, rows of police vehicles, ambulances, and fire trucks lined the parking lot, with even more people standing, news reporters, policemen, civilians. Understanding the severity of the situation, Tali walked out of the school, hands help up, somebody roughly pushed her down, her knees hit the concrete, pain flared throughout her body and she felt like something was slithering through her insides, eventually breaking through her skin as if somebody cut it open, and the same silver snake appeared, instead there were multiple rather than a single one and they all attacked, everyone but Tali, screaming and gunshots sounded out but none hit her as she blacked out once again.

Her eyes snapped open, a feeling of emptiness swirling in her mind. Where was she? What was she doing here? What...what was her name? How old was she? Her parents...who were they? Where did she live?

A man popped into view, he looked familiar, as if she'd seen him on the news before...that weird helmet...she vaguely remembered it. He gave her a warm smile.

"It seems you've lost your memories...so I'm here to help. Let's start with those lowly beings we call 'humans'."

Other- Her favorite movie is Prometheus.

Theme Song- The Commanded -Memphis May Fire
Looks good to me.
Lexie said:

Alias- Hadyn (meaning little fire)

Name- Kalyn Steele

Sexuality- Heterosexual

Powers- Kalyn has the ability to manipulate and control fire. The catch is when she uses her powers, it drains her energy, and after using it for more than an hour, she passes out. She can lose control if her temper becomes out of control.

Age- 17

Allied with: X-Men


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Her X-Men costume is skintight just because she likes it. It is pitch black with a fiery red X on the chest and it tucked into her matching fiery red knee high boots.

Personality- Kalyn has a horrible temper which is the source of her power. She can be kind and caring, but only when she wants to be, even though she can be a great friend. She tends to keep to herself most of the time, but she does know how to socialize.

Background- Kalyn grew up in a seemingly normal home in Australia. When her father died, she and her mother moved to the states for a new start. She found out about her powers when she accidentally and unknowingly started a fire at school. She got into a fight and her temper got out of control. Later on that day, she found out the school had been set on fire. A few days later, after she found out it was her doing, she came home and found her mother dead in their living room. Ever since then, she's been where she is and doesn't plan on leaving anytime soon.

Other- Kalyn has a tattoo of the yin-yang symbol on the inside of her left leg. http://www.tattooeasily.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Yin-Yang-Tattoo-Designs-29.jpg

Her favorite movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas

Theme song(s)- Bring Me To Life- Evanescence

Bitter Taste- Three Days Grace​
Wanna make my female character and yours best friends or something??? there personalities are pretty different but that could make for interesting plot. plus if either of them decides to change sides that would really add some drama to the RP
Alias- Fire-bolt.

Name- Aaron T. Mayor.

Sexuality- Pansexual.

Powers- He can control, manipulate and make electricity. The downside to that is that when he's mad electronics devices tend to do crazy stuff.

For example they might just turn on and off again or they just break. And if that isn't bad enough it also makes things like metal electrically charged. Of course he doesn't know all his powers and still needs to learn them.

For more details:


Age- 18

Allied with: (x-men or brotherhood) X-Men


Personality-Aaron is the kind of person who likes being around people. But not all the time. He likes his alone time, when he just plays video games for hours or reads books until midnight. Aaron walks around with his head in the clouds. You can blame his sister for that. She was always a little bit overprotective of him so he almost never did things himself. Also because of that he can be quiet naive and he doesn't always understand were people are talking about(Unless it's mathematics and history). Some may say that he's lazy considering the fact that he sleeps a lot.

Background- Aaron found out about his powers when he was thirteen years old. He was playing video games and got so frustrated because he couldn't beat the boss level. Because of his frustration he decided to stop and watch some TV to calm down. But because the batteries of the remote were dead he decided to replace them. When he touched the battery sides(the minus and the plus) he saw a light coming from his fingers. He didn't knew what was happening so he tried it by the other too. The same happened and he wanted to test his theory. He putted them back in and he couldn't believe what happened. He recharged the batteries.

He kept his power to himself until Alice, his older sister, found him messing around with his powers. She contacted professor X, but only because she wants him to be thought safely how to control his powers in case something goes wrong.

Other- His favourite film is ''Now You See Me''

Theme song(s)- 'Made me realize' for the orchestra- Walt Ribeiro

''Odds are''- Barenaked Ladies
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ChronosDesine said:
Alias- Fire-bolt.
Name- Aaron T. Mayor.

Sexuality- Pansexual.

Powers- He can control, manipulate and make electricity. The downside to that is that when he's mad electronics devices tend to do crazy stuff.

For example they might just turn on and off again or they just break. And if that isn't bad enough it also makes things like metal electrically charged.

Age- 18

Allied with: (x-men or brotherhood) X-Men


Personality-Aaron is the kind of person who likes being around people. But not all the time. He likes his alone time, when he just plays video games for hours or reads books until midnight. Aaron walks around with his head in the clouds. You can blame his sister for that. She was always a little bit overprotective of him so he almost never did things himself. Also because of that he can be quiet naive and he doesn't always understand were people are talking about(Unless it's mathematics and history). Some may say that he's lazy considering the fact that he sleeps a lot.

Background- Aaron found out about his powers when he was thirteen years old. He was playing video games and got so frustrated because he couldn't beat the boss level. Because of his frustration he decided to stop and watch some TV to calm down. But because the batteries of the remote were dead he decided to replace them. When he touched the battery sides(the minus and the plus) he saw a light coming from his fingers. He didn't knew what was happening so he tried it by the other too. The same happened and he wanted to test his theory. He putted them back in and he couldn't believe what happened. He recharged the batteries.

He kept his power to himself until Alice, his older sister, found him messing around with his powers. She contacted professor X, but only because she wants him to be thought safely how to control his powers in case something goes wrong.

Other- His favourite film is ''Now You See Me''

Theme song(s)- 'Made me realize' for the orchestra- Walt Ribeiro
Your character looks good.

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