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Futuristic World of Rebellion- Lore of Fendrell


The Fishiest of Fish in the Deepest of Depths.
Roleplay Availability
The fall of Mankind
In 2025 the world as humanity knew it came to an end. Great ships rose from the seas, the mountains, deserts, and Glaciers. Records say there were hundreds, each the size of a Large town. They could easily have been there for thousands of years without our knowledge, No one even had time to figure it out. Less than fifteen minutes after the ships rose they began their assault. Warping to different locations they began to spew out mechanical monstrosities that hunted down specific people and butchered them. Other machines were sent to round up the rest of humanity, a task they made easier by blasting the survivors with weapons that reduced them to data, beamed them to a server on the ships, and would contain them in a digital world while the rest of their work continued. Meanwhile larger war machines were sent to incapacitate the armies of the world, all while the ships blasted down our satellites, planes, and vaporized the runways. It took only One hour for humanity to lose the war. Communications were cut, our greatest weapons of war broken, and our leaders…they didn’t survive.

The Invaders managed to raze most of Humanities World, cities were flattened, Ancient relics and ruins were blasted into rubble, and the Mega Cities were built. Six weeks after their arrival the invaders would transport their captured humans from the digital world to the mega cities where they would spend the rest of their lives manning refineries and factories that would produce materials for their alien overlords. Many rebelled at first, and many were killed to make an example. Over time most resigned to their fate. It was not all bad, no one went hungry or without a living place, but none could strive for anything higher. If you were tasked to work the forge, that was your job for the rest of your life, likewise for any profession which were selected at birth with education and nutrition plans set in place to produce efficient workers. Its been almost ten years since then, and to date none know what our invaders look like, only their mechanical servants are known.

The Founders of the Fendrell Rebellion
About seven years ago a group of saboteurs were discovered in fendrell trying to destroy several refineries. They were killed rather quickly and failed to accomplish their tasks, but they were well equipped, especially considering weapons were not allowed in civilian hands. This was the first attempted operation of the rebellion and though a failure it set the tone for what was to come. Several people in positions all around the city, some even in higher ranks were fudging the numbers just a bit, just enough to gather resources and begin their plans. One by one the greatest minds of humanity were brought onboard, or found in the morning having met their end to a strange accident. Eventually with the aid of some programmers who managed to hack a city map from one of the Mechanical drones, they set up their headquarters deep beneath the mega cities foundation, in the sewers and subways of What was once New York City. There they established the laboratory and medical facilities that would allow them to go on with phase two of their plan.

Phase two consisted of them gathering a multitude of bold individuals who had something special to bring to the table. Then using the laboratory to reverse engineer tech from the invaders, mix it with some of mankind’s technology and turn the individuals into weapons capable of stabbing into the heart of the invading forces. After years of planning, preparation, training, and hope, the rebels are soon to begin their campaign.
The Mega City Fendrell
The city of Fendrell is a Huge sprawling complex of factories and Refineries, server towers and hangers of robots. It encompasses almost all of the State of New York, most of Pennsylvania, and All the way down to New Jersey. The vast majority of the city is filled with moving parts, hazardous air quality, and aggressive machines making it uninhabitable for humans. However a large pocket in the center of the city has been built specifically to house the 45 million people there. This central area consists of Nine massive Buildings each holding nearly five million people. Between and around these towers are parks, theaters, storefronts, and almost every thing that humanity had become accustomed too. However between the hours of 6am to 6pm the bells toll and everyone reports to their posts. Some donning protective equipment to work hazardous conditions, others are sent to areas with built in protection and pit to work there, with a sizable portion of the population working to sustain the work of the others such as medical, food service, and transportation. While it is not at all enforced that people must stay within the city, most do so because of the sheer amount of danger they face outside of their home.

While the Non human habitat locations are deadly, what lies beyond is arguably worse. The ash from the invasion unbelievably still clings to the skies. The frigid ice age that has set in beyond the mega city locations has starved out most forms of life seemingly leaving a barren wasteland for hundreds of miles around it. In reality this ash is the toxic pollution from the megacity itself, and it extends for nearly a hundred miles around Fendrell in all directions, but the toxic Green river which runs from the city itself poisons the area around itself for miles in all directions, and runs south all the way to the gulf of Mexico. Past the toxic barrens nature clings to survival and has even reclaimed much of the area, but recently disease has begun to set in even in those few last bastions of earthly life. Its apparent to all who have the eyes to see and the minds to process…these mega cities are killing the planet faster than we ever did.

The Mechai
These invaders Have waited for the perfect time to strike, when humanity had the capability to produce the resources they needed, but before we were able to be much of a threat to them. They came using technology that while outside of our capabilities were admittedly close to what was in the works for mankind. Their ships used directed energy weapons, antigravity, and Light wave based transportation. With this they could practically teleport anywhere on the planet. They possessed a strange way of deploying troops, beams of light stacking data into physical matter, it was like they downloaded troops into the real world, usually directly into our fortifications and ranks. Their bodies seemed to be made of strange metals, and however we would fight them, new forms would be developed to better deal with whatever tactics we used. The mechai adapted to us, overwhelmed us, and methodically tore down any attempt we made to resist them almost like they knew the attempt was coming before it actually did. The most that mankind has been able to gather, and not without great cost, is that the machines seem to possess a DNA signature…one that is closer to that of humans than any other species on earth is. Yet their strange apparent blend of organics and technology have immunized them to infections of both, from viruses and disease, to Worms and digital hacking attempts. However it has been proven that if they are taken apart, these defenses can be removed. That said mankind does not even know all the forms of the mechai, and the rebel database holds data on most of the rudimentary ones, but many still elude their attention.
Mechai Oppressor- this 8ft tall mechai is designed to keep the human workforce in control. Its armor and limbs are beyond even the strongest natural humans ability to deal with. However the body is mostly for psychological intimidation, the weapon this creature wields is the Agonizer ray, which unleashes a form of radiation that triggers pain reception in nerves, creating a feeling in the target of their every cell being on fire…all without any lasting damage beyond standard cardiac strain their presence alone is usually enough to cause any rowdy behavior to cease. While not common, it is not unheard of for these machines to Kill people if they are seen as instigators.
Mechai Slavlings- Small mechai of various shapes and sizes usually no larger than a Labrador, and no smaller than a hummingbird. These serve as eyes, ears, and tools of the mechai. Many workers have personal Slavlings that help with their jobs. However useful and friendly as they may be, most having personalities based off of dogs and cats, they are still mechai and often serve as alarm systems for the larger and more dangerous Mechai. Rebel factions fond it relatively easy to hack and control these however, so more than a few are involved with the rebellion.
Mechai Obliterator- found in the depths of the Mega Cities often lying dormant are these impossible relics of war. Massive mechanical titans of tremendous power, these creatures wiped entire naval fleets, and blasted through nuclear bunkers, and not a single one of them was brought down during the conflict. Some still bear the scorch marks from failed nuclear weapon strikes made against them. Within the rebel database it is the only kind of Mechai listed as “Engage under no circumstances.”
the original saboteurs would have inspired the next generation of rebels. Fitting, that the next us uprising would start a similar way to the Haymarket Riot. Happy May Day
the original saboteurs would have inspired the next generation of rebels. Fitting, that the next us uprising would start a similar way to the Haymarket Riot. Happy May Day
A history buff i see. Im glad, while not exactly a flawless historian i am basing some of this on History, Dystopian fiction throughout the ages, and my own little M. Night shamalyan Twist tossed in there.
Well, If we follow the line of history, the first revolt is the equivalent of either the john brown raid or the Haymarket. if it is the latter, then Alexander is set to fill the role of their namesake, Berkman.

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