Story Work in progress


"How will I ever get out of this labyrinth?"
This work of art is title pending and is still in early phases. This is no where near completion. Please provide critical feedback and thoughts on proceeding. ~Jacks


Roman’s nostrils filled with the smell of breakfast as he awoke abruptly to his alarm clock on his bedside table. He groaned, wiping the crusts from his eyes as he glared at the numbers screaming at him. “7:00AM” Roman sighed as he pulled himself out of bed. His bedroom floor was littered with the combination of dirty clothes and comic books. He threw on his trusty XL street fighter shirt from the ground as he wobbled out of his bedroom to the kitchen.

“Well, good morning sunshine!” His mother spoke full heartedly. “I made some breakfast for your big day so make sure you eat something.” She spoke with a full smile, “Would you like some juice?”

“Uh, sure.” Roman spoke groggily. Roman’s mother poured a tall glass of orange juice and handed it over to him. “Are you excited? I know I am!” His mother hugged him, nearly spilling his drink. “Mom, it is way to early for this.” He thought about it for a second. I guess he was excited but mainly nervous. Roman found it hard to make friends as most were too quick to judge him due to his weight. “Yeah,” he spoke after taking a drink from his orange juice, “I’m a little excited.” “You’re gonna do great!” Roman’s mother explained as she handed him a paper plate with scrambled eggs and bacon. “Thanks, ma.”

Roman took his plate and walked over to the living room, slumping down on the couch. As good as the food smelled, Roman found it hard to eat due to his nerves. He picked at his food with his fork, “Hey mom?” He asked, “Do you think I’m fat?” Roman’s mother looked at him through the kitchen archway. “What? No, of course not! You’re my son, you’re very handsome.” Roman rolled his eyes. “Right, but like for a 13 year old, I’m fat.” He looked down at his paper plate resting on his gut. “Honey,” Roman’s mom replied, “There are plenty of kids your age and your weight. You’re fine.” She said walking over to him and accompanying him on the couch. “Now, hurry up and eat so you can pack. I’ve laid out your clothes for you in the bathroom.” Roman resisted his nausea and scarfed down the food on his plate. “Thanks mom, give me 15.” He threw his paper plate out and put his fork in the sink on his way to the bathroom.

While taking off his clothes to get ready for his shower, Roman took a good hard look at himself. He felt his nervousness drift away as anger filled its spot. How could he let himself get this way? Why did his parents feed him such garbage for this long of time? He turned on the shower and hopped in, scrubbing at his skin in hopes the fat would just wash away.

In the car, Roman’s iPod nano shuffled between Linkin Park and Three Days Grace as his headphones blared in his ears. The car ride to Crest Creek seemed to dread on as he watched countless trees fly by while he looked out on the interstate. His mother nudged him, “You know I heard Crest Creek has a real big technology center. Maybe you’ll meet some friends with the same interests.” Roman removed his earbuds, still able to hear the lyrics as they sat in his lap. “Yeah, hopefully my roommate likes video games. I’m kinda bummed I won’t be able to play Halo with Marcus this weekend.”

Marcus was Roman’s best friend. The two of them had known each other since they were 10. Unlike the rest of their middle school, Marcus didn’t care what others thought of him. He was proud to embrace his inner nerd. Marcus was always the first one to get the newest copy of The Amazing Spider-Man and allow Roman to read it throughout the school day. After school the two of them would walk back to the Rolling residence and play Halo until his mother got home. “Well can I write you or something like that?” “What, like a pen pal?” The sound of buttons mashing interjected their conversation. “Well, yeah I dunno. You think there’s gonna be any hot chicks?” Roman laughed as he filled his mouth with nacho Doritos. “Oh yeah, I’m sure I’m gonna get so much ass.” He joked, almost hopeful. “If not you could always watch porn. They have Internet right?” “Oh yeah, lemme just drop my trousers in the computer lab and have at it.” The two of them laughed simultaneously.

Roman let out a sigh. “You know, it’s not too late to turn around. I know how much you’ll miss me.” He smiled. “Don’t worry Rome, you’ll get to see Marcus over Christmas. It’s only a few months away. I’ll be sure to give him your dorm’s phone number, he can call you on the weekends.” “Haha, mom he’s not my girlfriend.” “Are you sure about that?” The two of them laughed.

The blue Toyota Camry merged with traffic towards the exit reading, “Crest Creek.” “Now remember,” she spoke in a serious tone, “Stay away from drugs and don’t get any girls pregnant.” Roman groaned, “Mom, it’s a school campus- there won’t be any drugs. And all the girls would laugh if I even tried anything.” The car pulled up to the campus, getting in line with all the other parents dropping their children off. “You want me to walk you to your room? I’ll help you unpack.” “No mom, I don’t need any help.” He said as he unbuckled his seatbelt and exited the vehicle. He pulled his Camo duffel bag from the back seat labeled, Romeo Rolling. “Alright sweetheart well you be safe and call me tonight, I want to hear how everything went. I love you. Muah!” His mom blew kisses at him as he shut the car door. “Love you too mom.”

Roman shut the car door and followed the herd of students arriving to the dorms. B250, B250. Roman mumbled as he pulled a map out from his back pocket. B25- as he approached the buildings the map was pulled from his hand. “Welcome to crusty creek loser.” A group of boys around the age of 17 cackled as what appeared to be their leader stomped on the map, spitting on it. “Hope you enjoy your stay lard ass.” They continued to laugh, spitting profanities and they spit in Roman's general direction.

Roman, brushing it off the best he could maneuvered his way through the crowd to find B250. Opening the door he was confronted by another boy around the same age. “Great, you must be my new roommate.” He exclaimed unexcited. His roommate sported a flannel shirt and blue jeans. He was form fitted with a tan complexion. His long black bangs fluttered across his forehead underneath a brown beanie. “Uh, yeah I guess. I’m Roman.” He huffed, letting his bag drop from his hand. “They call me Rhino, and by the looks of it, I see you’ve already encountered the seniors. Did you enjoy your welcoming party?” “I’m used to it, not all too different from my last school.” Roman looked down at the loogies still stuck to his shirt. “Well, how about you change and help me move in.” “Uh.. alright?” Roman pulled a fresh tee from his duffel and made way to the bathroom. He shut the door behind him and changed out of the spit soaked tee shirt into a dry one. “The more things change, the more they stay the same I guess.” He muttered to himself. The door was kicked open by Rhino. “Hurry up, I gotta piss.” He shoved Roman to the side, unzipping his drawers and urinated in the toilet. “What?”he said looking back, “Ain’t never seen another man piss before?” “Uh..”Roman was at a loss for words. “C'mon,” Rhino said zipping up his jeans, “we’ve got work to do.”

The two roommates wondered aimlessly through the campus until confronting the group of seniors again face to face. “Oh look who it is, if it isn’t rhino the raging homo and his new boyfriend.” The group laughed as they high fived each other. “Funny you say I’m a homo because I swear your mother was thinking something else when I was ducking her down last night, Ronald.” “Listen here you piece of shit,” The leader was quickly interrupted as a male in an orange tie with a light blue button up approached. “Now, Mr. Wells, Mr. Yang, are we showing our new guest the Crest Creek way?” His voice was like thunder. The man’s lanyard around his neck had an attached ID card it read, Mr. Spaulding- DEAN. “Uh, yeah Mr. S, were just on our way to the assembly.” “Wonderful, Mr. Yang and you, son- I hope to see you there momentarily as well.” “Yes sir, you sure will!” Rhino spoke with a fake smile on his face.

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