World War Z


One Thousand Club
Matthew took a bite of the apple he was holding. He was humming his own made up song inside a tree house, rickety, and out in the country. Stay away from the city, that's what they told him. Just stay away. "Here I am, stuck in a tree, it's being surrounded by some, zombies!" He looked at the walkers trying to climb up. "It's not gonna happen guys." Then he looked off into the distance. Shit. A horde, coming right for him. "Time to leave!" He climbed up through the window and started to speed off to the city. Great. Just what I wanted, he though to himself.
Abel started up the car silently, He was hoping to find soldiers on post maybe link up with the remaining command but all there was left were bodies and some walkers. Abel played out what exactly he planned to do if he could not find anyone. raid the arms room for supplies check, secure his military police cruiser check, fill up gas cans and water containers check. He stopped to eat a meal ready to eat and unfold an area map. At this point finding fellow survivors would help. Checking his options he crossed out the city and looked towards the seemingly endless rural farm areas near the fort. He decided to head in that direction since the chances there would be survivors would be higher in that direction less dead to contend with and if he encountered any survivors he could warn them about what happened in the city earlier today. Abel cleaned up what remained and started the car and pulled out of the company area towards main gate. He slowed the car down once the gate came into view, A massive hoard of the dead where walking on post and he knew he could not drive thru it. "Jesus Christ now I have to take the back way what a drag!" he put the dodge charger in reverse and spun around quick to the alternate gate there were fewer here and he slipped by with ease looking down at his map there was only one way the country road from the farms to the city. sighing he turned onto the road and started to drive a small 2 lane road was not what he wanted but he had no other choice
Scarlet glanced worriedly at Cordelia, she hadn't spoken a word after the whole mistaken identity mishap in the street the other day. After a moment, Cordelia's head whips up towards the road, "Someone's comig, Scarlet..." Scarlet jumped at Cordie's voice with her slight German accent. Cordie stood up and hefted her baseball bat that seemed so important to her in her slightly tanned hands before taking off to the ladder that led to the street above.

Scarlet had watched Cordie make her way up the rusted ladder, " H-Hey, Cordelia~ I'm not staying down her alone!" Scarlet then flew up the ladder as fast as she could with her fishnet stockings restricting quite a bit of leg-movement.

As Scarlet crawled out of the man hole and just as she stood up, Cordie tackled her, sending her sprawling onto the grey-green grass beside the road. After tackling Scarlet, Cordie stood up and smashed the heel of her hand onto the Dodge Charger's driver side window.

Cordie didn't need to say anything, because just her look suggested murderous intent.

Scarlet just sat there, watching this girl who looked no mor than seventeen bang on the man's car and give him a glare that could kill baby unicorns and flowers.
Lilly's feet clacked hard against the back road, on either side of her stood eerey woods thats screamed death, and with as much noise as she was making she acted like she was waiting for the zombies to enjoy the flesh she had to offer. Of course, Lilly had other intentions for her undead friends, if any of them bothered to attack. Of course, knowing the zombies and how their idiotic brains worked, one eventually showed, looking at beautiful as ever. Lilly knew she could handle one zombie, its more then two she knew she would have trouble with. Luckily, she was expecting her friend to appear and she unseathed her pick axe that was attached to the side of her bag for easy access. "Oh? Why are you all the way out in the woods I wonder. Looking for someone like me I hope." She said that with no expression to her face once so ever, not even a creepy little smile grew.

The zombie lunged at her in their normal little limp run, spit and blood leaking from the fungi that filled its mouth. Lilly stood her ground, waiting for the perfect chance to strike. When the undead corpse reached her X she heaved her axe into the air and swung it around, unfortunatley she didnt hit the head she was aiming for and instead her weapon plunged straight between the shoulder blades of her prey. This of course was a challange, but one she had to overcome if she wanted to live. Lilly kept her grip on the wooden handle, making the zombie keep at a bending position, she then pulle dit twoards her, letting it go so that the zombie would fall straight on its face. She grabbed the opprotunity to run up next to the fallen fleash eaten beast and jammed her foot down on its dead, of course killin git while tainting the road with blood.

"Alright...lets see what we have here." She pulled her axe out of the now dead corpse and attached it back to her bag. Lilly then leaned down and started to patch search the monster, seeing if it have anything possable useful it carried while still alive. All she found in its back pocket was a small kitchen knife that was used to cut apples. "No wonder you died, idiot." She kept it anyways, maybe it would become helpful if she missed again.
Abel was tired from driving and especially driving slowly but driving slow accomplished two things he saved gas mileage and every house he passed he could get a good look to see if any survivors were still around. Unfortunately there were no survivors thus far. There were promising farmhouses but each one was either empty or filled with those creatures. Abel figured out rather quickly that the noise of his m9 was attracting more walkers eventually he stopped going for houses and continued driving.

Abel was starting to nod off behind the wheel thats probably why he did not notice the manhole cover move nor the young women emerging from it it was not untill the first woman had lunged out to save the other from getting hit by abel's cruiser.

Abel saw only the last moment hitting the breaks "Holy shit" he screamed the vechicle screeched to a halt and as Abel tried to catch his breath one of the young woman proceeded to pound on his passenger window. Steping out Abel called to them. "Hey you two okay I mean are you injured at all? My name is specialist Abel Dorothy im a military policeman." Abel could see the anger in the one woman while the other was just coming to grips with her near death experiance. But all in all Abel finally met survivors and hopefully out there on this road in between the city and country there were more like them out there now just to diffuse this mess first.
Cordie looked back at Scarlet who was just now coming to terms of what could of happened had Cordelia not saved her.

Scarlet jumped up and quickly made her way over to the stranger, "I'm so glad we're not the only ones with our minds." Scarlet grins and holds her hand out to him.

Cordelia, having decided that he was no threat, went and inspected the car, and after a moment, she looks up from over the other side of the car, "I'm glad to have made your acquaintance." With that being said, Cordie went back to her silence and gently rubbed her thumb along the baseball bat while Scarlet leans in close to Abel to whisper, " She is really fond of that thing. I-I mean she won't tell me why, but I think it was form someone close to her that gave it to her..." Scarlet trails off and pulls away and brushes her bright red hair from her sparkling eyes, "I still can't get over this, I'm meeting another survivor!" She flashes another grin and rounds the car to go see if Cordie was all right.
Abel took the hand and shook it while looking at the bat he listened to scarlet and said. "well at least the bat is quiet I think all my guns attract them" he looked at them and saw they were not bit and blew a sigh of releif He told scarlet "Get in the car we should stick together and try to find other survivors and if we can find a shred of civilization left we should be fine" Abel pat the trunk a few times before getting in the drivers seat. "I got plenty of food and water so lets go find some people" Once in the car he started and waited for the ladies.
Matthew was watching the 3 people talking among themselves. "Hey? Hello?" He put his hands up and grinned. People. Hallelujah.
Lily continued her path to nowhere, her pick axe making white alot of clacking for a simple tool. "Hm? Whats that?" She had to squint her eyes almost to the point of closing them before she could make out the figure. "" She shrugged and continued on her path, she had seen many cars on her trip but this one was started and it looked like there were beings near it. Of course, from so far down the road, she couldn't tell if they were human or cannibalistic humanoids. Either way it didnt matter to her, she would just deal with any problem that faced her. Zombies, easy, you dont even have to interact with them, unless if you count killing and taking their pathetic lives interact. People on the other hand were slightly more challanging to her. She has yet to seen one for many days, maybe months, she lost count. "Bothering..."
At the voice, Cordelia started and the sudden cry of surprise caused Scarlet to pull out her sword and whilr around to face the newcomer, his sign of peace calmed Scarlet, but Cordelia stared at the boy with her dark eyes. Scarlet payed no heed to his empty hands but quickly came over to him and stuck the sword in his face, her voice suddenly chilling as she asks, "Are you infected?" After a moment, she pushes the red-stained blade closer to his left eye.

Cordelia shook her head and neared the boy, she looked at him then went around behind him and bent over to retrieve his cleaver laying on the ground, she swiftly stuck the blade with her sickle, coated with a sick amount of drying blood, she tilted her head to get a better look at him then, deciding Scarlet could do the talking, wiped her fingers on her black trench coat and stood behind the teenage girl she had grown fond of.
Abel jumped out of the car and ran up to the girls "Stay back real quick if he is infected putting a bullet in his head at a safe distance is better then either of you get bitten yourselves." Abel raised his M16 and pointed it at Matthew. "Okay roll up your sleeves and and pantlegs to show you are safe and you can come with us" in His peripheral vision he saw a woman with a pickaxe walk towards them Abel called to Cordellia and Scarlet. "Check herout make sure she is not infected" Abel was worried now "We are gonna need another vehicle seeing te boy was clean he asked "Can you drive and do you kow where we can get another vehicle" Abel felt like a jerk asking so many questions but manners really did not matter anymore.
Cordelia looked over and saw the pickaxe-wielding woman nearing them and felt slightly uneasy as she made her way over to her. Cordelia asked the question that was weighing on the minds of Abel and Scarlet, " Have you been... Infected?" Cordelia rolled the word 'infected' around in her mouth for a bit before she neared the woman again.

Scarlet was feeling increasingly uneasy about the woman but couldn't figure ou why.

(Sorry about the shorter post...)

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