Anime & Manga Worst Animes that you have watched

Aku no Hana. The plot was just weird imo, and the style... I couldn't get past it. It unsettled me.

I think the manga actually has a better art style, but the anime was just ... ugh *shudder*
Pupa was similar to a car crash for me. Horrific and terrible but you just can't look away. It helped that each episode was like four minutes long. After each episode was done I would stare at the screen--confused, terrified, jaw slightly open--and slowly click next.
Ginga Densetsu Weed is a painful anime to watch.

When I first saw it (back in 2007 I think) I thought it was amazing. Then I saw it's predecessor (Ginga Nagareboshi Gin) and found out about the mangas. The GDW anime (besides it's terrible terrible animation) really messed up the manga. It's like a pimple on the series, and I just want to pop it so it disappears.

I am horrified to watch the original (2003) version of Fullmetal Alchemist for fear of what the FMA fandom as told me. (I am someone who has only read the manga.) Because I know I'll sit down to watch it, and just get annoyed with all the original lore-breaking.
Les said:
just get annoyed with all the original lore-breaking.
Technically, it's not lore-breaking as the series had caught up to the manga and thus gone on its own path due to anime being faster than manga when produced. That's the reason why they made Brotherhood, to have an adaptation that followed the manga to the end. At least, I'm pretty sure that's how it is.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Technically, it's not lore-breaking as the series had caught up to the manga and thus gone on its own path due to anime being faster than manga when produced. That's the reason why they made Brotherhood, to have an adaptation that followed the manga to the end. At least, I'm pretty sure that's how it is.

Oh yeah, it wasn't intentional lore breaking. They contacted the creator, and she gave some of the future plot-points that she wanted, but left a lot of it up to the creators of the anime. I think the anime was produced with only a few volumes of manga to go by (plus her pointers). But the lore is vastly different from the original source (ie. the manga) and that might trip me up a bit.

I have no doubt that if I saw the original FMA anime first, I would have enjoyed it. (I have a friend who has seen both anime variations, and she said that the original anime is good. But it is very different.) But now I think I'd just go through it critiquing everything.
Code Geass is the worst Anime I have ever seen. It is slower than the Walking Dead and the story is just atrocious. Not to mention the art just makes me want to vom.
Tamassran said:
Code Geass is the worst Anime I have ever seen. It is slower than the Walking Dead and the story is just atrocious. Not to mention the art just makes me want to vom.
Have you finished both seasons?

Code Geass in my books is one of the best anime out there.

It might start out slow, but the story is brilliant in season 1, at least.

Not to mention the ending in season 2 is possibly the best ending in any anime.

Diabolik Lovers.

5-or-so "sadistic vampire boys" live in a mansion that a ditsy girl with no sense of security is forced to move into, with no explanation, and she likes all of the pretty boys.

Even Vampire Knight is better than that.
Sword Art Online. I'm sorry.

I love the plot, I really do. I love the idea, I love the place. I love the characters...well, most of them.

I really, REALLY hate Kirito. I think the way they potray him is way too godmodding. It's such a shame.

But to make it worse the way they made the harem is ridiculous.

I am usually fine with harem anime, but this one...I think the plot is way too good for just a usual harem. I mean, the only other 'quite important' male character other than himself is Klein, who in my opinion is also good looking but ended up flirting with NPCs while that little brat got all the chics.

Too bad so sad. Could've been my favourite anime.


Azalea said:
Black Butler for me.
In my opinion, it was just a bunch of cliche anime themes combined together with a tiny bit of that dark element I was looking for, and I could barely even make it past the first episode.
Yeah, i do admit the anime sucks. Especially the last half of the first season and the whole second season (I rlly like Alois and Claude though...but the story's s*** ). HOWEVER. The manga is amazing, you should try it ^^
Black Butler was such an interesting anime for me. Not only is it set in England, the dub is perfect for such a theme and the characters developed nicely. Only irritating thing was the second season with the two anime-only characters - overall I liked it but could've been better.

KissXSis, though, has to be the best anime of all time.
[QUOTE="Alice Baskerville]Sword Art Online. I'm sorry.

Hear hear!

The beginning was promising. Asuna was a nice character, a refreshing change of pace and a promising heroine. Then it all went to crap. They made her pretty much useless in the second arc and she never recovered. Its fine that Kirito was godmoding, its kind of a plot thing, but the harem dynamic was poorly done, cliche, and altogether infuriating after they built the relationship between Asuna and Kirito. Its all style with no substance or consistency. The GGO arc had some promise, but they managed to foul that up too.

Honestly, I'm finding a lot of similarities between it and DonMachi in terms of themes and flavor, but I feel like DonMachi is actually better.

Which is kind of sad, because that's no masterpiece either.'

My personal pick would probably have to be. . . . Aquarion, I think. Take all the stuff that makes Evangelion good and get rid of it. Then add more ecchi and more harem with less style and originality.
Okay, I imagine like ten thousand fanboys/girls murdering me for saying this, but I have to say that Sword Art Online is absolutely terrible. So let me rant.

In terms of the first season/arc/thing, where they're all trapped in SAO... Time skipped around like a bitch, and it was really annoying. Like, people would just come and go, and you wouldn't even feel bad when they died because you didn't even know them for more than an episode! And then Kirito would be all depressed and you're sitting there feeling absolutely nothing- there was a single scene that was a little touchy after someone's death, but it wasn't even tears worthy. Then there's Asuna, who must seriously be my most hated anime character ever. It's something between her character being ridiculously annoying to me, and because I think the Kirito x Asuna ship was rushed. They're like, what, 16 and 17 I think the ages were? And they're getting married! Makes no sense. (Also, I'm a fan of Kirito x Sinon sooo... there's that too.)

Then there's the ALO arc, which I can't say much about because I don't honestly remember it (probably because nothing too important happened). There was the cousin thing going on between Kirito and what's-her-name which was sort of awkward but whatever.

I was into the GGO part though. I guess you could say I have a thing for Sinon... and Kirito's GGO appearance was amazing. There was this whole SA scene though, which put me off. I suddenly had to switch windows because there was family around. Same thing happened with Asuna with that one creepy villain dude. Ugh, so many cringe worthy moments...

(Oh- I forgot to mention Yui. She's like Navi. I don't like her either, sorry haha. She's a program though, and everyone acts like she's a living being. Are they all crazy?)


Also Fairy Tail.

I won't lie, I was sooo into the first part. But recently, I feel like everyone in FT is stupidly op. The good guys never lose. No one ever dies. It really takes the fun out of the fight scenes because you know that, in the end, the bad guys will eventually lose. Then there's all the random plot twists, which are pretty shocker when you learn of them, but I'd be more shocked if someone actually died for once. I mean, yes, a few characters have died, but no one so important that you're sad about it. The only real reason I'm still watching it is because I live for the ship moments between Gajeel and Levy (and NaLu, Jerza, Gruvia, all the mainstream ships, but not as much. Loke x Aries too actually, ADORABLE).

Okay rant over. It just feels good to complain about these things sometimes. It's rare you can complain about a popular anime without everyone coming down on you and saying that yo
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Tomohiko is really milking Sword Art Online for everything it's worth.

Look, first season wasn't to my liking, but better than the rest.

Even more fanservice would've upped the amp on this anime a bit. ;'D
Hanabira said:
Black Butler was such an interesting anime for me. Not only is it set in England, the dub is perfect for such a theme and the characters developed nicely.
Buahahaha, the dub is perfect? I watched like half of the first episode in English and started crying, I was laughing so hard at their terrible British accents. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Black Butler for it's indulgent gothic victorian fashions and stupidly special snowflake characters, but I am under no illusions that it's some storytelling masterpiece.

Hm.... Worst anime I've watched... I ranted about Freezing the other day because of its creepy male power fantasy characteristics. I've got a lot of problems with SAO disempowering its female characters so Kirito can save them. Rah Xephon and Blood+ were also wastes of my time.
[QUOTE="Dragoneer Irako]Buahahaha, the dub is perfect? I watched like half of the first episode in English and started crying, I was laughing so hard at their terrible British accents. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Black Butler for it's indulgent gothic victorian fashions and stupidly special snowflake characters, but I am under no illusions that it's some storytelling masterpiece.
Hm.... Worst anime I've watched... I ranted about Freezing the other day because of its creepy male power fantasy characteristics. I've got a lot of problems with SAO disempowering its female characters so Kirito can save them. Rah Xephon and Blood+ were also wastes of my time.

Haha, I guess we all favour different things. I just thought the dub set the theme quite well, don't get me wrong, the sub is fine as well.

I'm sure it'd be hard to assign Michael J. Tatum and Brina Palencia, two Americans, to the roles of two English aristocrats lmao.
Well, if we're going to talk about bad British accents, why do all these obviously Japanese characters sound so American in the dubs?

I demand that American voice actors utilize their best Japanese accents when dubbing anime into English!

Come on, we already have Ghost Stories and Shin-Chan. This would be more comedy gold!
Elfen Lied was pretty bad... I understood the message, but it seemed like so much of it was there for pure shock value. Especially with its cutesie art style, a lot of the scenes left me seriously like, WTF?

The worst anime I've ever seen, though, I was forced to watch by a friend of mine yeeeaaars ago. I think it was in middle school? Anyway, it was called Mermaid Melody. I think all the hints you need to it being atrocious are right there in the title.
Sword Art Online, hands down. The characters are pretty much godmodding the entire series, Kirito and Asuna were pretty much 1 dimensional.

The idea of people being trapped in a video game is incredibly appealing, but SAO handled it wrong, and so did SAO II.

I personally think Log Horizon did a much better job, it focused on the more team work aspect of things and the political side as well.

I don't even need to give a reason if you know what it is.

If you don't know what It is, don't search it up.

[QUOTE="Dr Nyx]

Fun story: When I was in 7th grade, my weab friends made me watch Boku no Pico. I cried.

But the worst anime I've seen that I can remember the name of would have to be Sword Art Online. I totally agree with everyone who says that Kirito is very OP and kind of a boring character. I also get kind of a "Pixels" vibe from it, you know? It just feels like they're pandering to video game nerds. That, and the story progression is so weird. Like, the episode ends, and by the next episode it's like "lol I cleared like 40 floors and two of my friends are dead and I got a pet and I have cancer lmao what did you do this weekend." This is exaggerated, obviously, but what really happens isn't too far from that. Like, really? You're gonna put all of the meaningful action and important story elements in between the episodes?

I don't know. It seemed so good at first, and then Kirito turned all godmod, and all of the female characters are so strong up until the point that they realize they can go limp and let Kirito save their asses. Just... not into it.

Oh, and on the subject of Black Butler... I know the storytelling isn't perfect, but I really like the philosophical/existential aspect of it. Dunno. I just really liked that anime in general.

Edit: Oh, wait wait wait. Anyone else stop watching Deadman Wonderland the moment the big tough prison guard lady actually responded to the prisoner who asked her what her bra size was? (I think it was G. She didn't even hit him.)
Dangan Ronpa. But the game itself is an all time fave. The anime was just a really weak adaptation.
I hated Rosario + Vampire. I still watched it all to see if it got any better. It didn't really, so overall I decided I really hated harem anime. I also had to stop watching High School of the Dead because of the insane amounts of fanservice. It's strange, I'm a normal boy and all...but I'm just not into fanservice in anime I guess. I'd rather watch a story if that's what I'm looking for and watch...something else...if I'm interested in sexy sort of stuff.

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