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Other Writing Games! Join Anytime!

I said it. I told her the truth of what happened that night. I knew that this was the final moment of her trust in me. Goodbye.

Death smiled at the exquisite freshly fallen soul, relishing in the beauty and Colour and liveliness that crackled within it's very core. This soul... was beautiful from it's waking breath to it's final moment.
Rewind. Redoing this because I'm a stupid fucker who can't count. *broken smile*

The girl panted, so full of anxiety as she finished coloring in the multiple choice's bubble. Throwing her pencil into the air, she grabbed the paper and slammed it onto the teacher's desk. "Finished"

Cerulean skies were hidden protectively behind obsidian clouds; rain pelted the shed as emerald orbs darkened beneath sultry lashes. She could feel her body numbing every passing minute. "Goodnight," she finally met her end.
Her fingers scraped listlessly across the rock as she slipped off the edge. The plummet hit her harder than life ever had. She looked up half-heartedly, fading. At least she'd be found manicure intact.
Wow, guys. The responses I got were amazing. It was cool to see all the different thoughts that came with the prompt and it ended up being really close. Our winner for this prompt is:



Congrates. You had the most interesting twist on the concept and a beautiful take on it. It is now your turn to choose a prompt.


Good luck. To everyone.
Wow, guys. The responses I got were amazing. It was cool to see all the different thoughts that came with the prompt and it ended up being really close. Our winner for this prompt is:



Congrates. You had the most interesting twist on the concept and a beautiful take on it. It is now your turn to choose a prompt.


Good luck. To everyone.

Thankyou! Everyone else's were amazing as well!

@Marianne I absolutely loved the detail in yours!



Free fall


Time limit:

24 hours to this posts time stamp


Length limit:

4 Sentences


Have fun!
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As the world dissolved around the group as the portal came down around them to take the ground away from beneath their feet, he closed his eyes. The inverting left him reeling and, for the briefest of moments, panic rushed through him. Not from his rapid decent possibly ending in a shattering smack against the ground several hundred feet now above his head, but from the oncoming battle he was dropping into. He snapped his eyes open and his companion that could fly came to intercept him as he remembered that he was not alone in this; the 16 others around him were there to support him and just as ready for this fight as he was.
She'd been waiting in line all day for this. Even the wait as the coaster had climbed up had been filled with restless excitement. But now, months of planning came to fruition as the coaster hurtled down, a shriek bubbling up joyously as she fell, and she wondered if this was what flying was like.

(this looked so cool I couldn't resist haha)
Wind whispered in his ear as he fell, so delicate like a fallen leaf of Autumn, through the air. His arms were outstretched, reaching out to the sea of stars that wrapped the Earth as though it were a blanket. With a heavy intake of breath the make gasped, expecting to hit the ground and have Death take him away like the many others who had jumped before him; that moment would never come. He breathed heavily, peering an eye open to see what had stopped him, why he wasn't on the ground, a heap of broken bones; he grew wings at that moment, he could fly. 
It was undeniable, Kenneth was in paradise. The cooling breeze of the ocean blowing into his face, the shrills of girls playing beach volleyball, and the scorching heat sizzling his skin. Oh what a wonderful time Kenneth was having, but that all futilely came crashing down as the boy literally screamed awake falling from the top bunk in which he laid. The slight instance where gravity tugged him down sent a shriek out of his throat and a laugh from his brother as Kenneth plummeted down to meet the floor bringing about the beginning to a horrible first day of school.
I was going to join this one, but I then realized the word limit was 34. My writing is never just 34 words. I'll definitely await the next one though.

It's actually a really cool and difficult exercise to try to write vivid description with few words. An author famous for such thought-provoking short stories is Ernest Hemingway, and there are plenty others  It is a coveted skill to be able to create great stories with as few words as necessary. I think you should try it!

And I'll leave one of my favorite short stories by Hemingway himself. SUCH FEW WORDS, SUCH BIG EMOTION AND STORY BEHIND THEM!!!!!

For Sale:

Baby shoes, never worn

<3 !
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It's actually a really cool and difficult exercise to try to write vivid description with few words. An author famous for such thought-provoking short stories is Ernest Hemingway, and there are plenty others  It is a coveted skill to be able to create great stories with as few words as necessary. I think you should try it!

I see where you're coming from, and as much as I enjoy writing, I tend to get lost in the prose. I wouldn't doubt it to be something incredibly worth the effort, but it's not for me. Pfft.
@Nai In case you didn't catch it: we have a new prompt. ^_^ It changes after each time limit. Current prompt is free fall at a four sentence limit. You have less than 24 hours to create something. Good luck if you decide to jump in on this one.
August 13th marked another year free; another leaf falling to the ground, free from the burden of serving its tree, turned a happy red or orange or yellow in the release of death. A year free to collect in his pockets already bulging with their colorful, gone memories. But that was the thing with free years, with leaves, with memories- they were worth nothing, and they only weighed him down. So every year, on August 13th, he grew heavier, despairing, wondering how many more years it would take for himself to finally fall - free.
Life was withering away as it was painted by the warm, welcoming, celebratory colors of autumn. Golden amber glistening upon the rooftops of nude birch branches; hazel tears dancing with the wind, desperately wanting to remain in its loving embrace before helplessly letting go. Down they fell, these ember tears caressing decaying grass; only to become reborn once more whilst they became the golden coins to nature's dying salvation. There was no such thing as greed when it came to gold, copper, and rusted burgundy tears, for, although they were rich in color and possible wealth, they were better of coating the world with its beauty and freedom.
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Like a cold, iron grip over the heart, frozen fear spread all through me.

Rattling up the tracks, slow, creeping, taunting, it lugged me to the crest. A moment, a breath, and a click before I careened off into nothing.

Please, Death, take me before my lungs explode.
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Selfish motivation chewed at Marquis' mind; this choice had the potential to transform him, to show him that he was capable of the ultimate nepotism, and he struggled with it, shattered, shaking with the feeling that he really had no choice at all.

Sleater's hand grasped his; he pleaded, "--Do not--"

The words had already been drained, had staggered themselves through Sleater's dry lips but were already empty. Marquis gave Sleater's hand a squeeze, perhaps that would be enough to convey that he truly, earnestly did not want this; but he must have wanted it, must have chosen his own freedom over an imprisoned romance with Sleater, because he ripped himself away, walked away in shreds, and let Sleater's hand fall. 

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