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Fantasy Wrath of the elements

azeroth smiled as he watched the sun set then smirked "no its time to show you what i can do" he said then changed in a ball of blackish red fire, when the fire was gone he looked to be half dragon with hair blacker then pitch and flowing as if it was water, he had scales the size of armor plating and horns that curled back, as well as menacing spikes on his elbows and large wings
"wow .... wait i thought you were a were werewolf" Synthia said confused but also thought it was cool since she was part dragon
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"i'm a blood wolf, meaning part werewolf,vampire and demon" azeroth replied then added "this is my demon form"
azeroth smirked then with a thunderous boom took off with a roar that made the air and ground tremble and the waves in the distant ocean started to crash harder
synthia started to turn back into a human on the roof the ground and the roof started to shake that she started to fall off
no i don't think so just a little dizzy. you have a strong roar there" Synthia thought in her head hes pretty nice for catching he is also pretty fast.
azeroth smiled "thank you, i could teach you to use the strength of your element to make your roar almost as strong" he said before landing gracefully on the roof and putting synthia down gently
azeroth changed back into his half wolf form and helped synthia to a room "rest and maybe take a hot bath it will help with your dizziness"
"ah i see, so synthia, is there anything you would like to know about me or this forest?" azeroth asked
"oh well me yes there isn't much more to learn, but this forest, there are so many secrets to learn, like the true name of the woods" azeroth said
how about swimming to the boowey and back the human way since i have been training that way" the boowey was about a mile and a half out
"ok, first we need swim suits or do you want to race in your underwear" azeroth said laughing at his last bit

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