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Fantasy Wormingshire Stories [Reboot][WIP]

Trevor B Harper

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Welcome to Wormingshire!


Welcome to Wormingshire! This is an academy magic roleplay which is focused on both story and action. You will be a student in the academy, learning the arts of magic you choose and going on missions assigned by the staff of the academy. Everyone starts out as freshmen, aka year one students and go from there. You can pick one element to control, however, later on there will be more available.

Act I

?? \\ With the rising threat in Marblecrest and all of the continent of Lynnvale, most powerful separate mages around the world have assembled together and established the Arcane Five, a council of mages which coordinates the activity of magic and wizards around the world. The association soon caught on and everyone grew accustomed to these individuals.

They kept changing over the following seventy three years, however, their goal remained the same. After some time, a prestigious woman Ayla Sominger had a discussion with the Jarl of Marblecrest and came to a conclusion that an academy for magic would help in terms of defense against the monsters from an unknown source.

Soon after, Wormingshire rose. An academy with it's own both residential and commercial infrastructure, making it a town of it's own with a castle in the middle which was the academy itself. It trained young people from around the world to serve the Jarls and protect their ground from evildoers. It was more than enough to keep Marblecrest, Swynfield, Belwick and all the other nations safe. Until E3 Y128, also known as The End of Charm.

That was when havoc established in Lynnvale. Huge monsters, humanoid lizardmen, marsh staccato and various other gruesome beings began pillaging cities, raiding villages and taking over everything in their path just for fun.

Now it is E3 Y132 and Wormingshire has a mission. Powerful wizards are needed in order to stop these monstrosities, figure out where they came from and prevent further activities of such kind.

A new year of the academy has started and new students are being accepted to train. The question is, will they be enough?// ??


Magic Types and Uses

Magic Types and Uses

  • Evocation

    Evocation is the magical art of calling an element into being from nothing. It does not allow the caster the precise control of the Manipulation arts, but it can be called forth in greater force, substituting quality for sheer quantity, as it were. Evocations are powerful for the massive amount of spells they can cover, as well as the ability to cast at any time regardless of surroundings, though they aren't easily contained and often can grow out of control.

    Tool: The Staff that Evokers wield amplifies their power, acting as a channel to send their spells through their body into the world around them.

    Fire - The Fire Evocation branch allows the casters to create smoldering fire and choking smoke by forming blazing projectiles or incinerating firestorms to ignite and burn.

    Tool Example: Charred Staff

    Earth - The Earth Evocation branch allows the casters to create sturdy rock, soil, and sand by launching crushing boulders or forming rough spikes to stab and rupture.

    Tool Example: Stone Staff

    Water - The Water Evocation branch allows the casters to create liquid water by spraying aquatic streams or sending crashing waves that drench and drown.

    Tool Example: Rippling Staff

    Wind- The Wind Evocation branch allows the casters to create gusting winds by blowing raging squalls or swirling tornadoes to batter and disorient.

    Tool Example: Howling Staff

    Electricity - The Electricity Evocation branch allows the casters to create shocking electricity by hurling flashing lightning bolts or rolling shockwaves to blast and paralyze.

    Tool Example: Jolting Staff

    Sonic - The Sonic Evocation branch allows the casters to create unstable sound by shouting screeching bursts or echoing sonic waves to deafen and overwhelm.

    Tool Example: Whispering Staff

    Nature -The Nature Evocation branch allows the caster to create flora by growing stinging thorns or writhing masses of vines to ensnare and restrain.

    Tool Example: Blooming Staff

    Light - The Light Evocation branch allows the caster to create dazzling light by firing searing beams or glowing orbs that reveal and illuminate.

    Tool: Illuminating Staff

    Dark - The Dark Evocation branch allows the caster to create frightening darkness by spawning shadowy tendrils or crafting creeping dusk that consumes and terrifies.

    Tool Example: Terrifying Staff


A Note On Runic Magic:

Runes are engraved symbols that hold a spell in a certain location until specific conditions are met, in which case the rune releases the spell as if the Mage had cast it at that moment. Any mage can use Runic magic, regardless of Schools, Branches, or Spells, as long as they know the runes to carve to achieve the effects they want to use. To carve Runes, the Mage needs a Runic Pen, a magical item which etches the glyphs needed for a single spell before it breaks. Once the Runes with the conditions have been carved, the Mage casts they spell they wish into the symbols, where it is stored until the conditions are met, at which point the spell is released and the Rune disappears permanently. Each Runic Pen can only cast one spell, but layers of Runes can be put on top of each other to add more castings. Runes can be placed on any surface that can be written on, emptying them of their magic, but their single use can be refilled by being retooled by an expert magical craftsman, such as the Toolmaker.

Examples of Rune effects:

"Cast spell when someone enters this circle." (Any Spell)

"Keep healing anyone who stands in this circle for X amount of time." (Healing Spell)

"Cast this spell at anyone near the Rune after a certain amount of time." (Layers of Runes for X amount of casts)

"Cast this spell at the first/second/third/etc. person to enter this door/room/building" (Trap Spell)


List of tools:

Keep in mind that they can be decorated HOWEVER you wish.

Staff - A staff of a certain element increases the caster's destructive abilities in a specific way. Strengthens Evocation Magic.

Orb - A magical orb that has the ability to store an existing amount of an element inside itself. Used in Manipulation Magic.

Essence Accessories - These accessories hold the essence of an element that Shifters can draw from. Allows Transformation Magic.

Wand/Rod - An instrument that directs the forces beyond sight and sense, controlling the foundations of reality. Channels Divination Magic.

Scroll - A roll of parchment that holds the secrets of enlightenment that lead to bettering the lives of the pure and punishing the wicked. Contains Augmentaion Magic.

Dagger - A weapon that draws the presence of beings from realms outside of our own, calling loyal companions to aid friends and assault enemies. Provides Payment For Conjuration Magic.

Runic Pen - A utensil which inscribes magical runes which stores spells for future use at a moment's notice. Carves Sigils For Runic Magic.

List of Wormingshire NPC Staff

Note: The control of these people will be divided to players when we have enough.

  • We are the top. We are Wormingshire itself. However, do not think of us as better than any of you. We are people just like you. We have feelings, we have emotions, and we have responsibilities. Although our goal is to create a community of magicians that could help the following generations in certain times of trouble. We are equal to you, we are your friends.
    Ayla Sominger

    President Ayla Sominger (Controlled by Trevor B Harper)

    Age: 35

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    About Ayla: The heart and soul of Wormingshire itself. She established this academy after reading hundreds of books on magic as a kid. Some of the professors here at Wormingshire are her childhood friends who practiced magic together with her. However, now she's their leader. She's the woman responsible for the students' learning of magic. She's the one who made most of their dreams come true.

    Magic Types:

    Evocation Water & Evocation Water

    Right Hand Prontus Valmont (Controlled by Trevor B Harper)

    Age: 24

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    About Prontus: Prontus is a laid back person and a really dear friend of Ayla's. Even though they only met when Prontus graduated Wormingshire as a top student of his elements, she trusted him ever since. It's been three years since he became the Right hand of Ayla, and he's helped her more than anyone else in this academy.

    Magic Types:

    Evocation Destruction Nature & Conjuration Nature

    Economist Tentris Onara (Controlled by Trevor B Harper)

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    About Tentris: Even though too smart for her age, Tentris is the Economical Advisor for Ayla. She gives Ayla advice on terms such as academy expenses and gold costs for anything she desires to grant to the academy. She can calculate enormous numbers with nothing but her mind. She wasn't and still is not a student of Wormingshire, however, she is thinking of enlisting next year.

    Magic Types:


    Inscriber Freya Pentrenetta (Controlled by Trevor B Harper)

    Age: 35

    Gender: Female

    Race: Halfling (Swyn)

    About Freya: Freya attended this academy seventeen years ago along with her friends halflings Lycus and Jaire. It was the very first year of Wormingshire. These three were the best students of their time and so one of them - Freya, the smart one, has been asked to fill the spot of Royla, the Inscriber. She gladly accepted the spot as the new Inscriber and joined the ranks of Wormingshire once again, after seventeen years.

    Magic Types:

    Augmentation Vitality

    Guidance Councillor Eni G. Matic (Controlled by Trevor B. Harper)

    Age: Looks to be 10

    Gender: Male

    Race: Entity Unknown

    Race Explanation: A newly discovered race, he is the first of his kind to appear in the visual plane.

    About Eni: He is very childish and likes to play games. Despite being a child he is revered as Wormingshire's guidance counselor. He is also feared by another title, 'The Destroyer'. It is said that whenever he turns his back on you, he has already absolutely destroyed you in his mind.

    Magic Types: Evocation Light & Divination Animation

Assistance requests!

This is where you can pick up certain missions to go do on your own. They will not matter in your final grade, however, can pull up your reputation and grant you various rewards as well as special ranks and privileges!
Ayla Sominger

Here at Rolflow we've been dealing with these pesky raiders for far too long! They've taken all we have! We are in need of assistance from a student to help scare them off or even kill them for all we care, just get rid of them!

-Milanna Revi, Shopkeeper at Rolflow


An ancient relic passed from our ancestors has been stolen by sneaky thieves! They were last seen running west of Ashview! Please find them, and bring back our Vase of Memories!

-Jackie Moul, a citizen of Ashview.



Academy places of Interest

-Individual Houses

This is where ye live, pal. It ain't nothing fancy though, just a simple, two story house with two separate bedrooms for ye and yer room mate, a kitchen and a living room. Average house of Wormingshire.

-Hall of Voices

Some say they hear voices of the walls here at night. Well, there are faces carved on the marble walls everywhere, maybe they're not lying. Other than that ye should appreciate the size of this hall. It's like a cathedral, actually.

-Staff Mansion

Ey! Just because the staff lives in a mansion doesn't mean they're superior, 'aight? They're just like ye. Just that they teach ye and guide ye, that's all. Ye can find them all in 'ere, in their own separate offices.

-Training Stadium

Lookin' for a place to spar, eh? Well, this is the place! Don't mind the sand below your feet, it gives that gladiator-ish look, y'know? Ye can find any element existent right 'ere at your disposal. They're infinite too! Magic! Poof! The Military also comes 'ere to spar sometimes.

'Ice and Fire'

So I see yer hungry, eh? Well, ye came to the right place, m'pal. Ye can order food 'ere. Any food you wish, just order it, and they make it for ye. Free of charge, too!

-The Library

Ye have yer brain itchin' for some readin', eh? Well, this is the place for ye. Ye can find any book 'ere you'd like. Some come 'ere just to enjoy the silence.

-The Cemetery

This is the place to honor the dead, pal, no talkin'! The Gravekeeper also chills 'ere. Be careful, if you piss him off, he might come after ye.



1. Regular RpN rules apply.

2. No godmodding/metagaming/bunnying and other similar crap.

3. No applying if you're under 13. There WILL be violence and blood.

4. Don't make up spells you didn't learn. Learning a spell requires at least a post of how you were doing so. (But preferably a few) It HAS to be roleplayed.

5. Don't cry if something is wrong in the roleplay. Read through everything thoroughly, even these rules, and if there is something you do not like either deal with it or go away.

6. Post at least once a day. I mean, I know this might be a problem for some people, but I want the roleplay to be progressing a little bit faster. I am not asking to spend hours on it. 20-30 minutes per day is not that much.
:) If not able to do so, please tell us before we accept! Don't worry, this won't mean your denial, unless the reason for not posting is laziness.

7. When posting, please include a spoiler where you would mention where your character is and what magical abilities he has. This is meant for tracking and to remove confusion.
:) There is a secret word written in white text in rule number eight. Select it to see it, and post it in the app to make sure you read the rules.

NO LONGER VALID. When you are applying, you will have to make a slight app for your mentor that will teach you also. This mentor, once created, will be added to the list of magic and will have to be used by anyone who will apply to the same category. You will have to work together. ;) Lycus

9. If something happens that concerns your character, don't just ignore it. Act as if it was you!

10. Making up events and quests is encouraged, but nothing global!

11. Everyone MUST post at least once into the OOC thread, so they would get notifications for events that might be occurring. I will be posting them.

12. Post at least a 4-6 sentence paragraph, but don't write a wall of text.
:) 1-3 paragraphs is perfect. 4 is okay. 5 or more is overboard.

13. Have fun!!

Character and Mentor List

Character Name Magic Elements Mentor Name Link to CS Player




Academy Rules Charter:


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