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Fandom X-COM: Operation Martyrdom -Main- (CLOSED)


  • XCOM 2 Style

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Another EU/EW Style

    Votes: 3 100.0%

  • Total voters


Junior Member
13:27, January 27, 2015 CST
Outskirts of Crimea, Ukraine

The jet’s engines roared with the ferocity of a lion. The X-2 Punisher was a short range interceptor, designed by a joint MiG and Sukhoi project. “I got eyes on the bogey,”, said the pilot, “definitely not of this world.” It was true. The Unknown Aerial Object (UAO) had been detected in Canada and had been chased all the way to the Russian-Ukrainian border, nothing could go that far without needing refueling.

Two American F-22s tailed it and went missing, a few Typhoons were sent after it but only to share the same fate. Finally it fell under Extraterrestrial Combat Command (X-COM) jurisdiction. X-COM had been founded in 1993 for an hostile alien contingency plan, and was activated in 2014 when several Unidentified Objects were detected in orbit.

The sleek saucer shaped craft, with a black dome on the top, sharply turned around and shot a green beam at the Punisher, brushing the left wing “I’m taking fire, launching pulverizer torpedoes!”, the pilot exasperated. The jet turned to its side and launched them, barley denting the UFO. Taking the opportunity, the UFO flanked the Punisher, firing a green beam into its back.

“I’m at 12% capacity!”, stuttered the pilot. A responder back at the base commanded, “This is Bradford, retreat back to HQ.” The X-2 rolled over to the side, dodging the UFO. The X-2 sped ahead at full speed, but the UFO rushed in front of the X-2, and crashed itself into the jet. The UFO escaped from it, barely functioning, and zoomed off.


14:21, January 27, 2015 CST
X-COM Headquarters, Switzerland

Central Officer John Bradford and a team of experts began decoding the last minutes of footage from the X-2. “It should be impossible to turn at that sharp of a pace, and the atmosphere and gravity would immediately slow it down.”, said the Chief of Physics, Charles Snidely. “Let’s not forget about the design, perhaps it has something to do with its ability to make sudden turns?”, mentioned Doctor Raymond Shen, the Chief of Engineering.

“Well Whatever the design, the creature inside must have excellent reaction times.”, uttered Moira Vahlen, Chief of Biochemistry. “It may very well be a UAV of some sort.”, said Able Standard, Chief of Robotics. Bradford sighed, discussions like this were common and also, very, very, annoying. “Look, I’m sorry to be rude but, can you move this to another room, I have a meeting in three minutes.”, said Bradford, desperately trying to prevent the room from becoming a technobabble echo chamber.

Once they left, a shadowy man walked in with a laptop. He set down the laptop, and on the screen was a dark figure. “Hello, Bradford.”, said the Commander. Bradford looked down at the laptop, “Welcome, Commander.” The figure gathered some papers and began to speak in a raspy voice, “I see you have done a mediocre job at defending the earth. And as such, I will take full charge of all operations with you as my advisor.”

The scientists were hauling out of the room and all chatting with each other. Once they all left, Charles looked behind him and tiptoed into a supply closet. “I’ve got intel on X-COM.”, he muttered, trying not to make a sound. “Good, soon we’ll have the Commander in our possession.”, said his contact. “Hail EXALT!”, whispered Snidely, before inconspicuously walking back out.

Monthly Funds:
  • North America: +500,000,000,000 Euro (-50,000 UAO Not Shot Down)
  • South America: +380,000,000,000 Euro
  • Western Europe: +450,000,000,000 Euro (-50,000 UAO Not Shot Down)
  • Eastern Europe: +420,000,000,000 Euro (-50,000 UAO Not Shot Down)
  • Oceania: +300,000,000,000 Euro
  • Scandinavia: +400,000,000,000 Euro
  • Middle East: +500,000,000,000 Euro
  • South East Asia: +480,000,000,000 Euro
  • North Africa: +300,000,000,000 Euro
  • South Africa: +300,000,000,000 Euro

X-2 Sukhoi-MiG ‘Punisher’
  • Speed: 2,800 Km/H
  • Range: 800 Km
  • Hard points: 1 Cannon, 2 Missiles
  • Bio: “The X-Fighter project began in 1994 after the founding of the X-COM initiative. With initial setbacks, the MiG and Sukhoi began production of the XF-1 Fighter Jet in 2001. It crumbled due to the fact that fuel ran out too quickly and was disbanded. The project was later adapted with modern tech in 2014 after the arrival of the alien threat.”

XR-77H MiG ‘Custodian’
  • Speed: 510 Km/H
  • Hard points: 1 Cannon
  • Range: 8,000 Km
  • Bio: “XR-77H MiG ‘Custodian’ is a long range troop transport helicopter that can carry up to 18 people and an armored vehicle. It’s small carrying capacity is due to the fact that is was designed for speed, and not transport. Extra fuel tanks allow for extended airtime.”

XS-4 ‘Pulverizer’ Torpedos:
  • Speed: 2200 Km/H
  • 60mm TNT, Fragmentation
  • Ammo: 2

XS-87 Vulcan Cannon:
  • RPM: 1200
  • 11.25x72mm Skin Eater Rounds
  • Ammo: 200

Carbon Nanofiber Heavy Armor:
  • Bio: “This armor is made out of specialized carbon Nanofibers, reinforced with Stainless Steel. It offers a small deal of protection against alien energy weapons, but it is also very bulky.”

Standard Jumpsuit:
  • Bio: “The Standard jumpsuit is made out of 20 layers of Kevlar, with small ceramics slipped underneath. It may not be the best protection but it’s core advantage is mobility..”

X-88 Grenade Launcher Attachment
  • Bio: “A grenade launcher attachment to all X-COM branded firearms. Capable of firing 40mm grenades.”

X-COM Skin Eater Rounds
  • Incendiary rounds designed to pierce alien skin.

X-9 Multipurpose Assault Rifle
  • Weight: 3.5 Kg (unloaded), 4.3 Kg (loaded)
  • RPM: 900
  • Cartridge: Skin Eater 6.7x41mm, 5.56x45mm
  • Fire Mode: Safe/Semi/Auto
  • Muzzle Velocity: 1000 m/s
  • Effective Range: 920 m
  • Bio: “The X-9 Multipurpose Assault Rifle is a bullpup Assault rifle designed in 2012 as a replacement for the M16 in the US military. The design proved to be extremely effective, but not cost efficient, being used for Special Forces almost exclusively. But when the aliens came, X-COM added some improvements and it is now standard issue among new recruits.”

X-9B Multipurpose Marksman Rifle:
  • Weight: 7.95 Kg (unloaded), 8.35 Kg (loaded)
  • RPM: 100
  • Cartridge: Modified 7.62x51 Hollow-Tip
  • Fire Mode: Semi
  • Muzzle Velocity: 1400 m/s
  • Effective Range: 2000 m
  • Bio: “The X-9B is a semi automatic anti material rifle designed by the Kalashnikov corporation in 1987, before the collapse of the Soviet Union. But it made way into the 21st century as an long range rifle.”

X-8 Multipurpose Shotgun
  • Weight: 6.8 Kg (unloaded), 7.4 Kg (loaded)
  • RPM: 400
  • Cartridge: Skin Eater 12 Gauge Buckshot
  • Fire Mode: Semi/Auto
  • Muzzle Velocity: 48 m/s
  • Effective Range: 50 m
  • Bio: “The X-8 Multipurpose Shotgun is an Automatic Shotgun designed by a Roxxon Oil subsidiary. It’s heavy and unwieldy but at close ranges, it can shred through armor like a knife through cardboard.”

X-4 Multipurpose Pistol
  • Weight: 1.5 Kg (unloaded), 1.75 Kg (loaded)
  • RPM: 450
  • Cartridge: Skin Eater 9x19mm
  • Fire Mode: Semi-Automatic
  • Muzzle Velocity: 400 m/s
  • Effective Range: 200 m
  • Bio: “The X-4 was designed by Chinese forces to be used for conventional police officers. Well, that all changed when the aliens came. The model was adapted into a small pistol to be used in covert ops and as an effective sidearm.”

X-10 Multipurpose LMG:
  • Weight: 8 Kg (unloaded), 8.42 Kg (loaded)
  • RPM: 1100
  • Cartridge: Modified 7.62x39mm Chemical
  • Fire Mode: Full-Auto
  • Muzzle Velocity: 900 m/s
  • Effective Range: 900 m
  • Bio: “The X-10 was designed in Belgium by the FN company, it was designed as a prime weapon for armor piercing and suppressive fire. After 2014 it was repurposed to shred through alien UFO hulls, after testing with small fragments of the alien materials.”


Science Division:
20 Researchers

[] Examine UFO Flight Patterns (ETA 30 Days)
“The UFO flight patterns seem erratic and sharp, perhaps if we observe similar themes within these flights we may train our pilots to out maneuver them and handle them better. -Doctor Snidely.”
-[] XX Assigned Research Staff

[] Long Range Interceptor (ETA 175 Days)
“So far our interceptors are the fastest in the world, but can barely catch up to a UFO. However I do not believe that to be the main problem, I believe the fact that we cannot follow the UFOs very far is. After a few months we may be able to design a long range interceptor. -Doctor Shen.”
-[] XX Assigned Research Staff

[] Other

X-COM Aircraft:
  • 21x X-2 Punishers
  • 2x E-3 Sentries
  • 3x XR-77H Custodians

Quartermaster's List:
  • 10x X-9 Assault Rifles
  • 200x 6.7x41mm Rounds
  • 10x X-9B Marksman Rifles
  • 200x 7.62x51mm Rounds
  • 10x X-8 Shotguns
  • 200x 12 Gauge Shells
  • 10x X-10 LMGs
  • 200x 7.62x39mm Rounds
  • 10x X-4 Pistols
  • 200x 9x19mm Rounds
  • 10x RPG-29s
  • 100x 50mm TNT RPGs
  • 100x Thermite RPGs
  • 10x X-88 Grenade Launcher Attachments
  • 30x HE Grenades
  • 30x Frag Grenades
  • 30x Thermite Grenades
  • 30x Smoke Grenades
  • 100x Jumpsuits
  • 6x Heavy Armor
  • 10x XS-4 Pulveriser Launchers
  • 80x XS-4 Torpedos
  • 10x XS-87 Vulcan Cannons
  • 1000x 11.25x72mm Rounds

Manufacturing/Engineering Division:
20 Engineers

[] Carbon Nanofiber Heavy Armor: -25,000 Euros (ETA 30 Days)
-[] XX Assigned Engineering Staff

[] X9 Assault Rifle: -2,000 Euros (ETA 30)
-[] XX Assigned Engineering Staff

[] X9B Marksman Rifle: -3,500 Euros (ETA 30)
-[] XX Assigned Engineering Staff

[] X4 Pistol: -1,500 Euros (ETA 30)
-[] XX Assigned Engineering Staff

[] X10 LMG: -3,500 Euros (ETA 30)
-[] XX Assigned Engineering Staff

[] X88 Grenade Launcher: -1,500 Euros (ETA 30)
-[] XX Assigned Engineering Staff

[] XS-4 ‘Pulverizer’ Torpedo Launcher: -30,500 Euros (ETA 90 Days)
-[] XX Assigned Engineering Staff

[] XS-4 ‘Pulverizer’ Torpedos: -10,000 Euros (ETA 60 Days)
-[] XX Assigned Engineering Staff

[] XS-87 Vulcan Cannon: -20,000 Euros (ETA 80 Days)
-[] XX Assigned Engineering Staff

[] 100x 11.25x72mm Skin Eater Rounds: -4,000 Euros (ETA 20 Days)
-[] XX Assigned Engineering Staff

[] X-2 Punisher: -200,000,000 Euros (ETA 30 Days)
-[] XX Assigned Engineering Staff

[] XR-77H Custodian: -400,000,000 Euros (ETA 30 Days)
-[] XX Assigned Engineering Staff

Political Division:

[] Form Allies with the NATO
-[] Economic Alliance (-50,000,000 Euro from Eastern Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia. +60,000,000 Euro from all affiliated Oceania, North America, Scandinavia and West Europe) (ETA 60 Days)
-[] Military Alliance (-80,000,000 Euro from Eastern Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia +5,000,000 Euro from all affiliated Oceania, North America, Scandinavia and Western Europe and access to NATO affiliated nations’ craft, weapons and troops.) (ETA 80 Days)
-[] Both (-100,000,000 Euro from Eastern Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia +70,000,000 Euro from Oceania, North America, Scandinavia and West Europe and access to NATO affiliated nations’ craft, weapons and troops.) (ETA 100 Days)
-[] Other

[] Form Allies with the SCO
-[] Economic Alliance (+50,000,000 Euro from Eastern Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia -60,000,000 Euro from Oceania, North America, Scandinavia and West Europe) (ETA 60 Days)
-[] Military Alliance (-80,000,000 Euro from Oceania, North America, Scandinavia and West Europe. +5,000,000 Euro from all affiliated Eastern Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia and access to SCO affiliated nations’ craft, weapons and troops.) (ETA 80 Days)
-[] Both (-100,000,000 Euro from Oceania, North America, Scandinavia and West Europe. +70,000,000 Euro from all affiliated Eastern Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia, and access to SCO affiliated nations’ craft, weapons and troops.) (ETA 100 Days)
-[] Other

[] Form Allies with other Nation/Organization/Treaty

Construction Division:

A New Base: 800,000,000 Euro
  • Living Quarters
  • Hangar Bay
  • Meeting Room
  • Armory
  • Satellite Network

Current Base Layout (Western Europe):
  • Hangar Bay
  • Satellite Network
  • Living Quarters
  • Living Quarters
  • Living Quarters
  • Living Quarters
  • Laboratory
  • Laboratory
  • Workshop
  • Workshop
  • Workshop
  • Armory
  • Missile Battery
  • Missile Battery
  • Meeting Room
  • Fission Generator
  • Fission Generator
  • Fission Generator

  • Satellite Network: “Adds Coverage of 1000 Nautical Miles from base.”, Costs: 400,000,000 Euro, Monthly: 300,000,000 Euro, -10 Power, (ETA: 120)
  • Living Quarters: “Adds +100 Personnel Quarters, and +10,000 Kg Storage.”, Costs: 40,000,000 Euro, Monthly: 20,000,000, Power -3, (ETA: 60)
  • Fission Generator: “Thorium-Plutonium nuclear Generator +20 Power.”, Cost: 100,000,000, Monthly: 80,000,000, (ETA: 60)
  • Laboratory: “A top of the line laboratory, equipped with an atomic microscope, particle accelerator and other advanced equipment.”, Cost: 1,000,000,000,000, Monthly: 8,000,000,000, -10 Power, (ETA: 60)
  • Workshop: “A room for manufacturing various items.”, Cost: 100,000,000, Monthly: 80,000,000, -8 Power, (ETA: 60)
  • Missile Battery: “A station to store ICBMs for when aliens attempt an attack on the X-COM Base.”, Cost: 1,000,000,000, Monthly: 200,000,000, -6 Power, (ETA: 60)

Covert Operations Division:

[] Investigate New ‘Sirius’ Scientology Branch
“A Third branch of Scientology has popped up in Egypt. They claim to be blessed by the great ones from the stars, and they appeared a few days before the alien invasion.”

[] Investigate New York Blackout
“We have lost communication with New York, and the government claims it is a citywide blackout. Thanks to our political connections, we know that there have been troop movements to New York, and deals with a paramilitary organization called ‘Blackwatch’.”
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NYZ: 1
[X] New York Blackout

08:11, January 28, 2015 CST

New York City, United States

Agent Oliver Martin landed in a desolate street. The cars were empty and scattered everywhere, covered in fleshy tendrils. Fauna was almost non existent, spots where there were trees, visible cracks in the sidewalk were grass nested were still there but the plants were not. There were no pigeons or small critters, it was empty, dreadful and silent.

Oliver turned around and spotted a man limping towards him. He was pale. There were visible claw marks, his eyes were without pupils and his clothes were tattered. “I’m Scott Cross reporter for the Daily-“, Oliver was cut off, as the man began to rush at him, and tried to bite him.

  • Dodge: 9/20 +3 Skill

He barely dodged the man, and pulled out his pistol

  • Aim: 6/20 +2 Skill, +2 Point Blank Range

Oliver whipped his pistol out and shot him in the leg. The aggressor barley flinched and attempted to bite him again.

  • Doge: 15/20 +3 Skill

Rolling back, Oliver dodged the bite, and kicked the man down.

  • Aim:7/20 +2 Skill, +2 Point Blank Range

Oliver Shot a round straight through his heart, killing him. His blood had a green tint to it. He turned around and saw a pod of soldiers patrolling in the area. In his briefing he was informed of the fact that lethal force was allowed for intruders that were in the restricted area.

  • Stealth: 6/20 +3 Skill

The soldiers noticed a figure dash across to a car. “Foxtrot Delta, follow me.”, she uttered, slowly marching towards that car.

[] Action, GearBlade654 GearBlade654 ? (Also, if you want to, post some dialogue.)
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Oliver Martin, XCOM Covert Ops Agent

The SAS agent raised his eyebrow upon hearing a pod of soldiers. This wasn't XCOM-otherwise Bradford would've briefed him on this. And yet, they seemed surprisingly professional for what appeared to be an isolated group of soldiers.
Martin glanced one more time at the corpse. Thing behaved like it was a zombie, and the green blood wasn't helping. What had he stepped into, a pocket zombie apocalypse?
The agent shrugged as he decided to slowly follow the pod, looking for a place where he could be out of sight. Once he found cover from the pod of soldiers, Martin contacted Bradford, whispering so that he wasn't heard.
"Watchman to Central Officer. Watchman to Central Officer. Do you copy?"
Upon contact, Martin would inform Bradford of the zombie-man and the newfound pod of soldiers, as well as noting that the newfound pod of soldiers was acting surprisingly professional at the moment.
Somedudesbutonly2 Somedudesbutonly2
Oliver Martin, XCOM Covert Ops Agent

The SAS agent raised his eyebrow upon hearing a pod of soldiers. This wasn't XCOM-otherwise Bradford would've briefed him on this. And yet, they seemed surprisingly professional for what appeared to be an isolated group of soldiers.
Martin glanced one more time at the corpse. Thing behaved like it was a zombie, and the green blood wasn't helping. What had he stepped into, a pocket zombie apocalypse?
The agent shrugged as he decided to slowly follow the pod, looking for a place where he could be out of sight. Once he found cover from the pod of soldiers, Martin contacted Bradford, whispering so that he wasn't heard.
"Watchman to Central Officer. Watchman to Central Officer. Do you copy?"
Upon contact, Martin would inform Bradford of the zombie-man and the newfound pod of soldiers, as well as noting that the newfound pod of soldiers was acting surprisingly professional at the moment.
Somedudesbutonly2 Somedudesbutonly2

“Roger that, Watchman.”, said Bradford.

Stealth: 11/20 +3 Skill

The soldiers noticed a whisper but decided to ignore it.

(Also, what research/political allies have you voted for?)

GearBlade654 GearBlade654
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(I'll call Economic Alliance with the NATO and leave it at that, but I'm more than happy to go for a military alliance with the SCO if we have to.)

Oliver Martin, XCOM Covert Ops Agent
Martin internally cursed for a second, before realizing that the pod of soldiers ignored him.
The agent knew that to engage a squad that seemingly professional was suicide. No, Martin decided to slowly track this pod of soldiers. Perhaps this was the Blackwatch that Martin had been briefed on-or NATO troops. Or SCO troops. Whatever it was, it was very likely to be one of the three.
Martin poked his head out of cover to watch what happened next, swinging right back into cover if anyone as much as looked like they were turning their heads this way.
Somedudesbutonly2 Somedudesbutonly2
The Soldiers began creeping closer to the car Oliver was hiding behind. Suddenly a boxy craft descended from the skies. An humanoid avian creature with chalky skin walked down the ramp. “Private Nihlus.”, said one of the soldiers. “Lieutenant Commander Shepard.”, said the alien, shaking hands, “I presume you have the package.”, the alien muttered. Shepard handed the creature a vile of what Oliver assumed to be zombie blood, judging by the color. “The council thanks you and Blackwatch.”, he said, before drawing an alien pistol, and shooting her in the stomach. Taking the opportunity, Oliver took a sample of the man’s blood and ran to a more hidden location.

Stealth: 7/20, +3 Skill, +5 Distraction

Oliver crept safely into an abandoned building.

GearBlade654 GearBlade654
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Oliver Martin
"Rest in pieces,", the agent thought. Martin made a mental note to expect to visit the church of Sirius later to see if this Blackwatch was connected to Sirius in any way.
A thought dawned on Martin. Could the Blackwatch be behind the NY Blackout? Were they planning up to the moment until one of the aliens betrayed them?
Oliver immediately contacted Bradford and informed him of this sudden turn of events, as well as the zombie blood sample he had.
Somedudesbutonly2 Somedudesbutonly2
Oliver Martin
"Rest in pieces,", the agent thought. Martin made a mental note to expect to visit the church of Sirius later to see if this Blackwatch was connected to Sirius in any way.
A thought dawned on Martin. Could the Blackwatch be behind the NY Blackout? Were they planning up to the moment until one of the aliens betrayed them?
Oliver immediately contacted Bradford and informed him of this sudden turn of events, as well as the zombie blood sample he had.
Somedudesbutonly2 Somedudesbutonly2

"This is Central, an extraction team will pick you up in 5 Hours.", said Bradford. Oliver turned around. It was a torn down apartment building and covered in fleshy tentacles. Suddenly a dog-gorilla like creature, which vagley resembled a person burst from the walls.

- Dodge: 10/20 +3 Skill, -5 Creature's Agility.

The creature sliced off his hand. Oliver picked up his pistol and shot it in the head. It retreated in pain

GearBlade654 GearBlade654
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Oliver Martin
"What the-"
Oliver swore as his hand went flying. The retaliation shot was good, but Oliver was now extremely alert as he kept an eye out for other creatures with his pistol out.
"Watchman to Central. Some dog gorilla beast just cut off one of my hands. I'm going to need a prosthetic when I get back."
As Oliver was speaking, he kept an ear out for what might sound like the alien and the pod of soldiers. If there was no weapons fire, it was good cause to be suspicious.
Somedudesbutonly2 Somedudesbutonly2
Oliver Martin
Oliver, needless to say, was extremely surprised.
This was a professional paramilitary organization. He was sure that it was just that group of soldiers, and nothing else. But here this Blackwatch was, bringing tanks and vehicles in general to the fray. Oliver also recognized the vehicles-they were what NATO used.
"Watchman to Central... the aforementioned group of soldiers is far more well-funded than I expected. They've got a M2 Bradley APC and a Challenger II tank out here."
As Martin spoke, he went back to watching for hostile beasts with his pistol still out.
"Awaiting further instructions."
Somedudesbutonly2 Somedudesbutonly2
“This is Bradford, wait for Burning Sky to pick you up. Over.”, he commanded.

Looking outside, the battle was intense, with Blackwatch and the aliens fighting. A handful of Apachies and two F-16s flew by and provided air support. When suddenly a man in a black hoodie jumped from a building onto the ground. “It’s ZEUS!”, screamed one of the Blackwatch soldiers. ‘ZEUS’ dropped down and shifted his arms into inhuman blades, and chopped up one of the soldiers. The Bradley APC’s missle launcher hit him with some sort of gas, causing him to fall over.

“We got him down!”, said one of the soldiers, aiming his M4 at Zeus. Suddenly a horde of the dog-gorilla abominations swarmed the Soldiers. Some large worm creatures bursted out of the ground, destroying the Challenger. Taking the opportunity, Zeus stood up and wrapped tendrils around a soldier, consumed him, and became him. The aliens’ warships withdrew, and flew away. An F-16 Shot a Missile at Zeus. Zeus barley flinched.
Oliver Martin
The agent had to stop himself from raising an eyebrow as he saw this "Zeus" and what it was capable of. Martin took the moment to walk away from the scene, as far away from the chaos as he could.
"Roger that, Central. Be advised. There's a bunch of Apache attack helicopters and F-16 fighter jets in the area, not to mention we've got a hoodied entity that's wailing on the presumed Blackwatch strike force."
Somedudesbutonly2 Somedudesbutonly2
Oliver Martin
Martin considered breaking in the outpost and nabbing some intel and weapons.
However, when Oliver realized he lost one hand, he decided against it, for that lost hand could quickly prove fatal if he ever ran into a situation where he would need two hands.
Martin did decide to study the outpost for a couple seconds from an outside glance, however, all while informing XCOM of the abandoned outpost.
Somedudesbutonly2 Somedudesbutonly2
Oliver Martin
Didn't seem that bad. Still not going to try to explore, though.
Oliver shrugged as he looked around himself, studying the distance from him and the chaos that was erupting at the moment. Nihlus, Shepard. Who were these people? A cross reference may be needed in order to find out just what he was dealing with. Nihlus was a far cry, but Shepard may be a better bet.
Somedudesbutonly2 Somedudesbutonly2
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Oliver Martin
Didn't seem that bad. Still not going to try to explore, though.
Oliver shrugged as he looked around himself, studying the distance from him and the chaos that was erupting at the moment. Nihlus, Shepard. Who were these people? A cross reference may be needed in order to find out just what he was dealing with. Shepard was a far cry, but Nihlus may be a better bet.
Somedudesbutonly2 Somedudesbutonly2

OOC: Even though Nihilus is an English word, he was the alien.

Nevermind, read it wrong.
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Shepard Background
Lieutenant Commander Jane Shepard

Age: 39
Enlisted: 1999

Biography: “Born to Daniel Shepard and Mary Shepard, both whom died in service. She was then thrown into the foster care system. Once she graduated high school she immediately enlisted. Shepard first enlisted in Febuary 2, 1999 to the United States Navy. She joined the Navy SEALs in 2011 and was reported KIA in 2014, in Syria.”

GearBlade654 GearBlade654
Oliver Martin
Well, that was going to have to be changed. Shepard was apparently alive. The question is, how... Did that Blackwatch revive her or something?
If yes... that was definitely something to watch out for. The far more likely explanation is that this Shepard never was killed, but instead was simply marked as KIA and enlisted in the Blackwatch.
Still, can't rule out revival if this Blackwatch is capable of tossing in vehicles.
Oliver Martin kept looking around him, studying the area and any potential hostiles.
Somedudesbutonly2 Somedudesbutonly2
Oliver Martin
Whew... that was close.
Martin decided that he was going to be maintaining the watch around him, constantly turning as Martin attempted to find any potential hostiles. But first...
"Watchman to Central. How long do you think it's gonna take for me to heal up and get a prosthetic hand?"
Somedudesbutonly2 Somedudesbutonly2
Oliver Martin
Probably not. New York City's heat usually wasn't this bad, at least from Oliver's memory.
Oliver immediately realized that the sudden heat may or may not mean that something was happening. Martin was immediately alert, looking around for what could be causing the sudden heat, pistol ready.
"Central, is it just me, or did the heat rise up?"
Somedudesbutonly2 Somedudesbutonly2

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