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WORM: colors and gangs

After waiting for a few minutes, Rita saw a man with a lab coat on. He had that eerie smile...Relaxing, to say the least. She's starting to wonder who he is, staring at him for a brief while...A psychologist, perhaps? It did say that the professor was a psychologist.

"E-excuse me!" Rita stood from her seat, hoping to get the man's attention, "Are you Professor Allaway?" She asked the man.
he looks up from his computer

"ah, your the one who contacted me over the phone...miss Quartz if im correct right?"

he says offering her a chair
"Ah..Yes sir." She stuttered, taking the seat offered, "What is it that we need to talk about? The Details are..Slightly vague.."

Taking a sip of the tea she ordered. Although, she has only one question in mind...How did he know her parents?
he closes his laptop

"your last name hinted at your parents...you see I went to highschool with your mother. And since our college years we haven't had much of quality time of late and I heard the bad news...my apologies about her death"

he says with a sad tone
"Oh...I-i see..." Rita wept silently, "I've been notified that...My parents died after the mines collapsed..." She stuttered, her voice shaking in sorrow...It reminded her of old times.
"I knew them well and they were good people...but that's not what I called you about...your mom...did she ever tell you she had powers or a trigger event?" he says looking at her curiously
"P-powers..?" Rita stared at him, mind filled with doubt.What ARE these powers...What ARE 'Trigger events'? "All i know is that...Her father died at a very young age...S-she told me that she could Make a weapon out of certain metal...I didn't believe her until i gained mine..." Rita Said, producing a small rose Quartz shard in her hand.
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He nods

"capes who decide to have children tend to gain powers similar to the cape parent. your mother triggered and having you meant most likely you would have powers as well. Though you can still go through and evolve your power like normal capes"
(I'm switching to 1st person as it seems easier ) After we all pretty much agree on the plan and see one of the guys leave I get up and begin to leave. I glance back . "Hey yall, I'm gonna leave now, I'll be back tomorrow

. Morning." I continue back to what I was gonna do. I head downstairs and see the one who left working out. As I walk I look down to my stomach

And pat my tummy. "Damn, I gotta work out." I eventually

, get back to my apartment and put on workout gear with a red bandana

bandana, a Hoodie and shades so I can jog and train with my identity hidden. I jog for about two hours will 10 pm all the way to the skyscraper where I teleported my first time as a child. I quickly open a portal to go up. And then another one in front of me again and again as if I was sprinting

, through wholes flying upwards. To the top. On the roof there are dummies, weights, a knife rack and guns. All my stuff that I left there for my daily training. Although I train more than I actually exercise. I began training with a mix of my powers and weapons for 4 hours until about 2:30. And as per usual I pass out on the filthy sweaty bed in left there.
"Okay...What am i supposed to do with my powers?" Rita asked, holding onto that rose quartz shard she procured. "Did my mother did anything with hers as a 'cape'?"
"well...she was known as a rouge. A cape who didn't register as good or evil. She used her power to help mine."

He see's her looking at the shard and sighs

"look Ms.Quartz, It's not an easy question to answer when powers are involved. Though i can say that whatever you do with your powers your mother would want you to use them how you see fit...and if you ever need my help just call. I'll be in Ikebukuro for at least a month. How about we meet back here in a week? travel around, get to know the city, be a tourist. Ikebukuro is known as a huge entertainment district. Think over what you think you want to do with your power. Even though there are others like you out there your special. You get to enter a whole new culture and world that us normal people could never dare dream of entering. You have many options out there...but ultimately it's you who makes that decision."

He smiles giving a warm smile a father would with their child.

"also if you need a place to stay I have a friend from the university that lives here that im staying with for now. I bet she wouldn't mind another guest" he says warmly to rita
"Thank you..." Rita smiled, wiping out her tears, "I...Actually paid for an apartment at Prince Hotel. Thank you for the consideration, professor." She rose from her seat, and leaving sheep's pen.

Now she only have a week to think about all of this. Her mother's identity as a cape...She might be able to be the one to inherit it. She immediately went to prince hotel, and laid at her apartment, thinking about her plan for the future as 'Rose Quartz'.
for the professor he does his work for a week religiously going to "the sheeps pen".

In the apartment rose quartz see's a figure standing in her room as his face can't be seen under his red robe


"do not be afraid character...im here to talk"
"Do not be afraid character....I'm here to talk..." A distorted voice shook her awake. A figure of red stands in front of her.

"W-what do you want?!" Rita shivered, producing a long shard; Turning into a sword.
Boogieman would spend his days creating masks and he would spend his nights using them. On their final free day before the job he created a resin mold mask that he particularly enjoyed. The mask has been masterfully painted and oiled to look like a real face.

Boogie called it the Kurtscemi because it resembled a mix between Kurt Cobain and Steve Buscemi.

It fit so smoothly and comfortably against his face and belted across the back of his head. His mid length dirty blonde hair draped over the mask and he hid the belts beneath a dark green hoodie. Everyone seemed to be getting in a bit of practice before the mission. On his way out of the room he would grab a canister of gas, some pills and a pocket knife. Before the end of the night he would have to use them all...
(Switch Ling back to third person as 1st is to restricting)

Everyday Ember would arrive to the hideout early and begin cooking breakfast for the crew. She enjoyed doing so, and made something new each morning. But after 4 days of doing the same routine of cooking breakfast maintaining her gear, managing her gang and the finances, then playing games and training for 4 ours at night, She disappeared for two days. Unbeknownst to the crew, but most like known to the Game master, she had taken on a job to pull of a heist on a specific banking company and rescuing a prisoner from a white collar prison. The morning before the crews mission she came back and cooked breakfast and watched the news. The headlines reading "A MYSTERIOUS THIEF ROBS THE SHEKUDA BANKING FIRM AND "KIDDNAPS" THE CEO OF THE FIRM IN ONE DAY!" Ember watching this smirks at how bedazzled the media seems to be treating this "mysterious" Thief. But she knew the truth as it was her. The rest of the day she stayed in her room playing a games hoping someone would interact with her.
Gamemaster looks at rita

"I have a warning and offer for you. There's a group of capes who will need your help. They are going to be watching over Mr.Allaway and most likely conflict will arise due to blinks recent actions. Be with the Professor on the last day of this week. And from there you have to join these group of capes or else something terrible will happen to not only them, but you as well"
Having seen Blink leave while i was working out i wondered where she went but didn't bother to ask. The next day after eating a breakfast that was prepared be Blink which i thought was good. I went to see my uncle to inform him on how the meeting went but when i arrived at his house i found a note saying "I am already aware of your new plans and wish you the best of luck and try to play nice with your new team. I will be out of the country for quiet some time do not try to find me." After reading this i let out a sigh mainly out of anger not disappointment because i felt like my uncle just ditched me tired of babysitting. So to vent some rage i go in the house jump on the computer and find a contract to complete. And i find one that was locked in a bid war that is for a hit on some new and upcoming business CEO by tomorrow night. So to piss some people off i bid to do it for a dollar which meant of course i won the contract. I check the time and see its only ten o'clock i grin because i thought perfect i have enough time to get it done tonight. So i write the targets address down and head out for some fun. As i arrive and do some recon from the shadows i notice this CEO live a bachelor life so seeing theirs virtually no security. I start my game by cutting the power to the house just to be safe then i sneak into a window and find the man passed out drunk in his study. I then shake him awake he looks to see who awoke him only to see a shadow of figure. He starts to freak out and ask what do you want i simply reply with your life as he starts to run and push an alarm i walk slowly up to him. And he says your in trouble now the police will be hear soon i smirk and say "no they won't. I made sure their would just be me you and the shadows hear." As i form a shadow sword in my hand he lets out a scream as the sword gets shoved into his gut and sliced up to his neck he coughs up some blood and falls to the ground. I then pull out my phone take a pic send it to the employer with a text saying the job is done. I then delete the pic and shadow travel back to my room go do my nightly work out and power training for three hours and go pass out on my bed. I wake up late around noon the next day i find some left overs from breakfast which i just assumed Blink made because i don't see the others making it and heat them up and they turned out just as good as yesterdays and i then check the news and don't see any mention of the hit i committed last night with a sigh i go back to my room play some games and then as night comes i do my exercise regiment and then go to bed. And then repeat that for the next two days and after four days of this life i notice Blink was not their to make breakfast i let out a small sigh of sadness and then go on with my day. The next day she was not back which i thought was a little wearied and as i checked the news that day. I notice a picture of the CEO i killed and read the article which said young up and coming CEO died of mysterious causes. I let out a sigh as i figured who ever hired me must have covered the murder up. I then go back to my room and do my exercises that night and go to sleep. The next morning i notice Blink is back and i try to keep a smile from forming on my face i had grown rather fawn of her cooking. As i sit their eating i notice she is rather amused by the news of a bank being robbed and the CEO of said bank being kidnapped. As i head to my room i notice Blink was in her room so i decide to head down and knock on the door even though it was open and poke my head in and say "thanks for breakfast for the past week." I then notice she is playing a game and say "mind if i come in and join you i love games."

(sorry for not being on the past couple of days. And sorry for the long post.)
As the figure disappeared, Rita messaged the professor once more and asked if he's free to go at 'the sheep's pen' on week's end. Waiting for a reply, she decided to head out in her cape clothes; her mother's favorite white shirt and miniskirt. She kept her mother's masquerade mask in her skirt's pocket. Rita went shopping for supplies; Most of them are food and clothes. If the professor will be in trouble, she must be prepared for what's to come. The professor is the only one left who is as close as a father to her. Upon returning to the hotel hours later, she decided to go at the rooftop. Hoping that no one will bother her, she trained her powers by creating a shield and spear,Using it as her weapons for battle. All that's left now is for the week to end...
@Thepotatogod The professor answers saying it's fine and would love to talk more with you.

(also note in IC2 that is new I will periodically post on that because that is chatroom. If you want to use chatroom to get info then comeup with your characters username and just say what you want to find out from chat room)
Ember turns her head to look who came in. She took of her head phones and and smile. "Sure! I have a gaming laptop on my bed. Right now I'm playing league of legends, know the game?" Ember was excited to play with someone she knew, as of now she really didn't have any friends.
As Blink invited me in and to join her i get a grin on my face and say "hell yea.i am still new to it but i have played it for a month or so." I walk over to the laptop grab it sit down and pop it open. As i am logging in i tell her "oh yea my username is Joki."
Robyn smiled as she strolled along, past the buildings and people of Ikebukuro. The lady was headed home, after a rather interesting conversation with former family. Overall, it had not ended well for any of them, but it seemed she was determined to not let it bother her. She arrived home, and let out a heavy sigh. Hopefully, now they would stop trying to force her to come home. She doubted that would be true, but that fact did not stop her from hoping.

Her eyes traveled over the tidy apartment as she slowly moved farther in. Her pace changed and she relaxed after she had assured herself everything as where it had been left. She dropped her bag onto the couch, and settled herself at her desk. She dug through the drawers, and located a CD with music she had received from her grandmother. She placed it into the player, and stood again. As the music started, she started to dance around the small space, a smile painted upon her face. As she danced, her thoughts drifted. She had to figure out a way to make money for herself. Currently, she was still living off funds given to her by her family. If she was to become truly separate, then that needed to change.

After awhile of dancing, she stopped, and dropped onto the couch again. during the entire thing, she hadn't come up with much. As such, she frowned, and stayed there on the couch, tiredly pondering and thinking.

Robyn jumped slightly, knocked free of her stupor by a knock on her door. With a groan, she pushed herself off the couch, and grumbled as she walked to the door. The lady did not need to check who was there before opening the door like a regular person, but instead unlocked said hanging chuck of wood. She was met with the sight of her landlord holding a clipboard, and she groaned again. "I'm guessing your not just here for tea." The woman said, eyeing the other and their clipboard.


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