World Of Thara

Race: Goblin

Name: GiggleGibber

Class: Summoner

Personality: He is a goblin, so by nature half of the things he says make little to no sense. Aside from that he just likes causing trouble (not evil trouble, but things like making your coffee too hot or scootching a table over a tiny bit so you stub your toe)

Backstory: Once upon a time there was a smart, intelegent, respected, and all around best goblin ever... And then there was GiggleGibber who got dropped on the head constantly, kicked out of windows, and thrown into the garbage alot. Then one day he said "screw this" and walked away from home only to be picked up by a ravenous eagle. The eagle did not eat him... no that would be too much good fortune for our little friend... no he was used as a twig to build the nest. so after years of painstaking struggling and scratching he finally made it out of the nest. Only to fall hundreds of feet to the ground, he stood up and a squirrel came up to him and said, "dang son... you look like two dollars." And GiggleGibber said, "what are dollars" and the squirrel said, "nothing" and then walked away. After that insiring speech from the squirrel GiggleGibber decided to turn his life around and began to learn how to summon woodland creatures... he then lived miserably ever after THE END

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