• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Written in the Stars - Star Wars AU - Applications (Recruiting)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • intro

    Rey's Theme

    John Williams


    fter Order 66 was executed, the force-sensitives of the universe went into hiding. Now unchallenged, the First Order rose to power, their insatiable hunger for complete control leading them to seek out remaining force-sensitives, either to kill them or train them as weapons of their own. Emperor Palpatine may have disappeared, but that didn't stop his followers from amassing.

    Supreme Leader Snoke has seized control of the Supremacy, a Mega-class Star Dreadnought that serves as the flagship and the mobile capital of the First Order from within the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. As part of his plan to constellate the remaining force-sensitives, Snoke began invading numerous planets throughout the galaxy, raiding them for any evidence of the presence of force-users. His first discoveries were the Altorix brothers, a pair of young boys born on the planet Arkanis, both of whom were gifted in the ways of the force. Several years later, a girl from a neighboring galaxy was uncovered and brought aboard the Supremacy to train with Snoke's other two apprentices.

    But it was becoming harder and harder for Snoke to locate the ever dwindling force-sensitives. He needed to expand his search if he had any hope of strengthening his legacy. And so with the help of new and innovative Sith technology, Snoke began sifting through the vastness of the universe, searching for any force-signatures and bidding his apprentices do the same. It was the eldest Altorix brother ("The Chosen") who first discovered a disturbance in the force, if he could even call it that. An incessant presence began calling out to him, plaguing his dreams and waking consciousness alike. After reluctantly reporting his findings to Snoke, the Supreme Leader was able to track down the signature to the dense forest planet of Batuu, where much to his pleasure he discovered three additional force-sensitives.

    Snoke's three newest pets were taken into custody aboard the Supremacy, where they are currently being held captive until they can learn to cooperate with the First Order. Snoke has every intention of training his new discoveries in the ways of the force, doubling his current apprentice count and expanding the reach of his power exponentially. With a total of six force-sensitives on his side, in a universe where force-sensitives have just about died out, he will be unstoppable. But times are changing, and outcry can be heard in the distant planets of the outer-rim where an uprising is beginning to take root. The First Order may not remain unchallenged for much longer, and Snoke may find that this rebellion is much closer than he thinks... perhaps right under his nose, or maybe even aboard his own ship...




Written in the Stars

Star Wars
Alternate Universe


Star Wars AU, Fantasy, Romance, Action



spots open




http://link here

http://link here

♡coded by uxie♡

Please include the following information in your application with an accompanying writing sample - if you'd prefer to DM the writing sample that is a-okay. Your writing sample can be about anything, I just want to get a sense of your style and literacy.

Full Name:
Desired Role:

Height & Weight:
Body Modifications:
Physical Disabilities:

Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:

Mental Disorders:

Home Planet:

Relationship Status:
Past Partners:

Character Questions:
If your character had a light saber - what color would it be?
How does your character feel about the First Order and the Resistance?

*Writing Sample*
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The Fallen
full name
Kade Altorix
October 27
Cisgender Male
place of birth
Planet Arkanis
The Fallen

190 pounds

Kade sports dark brown hair that is usually kept short, but there are some unavoidably disheveled pieces that occasionally fall in his face.

Kade's irises are a hazel with dark brown undertones and hints of forest green. Notoriously, there is a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Kade is lean and muscular, his strength perhaps only rivaled by his speed. He has broad shoulders and thick, corded muscles that run the length of his arms and abdomen. In his spare time he enjoys practicing with his light saber and working out. Due to his regular strenuous activity he has an excellent physique and it shows.

Kade has the insignia of the First Order burned into the skin of his left shoulder like a brand on livestock.

face claim
Francisco Lachowski

❝ You were born a weapon, and weapons do not weep ❞

In a word, abrasive. Kade runs hot, often drawing attention to himself when he enters a room, he is not afraid to show others that he is, in fact, a genuine threat and sometimes will go out of his way to provoke his enemies and start a fight. His anger drives him, and he carries with him a a deep resentment for those that he views as lesser than himself. While his cool exterior and relatively devil may care attitude may persuade some to believe otherwise, Kade is incredibly closed off and guarded when it comes to the more personal aspects of his life. Most of his relationships, whether romantic or plutonic, are incredibly superficial since he keeps everyone at a distance. He's not particularly loyal to the First Order or the reistance, rather, his main focus is to ensure his own survival. If he's required to do something unsavory as a means to achieve higher rank, he will do so without hesitation. If you're on his side, he'll tolerate you, but if you're not on his side you should hope you don't catch his attention. While he strives to exude control over all things in his life, he fails miserably when it comes to throttling his anger. Underneath his facade, Kade is actually very perceptive and even feels great empathy for those who are worse off than himself, but he would never let anyone see that lest risk being called weak. Despite all of this, socializing comes fairly easy to him. He is charismatic and charming when he wants to be, which is likely why he's had so much "success" in the field of women so far, though he would never voluntarily allow himself to develop any genuine feelings.


  • Power
  • Violence
  • Women
  • Hearing people beg He's a dom
  • Solitude
  • Drinking
  • Gambling
  • Abusing his power


  • Being told what to do
  • Authority figures
  • Feeling inferior
  • Sweets
  • Early mornings
  • TIE fighters
  • Droids


  • Actually falling in love, he does not like not being in control of his own emotions
  • That he will be perceived as a failure
  • That one day, either he will kill his brother or his brother will kill him
  • Kade has a mild fear of fire, or more accurately of fire burning out of control

Strengths & Weaknesses
  • Hand to Hand Combat
  • Light Saber Skills
  • The Force
  • Mental Manipulation, Kade has always had a knack for getting inside people's heads using the force.
  • Easily provoked (hot headed) which frequently gets him into trouble
  • Women .... he just can't say no to a pretty face
  • Arrogant and overconfident
  • Doesn't follow orders well

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec maximus pharetra erat, eget semper augue laoreet sed. Curabitur porttitor ac sapien eu pulvinar. Morbi nec porta sapien, quis molestie diam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam ornare purus sit amet sagittis fringilla. Quisque ipsum tellus, ornare eget ligula sit amet, pharetra rhoncus lacus. Cras at ante mattis, porta purus non, fermentum eros. Duis scelerisque, ligula eget congue mollis, sapien augue euismod odio, vitae aliquam odio nunc in tellus. Aliquam vestibulum, eros quis iaculis ullamcorper, ex justo volutpat ex, hendrerit imperdiet felis orci cursus ante. Nunc congue gravida magna, et condimentum felis imperdiet sed. Vivamus aliquam, arcu id maximus mattis, tellus erat interdum nisl, in faucibus diam erat a velit. Mauris vestibulum eleifend imperdiet. Vivamus ante dolor, tincidunt ac ex non, sagittis convallis arcu. Nunc mattis nibh ut ullamcorper rhoncus. Cras fringilla, odio tincidunt ultrices fringilla, felis augue condimentum nisi, eget hendrerit est justo sit amet mauris. Donec eu consequat sem, luctus sagittis risus.

& Romance


Turn Ons:
Long hair, attitude, emotional intelligence, introspective, witty

Turn Offs:
Nagging, superiority complex, bad hygiene, "holier than thou" attitude, sees him as a villain

Past Partners:
He's had quite a few flings and one night stands with various women aboard the supremacy, but nothing serious.

& Personal Items

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec maximus pharetra erat, eget semper augue laoreet sed. Curabitur porttitor ac sapien eu pulvinar. Morbi nec porta sapien, quis molestie diam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam ornare purus sit amet sagittis fringilla. Quisque ipsum tellus, ornare eget ligula sit amet, pharetra rhoncus lacus. Cras at ante mattis, porta purus non, fermentum eros. Duis scelerisque, ligula eget congue mollis, sapien augue euismod odio, vitae aliquam odio nunc in tellus. Aliquam vestibulum, eros quis iaculis ullamcorper, ex justo volutpat ex, hendrerit imperdiet felis orci cursus ante. Nunc congue gravida magna, et condimentum felis imperdiet sed. Vivamus aliquam, arcu id maximus mattis, tellus erat interdum nisl, in faucibus diam erat a velit. Mauris vestibulum eleifend imperdiet. Vivamus ante dolor, tincidunt ac ex non, sagittis convallis arcu. Nunc mattis nibh ut ullamcorper rhoncus. Cras fringilla, odio tincidunt ultrices fringilla, felis augue condimentum nisi, eget hendrerit est justo sit amet mauris. Donec eu consequat sem, luctus sagittis risus.
Character Questions

If your character had a light saber - what color would it be?
Kade does, in fact, have a light saber. It is average in size with a blood red signifying ambition, pain and power.
How does your character feel about the First Order and the Resistance?
Kade does not have any strong personal loyalties to either the First Order or the Resistance. He remains allegiant to the First Order out of self-preservation and convenience, but would betray them if a better opportunity presented itself.

coded by natasha.
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The Beacon
full name
Kiara Raith
September 2
Cisgender Female
place of birth
Planet Batuu
The Beacon

125 pounds

Kiara's face is framed by long, brown hair that falls past her shoulders, to the middle of her back, and is typically a mess. She will occasionally pull it back into a braided style.

Caribbean blue eyes stand out amongst her other features, and are typically the first thing people notice about her, framed by thick lashes and notoriously cocked eyebrows.

She is on the slimmer side but has a healthy distribution of muscle where she needs it.


face claim
Barbara Palvin

❝ She was never quite ready, but she was brave, and the universe listens to brave ❞

Kiara is an exceptionally self-sufficient girl. She is independent, competitive and doesn't like to feel weak or lesser than. Incredibly confident, she is very outgoing and never fails to speak her mind. She can be quick to anger, though she's typically better at reigning it in than some of her peers. Kiara values honesty and bravery, and is perhaps a bit too reckless for her own good. She doesn't mind drawing attention to herself and has quite the mischievous streak and a knack for getting herself into trouble, that being said she's also pretty good at talking her way out of said trouble. She has a burning desire to prove herself and her curiosity can sometimes get the better of her. Kiara is relatively friendly and talkative, though if you get on her bad side she won't hesitate to let you know. She can be playful and teasing, but when it matters most you will find that her loyalty runs deep and she would go to the ends of the earth for those she cares about.


  • The outdoors/nature
  • Flying (she's partial to x-wings)
  • Droids
  • Anything that gives her an adrenaline rush
  • Exploring cultures of different planets
  • Bright colors
  • Music


  • Being told what to do
  • Being made to feel small or weak
  • The dark
  • TIE fighters
  • Violence
  • Those who take advantage of the weak


  • Something happening to her older sibling
  • That she will eventually turn to the dark side
  • Getting lost in space

Strengths & Weaknesses
  • Stealth
  • The Force
  • Scrappy - fights dirty
  • Morality - she has a strong sense of what is good and what is wrong
  • Easily provoked
  • Her sibling
  • Empathy, she's a bleeding heart
  • Has no light saber training
  • Especially vulnerable to mental intrusions via the force

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec maximus pharetra erat, eget semper augue laoreet sed. Curabitur porttitor ac sapien eu pulvinar. Morbi nec porta sapien, quis molestie diam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam ornare purus sit amet sagittis fringilla. Quisque ipsum tellus, ornare eget ligula sit amet, pharetra rhoncus lacus. Cras at ante mattis, porta purus non, fermentum eros. Duis scelerisque, ligula eget congue mollis, sapien augue euismod odio, vitae aliquam odio nunc in tellus. Aliquam vestibulum, eros quis iaculis ullamcorper, ex justo volutpat ex, hendrerit imperdiet felis orci cursus ante. Nunc congue gravida magna, et condimentum felis imperdiet sed. Vivamus aliquam, arcu id maximus mattis, tellus erat interdum nisl, in faucibus diam erat a velit. Mauris vestibulum eleifend imperdiet. Vivamus ante dolor, tincidunt ac ex non, sagittis convallis arcu. Nunc mattis nibh ut ullamcorper rhoncus. Cras fringilla, odio tincidunt ultrices fringilla, felis augue condimentum nisi, eget hendrerit est justo sit amet mauris. Donec eu consequat sem, luctus sagittis risus.

& Romance


Turn Ons:
Taller than her, physical strength, banter, type-A personality, intelligence

Turn Offs:
Shorter than her, bad hygiene, closed off, shy

Past Partners:

& Personal Items

Kiara does not currently have any weapons or weapons experience, though she can be fairly lethal with the force.
Character Questions

If your character had a light saber - what color would it be?
If Kiara had a light saber, it would likely be blue - representing a strong sense of justice and morality.

How does your character feel about the First Order and the Resistance?
Kiara is Anti-First Order, though she doesn't currently know of the existence of the Resistance. Upon learning about the Resistance, she would strongly support it.

coded by natasha.

Full Name: La’artrix Noblue
Nicknames: Trix or Blue.
Gender: Male
Age: Thirty-two
Birthdate: July 19th
Desired Role: Pilot

Appearance: Shaggy brown hair with excess pulled back into a short ponytail. Deep blue eyes. Skin that is almost translucent from how pale his complexion is.
Wardrobe: White high collared shirt with a black leather jacket over the top that is heavily worn. Semi-loose black pants tucked into brown knee high boots with metal covering the tips for protection. A necklace from his mother with a charm carved out of a solid black piece of wood featuring the face of a wolf-like creature from his home planet. Two leather bracelets on his right wrist that he picked up a long time ago during his travels.
Scent: Alcohol and leather.
Height & Weight: 5’9 and 174 Ibs.
Body Modifications: N/A
Physical Disabilities: Slight Limp From Previous Crash Landing Early In Life.
Personality: Quiet and reserved, keeping to himself most of the time. Only showing joy when flying most of the time. Often preferring to be alone unless on a mission requiring cooperation.
Positive Traits: Doesn't complain. Gets the job done. Willing to go wherever asked whenever.
Negative Traits: Willing to leave others behind. Self centered. A bit of an ego when it comes to his piloting skills.

Likes: Good Food, Expensive Alcohol, Freedom During Flight.
Dislikes: Overcrowding, Physical Contact, Loud People and Noises.
Fears: Darkness, Death, The Cold Vacuum Of Space.
Mental Disorders: High Anxiety In Crowded Spaces. Mild Depression.

Family: Mother - Laria Noblue Father - Rari Noblue Sister - Flaria Noblue.
Home Planet: Corellia
Backstory: Born to a moderately wealthy family he was afforded most things in life, but took a healthy liking to flying in general. He was raised near one of the ship yards and often watched the pilots zip around dismantling and assembling ships throughout the day. One day he was gifted a small ship for learning and has piloted his whole life since then, eventually finding his way flying for the first order as they rose to power.

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Past Partners: N/A
Turn-Ons: Reserved, Smart, Has A Funny Side. Enjoys Time In Quiet Places, Shorter Than Him.
Turn-Offs: Overly Talkative, Too Tall, People full of themselves.

Character Questions:
If your character had a light saber - what color would it be? Orange

How does your character feel about the First Order and the Resistance?

Indifferent toward them in general. He's a pilot, he flies the ship, doesn't matter who he flies for.

*Writing Sample*
Last edited:
Basic form while I look for a fancy code.


Full Name:
•Valentina Ira Rhea
•Viper, Ira
•October 13th
Desired Role:
•The Viper

•A drop dead gorgeous woman with curves in all the right places. Her looks could turn anyone’s head when walking down the street or when she first enters a room. She’s of average height with a slimmer weight, her body mass slim but mainly solid muscle from all her years of training. She’s a very athletic build body wise and covered in scars with tattoos as well. Her face almost appears angelic when she wants but anyone who believes that is in for a rough night. Valentina is a devil in disguise her soft facial features often contorted into a look of pure joy or anger when fighting. Her eyes hold a bit of mania and darkness in them as know one who enjoys killing so much can ever be fully sane. Val has jet black hair with the two front pieces of her hair that often fall in her face often colored red or silver.

•Her wardrobe varies greatly. Her usual attire is a set of tight fitting pants, combat boots, a dark shirt covered by a robe that hides most if not all of her body when worn. Her attire also includes many outfits that would make any man blush; it's something she likes to wear when needing to gain information and not in the mood to use the force for it.

•Blood and lavender
Height & Weight:
•5’7 & 135lbs
Body Modifications:
•Several scars, piercing, and the first order symbol marked upon her body.
Physical Disabilities:

•Valentina has always been someone who could charm her way out or into anything she sets her mind to. A perfect con artist who learned her skills from her parents she knows just how to be the perfect person. However her true self is an ambitious nonsense type of person. She knows what she wants in life and isn’t afraid to kill, steal, and lie her way to the top which she currently has done. It’s always hard to tell with her if she’s being genuine or not but the truth is in her eyes. She’s not some weak damsel in distress and if you ever so much as tried to say so her lightsaber would be down your throat in a matter of seconds. Now that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like being told what to do every now and then which is hard to come by nowadays with her reputation as The Viper. A very complex individual once you truly gain her trust you’ll see the real her which is a loving but still very frightening badass of a woman.

Positive Traits:
•Active, athletic, challenging, charismatic, charming, confident, courageous, daring, educated, extraordinary, faithful, hardworking, intuitive, leaderly, loyal, observant, perfectionist, playful, protective, serious, sexy, skillful, venturesome, witty
Neutral Traits:
•Aggressive, ambitious, amusing, cute, driving, familial, hypnotic, proud, sarcastic, stern, stylish,
Negative Traits:
•Abrasive, aloof, angry, arrogant, calculating, callous, coarse, cold, crafty, crazy, deceitful, demanding, excitable, fiery, hostile, moody, morbid, narcissistic, plodding, power hungry, resentful, sly, unlovable, venomous, wishful

•Playing cards
•Feeling weak
•Being annoyed
•Being ignored
•Deep bodies of water
•Being of no use to Lord Snoke
•Atychiphobia - fear of failure
•Athazagoraphobia - fear of being forgotten
•Not being good enough
Mental Disorders:

•Amaranth Rhea (Mother)
•Gladio Rhea (Father)
Home Planet:
•Valentina was born to a pair of criminal parents who were part of the Black Sun syndicate. So ever since she was a small child she was taught how to steal, lie, fight, and do anything in her power to get what she wants. Her fascination with the lava and fire only grew stronger as her force powers grew with her. As a young child she was able to move things around then soon this included the lava and fire which she would use in performances to gain money. This led to her great fascination with fire and how she could use it to her advantage in more ways than one. Her young teenage ears soon heard more news about the sith, Jedi, and first order being raised on a planet that held the sith upon it. A calling seemed to ring in her blood at this, having always had a hatred for Jedi who thought themselves so supreme so superior to those without force abilities or those they deemed dark. It didn’t take long before she somehow snuck closer to the sith temple when in doing so she was captured by someone under Supreme Leader Snoke’s command. Her quick moves and unbridled rage almost had her escaping when Snoke himself made an appearance having been watching from a hidden area nearby. Then and there he took her on as one of his apprentices having seen something in her that others had never seen. This led to her ultimate loyalty to Snoke and The First Order. She was taken back to the facility where The Chosen and The Fallen resided that’s when her real training began. There she worked harder than ever rising higher and higher in ranks gaining Snokes attention even further until she was one of his top three. The only other two she has ever had the slightest respect for are The Chosen and The Fallen after all they were the closest there while also often being pitted against one another. There’s never been a mission that she’s failed as she can’t stand the thought of it or of disappointing Leader Snoke. When not on an actual mission she’s learning all she can about the rebellion and of the Jedi wanting to bring them down at all costs.

Relationship Status:
Past Partners:
•None are even worth mentioning
•Taller than her.
•Bold enough to make her submit
•Can handle her
•Knows when enough is enough
•Willing to compromise
•Dark hair usually
•Shorter than her
•Is annoying
•Overly clingy
•Thinks she’s too much
•Won’t compromise
•Is filthy/unwashed

Character Questions:
If your character had a lightsaber - what color would it be?:
She does have a lightsaber. It's a blood red now though her original saber was a dark purple.
How does your character feel about the First Order and the Resistance?:
Loyalty always to the First Order any one who resists must be put down. The Resistance are scum who must be purged from existence.

Aya had simply let the quiet fill the air for a bit between them. Aya wasn’t one who often bothered with others, not when she already had Cas and Griffon as her main companions. However there were clear signs that Shayla was in need of someone right now even if the other raven haired young woman didn’t want the help. Now usually being told a few times and hearing an icy voice would have Aya leaving said person alone yet she didn’t think it would be wise in this case. Having glimpsed a small bit of Shayla revealed someone who was paler even then herself. This was an unhealthy white the kind that meant blood loss or some sort of trigger that set the body into a medical state. Though from what seemed to be Shayla swirling wiping away at something that looked red in appearance she had to assume it was another nosebleed like the previous day just not as intense. Most people would find this very concerning however there was also the fact that maybe Shayla was having a reaction to the testing injections. Since it seemed so far that after or during the testing these symptoms would arise. Now if Aya really thought about it she would probably realize that wasn’t the case however she also knew that Shayla seemed to care about privacy. She would respect that, not allowing any thoughts about what was occurring other than the fact that Shayla at least needed help home.

Aya was hoping bringing up Cas would help ease the other female, having known that the two had hooked up at least once before. She also thought she had often seen Shayla soften whenever Cas came into the room or was mentioned even if it was only for a second. The silence seemed to drag on again before Shayla cut in that she wasn’t any of Cas or Aya’s concern.”You can say that but it won’t prevent people from caring about you. Or at the very least being concerned when something is clearly wrong.”she said calmly and quietly fighting pound sounds were not what Shayla needed right now. It was funny Shayla and Cas were rather similar in certain regards that being their want to keep some if not all people at arm's length. Aya knew Cas kept many secrets to herself and she would not fault Cas for that. Aya herself had a few secrets that she wasn’t sure she’d ever reveal to Cas more out of shame than anything. If she had to really compare them to something, Cas and Shayla reminded Aya of street cats who are frightened, hostile, and wary of all things around them. They could either remain hostile forever or warm up to the attention they were receiving. Aya had broken through with Cas. Could she do the same with Shayla? She would at least try for some form of friendship. When Shayla stepped further out trying to stand tall and confident she already seemed to be stumbling. The clear exhaustion that her body was dealing with was noticeable almost immediately.

She listened as Shayla stated she was going home instead of staying at the barracks. Aya wasn’t really surprised by that statement as many people didn’t like staying here anyways. She watched until suddenly Shayla seemed to slam against the wall, her shoulder and arm supporting her weight that wanted to crumple. A growl of frustration seemed to come from her before suddenly Aya found herself moving forward moving so she could bare some of Shayla’s weight making it easier for the sickly young woman to move. When she started to speak again that’s when Aya cut her off.”Lev will miss you if you end up not coming home. In this state you might pass out on the street. So I’ll help you home then leave you be.”she said finally getting Shayla to reluctantly agree. So with careful steps she helped her out of the building then once Shayla seemed to be more stable moved away so she could walk on her own. However she stayed close enough just in case anything were to happen. Once at the apartment Aya took the keys unlocking the door for Shayla as the other seemed to still have her head swirling a bit.”Let me get you a glass of water. I want to make sure you at least drink something before I go.”she said before greeting Lev who had come forward hearing their voices.
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vea raith

# the protector

# vika bronova

♡coded by uxie♡

Vea Raith
the protector
full name
Vea Raith.
December 29.
home planet
The Protector.

130 lbs.

Long cocoa-colored waves graze Vea's ribs. She often ties up or braids the top half of her hair to keep it out of her face, or plaits it into an intricate updo her mother taught her.

Insightful eyes the color of sea glass and just as sharp.

Lean and athletic in build, she does not look like much at first glance but years of hard work have strengthened her body.

A long scar mars the flesh of her left collarbone fighting off a scoundrel with a blade.

face claim
Vika Bronova .

Vea prefers neutral colors and fabric that is easy to move in.

Orchid and coffee.

❝ you and atlas are the same, my dear. cursed to hold a weight you can't bare and still standing not because you can, but because you have to. ❞
A life-time of survival in a land of smugglers and criminals has made Vea more of a wolf than a woman. Since her parents' death shook her very existence to the core, Vea has had a fierce need for order, trying to control every aspect of her life to prevent anything else from ever catching her off-guard again.

She sees the world as a venus fly-trap, ready to spring upon her at any moment. The cruelty of the world has made her more thorns than rose petals, always prepared to strike first to defend herself. Her vicious wit and endless determination make her a formidable foe, but beneath the stony exterior she's built over years of hardship, Vea is a deeply emotional and compassionate woman. There are very few people besides her sister that get to see her softer side, but those who do know that she would tear herself apart to keep her loved ones safe.

Above all else, the safety of her sister Kiara is the most important thing to her. She would do anything to keep her sister safe, including joining the First Order. Though she has a deep sense for justice, Vea is not as straight and narrow as she would like to be. There is a fine line between her desire to create a better world, and a desire to punish all those who have wronged her. She holds a deep-seated resentment in her for the way the world has treated her and Kiara, and she has secured their means of living through less than legal ways. A pretty face and cunning mind make her a deadly weapon among the outlaws of Batuu, and upon being provoked her bite is sharper than an adder's.

Despite her desperate need for control, there is a part of Vea that is always flirting with danger. She has wanted to pet every monster that crossed her path, if only for an excuse to bare her own fangs. Always prepared for the worst, Vea wants to be proven wrong just once, for someone to make her believe that there is still reason to be gentle in a world so cruel.


- star gazing
- the quietness of early morning
- spending time with her sisters
- the satisfaction of being right
- reading
- visiting the cantina
- coffee
- local flora and fauna ( she has a dangerous habit of wanting to pet wild creatures)
- being in control


- being proven wrong
- loss of control (of her emotions or someone taking control of her)
- not knowing information / feeling stupid
- disrespect
- her inability to perfectly control the force
- feeling trapped
- change


- not being able to protect her sister
- small spaces
- the emotions that she can't quite control


- She is intelligent and good at putting together strategies
- She is both cunning and charming enough to fool others
- When it comes to protecting her loved ones she is ruthless
- Motivated / Once she sets her mind to something she won't stop until it's done
- Speed and agility
- Through pure determination, Vea has managed to garner some control over the force though her progress has been slow


- Her sister
- Though she tries to keep them on a tight leash, her emotions sometimes get the better of her
- She often gets overly invested in projects and loses herself in them
- Overworks herself
- Easily frustrated

mental disorders
PTSD from her parents' death, which has led to her incessant need to control every aspect of her life.

Will flesh out with The Beacon if accepted.

- After their parents' death, she raised Kiara by herself.
- Took on odd jobs around the Black Spire Outpost to earn money
- Once she was older, she began working as an informant of sorts for Dok-Ondar at the outpost. It was a rather unsavory job that sometimes put her in dangerous situations, but she needed the money to keep her sister alive and safe.

Pellentesque sollicitudin ligula et nunc consectetur, et venenatis tellus venenatis. Mauris luctus bibendum risus. Cras sit amet lacus lacus. Aenean est quam, scelerisque id elementum quis, imperdiet quis nisl. Suspendisse mollis at elit sit amet mollis. Suspendisse ullamcorper diam et erat semper, eu efficitur nunc cursus. Sed convallis vehicula nisl nec pellentesque. Maecenas purus erat, sodales ac accumsan ut, molestie a leo. Sed erat ligula, scelerisque sed tempor quis, lobortis suscipit risus. Vivamus felis purus, posuere eu sem bibendum, suscipit dapibus enim. Sed leo augue, placerat vehicula ultrices rhoncus, bibendum nec libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed non pretium justo. Nullam ut lacinia nisl. Vivamus in pharetra nisl. Aenean varius hendrerit volutpat.
& romance

Relationship Status:

Turn Ons:
Banter, able to handle her, dominant (for once she wants someone else to be in control), wild / dangerous (her opposite), experienced.

Turn Offs:
Boring, meek, if they're rude to her sister, laziness.

Past Partners:
Now and then, just to feel something Vea would pick up a man or woman from the cantina. She's never had time for anything serious, but there is a part of her that loves the thrill of being around someone dangerous, someone that she'll likely never see again because the Black Spire Outpost is merely a place for passing through. Perhaps it's because she doesn't have to fear attachment if they'll be gone the next day and can release her inhibitions for one night.
& personal items
Due to the volatile nature of Batuu, Vea often carries a knife or two tucked into her clothing.
character questions
If your character had a lightsaber - what color would it be?:
If Vea had a lightsaber, it would be an indigo so deep it was almost purple, or a grayish white to signify that though she is loyal to the light side of the Force she does not have enough emotional control to be a formal Jedi. It would be double-bladed or a dual wielded saber.

How does your character feel about the First Order and the Resistance?:
Vea absolutely despises the First Order and the danger they've put her sister in. She has only heard mere whisperings of the Rebellion, but she would support their cause as long as she could keep her sister out of harms way.

coded by natasha.
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xaden altorix

# the chosen

# rafael miller

♡coded by uxie♡

Xaden Altorix
the chosen
full name
Xaden Altorix.
May 2.
home planet
The Chosen.

185 lbs.

A mess of dark brown hair that fall just above his eyes.

Chestnut eyes that reflect just as much warmth as they do cool indifference.

Though not overly bulky, Xaden is covered in well-trained muscle. It is easy to tell the long hours he's put into training from the well-defined lines of his body.

The First Order symbol is branded into his left shoulder. A few small scars mark the planes of his skin from both training and real battles.

face claim
Rafael Miller.

Often clad in First Order black or red, Xaden favors clothing that clings to his frame and doesn't get in the way.

Cold steel and amber.

❝ i am standing in the ashes of who i used to be. ❞
Even before the First Order took them, Xaden was a rather quiet child. Not in the sense that he was shy, but in the way that he would rather observe and watch the others around him. He loved reading about far off planets and the creatures and cultures that inhabited them. Most of all, Xaden loved helping his parents out by watching over his little brother. It gave him a purpose, a sense of importance and duty to be a good big brother.

After the First Order took the two Altorix brothers, Xaden became even more protective of his younger brother, though there was simply nothing he could do to save either of them from Snoke. He used his insightfulness to his advantage, learning what would get him praised and what would earn him punishment. While Xaden also excelled in physical training, his real strength is in his intelligence and ability to strategize. He has been able to survive the First Order so long by being adaptable and becoming whoever he needed to be. At first it was a method of survival, but now he's not so sure which version of himself is the real one.

Xaden can come across rather stoic and unemotional, hiding his true thoughts behind a cool mask of indifference. He plans everything meticulously and always stays one step ahead of everyone else. He can be detached and rather cold because he fears letting anyone see behind the well-placed facade he's been hiding behind. Worrying about his brother is enough work as it is, he doesn't think he could handle caring about anyone else under Snoke's strict supervision.

Beneath the mask, Xaden is much more caring and compassionate than he lets on, which is exactly why he refuses to show his emotions. His empathetic heart has always been his weakness, and so to protect himself he acts as if emotions are beneath him, always cool, calm, and composed.


- reading
- visiting other planets
- flying
- sweets
- winning an argument
- staring out at the stars from the ship deck
- droids
- a freshly cleaned room


- having to lie to his brother
- Snoke
- loneliness
- the Force (he sees it as something that has ruined his life)
- not being in control
- disorganization
- dealing with idiots


- having to one day fight or kill his brother
- losing himself to the dark side
- having to serve Snoke forever


- Able to manipulate others
- Strong in the mental aspects of the Force
- Physically very strong, specializes in offensive attacks
- Good at devising strategies, very detailed
- Leadership skills
- Public speaking skills


- His brother
- He isn't very fast
- His control of the Force wavers with his emotional control

mental disorders
Mild depression.

Will flesh out with The Fallen if accepted.

- The oldest of the Altorix sons.
- Once the First Order took them, Snoke's attention seemed the most keen on Xaden.
- Has become a star pupil of Snoke's to spare Kade the brunt of Snoke's attention, but secretly wishes to get out from beneath his thumb and take his brother somewhere that the First Order won't be able to use them any more.

Pellentesque sollicitudin ligula et nunc consectetur, et venenatis tellus venenatis. Mauris luctus bibendum risus. Cras sit amet lacus lacus. Aenean est quam, scelerisque id elementum quis, imperdiet quis nisl. Suspendisse mollis at elit sit amet mollis. Suspendisse ullamcorper diam et erat semper, eu efficitur nunc cursus. Sed convallis vehicula nisl nec pellentesque. Maecenas purus erat, sodales ac accumsan ut, molestie a leo. Sed erat ligula, scelerisque sed tempor quis, lobortis suscipit risus. Vivamus felis purus, posuere eu sem bibendum, suscipit dapibus enim. Sed leo augue, placerat vehicula ultrices rhoncus, bibendum nec libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed non pretium justo. Nullam ut lacinia nisl. Vivamus in pharetra nisl. Aenean varius hendrerit volutpat.
& romance

Relationship Status:

Turn Ons:
Strong-willed, kind, banter, passionate, a good listener, shorter than him.

Turn Offs:
Weak, pushy, cruel, unintelligent, messy.

Past Partners:
Besides a few one night stands here and there, Xaden has been much too busy to focus on any personal relationships.
& personal items
Xaden wields a red lightsaber and often keeps a blaster on him as well.
character questions
If your character had a lightsaber - what color would it be?:
Xaden has a red lightsaber with orange hues, reflecting his determination and strength.

How does your character feel about the First Order and the Resistance?:
Xaden has mixed feelings about the First Order at best. Mostly, he hates the way they've treated his brother, it has killed him to see Snoke bend his brother to his will. His job is to crush the Resistance, but if they proved to be useful to his plan for getting his brother out of the First Order's grip he would take the chance.

coded by natasha.
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The Rebel
full name
Montin Avar
January 16th
Cisgender Male
place of birth
Planet Corellia
Spice Smuggler

210 pounds

Monty keep his hair rather kept and standard. He has lighter brown hair, curlier at the top, while short on the sides. His signature mustache is the only facial hair he chooses to keep. Now imprisoned, a light beard grew in.


He is rather built, self-disciplined to keep a strict regime and clean diet the best he can. In captivity, however, he can only control so much.

None by choice. Monty has a series of scars across his face and neck from shrapnel and debris injuries sustained during Order 66.

face claim
Miles Teller

❝Calm. Kindness. Kinship. Love. I’ve given up all chance at inner peace. I’ve made my mind a sunless space... I share my dreams with ghosts. ❞

Monty is by no means a perfect man, but, he lives and treats others per the Jedi Code. At present, he is extremely cynical and jaded about the world. His logical and darker side often gets the better of him, despite his connection to the Force. Having never completed his training, struggling with his dark side is more difficult without the guidance he's used to. With the Order gone, it is a continuous struggle to fight his emotions. But, life goes on. Despite his turmoil, he is extremely compassionate, and willing to help anyone he can if he has the chance. He is selfless, witty, and overall a morally just man.


  • Nature
  • Order
  • Peace
  • Meditating
  • Good company


  • Living a smuggler lifestyle
  • Letting his dark side win
  • Seeing innocent people hurt
  • Liars
  • Remembering the past


  • He is the only trained padawan alive
  • Letting his dark side win and becoming Sith
  • Being found (which happened)

Strengths & Weaknesses
  • The Force
  • Trained in Jedi-Knight combat
  • Persuasion
  • Basic training in troop movement, command, etc... that a Padawan would be expected to have.
  • Can be a bit brash, and his wit can get the better of him at times
  • His strong moral compass can prohibit him from making morally questionable decisions that may be better for the whole
  • He has attachments, which are a general weakness most Jedi have.


Montin wasn’t his name at birth, in fact; it was a name he chose following Order 66. Davin Avar was born in Corellia to a small shipyard owner and a merchant mother. Most of his memory on the planet faded, minus the snow and the forest he called home. At times of great stress, the Force always has a way to ground him in his childhood home. Regardless, at the age of four, he was tested and found force-sensitive. Most of his time as a boy was spent on Coruscant as a youngling. At an early age, Davin showed an aptitude for mind tricks. This caught the attention of the Masters, who took great care in educating him properly about the time and place it was appropriate to use. Once he passed his trials, he was permitted to be a Padawan at the age of 14.

Davin was assigned to Jedi Knight Lani Dene, a humble human who had a similar aptitude for mind force. Under her mentorship, he bonded deeply with her, considering her to be a mother figure if such attachment was allowed. Her work for the Order didn’t put them in much peril, sticking to more intelligence-based assignments and missions. However, she continued to train his saber skills. Until Order 66.

Davin died that day alongside Master Dene… The day was certainly the worst of his life. The duo was on Hoth, recovering intelligence from a nearby outpost for the Senate war council. However, once the order was given, the nearby clones on base turned instantaneously. The duo managed to escape the base, fleeing into the icy tundra for a certain death. All hope was lost, they had nothing besides each other. They needed supplies or to find a new base to try and steal a ship. And so they did: locating the base intelligence was stolen from. In the attempt to flee, Master Dene sustained serious burns from a ruptured fuel canister explosion. The same canister injured him as well, but not as severely. The exposed burns mixed with the sub-zero temperatures made for a horrid death. Without time to mourn her death, he managed to steal a ship to escape.

Following the massacre, he quickly learned he needed to remain hidden. He changed his name to Montin Avar, an old family name that wouldn’t arouse attention from the records. Once he ditched the stolen ship, he settled on Batuu. It was a simple planet with simple needs: spice and money. To blend in, he quickly picked up a job at a local shipyard. Remembering his father owned one proved helpful, alongside his mind tricks, to work his way through the ranks. 5 years following the order, Monty became a bonafide spice smuggler. The local trade baron loaned a ship to him, noticing he had a knack for selling large quantities. Not the best pilot, he made sure to invest in a droid who he could trust with flight while he focused on cutting deals. This life, unfulfilling at best, got the job done. It kept him safe, hidden, and out of trouble.

Throughout all of this, Monty’s connection to the Force never faltered. It called to him often, only allowing it into his mind in private. Meditation kept his mind sharp and his connection strong. His occasional use of mind tricks or simple telekinesis was never enough to raise much disturbance. Until the day he was found.

& Romance


Turn Ons:
Kind, can keep up with his humor, isn't a pushover

Turn Offs:
Morally corrupt, jealous, isn't accepting of his true self

Past Partners:

& Personal Items

Val has his master's blade, a blue lightsaber. He keeps it well hidden, usually in a cargo pocket or hidden under his coat. Otherwise, he is armed with a gun purely for show. He has never once used it, preferring to deescalate a situation with the Force and his ability to persuade.
Character Questions

If your character had a light saber - what color would it be?
If he crafted his lightsaber, he'd let the Force guide his decision. For now, against tradition, he wields a blue saber.

How does your character feel about the First Order and the Resistance?
Val is a staunch supporter of the Resistance. While his first allegiance to the Order, considering it is eradicated, he helps the Resistance however he can. The First Order is perhaps the worst thing in his eyes, they stand for every awful thing he is against.

coded by natasha.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae.

Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla,

lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper

001 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at.
002 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at.
003 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at.
004 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at.
005 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae.

Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla,

lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper

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